#1 Rape
707 x MC
"So what's really your backstory?" A red haired male asks looking at the girl sitting across from him.
Her green eyes looked away from his yellow ones, pondering for a moment if she should tell him.
"Don't give me the 'It's a secret thing,' either, you know my past, so I can know yours."
"Just don't think of me any differently." The girl said softly, refusing to look the male in the eyes.
At that point Seven knew that something bad was about to be released, he scooted closer to the red haired girl on the bed, watching her grab a pillow behind her, and hold it.
"After I graduated highschool, my friends, and I thought it would be fun to go out for a drink. We went to a shack one of my friends had found, and brought the beer, and wiskey." She paused for a moment, her eyes glazing over with some sort of a fogginess of memories.
Gripping the pillow tighter she continued:
"My friends brought over a new guy." Her voice got only a tad bit softer,
"He slipped something in my drink, and a few weeks later I found out I was gonna have a baby." Her voice broke, a few tears running done her cheeks, she couldn't stop talking now, the lid was open, the damm broke, and all the water was rushing out. Her American accent was coming out, the one that made her sound like she was from brooklyn.
"My family told me to keep it, and give it up for adoption, but I wanted to keep it." She was crying.
"I had gotten another job at night not to far from my parents house, and turns out that bozo, had been following me, he already had charges for rape on him, and did not want another. So he grabbed me from behind."
Anger flooded her features, she gripped the pillow tighter, Seven was sure it was going to break. His heart was sinking, and flooding with rage but he stayed calm and kept quiet as the girl carried on.
Seven got closer, and wrapped his arms around her, rocking her softly, he wasn't sure if he could hear the rest of this anymore.
"You don't have to continue." He whispered to her, she shook her head, taking a few minutes to calm down, or try too.
"I remember waking up in a hospital, they said that the baby had been cut out, and it was gone. My-my parents hated me, and blamed me for everything. I moved here, at my sister's request, then." She took in a shuttering breath.
"Of course I had no money so I was homeless sometimes, and I-I had my phone, my sister paid for, and it's so I was disowned, then Saeran found me."
She looked up at the goofy hacker, and tried to smile.
"I was really happy then, I was really, really happy."
Then she kept crying, she held onto the male like he was the only thing keeping her alive. She cried herself to sleep in his arms, the Hacker watching her sleep, ready to find that bastard who touched her, he looked down, and began petting the girls long red hair, he saw her tightly fitting blue shirt was slightly up her stomach revealing parts of a scar.
The yellow eyed male felt tears spill from his eyes, he cried, trying not to wake the sleeping girl beneath him, anger filling him. Not just for the man who touched her, but for her friends who didn't watch her, for the parents that disowned her.
They say Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned. What happens when you touch someone's woman though, someone who is close to a group of people who will kill you? Simple, they find you, and kill you. Slowly. Maybe torture you, and let you go. No, they don't let you go though, you think they do then your pulled back into Hell, never seeing the light of day again.
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