60.) You Remember Him/He Remembers You
((holy crap thanks for over 1k reads in like less than a month?? that's insane I love you guys))
It was the third Greenie in the Glade for you that had eagerly running to the Box. Then tripping on a rock and falling into the Box.
"Aw shuck that hurt!" You hissed, propping yourself up into a sitting position and holding your head. The other Gladers laughed, and you couldn't help but chuckle with them.
The only person not laughing was the Greenie, who looked downright terrified. As soon as his eyes met your however, the pain in your head magnified ten times, and you desperately held back screams.
"Y/N?" Someone called down to you. "Are you alright?"
"Dandy." Images flashed in front of your face, and you could hear the ghostly words accompanying them. It was a blonde boy and you laughing, kissing, holding hands, cuddling, swapping I love yous and sweet nothings. It was the blonde boy right in front of you. The slideshow ended with you being ripped from his arms, tears falling down both your faces as you screamed yourself hoarse.
"Holy shit." You whispered, and the boy looked at you in confusion.
"Are you alright, love?" He asked kindly, and you shook your head, trying to get as far away from him as possible.
"Get me out." You ordered Gally, and he lowered down the rope for you.
"Dammit Thomas. You shucking shuckface, you know I love you so shucking much you piece of klunk." You muttered, dabbing at his forehead as he laid on the bed in the infirmary. The idiot had purposefully gotten himself Stung just to get some memories back.
He was thought he was so damn noble doing this but you hated how he disregarded your love for him when he did this.
"And I love you too." He croaked, reaching for you. "That's why I did this."
You pulled back away from him, and he started desperately feeling around for you, as his eyes were still closed. "Y/N? W-where'd you go?"
Your voice was cold as you adressed him. "Tell me what you saw."
"I saw you. And me. On our first date. I had taken you to the movies but ended up spilling my soda down your dress."
"So you've always been a shucking idiot, then?" You laughed, taking his hand in yours.
Thomas squeezed it, laughing as well. "I really am, and you still love me."
"Unfortunately." Bending over, you kissed his forehead, then his lips.
You had surfaced in a strange place with thirty strange boys and now they weren't bothering to answer your questions. Newt, the boy who was showing you around, seemed antsy around you, and couldn't seem to stop glancing to the Doors everytime you guys passed one. This made you suspicious, but seeing as he didn't answer your other questions, he probably wouldn't answer 'what the hell is up with you'.
As you passed by the North Door, a movement outside of it caught your eye. "Who's that?" You asked Newt as the figure neared you guys.
His eyes widened and he darted out to meet the boy, ordering you to stay there. The boy barely slowed down as Newt talked to him, gesturing over to you. He got closer and closer and soon you could see his face clearly. As if your feet were working by themselves, you ran out to him, memories bursting into your head.
"Minho!" You yelled, pulling the sweaty guy into a hug. He was your best friend from before, and before you could admit your crush on him, he was taken away.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you.
"So this is the girl you were in love with." Newt thought aloud.
"Slim it." Minho growled, putting you back on the ground.
You could feel your cheeks reddening. "You loved me?"
"For years, with every fiber of my being."
"Oh god just kiss me." You said, pulling his lips down to yours. His hands went to your back, pushing you closer into him. Your mouths moved together and there was a sense of desperate love in the kiss. You both had pined and waited far too long.
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