35.) Royal AUs (Pt. 1)
Dragon races were common in your kingdom, and as long as the dragons were treated properly, they didn't cause any trouble. As you were suiting up your red and purple Hornhead named Ela, a prince who was visiting from the neighboring kingdom stumbled into the dragon stables.
"I'm sorry, I was looking for the horses." He mumbled, turning to leave.
"Wait!" He stopped at your voice. "You're Prince Newt, right?"
"Yes, and you are?"
"Oh I'm the king's daughter, Y/N!" You reached a hand out for him to shake.
"I didn't recognize you, Princess Y/N." He bowed, and you swatted at him to stop. Of course he wouldn't recognize you, the last time he saw you was when you guys were ten and he had pushed you into a mud puddle in your new dress. That was seven years ago, and now you were sporting proper dragon-riding equipment: pants, boots, leather gloves, and a leather vest over a white long sleeve.
"Call me Y/N. You wanna come in here and say hi to Ela?" You gestured to your dragon who was sitting calmly.
"S-sure." Prince Newt nervously entered the stable, and Ela snorted a little smoke, she could tell he was nervous.
"Now you can just stroke her nose, she likes it when you scratch right in between her nostrils." You took off one of your gloves and demonstrated.
He hesitantly reached up towards her, but she went to lean into his touch too fast, startling him into jumping back. You managed to keep him upright however. "You okay there, Newtie?" You asked him as he tried to regain his composure.
"What did you just call me?"
"Newtie. It rolls off the tongue easier than Prince Newt."
"I like it." He smiled back at you, and confidently stroked Ela.
"Are you staying for the dragon race? I'm up against Favion and he's a sucker."
"Sure! It sounds fun!"
"Alright, see you there!" You waved him out of the stall to finish prepping Ela.
A soft knock at your front door alarmed you. You cautiously grabbed a heavy pan before warily opening the door. There stood a boy around your age, looking dead tired and very cold. His skin was pale and his brown hair and clothes were soaking wet.
"C-could you please let me in?" His teeth chattered as he spoke.
"Of course, of course." You opened it wider for him, setting down the pan. "Let me get a fire going."
As you bustled around making the fire, you also gave him a blanket and some leftover soup from your dinner.
"Thank you." He sipped at the soup. "You're very kind. I had many people turn me away before I found you."
"I'm Y/N, by the way."
"You can call me Tommy, that's what my old man used to call me."
And so you gained a roommate and friend that night. Tommy seemed very uptight and mannered at times, so you often had to remind him to loosen up. But he was always the perfect gentleman. Except that one time he pushed you in the pond behind your house. When you'd take him out to the meadows to collect flowers for your flower stall in town, he'd insist you teach him how to make a flower crown. He could never get it quiet right, instead choosing to tuck one behind your ear.
One day after he had done so, his hand lingered on your cheek, and he unsurely brought his lips down to yours. It felt like downright magic when they touched. You then shyly held his hand as you walked back to the town square to sell the flowers you had picked.
M E M E - H O
Of all the boys your father would let you marry, the baker's son was pretty far down on the list, but yet you managed to fall in love with him. It started when you went out in the city to purchase a couple cupcakes for your little sister's birthday. You had caught sight of him carrying bags of flour through the streets, one on each shoulder, and it seemed his sleeves were threatening to break with how large his biceps were.
((I feel like all I talk about is Minho's arms tbh))
He apparently hadn't seen you there until he had spilled flour all down the front of your dress. You laughed off his profuse apologies and ordered the cupcakes, throwing in an extra tip for the humiliated boy.
The next time you went to the bakery was a while later, and you had disguised yourself as one of the maids. You politely smiled at the boy and ordered a cupcake. "My name's Minho by the way." He called over his shoulder as he went into the back to grab your order. "Here's your cupcake, miss." Minho winked as he handed you the food, and you giggled in response, your cheeks flushing red. His dad walked into the store as he did that, and although the boy hadn't recognized you, he sure did.
"Minho!" He scolded, hitting the back of his son's head, then turned to you and bowed. "Your highness."
Minho's eyes widened as he realized what he'd just flirted with the princess. "Princess Y/N." He hastily bowed as well.
You paid them very well before curtseying, and throwing Minho a wink over your shoulder as you walked out.
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