34.) One - Ed Sheeran
((ed sheeran is a beautiful man with a beautiful voice))
Just promise that you'll never leave me again, 'cause you're the only one.
You stumbled back into the Glade, Alby's arm slack around your shoulder as you and Thomas basically dragged him in, with Minho close behind you guys.
"Y/N!" Newt called out to you, ripping away from the crowd to run over to you. Minho took Alby from you so you could throw your arms around Newt, almost collapsing in his embrace.
"Newt." You sobbed, so happy to be enveloped in his strong arms, with his heartbeat by your ear.
He put your foreheads together, big brown eyes looking into yours. "Promise me you will never do that again. That you will never leave me like that again."
You could barely form words, instead you quickly nodded and kissed him. It was a desperate kiss in the sense that you had been craving Newt's affection since you had run into the Maze to make sure the Greenie didn't get himself killed. It was a rough night, and a miracle that you had survived.
You hadn't even realized that your world had gone dark until it was suddenly too bright, and you opened your eyes to see that you were in the infirmary. "Newt." You mumbled, looking around desperately for your boyfriend.
"I'm here, love." His voice drew your attention to your right side. "Thank shuck you're awake."
"How long was I out?"
"Not long, once they hydrated you, you started opening your eyes."
"Oh Newt." You threw your arms around his neck. "I missed you so much in the Maze."
"I thought you were gone for good, Y/N."
"Me too." You let go of him to bring him in for a kiss.
"You're the only one. My only one. The one." Newt murmured against your lips.
Tell me that you turned down the man
Who asked for your hand
'Cause you're waiting for me
"Hey Y/N." A Glader caught your attention, and you were pretty sure his name was Daniel or something.
"Yeah?" You asked politely.
"W-would you want to go out w-with me?"
Your heart fell, you were hoping he'd ask you what Frypan was planning for dinner. You hated rejecting these boys because they mostly seemed sweet, but you couldn't say yes when your eye was already on someone else. "I'm sorry, but I don't think it'd work out."
"Th-that's okay." He offered you a sad half-smile before walking away.
You trudged over to where Thomas had been waiting for you, a sour look on your face. "Shuck, Y/N, that's the tenth guy you've rejected."
"I'm waiting on a different guy to use his shuck brain and pick up the hints."
"Hints don't work on us guys, you've got to be straightforward or it's going to be misunderstood."
"Straightforward, huh?" You repeated, a sly smile on your face.
"Well then I hope what I do is straightforward enough for him." Before Thomas could respond, you pulled him down for a kiss, moving your lips against his in perfect synchronization.
After you let go of the back of his head, he lingered for a moment before standing up straight. "I think it was."
"Good that."
M I D - L I F E C R I S I S
Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you.
Since Teresa came into the Glade, many of the boys had been commenting on her looks, and you had to admit that she was stunning. You had nothing against her, but your boyfriend Minho was a renowned flirt, so of course you had an inkling of doubt and worry.
You hated that you were jealous, because nothing would happen, but you couldn't help but wonder if it could. At dinner that night you had been leaning on Minho with his arm around you as he talked with Teresa and Newt. You weren't really paying attention to the conversation, the jealousy building up in your veins every time Teresa laughed at one of Minho's jokes until you thought you were going to snap the arm he had around you.
"I'm going to bed, I'm tired." You announced, standing up. You brushed off Minho's attempt at a goodbye kiss and left towards your room.
"Babe, what's wrong?" A voice said from behind you, apparently you had gotten lost in thought again and Minho had caught up to you.
"I said I'm tired."
"You never go to sleep without a goodnight kiss, sometimes you wake me up just to get one. What's going on, Y/N?"
"Fine, it's just a little difficult to have a flirtatious boyfriend and another really pretty girl in the same vicinity without getting a bit jealous."
"That's what this is? She's just another Glader to me, babe." He reassured you.
"I know!" You snapped. "That's the problem, I know I have no reason to be jealous but I am."
"Well then let me give you a reason to not be jealous." Minho pulled something out of his pocket. "I'm sorry it's not very pretty, but I found the stone in the Maze and it reminded me of your eyes."
He held out to you a clearly handmade ring, and in the middle of it was a beautiful Y/C/E stone. "Oh Minho." You gasped as he got onto one knee. "With this I give you my hand, my heart, and my soul, I only have eyes for you Y/N, I always have and I always will."
You were speechless as you let him slip it onto your finger. "It's not an engagement ring, if you're worried about that, I figured we were too young for that, but a promise ring that if we do get out of this shuck place, one day we will get engaged?"
"Yes." You nodded, a grin across your face he stood up and brought you in for a kiss.
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