29.) You Hate Each Other (Pt. 3)
You nervously glanced down at your watch as you scrambled through the Deadheads. It read 8:07, and you hoped Newt wouldn't think you had stood him up. Frypan had held you up at the end of dinner to ask about your job switch, and now you were running late.
"I'm here!" You yelled, crashing into the clearing, and startling Newt from his pacing.
"I thought you had changed your mind about me." He grinned, running a hand across his face.
"No, Fry was just wondering about my job. Frankly I am too."
"That was a jerk move, you should definitely be a Cook."
"Cool." You smiled, walking over to him. "So now what do we do?"
"I don't know." Newt laughed nervously. "I can't remember if I've ever been on a date before, much less what to do on one."
"I'm pretty sure you've been on one before."
"How are you so sure?"
"You can't look like you do and have that cute of an accent not to have been on plenty."
"Flirting. That's one thing you do on a date."
"Yeah," you took a step closer to him, "and I'm pretty sure you do this too."
You stood on your tiptoes and brought his face down to yours, pressing his lips to yours. He began unsurely moving his mouth on yours, and you encouraged him by deepening it. Soon your back was against a tree and your legs were wrapped around his waist.
"You're already a pro at this." You commented when you had pulled apart for air.
The break didn't last long as Newt reattached your lips, pushing you even further into the tree, and pulling your hips towards him, trying to fill the little space that was between your bodies.
Time flew by as Thomas slowly corrected his behaviour, becoming more and more likeable as the days went by. Instead of rude comments, he tried to compliment you whenever he could, and as your friendship grew, slowly edged into mild, friendly teasing. You, Teresa, and Thomas had become an inseparable trio around the Glade. And then Teresa got a boyfriend, leaving it to be just you and Thomas some days, which you didn't really mind so much.
As you had said, Thomas was becoming more and more likeable by the day, until your liking for him grew past friendship. Soon your stomach did flips whenever he'd give you a compliment, and downright cartwheels everytime he smiled at you.
Ever since the first night that you had forgiven him, it had become a custom for him to sit at the foot of your bed and discuss your days. Some days you'd get into very deep conversations until three am, and others it'd be simple chatting for a half hour. That night when he came to your door, you were already waiting for him on your bed with a couple snacks you snuck from the kitchen.
"Hey Y/N. " He greeted you, sinking your mattress.
"Hey Thom." You replied solemnly handing him the food. He started off with his day, and you thought you were listening, until he shook your shoulder and you realized you had tuned him out and was staring at the wall behind him.
"What's on your mind?" Thomas asked, taking a bite of his snack.
You bit your lip, contemplating lying. But he knew all your tells, you couldn't slip it by him. "You know how a while ago before we were friends you tried to decide who was the ugly one, me or Teresa?"
"Y/N, I didn't mean anything I said then."
"I know, but now Teresa has a boyfriend, and I'm really happy for her and Ben but I just can't help but wonder if I really am the ugly one."
"Maybe the guy who likes you is just too afraid to ask you out because he thinks you hate him."
You side-eyed your friend, and saw pink spreading on his neck. "Who would think that?"
"Me." He looked as if he was holding his breath waiting for your answer.
"I don't hate you. In fact I think I feel quite the opposite."
You leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Really."
Running with Minho had become much more pleasant after he learned your limits on pushing your limits. You could easily keep up with him in the Maze and chatted amiably while doing so.
Several days after you had gotten your stitches out, you two were running a new section together and breaked for lunch. As you leaned against the wall, you ran your fingers along the scar. "I'm glad they don't have mirrors here." You uttered under your breath, glumly taking a bite out of your sandwich. "I'm sure this is one ugly scar."
"Damnit Y/N!" Minho threw his sandwich one the ground.
"What, did Fry put mayo on this time?"
"No, the sandwich is fine." He said, frustratedly running his hands through his hair. "It's just that I gave you that scar, and now you think that it's ugly when you're so, shucking, beautiful. It's infuriating that you can't see that because of me, when it's plain as day how stunning you are."
Wordlessly, you stood and walked over to him. You gently put a hand on his cheek, and he leaned into the touch. "Thank you." You said quietly through happy tears.
Minho tenderly wiped at the tears as they fell, neither of you taking your eyes off the other as you shared that silent moment.
"You want to kiss me, don't you?" You asked.
He merely nodded in assent, and you closed the space between you two, exchanging a kiss with such raw emotion you weren't sure if your feet were even on the ground.
((there was a little bit of an au where Ben isn't dead in Thomas', just because tumblr got me shipping Ben/Teresa a little bit))
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