Flushed But Never Forgotten
At night The turtles and Lizzie were on the roof of the a building while it was raining
Lizzie: *Yawn* couldn't this wait until morning?
She sneezed
Lizzie: And not in the rain?
Mikey: No! You have to believe me! Piebald's back! She's after us because we flushed her!
Raph: Relax! I'm not a scientist but this is one hundred percent just your guilt glands secreting guilt into your central guilt system
Donnie: Raph is right. He is not a scientist but separately he was also right that this Piebald jazz is in your head
Mikey: No it's not. We have to tell Dad the truth!
Lizzie: based on what you told me that might be best
Leo: no it's not! We're not telling dad anything! Look we all miss her but a year ago we stood on this roof and decided-
Mikey: You decided!
Leo: WE decided to replace Piebald with an identical fish dad's heart wouldn't be broken. He wins we win and Piebald wins
Mikey: Piebald got flushed!!
Donnie: Uh If I may Leo's idea about the whole not getting into trouble thing very convincing.
Raph: I second that!
Leo: thank you! What do you think Liz?
Lizzie: well I guess what Splinter doesn't know can't hurt him
Mikey: What?!
Leo: See? Even you get it! Looks like everyone agrees with me that we renew our path of secrecy and never tell dad the truth. One two three let's go
They all put their hands together
Raph: yep eternal silence. Back to the lair!
Lizzie: finally
She sneezed again
Back at the lair mikey thought he saw Piebald and ran up the others
Mikey: AHH!!
Leo: what?! Use your words!
Mikey: it's Piebald! She's after me!
Leo: Forget the name! Does the pact of secrecy mean nothing to you? I say we lock Mikey up till morning
Lizzie: Huh?
Donnie: Yes
Raph: Yeah
???: genius idea Leo
Leo turned around
Leo: fantastic the wall agree's
Lizzie: Wait what?
Piebald became visible
Piebald: hey guys it's me Piebald! Remember? But now your new friend is my mortal enemy!
Raph Donnie and Mikey: AHHH!
Lizzie: ok that's just a stereotype. Even though you're not wrong...
Leo: Also she's a mutant now
The five of them hid in the kitchen
Donnie: I don't know what's more unsettling the giant goldfish or the possibility that Mikey may be right!
Leo: And did you see her camouflage power? Classic!
Mikey: She's after us because we flushed her and covered it up and now we're friends with a cat! Guys we have to tell dad the truth!
Leo: No way! The responsible thing is to get rid of her before dad finds out and then go back to pretending this never happened!
Lizzie: Leo a mutant fish is hunting us! What's important stopping her or keeping the secret?
Leo: we can do both!
Raph: solid solution!
Suddenly Splitner put a fish bowl on the table
Splinter: Hello fish food!
The turtles and Lizzie screamed but calmed down when they realized it was just Splitner
Splinter: Just grabbing a late night snack for my sweet precious Piebald
She put wish food in the bowl but there was only a rock with googly eyes inside
Lizzie: Wha?
Splinter: Say why do you look like you have something to confess?
Mikey started panicking even more
Leo: don't rat us out to the rat!
Mikey: Dad the truth is... We... I uh...
Leo held a frying pan
Leo: Snitches get stitches
Lizzie took the frying pan out of his hands
Mikey: ...Dad I-I... I tooted...
Splinter: well then... Back to beddy bye Piebald!
Splitner left and went back to bed
Leo: Phew. Way to throw dad off the scent bro!
Lizzie: What's the plan Raph?
Raph: first we have to suit up!
They all used pots and pans as helmets and weapons
Raph: She could be behind us or in front of us. The only thing we know for sure is she's not right here!
Raph just disappeared without anyone noticing
Donnie: Agreed and Mikey you did the right thing not telling dad. In the end a lifetime of guilt and regret will be its own reward
Then Donnie was captured to unknowingly
Leo: well said Donnie!
Lizzie: that's not reward at all!
Piebald landed behind them
Piebald: you're not off the hook yet!
Lizzie: Haha! I get since your a...
Leo Mikey and Lizzie turned around to see her
All: AHH!!!
The three of them ran inside the turtle tank and locked the doors
Mikey: We have to go back for our brothers. Or are you gonna replace them too?
Lizzie: Leo would never-
Both Mikey and Lizzie saw Leo glueing eyes to rocks
Lizzie: seriously?!
Mikey: when will the lies end?!
Leo: i don't lie! I just change the truth!
Lizzie: that's pretty much what lying is! I don't want to lose another life to a fish!
Leo: Come on Liz! We defeated the shredder!
Lizzie: after I lost a life!
Leo: that was technically Draxum!
Lizzie: I don't want to argue about this!
Someone walked closer to the door
Leo: W-Who's there? Donnie? Santa?
It was just Frankenfoot and he wasn't scared
Frankenfoot: Buddies!
Mikey: wait Frankenfoot? Frankenfoot quick! Get inside. There's a mutant goldfish!
Mikey opened the door but Frankenfoot was immediately captured by Piebald
All: AHH!!!
Leo: Out the floor hatch! Fast!
Leo Mikey and Lizzie made it out of the turtle tank and heard Frankenfoot being ripped apart
Piebald: gotcha confetti boy!
Lizzie: No!
Leo: we'll fix him later! We have to get out of here!
At that moment Piebald grabbed Mikey
Piebald disappeared with Mikey
Leo and Lizzie: MIKEY!
Leo: Ok let's keep our wits and do what any mature and brave individuals would...
Lizzie: what's that?
Leo burst into Splinter's while holding Lizzie's hand
Splitner was already captured by Piebald
Lizzie: Splinter!
Piebald: The flushing is nigh!
Leo: Huh?
Lizzie: I think that means 'soon'
Piebald: you should listen to her and maybe read a book once in a while!
Piebald disappeared with splinter
Leo: Oh boy...
Lizzie: I'm starting to get tired of that!
Leo: no time to think this though My family needs me! Liz this is what we're going to do step one light taunting step two I have no idea!
Lizzie: Leo I love you but we need a better plan then that
Leo: just follow my lead!
Lizzie: that hasn't worked out so far and none of this would've happened if you just told the truth! And I went along with it because I trusted you
Leo: I know! I know! And I'll change I promise!
Lizzie: I'm not asking you to change. Just try to listen better ok?
Leo: Y-Yeah I can do that
Lizzie kissed him on the cheek
Lizzie: Good. Now let's save the others!
Leo smiled and nodded
Leo and Lizzie traveled deeper into the sewers and eventually found Splitner Raph Donnie and Mikey hanging over a whirlpool trapped in a net
Piebald: Once I find the bluefin and the catfish it's flushing time! You know what a scream sounds like underwater? Well you're about to find out!
Leo: Oh boy Liz you were right I should've thought this through!
Lizzie: that's not what I...
She realized Leo still didn't listen to her
Lizzie: you know what never mind
Leo: Come on we have to think!
He facepalmed and mud got on his face
Leo: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Lizzie: most of the time
Leo: I'll take it!
He covered himself and Lizzie in mud
Leo: Piebald may have camouflage but we have pajama-flage!
Lizzie: Haha! I still love your jokes
Leo: I know!
Piebald was ready to cut the rope
Donnie: What did we ever do to deserve this- Oh right right. The flushing...
Piebald: You dummies flushed me alive and replaced me with an imposter so my own loving father didn't know I was missing! Not to mention being friends with a cat! A CAT! Who does that?! I was lost and alone and some trash wizard tried to eat me. But my flavor was too robust and I escaped. So I was forced to embrace the sewer circle of life and eat things I'm not proud of... Now you losers can feel what it's like to be mutants who live in the sewers!
Leo and Lizzie were hanging on the ceiling
Leo: that's already our thing!
Lizzie: surprised to see us?
Leo and Lizzie both tried to kick Piebald but she disappeared and they fell on the floor. Then Piebald reappeared
Piebald: Now that the whole family's here It's time for my flushing revenge!
Leo: We never meant to flush you. It was an accident honest!
Lizzie: to be fair I wasn't even there! I swear!
Leo: How about we make it up to you with a nice dinner of our own? Sushi- I mean fish and chips- Uh branzino- Why can't I stop suggesting fish?!
Piebald attacked Leo but Lizzie grabbed her hook
Lizzie: Leave my boyfriend alone!
Piebald: you protect him after he flushed me?!
Lizzie: Leo made a mistake but so does everyone! And even when he messes up he keeps going and never stops laughing! And love him for that
Leo: Awww!!
Lizzie kicked Piebald into the wall
Lizzie: Your turn Leo!
Leo: Oh right!
He looked at Splinter
Leo: Sorry dad. It was me who made everyone keep the secret from you!
Piebald stood back up and was ready to fight
Leo: At least flush me and let my family go!
Piebald: Let your family go? I love that idea!
She cut the rope and Splinter Raph Donnie and Mikey all started falling
Lizzie: NO!
Suddenly Piebald grabbed the rope and pulled them back up. The net also fell on the floor
Leo: Yeah!
Lizzie: Your Ok!
Leo and Lizzie hugged Raph Donnie and Mikey while Splinter laughed
Splinter: Hahaha! And that is why you always tell the truth!
Piebald: haha! Got ya! You should see your faces!
Mikey: Huh?
Donnie: How?
Lizzie: what the what?
Raph: Wait what?
Leo: Huh?
Piebald: After a year, I made my way home only to find a googly eyed rock living in my fishbowl
She held Splinters fishbowl with the rock inside
Piebald: Poor form guys
Splinter: I was shocked to discover the five of you lied to me. So we planned this whole thing to teach you a lesson
Mikey: I... don't know... how to feel now...
Lizzie: I'm so confused...
Splinter: you know I love you but you only remember lessons when you learn them the hard way. So remember lying is bad and dad is good! Night
Splinter walked away with Frankenfoot on his back
Piebald: Later guys! Also Lizzie you're really cool!
Piebald followed splinter
Lizzie: Uh... Thanks?
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