[3] Magic Mirror
Reader POV (4 month timeskip)
I began to hear noises as I walked down to the throne room.
Dante had left the castle, telling me that he was going on a mission.
Probably to destroy my kingdom.
I opened the doors and gone were the photos of House Grinberryall except myself, replaced with portraits of the Dark Triad.
I took a finger and brushed it along the throne that once belonged to my father, now sat in by Dante.
So much anger was building up in my mind along with sorrow and remorse for what I could've done.
And that mage who took away my memories...he's my cousin.
I knew I had to find him as he and I were the last Grinberryalls aside from my brother Yuno.
Hell, I didn't know if Yuno was alive or not.
Since he was a few months old when our home was taken away, he probably doesn't remember anything.
Not me, not our parents.
I walked out of the throne room, unable to take the pain.
I walked to another corner of the castle, searching for the Hall of Mirrors.
At the end of the hall was a huge mirror that could tell me where exactly someone was.
And if that person had a mirror on them, we could communicate.
I remembered doing so with my father when he went to go take his yearly rounds to the corners of the kingdom, even sometimes going to other kingdoms as a tribute of friendship.
I tapped on the mirror in a sequence. "Magic Mirror on the wall, wake up and heed my call."
"Who do you wish to see, young one?" The mirror responded.
"Dante Zogratis."
The mirror faded and revealed Dante.
He was attacking citizens of my kingdom, even taking women hostage and demanding them to be his woman.
"So he is also a cheater as well as a murderer and liar." I shook my head with disappointment. "That will be all, Mirror."
The mirror returned to its normal state and I put the covers over it, silently thanking the gods that no one was there.
It was a well-kept secret in my family on how the mirror worked.
And even if someone did find out, they'd have to have the blood of House Grinberryall to even be able to seek the face in the mirror.
I left the hall of mirrors and walked down to the dungeons of the castle that Dante strictly told me to stay out of, knowing that's where my cousin was probably kept.
"Your Highness-" the guards tried to stop me, but I simply created a barrier out of wind and walked through, not giving them a single glance.
I walked down the staircase, noticing how the cells became smaller and smaller.
From my memories, my parents didn't keep anyone down here and used this dungeon as a tourist attraction for students to study and learn about the history of the castle.
But since Dante took over, the dungeons were always filled.
I used a set of keys and unlocked the dungeons, knowing these people were suffering and they were rebelling against the Dark Triad.
"Your Highness!" Ralph Niaflem's eyes were wide when I unlocked his gate.
"Hello, Ralph." I nodded to him.
"My memories have returned. I need your help."
I healed him and everyone of their injuries, recognizing everyone as either a rebel or the guards I grew up with before my family was killed.
"Of course."
"I need to find my cousin Lily," I said. "She's somewhere in the dungeons."
Ralph nodded. "Hana knows the dungeons better than anyone. She'll guide you there."
"Oh! My apologies!" I used a special key to take off their magical cuffs which prevented them from using their magic to escape. "Now, all of you should get going. Dante's taken the stronger guards with him. You should be able to find a way out."
Ralph stayed behind, not following his fellow guards. "(y/n), it's been so long. I heard you got married to Dante."
"I did. And I regret it. So I'm going to pretend to be with him. Especially now since I'm with his child."
"You are?"
I nodded. "I am. We can only hope that he won't do anything too foolish. I'm going to bring this kingdom back to its former glory. To reinstate House Grinberryall on the throne."
"And I assume you shall be the queen?"
I shook my head. "Ralph. The day my brother Yuno was born, he became the heir to the throne as per the fifth law of the land: the firstborn son is deemed the next king of Spade."
"I see you still know the old laws despite that fucker Dante and his stupid siblings trying to rewrite the laws." He nodded and walked with Hana and I.
Hana pointed to the door with nine deadbolts. "She's in there."
I nodded and left them to guard the entrance, opening the door.
"(y/n)!" Lily's jaw dropped.
I looked around and saw Dante must've hurt my dear cousin as well, judging by the state of the room as well as the scars on her body. "Hello, Lily."
I unchained her, breaking the magic cuffs.
She healed her body, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you."
Her smile dropped and she hung her head in shame. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). If it hadn't been for my cowardice, your memories wouldn't have been erased and-"
"That was the best thing you could've done," I said to her with gleaming (e/c) eyes. "I wasn't strong enough back then to take Dante on. But now I am. I'm much stronger."
All four of us made our way to the first floor of the castle, an area with no guards nearby for now.
"No way..." the maids who were loyal to House Grinberryall all stared at my cousin with shock. "Lady Lily!"
"No need," my ravenette cousin said. "We're here to get you out."
"Ralph, you'll take half your squad and send them to fix things around the kingdom," I said sternly. "But you must serve me."
He nodded. "Always."
"I will give you a special mission later. Right now, I need you to use the other half of your troops to lead the resistance and get those people out of the moving fortresses."
He nodded and beckoned Hana and Eren to follow, the two females following Ralph with determination in their steps.
As more weeks passed, I was pleased to learn reparations were being made and the citizens knew that not one Grinberryall survived the devastating massacre but four.
Myself, Yuno, Lily, and Sky (Lily's mother and my father's sister).
Two weeks later, Ralph met me in my bedroom after I made sure Vanica was busy in a town nearby, taking care of the rebel distraction I sent some of Ralph's people to cause.
"I need you to go to the Clover kingdom and tell Yuno," I said to him. "It will be a long and perilous journey, but I have faith you can do it. Take your strongest squad with you."
"But who will protect you then??"
I cupped his face and kissed his forehead. "I'm stronger than you think, dear Ralph."
"Of course. Just please..." he held onto my skirt, still bowing. "Please stay safe. I can't bear to lose you."
"I will. And we contacted an ally from the Clover kingdom. He will be around in case something happens to you."
And he left.
Just as he did, I felt Dante's aura back in the Spade kingdom.
But it wasn't until much later when he came back to the castle.
I was sitting by the fire, keeping my emotions in check.
I wanted to kill him right there, but I knew I couldn't do so.
He and I argued and it lead to me being placed in the dungeons (the first part of leztrange 's Dante oneshot miniseries).
I knew I had to keep him distracted but also protect my child who I would die for if necessary.
And I would.
As morning dawned, I found myself in a cabin, seeing a man with a ponytail and blue eyes staring down at me.
"You're awake."
We talked for a bit and I found he had saved me.
He said he was from the Clover kingdom and had contacted Ralph, showing me Ralph's favorite watch to prove it.
"If we are to take down your husband and the Dark Triad, I need information. Secrets," he said.
"I will tell you everything I know," I said. "By the way, I never got your name."
"I am Nacht Faust," he said. "And I believe you and I will be working closely together."
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