Chapter Two: His Father, Endeavor
Deku and Uraraka sat in the conference room where they, along with the rest of their (currently living) classmates were being interviewed on live television. None of them truly wished to be there, and in fact, the two nightfall heroes (Tokoyami and Shoji) refused to make an appearance. Despite their obvious discomfort, the reporters still chose to pry into their feelings about the current situation.
You see, it had only recently become public that the new clique in the League Of Villains (which is currently the world's largest threat), the Mayhem Squad, is comprised of former U.A. students. The reporters knew they were aware of the identities of the ruffians and yet could not come close to capturing them.
"Why haven't you caught these felons, Deku?" a reporter questioned, pushing her mic towards his face.
"Ah, you see, the Mayhem Squad is made up four very powerful persons..." Deku explained nervously, "it will take a while to bring them down."
"What about you, Uravity? Do you have anything to add?" another reporter inquired.
"I have to agree with Deku," Uraraka sighed, "three of the members of the Mayhem Squad were the three most powerful students in our class, and the fourth is basically a hostile human shield..."
"Are you saying that you can't defeat them?" a reporter pushed.
"That's not what they were saying at all," Jiiro interrupted, "they were simply informing you that it may take a while."
"Yeah," Hagakure sighed, "we may be heroes, but we're still people, we can't do everything at the speed of light."
"How are you handling the recent death of Ingenium, Froppy?" a male reporter questioned Tsuyu.
"It's affecting us all extremely hard, but we will get through this, believe me," Tsuyu stated calmly.
• • •
(Y/n) watched on one of the bar's televisions as the heroes gave disappointing responses to the camera. He sighed and turned to Toga, who had taken a seat a few stools away from him a few minutes ago with Bakugou. Kirishima plopped down next to (Y/n) after stretching.
"Tomura, where in the actual hell are Shouto and Dabi?" (Y/n) asked impatiently.
"Ask Bakugou," Shigaraki let out a heavy breath and he dismisses the question, continuing to talk to Kurogiri.
"Katsuki, where in the actual hell ar-"
"I don't fucking know," Bakugou growled, "Icy-Hot said he was out earlier. I have no idea where Dabi is."
"Ugh," (Y/n) groaned, "whatever they're doing better be worth it."
• • •
"I'm not going to kill our father, Dabi," Shouto sighed.
"Why not? It's not like you have anything better to do before we get back to the bar," Dabi replied.
Shouto sighed, "I'll mess him up, but my point won't be made if I kill him."
Dabi nodded as he parked in front of the large house where the two grew up. Shouto got out of the passenger seat and pulled his hood over his head, looking around. Dabi turned off the gas and got out, adjusting his jacket.
The two walked into the gate calmly and entered the property. Dabi lit his hand with angry blue flames, then set the fence on fire. The blue flares slowly licked at the fence, not yet rising to swallow it whole.
Shouto walked up to the door and touched the knob, seeing if it was still metal. When he found it was, he froze the handle solid and grabbed a large stick off the ground. Shouto slammed the stick into the handle, shattering it and ultimately unlocking the door.
As soon as the two stepped inside, they heard the loud, heavy footsteps of their father. He had heard them... Good.
(Note: I know music is normally started at the beginning, but I would strongly recommend restarting it from the beginning and listening to it from there.)
Shouto pulled his hood off and shoved his hands in his pockets. Dabi stepped back a little as Endeavor stormed towards the door, acknowledging that this was for the most part between Shouto and Enji.
Endeavor stopped at the sight of Shouto of Dabi. He scowled, flames beginning to lick at his hands and hellish fire rising in his eyes. Yet, behind the nasty looks he gave his two sons, there was the tiniest hint of hurt behind those turquoise irises. This hurt, though, went straight over the two boys heads.
Shouto now stood a little more than eye to eye with his father, but, he couldn't help but to think back to the times so long ago. Back to when he was a child who stood for his father's abuse; when he didn't have the strength or true will to fight back.
"Where did I go wrong with you two?" Endeavor asked angrily, watching his ruffian sons with a hateful glare. Dabi scoffed, and Shouto looked down, away from his father's eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"YOU DID EVERYTHING WRONG!" Shouto rarely yelled, but his eyes filled with the same disgusted fire as his father's as he glowered at him, "you messed up everything!"
Endeavor growled and smashed his fist into Shouto's cheek swiftly. Shouto stumbled back a bit and glared at the man in front of him.
"You ungrateful brat," Endeavor uttered.
"You terrible excuse of a father!" Shouto countered, returning the blow with a harder one, "You ruined me! You ruined us! All of us! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US IS A MESS BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Shouto continued his assault on his father, Enji Todoroki, the almost retired hero, Endeavor. Shallow tears started to well up in the young adult's eyes as his vision went blurry.
"I'm the only one of your children who still bears your name!" Shouto growled, "everyone else got theirs changed!"
"Maybe I'd be different if you were good for something!" Endeavor shouted, kicking his son in his side.
"There you go again! If you weren't beating me you were always mentally abusing me too!" Shouto yelled. He picked up the vase by the door and threw it at his father's head. It missed and shattered against the wall.
"If you wouldn't have run off with that stupid boy you wouldn't have turned out like this!" Endeavor screamed, "YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER THAN THIS SHIT!"
Endeavor gestured to Dabi. Dabi scoffed and Shouto shot ice at his father's left eye, effectively stabbing it into the fragile tissue of his eye. Endeavor grunted in pain and held a hand over his eye.
"Don't you get it..?" Dabi muttered, "this is your own fault, just call it karma."
"Are you stupid?! This is the biggest mistake of your lives!" Endeavor slandered.
"He's only four!"
The light in Shouto's eyes disappeared.
"Get out of my way, you whore!"
The left side of his body burst into flames.
"I can't stand to look at you..."
A single tear tried to escape his eye, but evaporated before it got the chance.
Just like his childhood...
'It's all his fault!'
"Don't you get it?!" Shouto cried out desperately, "YOU CREATED THIS MONSTER!!!"
Endeavor froze for a moment. That was all the time Shouto needed to punch him hard enough to knock him unconscious. The flames slowly went out, and Shouto had to keep himself from breaking down. He took off his burnt jacket and chucked it at his unconscious father's body in rage.
Dabi grabbed Shouto's shoulder lightly, pulling him towards the door. The two brothers left the house, heading towards Dabi's car. They climbed in, not speaking a word on the way to the bar.
(This is the first time I've been on Wattpad in two days and I feel like it's been forever... Anyway, here's the new chapter, and I would love any song recommendations you have! Just remember not too much cussing, that's Bakugou's job. Anyway, that's about it... I hope you enjoyed!)
(This Was 1305 Words!)
"Why don't I feel bad?"
"You're finally starting to adjust to this."
"Should I have been more lenient?"
"No. That asshole got what was coming for him, it's about time, too."
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