Chapter Seven: Asshole
Bakugou wrapped his sweatshirt around his waist and pulled his backpack over his shoulder. He met up with Kirishima before they both on the train to the southwest countryside. Todoroki and (Y/n) left the night before, and it was safer if they didn't all travel together.
"Bro!" Kirishima called to the normally loud blond, grinning widely, "are you excited for the next step?"
It sounded docile enough. It wasn't threatening, so that was good. The last thing they need was for someone to hear them talking about actual plans and for that person to call authorities. Especially since they were moving to a more suburban area. The main downside of taking the fight out there was that there were less hiding places than before.
There was also the factor that the League of Villains was no longer involved with them directly. More specifically, the League of Villains was no longer at their back. They had to be a little more cautious at this point, it was just the four of them.
That's what Bakugou wanted to think. After (Y/n) had basically left them in the dust for those months, Bakugou lost some of his trust in his leader. He'd still follow (Y/n) Aizawa anywhere and everywhere, but there was this voice cautioning him against it that wasn't there before. Bakugou wanted to feel disgusted with himself for this, for doubting (Y/n), but how was he supposed to feel?
The bombastic blond couldn't believe that Kirishima would just follow him like a lost puppy again just like that. He knew that Todoroki was absolutely love-sick, but Bakugou just could not comprehend the tall male's thought process when he forgave (Y/n) so easily. Was he really the only one who had these thoughts? I mean, he left us once without a second thought— who's to say he won't just do it again?
"Yeah" Bakugou responded gruffly, "sure, I guess. Things have been hectic in a different way, so I'm almost looking forward to this change."
Kirishima knew something had to be up with the male in front of him. Bakugou had been acting strangely before, but Kirishima figured they all were, with (Y/n)'s absence and all. What set off the real red flags was when Bakugou didn't return to normal when their leader returned.
Kirishima was Bakugou's best friend. He knew it. Bakugou knew it. It was a fact that wasn't debatable. Kirishima followed Bakugou into battle, into trouble, and he followed him into this without a second thought. Sure, they were stupid high school students back then, but even now Kirishima was positive he'd do it again. He'd still follow Bakugou, and he knew that at this point Bakugou would follow him too.
This all required an unwavering trust, which Kirishima knew was there. That said, he knew Bakugou had a hard time opening up. Kirishima knew he'd have to pry to get the information he wanted out of his best friend. He wished it wasn't that way, but that's just how Bakugou was— and no matter how much he mentally complained, that's just how Kirishima liked it.
The two of them waited for the train without another word afterward. Kirishima felt haunted, almost. The silence between them wasn't unusual, it happened. The thing is, that silence was always comfortable. They were enjoying the company, a joke had just been told, things like that when there's no way to add on and they don't need to. This, though, was torture. He hated this silence. This kind of quiet was bad and something was wrong and for some reason, Kirishima felt like he shouldn't ask. This is so wrong... What the hell..?
"Hey," Kirishima uttered when the two of them got settled on the train, "Bakubro, are you okay?"
Bakugou gave him this unfamiliar look. It was a spaced out type of thing, he supposed. Kirishima got a chill.
"What?" Bakugou sounded taken aback, and the fact that he thought he could play dumb lowkey pissed the redhead off.
"Don't play stupid, Katsuki," Kirishima grumbled quietly, "you know what I mean. You're the only one who hasn't gone back to normal."
"Hmm," Bakugou hummed, as if thinking, and then he just didn't respond further.
Kirishima got the message but didn't care. Bakugou wasn't blowing him off this easily. Whatever was going on might make things harder in the long run, and Kirishima was not dealing with that because he couldn't stop it earlier.
"Answer me, damnit," Kirishima said. Bakugou turned away from him.
Bakugou knew he was being a huge arse, but he couldn't help himself. Kirishima would never say anything about it. He wouldn't complain, and Bakugou could use him as an emotional punching bag, just as always. It had been this way since they'd met, and it killed Kirishima because he knew this and let it happen. Bakugou was his best friend, and because of this, Kirishima let Bakugou walk all over him.
The journey lasted two days, and there was no more conversation during this time. There were no nods, no grins, no acknowledgment, just nothing. Bakugou was being an asshole and both of them knew this. Bakugou was unsure how to handle his anger at himself for doubting (Y/n), and he decided to take it out on Kirishima because his best friend understood him and wouldn't complain.
When the train ride finally ended and they got off, Todoroki and (Y/n) were waiting for them in the station. Kirishima put on a grin and headed straight for them, Bakugou following behind him. Bakugou hated himself for not feeling bad this time. This voice that awakened his conscious would be the end of him.
"Eijiro, Katsuki, hey," (Y/n) greeted, smiling.
"Yo!" Kirishima grinned brighter, and Bakugou wanted to scream because he knew it was fake. He knew it was his fault.
Todoroki just smiled, pretending not to see the flash of something in Bakugou's eyes. Kirishima continued to talk to (Y/n), enjoying the fact that the four of them were reunited and a unit again. He'd missed this. He still does— he wouldn't have to if Bakugou would talk.
When they got to the house they'd be staying at, Kirishima grinned as his eyes glowed.
"This place is ours?!" Kirishima looked over and Todoroki and (Y/n) in amazement, "this place is huge! How much was it?"
"It was pretty cheap, and you and Bakugou have your own rooms," Todoroki told him, "I'm sharing with (Y/n)."
Kirishima gave a knowing grin and nodded, "Great!"
The four of them headed inside and started to unpack the few bags they had. They all knew not to stack up and to pack light, so things like this were always easy when it was necessary. Kirishima and Bakugou headed upstairs to put their things away. Todoroki and (Y/n)'s room was on the first floor. Before they went into their separate room, Kirishima said a few things that shook Bakugou to the core.
"You're an asshole, you know," Kirishima stated, his voice staying calm, "you're a complete and total asshole."
"Eijiro..." Bakugou mumbled.
"I'm serious, Katsuki," Kirishima looked at him, look hurt, "I've chased you for years, been your emotional punching bag for years— I've been your best friend and treated you better than any of those pathetic followers did. I did it for the both of us, because it made us happy. Or I thought it did."
"What do you mean?" Bakugou asked hopelessly. He was lost, Kirishima never stood up to him like this.
"I mean I'm sick of this bullshit friendship," Kirishima said calmly, "you treat me like shit. No matter how much I treat you like the great person I know you can be, you just refuse to let me be totally happy."
"Eijiro, I know I'm an asshole," Bakugou started.
"Good for you," Kirishima grumbled sarcastically.
"I'm trying, damnit," Bakugou growled. That was a mistake.
"You're the worst," Kirishima told him, "you already know that, though, I hope."
(That's it for this month, guys! If you want to read something else of mine in the meantime, go check out my book 'Monster'! It's an xmale!Reader that include three animes, a couple AUs, and hopefully plenty of drama to come! Make sure to tell me if you enjoyed the chapter, or point out any mistakes. I encourage you please vote, and even follow me if you want notifications for when I put out new stories. Anyway, who's excited for BNHA season 4 in April?! I know I can't wait, what about you? Tell me your answers in the comments, and stay tuned for the next chapters come March!)
(This Was 1625 Words!)
"Toga?" Kirishima asked, "I haven't seen you in ages."
"Yeah!" Toga smiled, "I miss you guys! The League is no fun without you, ya know?"
"We miss you guys too, but you know how things are with Mayhem," Kirishima grinned sheepishly, "wherever (Y/n) goes, we eventually follow."
"Yeah, yeah," Toga giggled, "funny thing, I think Dabi actually misses you guys the most."
"Really?" Kirishima asked in utter disbelief.
"He likes you guys a lot more than he lets on," Toga told him, "he especially misses Todoroki and you."
"Me?" Kirishima didn't know what to think.
"He said he missed the light air around you," Toga gave a fake pout, "he said it was like mine, except sane."
Kirishima laughed for real for the first time in a long time. Right here with his old friend, he didn't need to pretend to be happy to keep everyone in high spirits. He could just joke and let loose and be himself for a little. Kirishima needed this, but he never imagined the absolutely bonkers Himiko Toga to be the one to give it to him. You know what? Screw Katsuki.
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