Chapter Five: Malfunction
"Hey, Kendo," Tetsutetsu started, slowing their fast-paced run, "I was just thinking—when was the last time anyone heard from Monoma?"
"I don't know..." Kendo answered, "apparently he moved to America."
"That's not a fair trade," Tetsutetsu sniggered.
"What?" Kendo questioned.
"Well, we got Tsunotori, and she's awesome," Tetsutetsu explained, "but all America got in return was Monoma and- ow! I was kidding, Kendo, kidding!"
"You're not very funny," Kendo smiled up at him.
"Neither are you," Tetsutetsu murmured.
"I don't have to be, people love me anyway," Kendo informed him, matter-of-factly.
"You're lucky you're my friend," Tetsutetsu grumbled, speeding up again.
"Of course, definitely," Kendo responded, catching up.
· · ·
"Neito, sweetheart, where are you going?" his 'mother' asked.
She had just gotten back from a lengthy business trip. After Monoma's 'father' had been in the hospital and unable to work, the teen's 'mother' needed to work harder. They weren't struggling financially, but in order to keep it that way, she needed to put more effort in. She had planned for her son and her to spend some time together, then go see his 'father.' After all, they couldn't do it as much now that Neito lived in a dorm.
"Just out for a walk, mom," Neito answered, "I'll be back in half an hour."
"Alright..." she sighed. She saw no point in trying to stop him.
· · ·
"Where are you sneaking off to, (Y/n)?" Aizawa asked from another room.
(Y/n) mentally cursed. How the hell had Aizawa known he was leaving? Was he really that good at giving himself away?
"I'm gonna go train with All Might and Deku!" he blurted. Aizawa dragged his feet into the living room.
"We both know you'd never willingly do that, kid," Aizawa sighed, "you avoid them like the plague. Now, where are you actually going?"
"I was going to buy candy from the convenience store..." (Y/n) dropped his head, looking away, waiting to be scolded.
"Oh, that's fine," Aizawa dismissed it, expecting something stupid from the kid, "while you're there, get me a Snippers."
"Got it," (Y/n) gave a half-hearted thumbs up as he left the apartment.
He left the building without a second thought, power walking the ten blocks to the store. He'd have to move into the school dorms soon, so he wanted to enjoy the neighborhood as much as possible before that. Of course, he'd never tell Aizawa that this was the true reason he wanted to go out. That might make him sound more stupid than he already was.
As he neared the store, he got this slightly nauseous feeling deep in his stomach. He felt like he might throw up, or topple over, or maybe even both. Even so, he was determined to get the candy he wanted—especially since he planned to get Aizawa some too. As he continued, though, the feeling only worsened. For some strange reason, anyhow, he felt like he being pulled closer to whatever was causing this feeling.
· · ·
Monoma seriously considered just turning back and heading back. His head had begun to pound rather painfully. It was as if his brain was ramming itself against his skull, trying its hardest to escape the confines of Monoma's brain.
He slowed down his pace, holding his head as the pain worsened. He was going to go home, definitely, he couldn't stand being out here any longer. He just needed to wait a few seconds. Maybe if he waited for a few minutes before he turned back, his headache would go down enough for him to function.
He waited desperately for it go away for several minutes, but it only became even more unbearable by the second. He was fine before, so why was he in so much pain now? He wasn't one to get migraines, he'd only gotten one once, and it was nowhere near this terrible. What was going on with him? Was he sick or something?
· · ·
As (Y/n) continued, he felt like his brain was being muddled by something. It was like he was a phone without any signal in a storm or something. The only difference was that he wasn't a phone, and there weren't even any clouds in the sky on that particular day. He couldn't really think, and it was suddenly just like when he had been lured away before. It was like something was pulling him.
Despite the pull, though, there was a small warning light going off in his head. It told him to stay away from what he was being pulled towards. He figured it wasn't anything that bad, so he ignored it. He was just going to get his candy and go home. With the crowded streets, there was a good chance he wouldn't even see what he was being attracted to.
· · ·
People were starting to give Monoma concerned looks. There was no real explanation for a healthy looking teen to be holding his head with an agonized expression. One woman stopped, asking if he was alright, but it was just background noise to him. All her voice was was a sound.
He definitely wasn't alright. He felt like he was going to straight up drop dead any second now. He continued to grip his head, holding on to the street light he was under as well. The woman who was kind enough to check on him searched her purse for her phone. She planned to call for help, even if she wasn't sure what was wrong. She'd seen Monoma at the sports festival; he seemed perfectly healthy back then.
That's when Monoma heard the voice in the back of his mind. He thought he must truly be going crazy. The voice belonged to a female, and it was staticky, with gaps between the words being repeated in his mind.
I... nter.... nce... Int....rf...ce.. Inter... nce... Inter... feren... Interference...
· · ·
(Y/n) thought that he was surely done for. He was going to fall out any second when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He saw a blond that he had only seen at school. The blond, he believed he was called Monoma, seemed to be experiencing discomfort like he was. He approached Monoma, hoping to see if they could help each other out. When (Y/n) reached out to tap Monoma's shoulder, however, the two of the boys collapsed, convulsing like they were having serious seizures.
As the two of them began to foam at the mouth, (Y/n) finally, truly heard what the voice was saying.
Interference Approaching– Interference Approaching– Interferences Cause Malfunctions—
(Hey guys! That was the update for this month! I hope you all enjoyed this. My spring break is coming up, so I might go off my schedule and update more often during that time. Call it an updating spree! In the meantime, if you want to see more of my writing, I have other BNHA books, as well as a few originals coming out this year! [Lol, self-promo isn't bad if it's my own book!] That's it, for now, bye!)
(This Was 1155 Words!)
(No Extra Today, Sorry!)
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