Chapter Eleven: Gone
I've never felt this conflicted in my life... What the hell is wrong with me? I feel like things are going to go south so quickly, so soon. I need a break from all of this, I need a break from everything going on. I need a break from my friends, from my family, from my enemies— Okay, maybe I'd be happier if I could have a break from all but one of those enemies. I'd be even more overjoyed if, just perhaps, that enemy would love me back. I don't understand why he won't just return my feelings...
Am I really unlovable?
· · ·
(Y/n) sighed contently as he woke up tangled with Todoroki on the multicolor-haired male's couch. The two of them had been watching a horror movie the night before, or rather, laughing at the terrible special effects and lowkey plotting their next moves in a joking manner. The two of them had spent a couple night like this, but this time (Y/n) could really feel it. The fact that they were in love with each other and happy was starting to settle in, and (Y/n) could truly feel that all of this was real.
Still, though, that feeling of uneasiness never completely left the young man. It was basically haunting him at this point, especially since he had no idea what was going on. (Y/n) dreaded the sensation of not being one hundred percent on top of everything around him and involving him. The sense was killing him, but he felt the need to tough it out for those around him, primarily Todoroki and the rest of the Mayhem Squad.
Todoroki shifted in his position, and his face twitched slightly in his sleep as his head bumped against (Y/n)'s in his movements. (Y/n) looked at him fondly, smiling a smile that was soft and felt cheezy— a smile he would die before willingly showing to Todoroki (or anyone really) by his own free will.
Todoroki yawned quietly and opened his eyes ever so slightly. He looked around the room, at the ceiling, at the floor, and then at (Y/n). He grinned sleepily and wiped the little bit of crud away from his eyes. Todoroki wasn't sure what he did to deserve someone like (Y/n). Sure, his morals weren't always on point, and he had a strange way of showing that he cared, but he truly was a loving, desirable person. He wasn't surprised when (Y/n) informed him of his run-in with Deku, but that said, he was still a bit upset that the hero had the confidence to be so forward.
"Morning, (Y/n)," Todoroki yawned.
"Morning, Shouto," (Y/n) replied.
The two stayed there in a comfortable silence for a while, just keeping each other close in the cold morning in the apartment. (Y/n) rested his head on Todoroki's shoulder and Todoroki smiled ever so slightly as he shifted closer to the smaller male. If only things could always be as peaceful as everything was in this special little moment. (Y/n) suddenly sighed, coming to a new realization. We haven't exactly discussed what we are to each other...
"Hey (Y/n)," Todoroki spoke up, "do you want some coffee?"
"Sure," (Y/n) replied, almost forgetting his previous thoughts. Almost, "I feel like I might just go back to sleep at this rate..."
"Am I boring you?" Todoroki rarely joked, he never was one to chuckle— but he just did and (Y/n) had to keep himself from smiling.
"What?" (Y/n) questioned, "of course not. Sitting with you on the couch is just comfortable, obviously."
"I'll keep that in mind, then," Todoroki smile.
Todoroki got up and walked to his small kitchen, picking up and rinsing out the coffee pot. He filled it partially with water and scooped ground coffee beans into the little basket in the top. While he was doing this, (Y/n) got up and stretched his limbs. Sitting with Todoroki was comfortable, sure, but his body was not thanking him now that that's over with.
Sooner rather than later Todoroki came out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee. One of them was packed with cream and sugar, the other was just black. Todoroki took a seat on the couch and handed (Y/n) the mug with black coffee in it. (Y/n) sighed with the slightest bit off happiness in his voice and he inhaled the scent of the Italian coffee in his hands. He had no idea where Todoroki bought it but he approved.
"Hey, Shouto," (Y/n) broke the comforting silence between them, "what are we?"
"What do you mean?" Todoroki asked, oblivious.
"Well, we stay over at each others' houses, we kiss, we do stuff that couples do..." (Y/n) trailed off, his voice becoming unsure, "but we haven't made anything official, I guess."
"I can see where you're coming from, but to be honest, titles don't matter to me," Todoroki commented softly, "we obviously love each other, and we act on our feelings, so in my eyes that makes us lovers. As for an official title, I'm not experienced with relationship stuff— I just assumed we were boyfriends."
"Oh," (Y/n) felt kind of stupid. Of course that's what he thinks.
"Are we boyfriends?" Todoroki sounded worried, "or am I moving too quickly?"
"No, you're fine, I just didn't know," (Y/n) sighed, "anyway, we should tell everyone today. We've kept to ourselves for a while now and the others deserve to know. Especially you know who."
"Ah, you're right," Todoroki looked down at (Y/n), "that reminds me, you don't have to call him to let him know. Dabi texted me last night after you fell asleep, and it turns out that the big man is back in town for a while."
· · ·
"Why do we all need to be here?" Dabi questioned in an annoyed tone.
Everyone, including (Y/n)'s 'father' was gathered in the bar at the moment. (Y/n) was standing in front of everyone, a blank look on his face. He didn't know everyone's opinions on homosexuality, so he planned to just tell everyone he liked guys, and if that went well he'd announce his and Todoroki's relationship.
He had heard on several occasions that the experience of coming out was nerve-wracking and stressful, but (Y/n) felt perfectly okay. His thoughts were simple, whatever happens, happens, and I'll just have to deal with it. He had even gone as far telling Todoroki that, "If everything goes to shit, you are not to give yourself up."
"I have to tell you all something," (Y/n) stated, "that's all."
"Well, what is it?" Shigaraki questioned impatiently.
"I..." (Y/n) trailed off, wondering if he should be as blunt as he originally planned, "I'm gay."
"What?" Dabi asked.
"I like to kiss dudes," (Y/n) stated, "do you have a problem with that?"
"Nope," Dabi leaned back in his seat, "I was just surprised."
"I know I'm surprised!" Toga chirped, "I mean, you don't scream 'definitely straight' like Dabi does, but I'm just surprised you're interested in that stuff!"
"I'm with Toga," Kirishima nodded, "you just don't seem like the type to have mental room to even think about romance and sexualities and such."
This discussion continued, everyone pitching in a little. Everyone was supportive, and Kurogiri went as far as complimenting him on his confidence and posture during his little "confession." Even Shigaraki was totally chill with everything. Of course, Kirishima and Toga were all bubbly and supportive about it. What probably shocked (Y/n) the most was that Bakugou didn't make a big deal out of it. What surprised even more than that, actually, is that Bakugou truthfully stated that he "kinda knew."
What bothered (Y/n) was that his 'father' was silent the whole time. (Y/n) gave the older man a concerned look, wondering what was going through the nearly retired man's head at the moment. He could understand if his father was shocked. It wasn't every day that your only biological child told you he likes guys. (Y/n) looked at his 'father' expectantly. Everyone else quieted down a little when they noticed the newfound tension in the air.
"Leave," (Y/n)'s 'father' growled.
"What?" (Y/n) asked, shocked.
"You heard me." the older man stated.
"Dad-" (Y/n) stuttered.
"Leave here and never come back, you maggot." the man sneered with disgust lacing his voice.
"But-" (Y/n) felt like he had a million pounds weighing down his heart and stomach.
"You're out, I don't want you here." (Y/n)'s father cursed.
It Hurts...
"Fine." (Y/n) spat. He turned on his heel and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.
He made eye contact with Todoroki, making sure he kept up his part of the deal because things didn't go as planned. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife, yet it was so solid that the knife would break. No one knew how to feel, what to say— no one knew how to deal with what just happened. Toga and Kirishima couldn't think of a way to lighten the mood, and Bakugou nor Dabi could come up with a gruff, yet funny joke to tell at the moment. Todoroki was silent. There was nothing he could do. (Y/n) would be more upset if he went after him. He felt hopeless.
This Was That Sinking Feeling...
(Sup my dudes and dudettes! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next arc come 2019. I know I lied about the last chapter being the last one before the new year and all, but I just couldn't stop myself! But this is for real the last one. Anyway, I want you guys to come write with me! So head over to my account and PM the code "16-19"! If you don't wish to do that, then I'll you 2019!)
(This Was 1628 Words!)
(No Extra Today Folks! This Was The Last Chapter of the Arc Afterall!)
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