The search for a new family
Elaine, Emily, Erica, Amelia, Charlotte, and Diana were back in the orphanage waiting for a new family their old dad brought them back cause he got caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing at the moment, and those girls did not want to be there
"Erica, do you think we will find another family that lives us just like how daddy loved us?" Amelia asks her as they were sitting on their bed that was by the window cause all of the orphans had to sleep two to a bed and the girls had a bunk bed, so they had their space right now
"I hope so Amelia and I hope our sisters are okay too" Erica says as she was going to try to see if she could check on Elaine and Emily and see if they were okay cause they were right by the wall so they were really cold right now and they were trying to stay warm right now cause it was winter and the orphanage was not heated really well and since they were the new ones on the block they barely got anything to keep warm so they huddled by the fire that was in each of the rooms before they went to bed and sometimes they slept by the fire or the oven so they stood warm and when one of the orphans got adopted out they would try to get their blanket and or bed if it was closer to the fire so they stayed warm, and as soon as they got the blanket or bed they got put back in their bed and another orphan got that bed and another orphan got that blanket
"Get back in your room" the head of the orphanage says when she saw Amelia and Eric's sneak out to the baby room to see about their sisters and see if they were staying warm as well
Amelia and Erica went back to their room
"You go back to your room as well no one sneaks out to check on others" the head tells two of the girls as they were going to check on their sisters as well
"I'll think of something" Charlotte says as her and Diana went back to their room as well where they were going to stay until the night fell and then they were going to bust out of the orphanage, and they were going to look for a new family cause they were not going to be adopted out of the orphanage
The head of the orphanage was going to make sure she was up when the girls were going to be leaving the orphanage cause no one left her orphanage ever to go and find their own family cause she doesn't like that cause that makes her look horrible for potential families that want to adopt and if they keep escaping, they will be in the basement where no one would see them or even hear them
(That night)
"Diana, it's time for us to go into the night and look for our new family," Charlotte says as she was going to take what she could carry for the six of them cause they wanted to break free from the orphanage and search for their new family themselves cause they got passed over way too many times since their old dad brought them there cause he did not want them no more cause they were always getting in the way and getting into a lot of trouble as well, so from day one at the orphanage they were going to search for their new home themselves and no one was going to stop them either from getting what they want in life and that was a new family that was going to love them and care for them as well cause they were not going to find a family there as well
Diana gets up and was going to get their sisters and they were going to leave the orphanage in the dead of night cause they were going to find their new family themselves
"Once all of us are together we are going to sneak out to escape this hole to go find our new family and our new home as well" Charlotte says as she was going to get the babies and they were going to escape that orphanage and go out into the real world for their new family cause they deserved to be together no matter what happens to them as well cause they deserved the best in life and they didn't deserve that orphanage at all either cause that orphanage was really rough and didn't treat them well at all and that made the girls mad
The girls went out the fire escape and they were going to carry the babies on their back, and they were going to guide the little ones down the ladder so they could make a break for it as well
"Here goes nothing" Diana says as she started the little ones out cause Charlotte went ahead and was going to be at the end for the little ones when they came to the ladder, she was going to help them down the little ones had to be kept quiet as they were leaving that night cause if they made a sound, they were all going into the basement, and they were going to be together as well
They were all the way out and one of the little girls hit her head, and that did not end well
"You are okay once we get far away from here, I will check it out okay" Charlotte says to her as she held her in her arms cause she was hurting right now
The headmaster came out cause she heard the crying but the girls were gone in no time cause Charlotte has been taking out the trash she was able to get strollers and a wagon together for the really little ones so they could run away from the orphanage, and look for their new family and they can still be together too cause she hated to be broken up from her sisters and they were going to be together no matter what happens as well
"I hope she doesn't find us" Diana says as they were still powerwalking cause the headmaster was going to be hot on their heels as well
"I hope not either we will have to find a hiding spot quick before she takes us back to that place" Charlotte says as the grow was still power walking the streets right now cause they had to get far away from the orphanage as possible right now
The headmaster finds them as they go into a hiding spot and the group continues and the headmaster continues to chase after them cause they were going back to the orphanage
More hopefully next week if I'm not working like in a row or have a case cleaning and wait for an audit or it's about to go down or something along those lines like a no call no show and I close again as well as a case cleaning
Part 2 is up as well as part 3 too
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