~Ready for a cringe fest?~
"Thomas it's fine-"
"No, nope. You are not sleeping-"
"Thomas, seriously, I've slept in wors-"
"Yes well, you're my guest and I insist." Thomas and James were discussing were where James would sleep for the night. They were cuddling on the couch (they had no clue how they ended up like that, but they weren't complaining) watching a movie when Thomas said he was gonna go get the bed ready for them to sleep, but James insisted that he didn't want to be a bother, and would just sleep on the couch. Now they're here.
"Thomas, I really don't want to be a bother. You take your bed and i'll sleep-"
"I want you to be comfortable. Besides, my parents are gonna come home tomorrow and freak out when they see a random boy sleeping on their couch." Thomas crossed his arms and smirked smugly. James realized that he'd won.
"Fine.." James grumbled. I wasn't that he didn't want to, the problem was he wanted to. This new feeling kinda scared him, but he was strangely happy. Anytime Thomas flirted with him, or even complimented him, he got butterflies in his stomach and blushed really hard. What was this feeling?
"YAY!" Thomas ran into his room, waiting for James to follow him. James chuckled and followed after him. When he arrived in Thomas' room, Thomas had already snuggled up into his, many, blankets. He saw James enter and shuffled around to make room for him. James blushed and crawled into the bed with Thomas. He shivered slightly and Thomas covered him up with the blanket. They both laid there in an awkward silence, their backs together. James decided to, try, and start a conversation.
"Yeah Jem?" What did he want to talk about? Why did he talk in the first place?
"H-Have you met your s-soulmate yet?" James didn't know what he was saying. Thomas took a moment to consider his answer.
"Yes, I believe I have Jemmy." Thomas rolled over and wrapped his arms around James' waist. Of course, James was oblivious to Thomas' obvious meaning, and this answer broke his heart, he wasn't sure why.
"W-What're they like?" His voice was shaky. Thomas leaned close and whispered into his ear,
"Well, he's the most beautiful person on Earth. His voice is like chocolate, so are his eyes, and his skin. His laugh could light up entire cities, and his smile is brighter than the sun. He grew up in a bad home, and I can't say I understand what that feels like. I want to help him. I want to fix him. But he has to let me. He's opened up to me, a lot. And I'm really glad I met him. I just hope he feels the same." Thomas finished with a small smile.
"W-When was the l-last time you t-talked him?" James still didn't turn around to face Thomas. Thomas leaned even closer and James could feel his breath on his ear.
"I'm talking to him right now." James could feel Thomas smirk. Thomas leaned back as James turned to face him, half expecting him to have his phone, texting this person. No phone, just Thomas staring intently into James' eyes.
"I think you're my soulmate, Jemmy." Thomas whispered. James was speechless, that's what it was. That was the feeling he was feeling, Love.
"I-I t-think so t-to, Tommy..." It felt right saying those words. Thomas' eyes flickered from James eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes. He's asking permission. He did it again, his eyes begging him to say yes. James slowly nodded, and Thomas gave him a small smile before pulling him into sweet, gentle kiss.
It was like the whole world wasn't there, just James and Thomas. Yet, it made the world seem right. Like there was no place more perfect in the world. It was very difficult to explain.
They parted after a minute or two, eyes still closed and foreheads touched together. They both just relished in the presence of the other. Thomas was the first to break the silence,
"Wow..." His voice was light and airy. They both opened their eyes slightly, just to see the other.
"I-Uh Y-Your a good k-kisser." James blushed and let out a nervous chuckle, the sound making Thomas smile even wider.
"Yeah, well, you're better." Thomas gave him a smug smile and James blushed.
"I-I've never kissed anyone b-before." James mumbled and dug his face into Thomas' chest. Thomas was slightly surprised.
"Well, thank you for letting me be your first kiss." Thomas pulled James, impossibly, closer. James just let out a little yawn and curled into Thomas' chest. Thomas smiled and before they drifted off to sleep Thomas, half-mindedly, said,
"I love you, Jemmy"
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