~That's how you spell it, right? This was way more than I had intended to write XD~
Cuddling. Is. The. Best.
Especially when it's with the person you love.
James and Thomas were cuddling on Thomas' couch after the party. James was sorta sitting in Thomas' lap while Thomas played with his hair. They ignored Thomas' phone that went off like every ten seconds (Little did they know they were trending online). They ignored the TV in the background, playing some game show. They just focused on each other. James ignored his hunger, he didn't need to eat, he just wanted to stay with Thomas. Thomas ignored everything except for James, he was his world now, and without him he would fall apart. They both were so in love. Their moment of peace was broken when James' stomach growled, loudly. Thomas looked down at him and chuckled.
"Hungry, are we?" Thomas smirked. James shook his head.
"No, I just wanna stay here with you." James tried but his stomach growled again. Thomas chuckled.
"Come on, I'm hungry too. I'll make Mac & Cheese." Thomas picked up James and took him to the kitchen, he set James on the counter and started to make their Mac & Cheese. James watched as Thomas hurried around the kitchen for the box and water. James really loved Thomas. And Thomas really loved James. But, James still had to go home tomorrow. His parents would ask where he's been, he would respond "At a friends house". They would say he didn't have friends and beat him, then he would go to bed with more bruises than before. God, he hated his parents. James was deep in thought when Thomas glanced over at him, he looked sad. Thomas put the noodles in and walked over to James.
"Jemmy?" Thomas wrapped his arms around James' waist. James snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Thomas.
"What's wrong Jimmy James?" Thomas tried to lighten the mood, but his attempt fell short.
"Nothing wrong..." But even as he said that, Thomas knew something was wrong.
"Jemmy... I know something's wrong. Please tell me." Thomas pried a bit, but it was for James' own good.
"I said nothings wrong!" James unintentionally snapped at him. His tone made Thomas let go of his waist and take a small step back. James looked up and saw the pure sadness etched in Thomas' features, it broke his heart. Thomas just looked away and went back to making the Mac & Cheese. James felt terrible, he felt as if the whole world shouldn't be happy if Thomas was angry at him. If it was anyone else, he would've shrugged his shoulders and went along. But this is Thomas, his soulmate. He felt like the worst person on the face of this Earth.
"Thomas, I'm sorry it's just-" Thomas cut him off
"It's fine James." His voice was cold and almost emotionless, except for the sadness that managed to leak it's way into it. He finished the Mac & Cheese and handed a bowl to James, who looked at it and set it down next to him.
"I'm not hungry..." James lied. He was starving, but he always was at his house and he didn't need to eat anyway. Thomas looked at him and put his bowl down as well.
"Jem, listen. I'm not mad at you. I'm just a bit shocked. I've never seen you use that tone on anyone, let alone me. I know I'm overreacting, but I can't help it. I'm just a big airhead with no filter. but I do know that I love you and you need to eat. I can tell you're lying to me when you say you're not hungry, when you say that you'll eat later. I don't know what you see in a big jerk like me. But listen when I tell you, I love you with all my heart, and I would do anything for you." Thomas raked his fingers through his hair as he finished, he had started crying half way through his speech, but they were silent tears, he never cried hard. James was surprised, to say the least. Thomas waited for a reaction. Instead of words, James got down, off the counter, and hugged Thomas. Thomas, who was still crying, hugged him tightly, he never wanted to let go of him.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Remember the thing about never crying hard? Scratch that. Thomas sobbed into James shoulder and repeated those two little words. James held him tight and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. Usually it was the other way around, Thomas holding James, while James cried into his shoulder, but today everything is different, everyone is different.
Once Thomas had settled down, he looked up and wiped his eyes on his sleeve.
"Sorry Jem, I know I'm being a big baby over nothing." Thomas gave James a small, sad smile. but James shook his head.
"It's not your fault, Tommy. I shouldn't of snapped at you." James smiled at Thomas and turned around to grab his bowl of Mac & Cheese.
"But, you're right. I am hungry." He said as he took a bite. Thomas smiled and turned around to grab his bowl, which he had set on the table. They ate in silence, only the sound of the fork meeting the bowl. James finished first and went to go wash his bowl and spoon. Thomas followed a couple seconds later, but he only put his bowl into the sink, he would wash it later. He stood behind James and wrapped his arms around James waist.
"You don't have to do that, you know." Thomas whispered in his ear.
"Yeah, well I want to. It's the nice thing to do." James continued to wash Thomas' spoon and bowl as well. While he did that, Thomas waited in the door fame, he had a plan. When James finished he walked over to Thomas and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"What're you doing over here?" James was curious as to why Thomas was just standing in the door, not by his side or in the living room. Thomas just smirked and kissed him. He wrapped his arms round James' waist and pulled him closer. The kiss was deep, and full of passion. James loved every second of it, even though Thomas's actions had no motive. Thomas pulled away to breath and smirked at James, who's lips were swollen and had a goofy grin on his face.
"What was that for?" James breathed heavily. Thomas looked up at the top of the doorframe. James followed in suit and saw they were under a mistletoe. James smiled widely, he was waiting for you...
"Come on, let's go cuddle" Thomas pulled James to the couch and sat down. But instead of just sitting down on Thomas' lap facing forward, he put his legs on either side of Thomas and faced him, while sitting on his lap. Thomas raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.
"Whatcha doing Jemmy?" James didn't respond and just stared at Thomas, it was very clear what he wanted. Thomas smirked and ran his hands up James' sides and into his shirt, being carful to not hurt him.
"Does little Jemmy want some attention?" Thomas purred into James' ear. James nodded eagerly. Thomas pulled James in for another kiss, this one lustful, but it still held the same passion as the last one. Thomas licked James bottom lip, asking permission. James playfully denied, making Thomas growl. Thomas slowly reached down and squeezed James' butt, which made James squeak in surprise. Thomas took advantage of this moment and forced his tongue in James mouth. James moaned and tangled his finger in Thomas' hair. He gave it a sharp tug and Thomas moaned loudly. He went to pull away, but James held his head in place. James never wanted this moment to end, but they were in desperate need of air, so they parted and Thomas attacked James' neck. Thomas' lips moved on their own accord, he nibbled on James skin, he sucked on it, causing deep purplish marks to appear where his lips had been. James was a moaning mess, he loved all the attention he was receiving, but he would never admit it. He moaned really loud when Thomas' teeth grazed a particular spot on his neck.
"A-Ah~ T-Tommy~" James was putty in Thomas' hands, and both men loved it. James 'accidently' grinded down onto Thomas. Thomas moaned and James could feel his breathe on his neck. Thomas looked James in the eye.
"A-Are you sure about this?" Thomas wanted this, but he didn't know if James did.
"Y-Yes! I-I want t-this s-so much." James was getting restless, making Thomas smirk, before he went back to work at James' neck. James continued to grind on Thomas, making moan against his neck. Thomas looked back up at James with lust filled eyes.
"What do you want baby boy?" Thomas stared at his work. He had made a dozen or so hickeys on James' neck, and James himself was restless and needy. James looked at him with the same lust filled eyes.
"I don't want to walk tomorrow."
~I'm a TERRIBLE PERSON. Idk if I'll be doing smut, it's up to you guys. If you want me too I will, but if not I'll just skip that part. Comment down bellow if you want me too or not. Anyhoodle, see you in the next chapter my dudes~
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