Let's Talk
~Ready for a cry fest? I'm sorry~
Once they had entered the living room, Thomas set James on the couch and hurried off to his room. James took time to look around his house. It was a decent sized house, and had nice furniture. Thomas returned with a, different, magenta hoodie in his hands.
"You looked cold, and your sweater might irritate your bandages. So, if you want this..." He held out the hoodie for James to take. James shyly took the hoodie and slipped it over his head. It was slightly to big for him, and gave him sweater paws. (if you don't know what those are, we can't be friends) James pulled the collar over his mouth and nose, it smelled just like Thomas. Thomas sat down next to James, waiting for him to start.
But James didn't know where to start. How did he tell him that his parents hated him? That he didn't really want to live? He got an idea.
"What are your p-parents like?" James looked up at Thomas, he had too, Thomas was taller than him.
Thomas was taken aback by the question.
"Oh-Uh Well, my parents are cool, I mean they work, like all the time. Like right now, they're working and won't be back until tomorrow morning. But their usually cool." Thomas finished as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"A-And are they o-ok with your m-mark?" James asked, quietly, as he looked back at the ground.
"Well, they were shocked at first, but they were fine with it. They said that it was fates choice, not theirs." Thomas smiled a little. James just kept on a steely expression. They were quiet for a while, until Thomas spoke up,
"What are your parents like?" Thomas was genuinely curious. James took a shaky breath, reading himself to actually talk about this.
"They hate me..." He trailed off slightly, before beginning again, "They b-beat me for having a guy as a s-soulmate. They don't believe it's n-natural." His voice was breaking more and more with every word, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
"They say I'm a d-disgrace to the family. That I should k-kill myself for not being normal. And at times I believe them. They b-beat me until I'm n-numb, and I can't f-feel or s-see a-anything." James was crying heavily now, he tried desperately to wipe them away, but more and more came.
"I-I'm just a m-mess. I-I u-understand w-why p-people h-hate m-me." James broke down, he put his head in his hands and sobbed. Thomas quickly pulled him into his lap and cradled him.
"Jemmy, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Just know that I do not hate you. I don't see how anyone could hate someone as adorable, helpless, and kind as you. I hope you know that will hurt someone if they even try to harm you." Thomas held James' closer, and James cried into his chest. So, there they were, James crying into Thomas' chest, while Thomas held him close and whispered sweet nothings into his ear.
"I-I'm sorry for that. I don't usually cry that hard." James said when he finally settled down. He wiped away his tears.
"No need to apologize Jem. It's good to let your feelings out every once and a while." Thomas shifted so that his back was against the arm of the couch, and James was still sitting in his lap.
"T-Tommy... I-I d-don't want t-to go back th-there." James looked up at Thomas, who was looking down at him with a sincere smile.
"Good. Cause I wasn't gonna let you, just yet. So, Jemmy, would you like to stay here for the night?" Thomas looked at James, seeing him smiling up at him, he smiled back. That was the first time Thomas had ever seen James smile. God he loved that smile. Love. That was it! That's the word he's been looking for! He was in love with James. That means..... Was James his soulmate? That thought alone was enough to make him smile even bigger.
"I would to love to stay here with you Tommy." James said. Without a single stutter.
"Good. And, hey, where did the nickname Tommy come from? I mean, I love it. But still..." Thomas threw a teasing smile at James. James blushed and lightly punched him in the arm.
"Sh-Shut up"
"Ouch, my feelings!" Thomas playfully clutched his heart and smirked playfully.
This was gonna be a long, but fun, night.
~I'm gonna describe one of the best parts of the night in the next chapter, and I think you will be pleased my dudes. :3~
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