I Promise
~Sometimes you wanna make people suffer.~
James was the first to get up. He found himself cuddled up against Thomas' chest, only in boxers. Memories of last night flooded into his head, making his face burn. He dug his face deeper into Thomas' chest, he didn't really want to get up. Thomas woke up to James drawing shapes and patterns into his chest, he smiled softly to himself. He kissed James on top of his head before trying to get up. But James whined and pulled him back onto the bed, snuggling back into his chest. Thomas chuckled.
"Jemmy, I can't make us breakfast unless you let me get up." Thomas rubbed James' back.
"I wanna cuddle." James mumbled into Thomas' chest. Thomas chuckled, his thought replaying to before what happen last night.
"Oh, so now you want to cuddle." Thomas smirked, knowing he had won. James blushed heavily and punched him lightly in the arm.
"Sh-Shut up!" James rolled out of bed and tried to stand up. As in, trying to stand up before falling back down because his back and ass hurt. He hissed in pain. Thomas' smirk grew, he knew he had done a toll on James.
"Aw... Does little Jemmy's back and ass hurt?" Thomas scooped up James into his arms before heading to the kitchen. James' blush grew and he hid his face in his hands.
"Th-Th is is your f-fault." James mumbled through his hands. Thomas chuckled.
"Hey! I was only doing what you told me to do, mister 'I don't want to walk tomorrow'" Thomas laughed as James tried to hide his burning face in his hands. Thomas set James down in a chair before going back to his room to put at least some pants on. He came in baggy sweatpants with a shirt for James. He threw the shirt at James, who caught it and pulled it on. They both chuckled.
"I-I'm gonna g-go to the bathroom..." James stood up and winced slightly at the pain, it had eased but it was still there. James started walking to bathroom.
"Don't be to long, love!" Thomas called from where he was making pancakes for the both of them. James walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He gasped in surprise upon seeing all the hickeys Thomas had made on his neck. How was he gonna hide these from his parents? Oh shit... He had to go home today... He had to face them. James took a shaky breath before walking (more like limping) back into the kitchen. Thomas was still in the same spot, flipping pancakes and swaying his hips to an invisible beat. James giggled and completely forgot his problems for the time being. Thomas turned around at the sound and smiled.
"I'm almost done! Have a seat." He turned back around to flip the last pancake. James sat a the table as Thomas came over with a big plate of pancakes. They cracked jokes and laughed while they ate. Now they were cuddling on the couch, talking about anything and everything.
"T-Thomas, why did you g-give me so many h-hickeys?" James buried his face in Thomas' chest, obviously embarrassed. Thomas just smirked.
"Well, I needed to mark what's mine." He said, nonchalantly. James blushed furiously and buried his face further into Thomas' chest.
"How am I gonna hide t-them? I-I mean... I-I d-don't mind 'em... I just... uh... I d-don't kn-know..." James didn't really know what to say, he didn't want to hurt Thomas' feelings.
"Why do you want to hide 'em? They simply show that..." Thomas leaned down to whisper in James' ear "You're mine~" Thomas 'accidently' growled slightly as he said that. James' face was on fire.
"I-I know th-that... a-and I k-kinda like 'em, I-I'm just worried...I-I'm not w-worried a-about school... I-It's m-my..." James couldn't finish the sentence as terrible thoughts of what his parents would do to him if they found out swarmed his head. He must've been shaking, because Thomas' grip on him tightened.
"Shhh... It's ok baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Thomas held James close, whispering soothing words into his ear. A couple silent tears fell down James' face, why was he such a crybaby? Once James had settled down Thomas plucked up some courage.
"I-If you want, I can come to your house with you to grab your stuff and you could... uh... live here... with me?" Thomas scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, he was slightly afraid of what James' reaction would be. But instead of what he expected, (James getting up and breaking up with him and he would never see him again) James smiled widely and nodded his head.
"I-I would like that... A lot!" James' smile never left his face, this made Thomas smile as well, excited to get James out of that horrible excuse for a home.
The pair were currently walking down the street, hand in hand. James had put on a turtleneck that Thomas had gave him (it hid the hickeys and smelled just like Thomas, so he was good with it.) and Thomas was in a magenta hoodie. James was scared for his life. How were his parents going to react? Would they hurt him? Would they hurt Thomas? Thomas somehow sensed his nervousness and squeezed James' hand.
"Jemmy, don't worry. They aren't going to hurt you, not while I'm there." Thomas shot James a proud smirk, James just stared at the ground.
"I-I'm not worried about them h-hurting me..." James looked up ahead, they were almost at his house. Thomas knew what he meant and stopped them underneath a streetlamp. He took both of James' hands in his and stood in front of him.
"James, they aren't going to hurt me, or you, or anybody. I promise you. And if they do, I swear I'll make them pay for it." Thomas looked James dead in the eye as he said this, he wasn't joking. James nodded and they began walking again. Thomas focused on how they were going to approach the situation. Would they just walk in and grab his stuff? Or would they talk to his parents and then grab his stuff? James focused on what they would say if they did talk to his parents. 'Hey I'm leaving forever! Goodbye!' How would he tell them that he had found his soulmate? That he was dating Thomas?
But James' parents already knew.
~I'm evil aren't I?~
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