Chapter One
Hi! Thanks for reading my story but first: I DO NOT own any of the characters or art. Second: When I converted things from google docs, stuff might have been messed up so if there are any typos or stuff, please tell me! Third: When I put the Itlian in here I got it from google translate, so if I'm wrong please tell me! Thanks again for reading!
Nico POV
Nico lay on his bed in exasperation. After a very long day of private school, he thought it would be best to rest before he started the ever mind-melting task known as homework.
Nico really did hate his school. It was huge and the teachers were very mean. Not to mention the students. They’re even worse. Just a bunch of spoiled brats who think the world revolves around them. Only the richest families could afford to go to Nico’s school.
So why was Nico going there?
Because he was rich. Duh. His father had a huge empire and a ginormous Mansion just on the coast of Venice, Italy, where Nico has lived his whole life. His house was just as big as his school, but nobody knew that. They just thought he was some kid who only got in because of a charity raffle. And Nico didn’t plan on telling them the truth either. He’d rather be bullied than have people only respect him or befriend him because his dad was rich and powerful.
Nico took in a huge sigh. He was turning 16 this winter. But that also meant it was nearing the day when….they died. Nico’s eyes welled up with tears. He missed them so much. Why did they have to go?
Stupid lightning…
Then, as Nico felt he was about to drift off, he heard knocking on the door.
“Maestro Nico? (Master Nico?)” said a stern voice from behind the door.
“Entra, (Come in,)” he responded, still in the same spot on his bed.
He opened his eyes and saw a woman from the staff that works in the house.
“Cosa c’è, Alecto? (What is it, Alecto?)” Nico asked, sitting up to look at the middle aged woman in her business suit and her hair in a tight bun.
“Tuo padre ha chiesto di vederti, (Your father asked to see you,)” Alecto stated.
Nico sighed heavily. “Digli che sto arrivando. (Tell him I’m on my way.)”
Alecto nodded stiffly before walking out the room down the hall. Nico stood up, blowing his black, feathery hair out of his face. It was quite long, and could be put in a ponytail that was about an inch in length.
He really did love his father, it’s just that...sometimes he was distant. Always at work, always on phone calls. But apparently, Hades felt bad about it, as he often made up for it when he could. When Nico was younger their father used to spoil him and his sister rotten. While that hadn’t changed completely, it did lessen at Nico’s insistence.
The small boy put his backpack in his closet and made his way down the twisting halls that was his home. His father’s office was on the same floor as Nico’s so it really wasn’t that far.
“Papà? (Dad?)” Nico asked once he entered the office. It was quite simple, one wall covered in book shelves, and in front of it was Hades’ desk, which was slightly elevated to display dominance. In front of the desk were two cushioned chairs. And that was mostly it. On Hades’ desk was a stack of papers, a computer, a phone, a few picture frames, and a jar with pencils and pens.
Hades looked up from what he was typing on his computer and smiled at his son. “Ah, si Nico. Vieni a sederti. (Ah, yes Nico. Come sit.)”
Nico nodded and sat on one of the cushion chairs. “Hai bisogno di qualcosa, Papà? (Did you need something, Dad?)”
His father huffed and looked directly at Nico. “Si l'ho fatto. Non c'è modo di metterlo alla leggera, (Yes I did. There is no way to put this lightly,)” Hades took a breath. “Ci stiamo muovendo. In America. (We are moving. To America.)"
Hades looked at Nico expectantly for a reaction. Nico honestly had no idea what to think. He didn’t really have anything to stay here for, but still this was his home. He grew up here. So to put it simply, Nico was upset they were moving, but curious.
“Perche'?(Why?)” Nico asked skeptically.
“Un cambiamento di scenario. E ti farà bene imparare l'inglese, (A change in scenery. And it will be good for you to learn English,)” Hades reasoned.
Nico was frustrated. That couldn’t be the only reason. “Deve esserci qualcos'altro. Non mi faresti muovere solo perché eri stufo di Venezia. (There has to be something else. You wouldn’t make me move just because you were sick of Venice.)”
Hades held his face in his hands, exasperated, “Per favore, Nico. Prova solo per un anno. Se non ti piace possiamo tornare indietro, (Please, Nico. Just try for a year. If you don’t like it we can move back,)” He stopped for a moment, thinking. “E sì, c'era un'altra ragione. (And yes, there was another reason.)"
“Ebbene che cos’era? (Well what was it?)” Nico leaned forward, impatient.
“Ti ricordi Hazel? (Do you remember Hazel?)” Hades asked gingerly.
Nico rolled his eyes. “Hazel Levesque? La mia sorellastra dall'America? Il risultato dell'avventura che hai avuto durante uno dei tuoi viaggi d'affari? Sì, credo di ricordare, (Hazel Levesque? My half-sister from America? The result of a fling you had on one of your business trips? Yes I think I remember,)” Nico answered sarcastically. He didn’t really hold anything against Hazel. The few times he got to see her she was a sweet girl. Though, her mom was a nutjob.
Hades rolled his eyes. “Sì, quella Hazel Levesque, (Yes, that Hazel Levesque,)” Hades' face then hardened. “Sua madre è morta circa una settimana fa. Devo andare lì e ottenere la custodia di lei così non si rivolgerà ai servizi sociali. (Her mother passed about a week ago. I need to go over there and get custody over her so she won’t go into social services.)”
Nico’s mouth fell agape. He knew her mom was crazy...but she seemed perfectly healthy last time they visited Venice. Nico instantly felt protective of Hazel, she was 14, so only two years younger then Nico. She had always been Nico’s baby sister, even if she wasn’t a baby anymore. Nico was suddenly determined.
“Bene andiamo. Quando partiamo? (Well let’s go. When do we leave?)” Nico asked.
Hades looked mildly surprised, but collected himself. “In tre giorni. Quindi inizia a fare le valigie. (In three days. So start packing.)”
Nico nodded stiffly and headed back to his room, grabbed a suitcase, and began packing.
And that's chapter one! I know things went a bit slow, but it will get faster in the next chapters! Thanks for reading!
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