Chapter Eight
Pulished chapter eight! I consider that an accomplishment. I don't own any of the characters or art and I hope you enjoy!
Will POV
Will was just plain out shocked at how nice the weather was despite it being the beginning of winter.
He’d tried to get Nico to have fun in the ocean with them, but he’d ultimately resisted. The small Italian had insisted on staying on shore, under the shade of the umbrella.
Eventually, Will let him. It’s not like something terrible could happen.
Long story short he was very wrong.
What had happened was that he and the others had gotten caught up in a splashing contest, which Percy had inevitably won, though he figured as much.
When they had finished, Will decided to steal a quick glance Nico’s way, but when he looked, the boy was simply gone.
“Nico?...” Will asked aloud. He waddled onto the beach, his eyes darting, frantically searching for the mop of black hair and beautiful, yet broken eye that belonged to the beautiful, yet broken boy. “Nico?!”
“Will, are you okay?” Lou Ellen asked, also getting out the water.
“No, I can’t find Nico! I swear he was here just before, and…” he trailed off noticing that the place they had set up their stuff was all messed up.
The towels were ruffled and all over the place, the sandwiches they had brought were squashed and now covered in sand. The bags were flipped all over the place and their umbrella ended up at least five feet away from them. By this point, everyone had come to see the mess.
“Will, if this proves anything, it’s that Nico didn’t just walk away. People most likely took him away, and by the looks of it, they didn’t do it peacefully,” Annabeth said. “There are foot tracks that run along the beach. They stopped a while there, but from the looks of it, they went down that street, towards that neighborhood.”
She stopped, her eyes going wide.
“Guys, that’s where Octavian lives. He’s probably still bitter about Nico punching him the other day. And if I know Octavian, he’s decided to take the physical route to revenge. Our best bet is to check Octavian’s house first,” Annabeth put together, while everyone else stared at her in awe.
“I think I just fell in love with you all over again, Wise Girl,” Percy said, his mouth still gaping in amazement.
Annabeth just blushed, but she smiled.
“So are we going there or not? Who knows what could be happening to Nico by this point?” Reyna said, already walking ahead of everyone else.
~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~
By the time they got to Octavian’s house, Will was quite angry. It just made too much sense.
Of course Octavian would still be holding a grudge. Why didn’t Will see it sooner. He could’ve prevented whatever was about to happen. If anything terrible happened to Nico, Will would know it was his fault.
“This one’s his,” Piper said, facing a house painted in a creamy white.
It looked normal at first glance, but when you noticed the tousled grass patches, peeling paint, and mysterious drying splotches on the side of the house, it screamed “I am the home to a maniacal idiot!”
Even the gardening tools looked menacing.
Will took a deep breath, and walked up the front porch, ringing the doorbell.
It was at this point did Will realize their very flawed plan. They brought nothing to defend themselves, other than beach floaties. And for all they know Octavian will answer the door holding a butcher’s knife.
They didn’t have backup, heck, they didn’t even call the police. They just waltzed up to the home of a potential mugger/kidnapper/murderer without calling the police. Who does that?!
They didn’t even know for sure if this was Octavian’s house. Or if Nico was even brought here.
All of this crashed down on him like a tidal wave when the door swung open, and Will gasped.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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