May tinh bo tui
Option Explicit
Dim Num_of_digit As Integer
Dim key As Integer
Dim displayValue As Variant
Dim a, b, c, d, e, f, g As Variant
Dim memo As Variant
Dim newNumber As Boolean
Private Sub BZero_Click(Index As Integer)
If Num_of_digit > 0 Then
panel.Caption = panel.Caption + "0"
panel.Caption = "0"
Num_of_digit = Num_of_digit + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2
End Sub
Sub CheckValue()
displayValue = Val(panel.Caption)
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonNum_Click(Index As Integer)
If Num_of_digit > 0 Then
If Num_of_digit < 30 Then
panel.Caption = panel.Caption + Right$(Str$(Index), 1)
Num_of_digit = Num_of_digit + 1
End If
panel.Caption = Right$(Str$(Index), 1)
Num_of_digit = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_Click()
panel.Caption = "0"
displayValue = "0"
Num_of_digit = 0
End Sub
Private Sub ClearAll_Click()
panel.Caption = "0"
displayValue = "0"
memo = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Equal_Click()
If newNumber = True Then
If key = 1 Then
e = displayValue + a
ElseIf key = 2 Then
e = b - displayValue
ElseIf key = 3 Then
e = displayValue * c
ElseIf key = 5 Then
e = (f * displayValue) / 100
ElseIf key = 4 And displayValue <> 0 Then
e = d / displayValue
GoTo error
End If
If Abs(e) < 1 Then
panel.Caption = Format(e, "General Number")
panel.Caption = Str(e)
End If
panel.Caption = displayValue
End If
GoTo finish
error: panel.Caption = "E"
Num_of_digit = 0
newNumber = False
End Sub
Private Sub MemoCancel_Click()
memo = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Memory_Click()
memo = displayValue
Num_of_digit = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Operator_Click(Index As Integer)
If Index = 11 Then
a = displayValue
key = 1
ElseIf Index = 12 Then
b = displayValue
key = 2
ElseIf Index = 13 Then
c = displayValue
key = 3
ElseIf Index = 14 Then
d = displayValue
key = 4
ElseIf Index = 15 Then
f = displayValue
key = 5
End If
Num_of_digit = 0
newNumber = True
End Sub
Private Sub Percent_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Plus_minus_Click()
g = -1 * displayValue
displayValue = g
panel.Caption = Str$(displayValue)
End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Poin_Click()
Static point_lock As Integer
If point_lock = 0 And Num_of_digit < 20 Then
panel.Caption = panel.Caption + "."
Num_of_digit = Num_of_digit + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Recall_Click()
panel.Caption = Str$(memo)
End Sub
Private Sub SqRoot_Click()
If displayValue >= 0 Then
panel.Caption = Str$(Sqr(displayValue))
panel.Caption = "E"
End If
Num_of_digit = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Summation_Click()
memo = memo + displayValue
Num_of_digit = 0
End Sub
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