Chapter 24: Establishing Past
By the way for Catch up
Max Ryder's Timeline
Original Timeline A
Volume 1
1-20 /2011- Selena Arc -Max age 11
Volume 2
1-19 /2012- Man of Shadows Arc-Max age 12
Volume 3
1-18/ 2013- Treaty Arc-Max age 13
Volume 4
1-14/ 2014- Selica Arc Max age 14
PART 1-11
PART 2-12
PART 3-13
1-14-Selica Arc-Age-14
Cover photo - Max age -14 ( Prime Age )
New Timeline B
15-23- Isla Arc
24-40- Wonavilla Arc
Note : Max becomes 11 on May 19th , 2011 not before
Illustration credit -aiedrow
1st July, 2011
One of the perks that you get when you travel back in time unexpectedly, lot of free time. Well more specifically , you already know what is on the test and course and all because you already went through it. Does knowing stuff beforehand due to timeline change count as cheating? I don't know. Well! Either way , I to say the least had certain benefits in all this peculiarities surrounding my life.
Firstly , I was not famous right now so I was generally a plain old boring student to most of my classmates and well just not standing out which was good for me since that allows me to take lot of actions without being observed.
Secondly , I already knew my subjects so I didn't have to study much as I knew I can easily ace or at least get decent grades so I was free to spend my time however I want.
Now coming to restrictions. Selena already knew about me now and I had no organisation built up like last time to counter her nor do I have any plans to as of now . So she will definitely be wary of me . And then there is the matter of Selica. Since she decided to come with me to hostel, obvious questions were raised in student body of my class as to how I knew her so there would be some sort of initial attention on me .
Oh well! I guess I can deal with it . As I entered the hostel with Selica close by following me , basically all boys of first form and second form started to look at her. Oh yeah! If I forgot to mention this detail, but she was objectively cute. Selica though was not very welcoming to the looks she was recieving . It seemed she had been shy girl naturally.
"Don't worry. You are safe here. " Well safest as you can be in this universe. But I didn't say that aloud as her expressions brightened a bit at my words. I walked along with her quickly avoiding all the glances I was getting.
"Hey Max ! How was your summer vacation?" My friend Axel greeted me and raised his eyebrows at a girl tugging behind me .
"Well! Looks like it went well." He chuckled. Uhmm.. no! It is not like that , Axel. But I guess that it would make her uncomfortable if she understands the interpretation.
"Yep! Had s blast." I told him . Soon the day passed with all getting settled back again and Selica getting shifted to B-002 with other girls of first form .
2nd July , 2011
After the class ended , I was approached by Kate . What did she want now? Didn't she already refuse refund for her phone.
"Hey Max! So you got yourself a girlfriend! Good for you . Didn't think loner like you could do that ."
"So was that it ? Can I go now?" I asked her to which she bit her lip .
"That is all you have to say about this now. Why are you so persistent on loneliness even after.." She began.
"So it seems you are frustrated because you are just unable to comprehend my actions and motives as to why I prefer to be alone even after the misconception that you have formed along with others that a girl I happened to walk with is my girlfriend . Well! Don't worry, Kate. Don't let me plummet your popularity . After all , you should enjoy your school life like you want so why keep fixated on guy like me . After all , I have no exceptional capabilities." I smirked as I straightened my bag leaving her rooted .
I sat down on a bench in park . The wind brushed against me as the soothing sensation fluttered throught my veins. Perfect solitude and a bliss of relaxation with tranquil environment since many students are either on dates in cafe or playing in courts. I was the sole individual here . No one to interrupt my thoughts. Alright! I closed my eyes leaning more on bench .
Well now, how to start searching for the item in Wonavilla. Obviously! It is not mentioned in book about history of school and all or they would have found it . It is not in any library or in some sort of secret document kept by current Principal. I don't believe so based on certain hypothesis that I think can be derived from my original timeline . When I investigated Man of Shadows and set trap for him , it was only possible to do so because the plans that he had taken already were known to me because of earlier explorations and what was told by Principal .
So emergence of any secret passage in that estate is out of the question because I met the Principal herself and it seemed like she had no idea about any of the truth of the school. The existing Principal changed two years ago which is also likely to suggest that the former Principal may or may not have known about this matter and choose to kept quiet or no one after Mr Lepton was informed of the truth which will mean that finding truth of the school for my uncle in previous timeline should have been impossible.
So it means that former Principal must have known as he was Principal for more than 10 years and you can only find information that is available within 20 years in past very smoothly no matter what agency you are . If it is too deep buried in past , then only few extracts of unconnected dots exist . Like when I searched those two elderly couple , if I was unaware of any past knowledge about case , I would definitely not be able to know that their disappearence and then friend Charles and murder of Mr Vincent are connected together and would have assumed three seperate dots .
So all the interpretation and connections that I currently have in my mind are based on the knowledge I possess based on my experience but those very experience may also be hindering me from objectively finding something visible in this case .
So anyway , if I establish that 1989 was the point when the former Principal came and took over school , then he was passed down the secrets of this school . So between 1989-2009, these 20 years that can be found out and dirt can be dig up easily enough for my uncle to know means that if I actually want to get a clue , then I must read the history of that period of England and all the incidents related to Wonavilla and try to find any incidents related to him in library.
Now if we establish 1989 as a focal point in this storyline , then does that mean I should also after that year only , the organisation started to be established . Why ? Well ! We know that by now from all the circumstancial evidence that experiments ended in 1950 for Pearsons whose wedding was attended by Vincent Rodger's Father in 1956 and was killed in 1957 .
So let's see by 1989 , Vincent Rodger would be 32 or 33 year old. And since 1952, this became educational institution with first Principal who left in 1989 ...means Vincent must have known that Mr Lepton 's secret was now likely passed down to second Principal from first Principal and it would have been further convincing to him by what happened two years later .. because school mentioned that all rooms were all completed in 1991.
So why would the second Principal deliberately add more rooms in these two years and then just finish it saying the hostel is complete when so much work was already done in Last 37 years , adding two extra rooms especially in just two years seems nothing more than a tactic to concealment.
The fact that Vincent knew all this and didn't attack school in 1989 means when those two rooms were added in 1991, he must have not been recuirted by that organization obviously it can also imply that organization at least didn't exist before 1991.
So ..what will be my next course of action? I have established several focal points and all but where would I began? What should I do now ? Where should I start ? I ruffled my hair thinking and thinking .
Someone tapped me on my hand gently as I opened my eyes to see familiar dark haired girl with hazel-no! illusionary eyes.
"What are you doing here sitting on bench?" She blinked.
"Thinking. "
"For past ten minutes"
"You were watching me?"
"N-No! I just saw you enter here ten minutes ago and then came to see what were you doing." She denied.
"Oh! Yeah ..well when I think, I go into an abyss of darkness with nothing but mystery surrounding me in its curls just piquing me to unravel it and see what lies at its heart . It is truly an ephemeral and yet fascinating feeling" I smiled with my eyes glinting against reflection of sunlight as I averted my gaze.
"Can I sit besides you ?" She asked.
"Sure" We didn't talk to each other after that . But the peace was good. It was relaxing even between us and I didn't feel any sort of awkwardness. Leaving aside the current mystery, Selica! You are also an enigma to me right now but I am fine with it . I can accept that I can't find everything at once. Just maybe..this time I can wait to see how all this unfold. Just this once , as you supported me back then , I can also support you. Or not! After all , it was not like me to think of such feelings. I was indifferent and it was certainly contradictory to me. Oh well ...who knows!
"Uhm...."Selica looked flustered as I realised I was staring at her as I averted my gaze.
Maybe we are all just contradictions after all I thought looking at red tint of sky cuddling the sinking sun.
Au revoir readers! Keep posted for the next chapter maybe or maybe not.
I guess I was feeling kinda asthethic today.
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