Chapter 16: Changes
My first priority was to arrange a mobile from someone to capture Selena's picture of putting that mixture into soil before race so as to prove that the contents in soil affect the horses i.e. catching her. In my previous life, I had formed L.O.S.T on May 10 on insistence of Kate , forced under circumstances. But since Kate only obtained video after first race , it means that I don't need to form the organization now since I would have already caught Selena before she can even fix the first race now .
I can maintain my solitude as it stands now without any need to pull off a great spectacle like last time and avoid drawing unnecessary attention for now. I died without even meeting Z , without even checking my prowess against him, without even finding the mystery seeping beneath my feet . But I have been given a one in million chance to return here. This time , I will make sure that even if I die, it shalln't be in vain like last time.
I cleared my mind of ominous thoughts as I entered the auditorium while she was playing piano "Hey Kate !"
"Sheesh ! You almost scared me , Max . How did you even know I was here? Are you stalking me after I saved your life yesterday. Oh! I am really quite flattered." She fondled her hair. Save my life? You just woke me up yesterday. Just how complex was this girl ? Sometimes she seemed to be nice and suddenly arrogant ! Decide already.
"I need a favour. I need your mobile phone from for tomorrow evening to saturday morning. I will give you back after that . So what do you want in exchange?" Her eyes lost the light that filled them a moment ago.
"I don't understand. You couldn't have possibly known that I had mobile. I never even took it out . I mean you also don't seem like stalking type. How do you know all these things?" She glared.
"Why does it matter? Come on , just tell me what do you want ?" I sighed.
"Why should I give it to you? We aren't even friends." She argued. She wasn't exactly in wrong. It was reasonable for anyone in her position to ask such things.
"I thought so. Well! I could report it to authorities and you would lose your only source of personal enjoyment for the whole year ." I smirked. Time for payback , Kate.
"Then you won't be able to do what you want to do too." She stated. Since when did you have brain , Kate ? Alright! I guess that was quite rude of me to think.
"Mutual destruction begets nothing but misery .Come on, you must want something?" I pressed her sitting down .
"You are really weird, Max. But if you are really that desperate, I have something that you can do for me ." She smiled cunningly.
"What ?" I rolled my eyes.
"You have to do all of my homework for whole week. If you are willing to do that , I would consider giving you my phone.." She finally decided.
"Done. Now give me your copy . " I sighed relieved. Could she have taken any longer?
"Wait ! You would really do whole week of work just for using my phone for one day?" She raised her eyes in disbelief.
"Yeah! So do we have a deal or should I keep entertaining your idle talk ?" I told her .
"Fine ! Wait...How dare you call conversation with me idle?" She crossed her arms.
"I don't have time right now to deal with your social insecurity brought on to you by blue blood tradition even though you don't want anything more than to get out of it . " As I walked away with my hands in my pocket .
Thoth's Pov
Kate remained stunned as she saw Max walking away . Just who was this guy? How did he even know so much about her? He completely analyzed her whole life and yet in a way like that he was tired of it ... almost as if he has been interacting with her for forever. But that obviously couldn't be true, could it ?
Why would he need this phone so much ? Million of questions coursed through her head as she saw his distant figure disappearing. Even after following him for two days straight , all she could get was a simple recording which still didn't make sense to her.
"Vincent Rodger was a man set on revenge so the only way to quell him would be to take away the incentive for revenge itself . The best strategy to do that woudl be to leak the truth concerning Wonavilla itself on May 6 as a sign of completing two tasks at once. There is a slight chance that he might be satisfied by this public revelation. But even if it doesn't work, I am quite sure that it will definitely neutralize him . After all , it would be easy for police to connect Charles Rodger to him and put him under their radar. No matter what plans Vincet Rodger have in mind would inevitably fail then." Max smiled.
May 6
"You know , Kate ! You should be more subtle if you want to stalk someone." He stated as he took the phone. He knew! Why didn't he say anything?
"Because you are not worth the explanation. Plus! It was fun to tease you . Did you really think I would blurt all my planning aloud for no reason alone .." I gulped in realisation .Can he read my mind?
"No! I can't read your mind , Kate. You are just predictable." He smirked but his face was etched with an friendly smile as if he was just teasing me. I can't understand you at all. Just who are you, Max Ryder?
Max's Pov
Finally everything was going perfect. I had already sent the information to my uncle to release it into the web through his methods. Just like that , I have solved second mystery but this time, I would get mo credit for it like last time.
Oh well! Now to proceed towards solving the Fixer case. I saw bleak figure of Selena going towards tunnel. I quietly followed her as she went deeper and deeper into tunnel . I marched forward and forward and yet I saw her nowhere. What was going on ! Surely I couldn't have mistaken hallucination as real people in this darkness, could I have?
All of sudden, I felt a thud on my head. As I fell into unconsciousness , I cursed Thoth with full conviction of his role in screwing up my plans.
I opened my eyes. I knew it was already morning by light falling through the window into room like a shower of photons.
"Hello Selena ! So you caught me ?" I sighed. Here she goes again.
"So apparently you being there was no accident. I thought so . Who are you and why were you following me ?" She glared moving in her chair.
"Why were you in tunnel just before the race was about to happen all alone ? We both can play this game. Well frankly I would say let's cut this game. You know you can't keep me here without attracting people soon . You are running out of options. You are nervous and unsure as to whether I know that you are doing this for your boyfriend Jason. Oh wait ! No ! It is actually for Judy Lane since you want him to win so much right and can't risk anything interrupting your love affair. Does that sum up your situation?" I groaned as she looked stunned backing away.
"What do I want? Let's see. Stop manipulation of other races from now on . I think that will be enough. You haven't exactly done that much damage yet . What do you say ? I don't report you and you continue your daily life like usual." I stood up dusting myself off.
"Why would I accept that ?" She gleamed her eyes .
"That is like literally your only option right now unless your voracity has increased your irrationally driven behaviour." I squinted my eyes.
"You don't have any proof. No one would believe you." She carried on.
"Footage picture of me being here."
"I can easily erase it" She crossed her arms.
"Soil sample in my possession somewhere."
"Can be easily tampered and no one would believe your account as first year"
"Ugh ! Just accede to my offer , will you ? I don't want to deal with a failure like you when I am more intereted in Z" I groaned in frustration.
"What are you talking about ? " She asked confused.
"Listen! If I have to go through deep thinking and forming plans after plans to counter your move once again in this life too when I can literally know the result and solve it right now , I am going to be real mad. Just break up with Jason or do whatever is right thing here. It is really not that hard to change ways . You did come to sixth form without such tactics after all"I sighed.
"You don't tell me what to do , kid . You have nothing on me and nothing you do will stop me." She growled.
"Ah...Fine! I will deal with you later" I quickly left her room before she could say anything else. It was almost 7 am . I should probably hurry if I want to see the fixed horse race again with Axel.
Oh no ! I forgot Kate's phone in Selena's room. Well ! I couldn't exactly go back , could I ? She would have disposed of it already anyway. Agh! Things were sure getting messy again. I would have to deal with it as I go along . No matter! Keep faith in yourself, Max . You can do it. No worries! Plenty of time . Yup ! Plenty of time to get killed in between. Stop that ... It will be fine. Right , Zee! I suppose I might have become too reliant on you. How else could I get unnerved by something as mundane as this?
Kate was furious as expected when I relayed the situation to her.
"Don't worry. I will pay you back." I told her .
"I don't need your money. There were files on that phone. I need my phone with me here . I can't live without it ." She gnashed. Come on ! Just how important could your mobile be? Well! It was not like she has any real friends yet so I suppose she wasn't completely wrong too.
"Well! I have lost your mobile. That is a fact . I can't change that . So what can I do to compensate you ?" I sighed.
"Just forget it . I am tired." She groaned walking away . Looks like this was a tiring day for both of us, Kate. I decided to finally relax and sat down in my safe haven Raul's place sipping my favorite lemon juice.
The drink had a calming effect on me instantly as I felt all my worries dissapating . This was nice! There were certain changes that didn't go as planned but at least mystery of Wonavilla has been finally solved. I looked up as Raul switched on the news in his mini TV.
"Today police recieved an anonymous report telling us about the horrific history of William Wonavilla school's founder. It is really quite unnerving to think that all of this was hidden unnoticed for so long . ..."
Indeed ! But before I could hear the full news, someone switched off the channels as I stared at him but the very next moment , my eyes were glued to the screen.
"Bedford got a severe shock today when two elderly couples were shot . It was found that Mr Vincent Rodger, a prominent figure in stock market and among cooperatives was the one who pulled the trigger. When the police reached the scene , they found witness reporting him fleeing . He was found washed up on shore of Thames probably after falling down from X-S bridge . England is shaking today questionning rights to firearms and how restricted their access truly is ..."
"What the?" I stood up aghast. This is .. what. It can't be real. No way ! It didn't happen in original timeline. No ! My timeline is this one now. I should probabl refer to it as Time A. Since these events didn't happen in Time A so does it mean that when I released past of school , I changed the timeline even greater than expected? But why would Vincent Rodger kill two elderly couple?
It was not like I didn't know guy was a bit of a nutjob but I can't believe he would do just a senseless violence. There were only two possibilities. Either those two people weren't what they seem or someone else killed those two and Mr Vincent was called there by that person. But why would Rodger go there at all ? That means the sender must have either known Mr Vincent Rodger or Mr Vincent Rodger must have known those two head hurts. Things sure were changing for sure, more than ever expected!
Au revoir readers! Keep posted for the next chapter.
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