"So your telling me I helped a bunch of kids escape McDonald's employees because you didn't pay for your meal? " I ask. They all nod. I lean back and cross my arms.
"I'm not convinced." Say with a shrug.
"Well it's the truth" Angel says.
"Suuure it is" I say.
"Why don't you believe us? " Fang asks. This is the first thing he's said the whole time.
"Because I've played the lying game and you guys suck at it. " I say
"How do we know your not an eraser. I bite my lip to keep from laughing but then I realize they are serious.
"Well I'm not pink and I don't leave annoying shavings everywhere so-"
I tiptoe to the door with my only weapon: The Apple
I slightly open the door and scream when I see two eyes starring at me.
"AGH!!! " I throw the apple and the person snatches it from mid air and takes a bite.
"Ruby it's Megan " she says.
"You gotta stop throwing that apple ." Mason says from the living room.
"Oh hey Megan" i say sheepishly
"Hey Ruby. " she closes and locks the door behind her. Just as we leave big heavy hands burst from the door.
"Awe come on! My dad just replaced the door! Everyone upstairs! " I yell.
Everyone runs upstairs just as we hear the rest of the door break away. We all silently close and lock the door of Nessa's room.
"What do we do? " Megan asks.
"I honestly don't know. " I answer.
"Come out little piggies. We only want to play." A dark and cold voice. It was the kind of voice that would tell you to jump off a cliff and you'd do it. It sent a chill up my spine.
"Everyone grab something to use as a weapon" Mason whispers.
"I know your in there. " the guy says.
Megan grabs two cans of hair spray, Mason, Iggy, and Gazzy, grab shoes, Max and Angel have chairs, Nudge has a bag of peanuts.... Wait....
"Really Nudge?" I ask.
"Peanut?" She asks. I roll my eyes. Everyone else grabs something to use as a weapon and I have a bag of apples.
"Ruby you gotta stop it with the apples. " Mason says
"Wait when did you grab the- never mind" we all face the door as it bursts open a wolfish like head appears.
"Agh!!! " suddenly a pile of peanuts hit his snout but it doesn't phase him. Everyone glares at Nudge.
"What!? " she asks.
"We'll talk later."Max says
Mason, Iggy, and Gazzy launch their shoes at him. Megan sprays the hair spray and I start throwing apples. I didn't notice Fang went to attack the choking beast and accidentally hit him in the back of his head. He glares at me.
"Yeah I'll stop with the apples..... "
Fang kicks the beast in his ribs and Max and Angel throw the chairs, knocking the beast out.
"We did it! " Nessa cheers.
Three more beasts come behind her and grab her by her arms.
"Aaahhhhh!!!! " she shrieks.
I start launching apples but the only hit Nessa.
"Some one take those darn apples!!!!" She screams.
"Sorry... " I run swinging a chair only to be grabbed.
"Shit! "
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