Delilah struggled and strained against the arms that wrapped around her, blinded by sheer terror and adrenaline. Thumping her fists and raking her bloody nails against their chest, until a familiar voice hit her ears.
Collapsing against his solid form, world dripping away around her as she clung to the sounds of his breath between his words.
"M-Mavrik" Delilah whimpered, feeling his arms tighten around her as he pulled her tighter against him, his hands working away the loosened rope around her wrists.
"It's okay, I've got you. You're okay."
Delilah tried to choke out words, instead sobs took over when she finally managed to drag out a sound, body shaking violently as all the suppressed fear finally bubbled over. She buried her face into his plate, taking comfort in the cool familiarity of the metal, especially against her burning bruised skin. Feeling his fingers lightly run through her knotted hair, he was still murmuring soft assurances.
She closed her eyes, willing him to snatch her mind away from everything.
The two stayed like this for a few moments longer, until Mavrik carefully drew back, tensing as he studied her beaten form. The hot white anger that burned his very energy sent cold shivers down her spine she'd never felt such fury, not knowing a soul could possess such hate. His eyes shifted to the slain man in the cart behind Delilah, his eyes gouged out and a large splinter of wood buried into his chest. She couldn't follow his look this time, heart heavy at her desperate actions. She's never killed a man before, left with no choice when he had tried to choke her with his bare hands.
The man noticed that she was practically swaying on her feet now she wasn't supported by him. Her bloodied fingers had left frenzied smears across his already blood flecked armour thankfully the blood didn't seem to be from either of them.
"Y-you have your sword" Her small shaking voice was laced with relief, too afraid to face her kill behind her, she'd taken to laying her attention on the cloth wrapped weapon.
Mavrik reached around into one of the pouches tethered to his belt, pulling out a carefully wrapped crimson material. Letting it unfurl before he gently draped it around Delilah's shoulders, tenderly looping it around itself.
"M-my scarf.." she sniffled softly, raising trembling fingers to trace it. He'd kept it safe for her, whimpering slightly when her feet left the floor when Mavrik carefully lifted her into his arms and settled her against his chest.
"Glenn isn't far" he assured.
"What about Maple?" His silence made another sob rise up, tucking her nose into her scarf and rested her temple on Mavrik's shoulder. Soon the two reached the large black horse, Glenn sniffed at Delilah once he eased her down against a tree.
She watched the man search through his bags and pouches on the horse, returning to crouch in front of her with several vials.
"Drink" he encouraged, handing one to her. Delilah obeyed, throwing the drink back and gagging at its foul taste that caused her to scrunch her nose and squeeze her eyes shut.
Feeling a cool hand cupping her face she opened her eyes, Mavrik's face so close to hers, of course obscured by the helmet her wore. Inspecting the cuts and bruises on her face, she tracked her hazy reflection that smudged over the semi reflective surface of his helmet.
She winced at the sting of the balm he smeared over her injured cheek with the rough pad of his un-gloved thumb, fingers tucked under her chin to hold her still.
His thumb lingered, hesitating for a moment before swiping his thumb tenderly over her bottom lip. In another time Delilah would have blushed at the contact and his proximity, skin blazing under the trail of his touch, but for now she enjoy little, aside the way his touch sealed away the pain, too tired to think of anything else.
Already she could feel the effects, her body feeling lighter. The pain almost a world away, numbed just out of reach. Delilah knew she'd need all the help she could have to get through travelling on the back of Glenn. The brief absence of pain let her mind think a little clearer.
"Are you hurt?" Reaching out to hook her fingers under his helmet, seeking to meet his eyes.
He gently pulled her hands away not allowing his helmet to be removed.
"I'm fine" Delilah heard the pang of pain in his voice, sensing it wasn't physical.
"Come on, we need to get away from here."
Delilah let Mavrik help her to her feet, ungracefully climbing onto the horse, surprised as he got on behind her. Carefully placing his arms around either side of her.
"We won't be too heavy for Glenn will we?"
Mavrik huffed in weary amusement "he will be fine".
The ride may have been easier with the herbs but that didn't stop the pain thumping through every few jolts or the nausea. Delilah watched the world slide past through heavy lidded eyes as she rested her weight against Mavrik, understanding now why he'd sat behind her she would have long since fallen off the back otherwise.
"We'll stop soon"
Delilah smiled wearily Mavrik's words, it was about the third time he had said that in a very not soon space of time. She couldn't blame him for wanting to put as much distance between them and the witch hunters though.
Finally Glenn drew to a stop, Delilah's strength to stay conscious teetering as she felt Mavrik lift her down seeming to cradle her for a moment before settling her in a bed roll. She felt his warm breath whisper against her forehead, her hand snagging his wrist as he drew away "d-don't go" forcing her heavy eyelids open to see his hazy shape.
Mavrik hesitated before relenting, gently shaking his hand free, she heard the man sit beside her. Fingers ever so carefully working out the knots in her hair. Delilah felt the tension of fear coiled in her body melt away, unable to fight the exhaustion any longer.
"I won't."
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