Songfic: I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
(My mans and I confirmed together that we are technically friends with benefits and yikes. But anyways my mans said this song reminded him of me so now we're playing this game
Mariella is an actual character I didn't make her up btw)
Stay out of the light
Or the photograph that I gave you
The moonlight reflected against the lens of your camera right when it shuttered. The picture of Maven come out wrong, the incorrect glare covered his face and neck. You kept the picture anyways.
And when you were a nuisance, Elane would always hide it from you. Her being the older sibling, she can always find a way into your room and out without you noticing.
You remember screaming at her one day as she threatened to throw it in the fire.
It was your most prized possession.
You can say a prayer if you need to
Or just get in line and I'll grieve you
And you watch from the television screen as Maven was crowned as king. Your heart dropped at the sight. He glances at the camera for a second, and it feels like he's staring directly at you. Elane looks down at you as her red lips curl into a smile.
"He promised, didn't he?"
You tilt your head down and refused to look at anything other than the floor. Your brain brings up the memory so clearly. Him hugging you, his chin resting on your shoulder. You believed everything he said. Maybe that was your fault.
"Yes. I suppose he did."
Can I meet you, alone?
Another night and I'll see you
Elane grabbed your hand, dragging you through the crowd of Silvers. You can do nothing but follow her with your pulse quickening once you see who's she's heading close to. Maven looks your way, and quickly, you dig your nails into your sister's skin. She pauses and it's enough for you to break away from her grasp and turn yourself invisible.
Not tonight.
Your body reminds you of the feeling of his lips and you almost turn around. No, you remind yourself. You don't want to return to him until you can protect him. All you want to do is protect him.
Another night and I'll be you
Some other way to continue to hide my face
And during the party you cower in the corner, watching all of the people. You eye Evangeline closer than you ever have before. How can she marry a man? Nevertheless your man.
You cross your arms. You just need to show your strength and she'll cower away, won't she? She'll give you mercy and Maven will show you praise.
Your sister, Mariella, approaches you with a drink in her hand. And she stares at where you're staring before leaning close to you.
"Two more people, (Y/N). But I wouldn't attempt that one."
Another knife in my hand
Your invisible hands wrap around one of the sentinel's throats, and you bring them to their knees. You try not to enjoy the sound of them trying to get air, the cute noises their crushed esophagus makes. Mariella smiles and walks into Samson's room, closing the door before winking at you.
Clean me off, I'm so dirty, babe
You just wish for Maven's hands around you again. If only he could cleanse you, save your soul from all the bad deeds you've committed. If he could put his hands on your waist and hold you against him then it would just make everything better.
You stare at your hands, no stains but still dirty nevertheless. It digs deep into your soul and you can't seem to release the pain it leaves in you.
Touched by angels
When you first met Maven you were the pretty princess of the Haven House. You had all of the jewels and beautiful ribbons to match your unique personality. You would never let go of any of them. But slowly, as you and Maven continued to speak, you released your grip on your prized possessions and grabbed onto his hands.
Though, I fell out of grace
And soon Elane took your place as the beauty of the Haven House. And you didn't care. As long as you had Maven by your side, nothing mattered. He was all you could think about from sunrise to sunset. You longed for his touches and hugs. You just... wanted him.
And you can look back at it now with a smile on your face. Because you know that feeling never went away. And you know you will do anything to bring Maven back to you.
I did it all so, maybe
Mariella blinks in your direction, her face revealing itself near the open window of your room. And you shake from beneath her.
"Are you having fun? Just one more person left."
"Why are we doing this anymore?"
Her eyes widen and she steps closer to you, her pink lips parting as she starts to slowly smile. "Why, my dearest? Are you giving up at 99?"
You walk past her and towards your balcony, opening the sliding door and walking out. The air is cold. It's everything you need to breathe.
A number you wished you would never hear.
Of course, she speaks again, "And you'll get everything. Just kill one more person. You'll get your jewels back. You'll be beautiful again."
Her voice echoes in your head even when you stop listening. It's the same thing she's been cooing since the first death. Like a broken record: you can't be with Maven until you become beautiful again.
I could live this, every day
She comes to your side, putting one of her hands on your lower back. And she smiles as she looks down on you.
You shrug her hand away, opening your mouth to say something but finding no words.
Her smile only grows. "What's wrong? You're going to lose him if you don't listen to me. I'm your sister, I always know what's best."
You clench your fists. If you stay silent, then everything will be fine. That's what you tell yourself. But the corners of your vision become blurry and your hands start to shake.
Losing Maven. That's the only thing you fear. And she knows that.
"Just imagine how much more he will love Evangeline if--"
Another knife in my hands
You grab your sisters throat, clenching her airway with your index and thumb. She reaches for your face but you slam her spine down on the balcony. The scene is so bright, even in the night. Drums beat all around you as you watch her struggle.
You make eye contact with her the entire time, even as her body falls to the ground below.
And you stand there for a second. Breath heavy. Eyes watering. A mind filled with nothing but how warm Maven's touch will be.
You can finally see him again.
It ain't for the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame
You can't sleep at all. 100. You have finally made it. You can see Maven again. He can be yours. He'll hug you, kiss you like he used to.
You watch the sun come up. Something you haven't basked in since you were little. How beautiful the sky looks with the pink swirls alongside the orange and yellow. You stare at the distance trees, wondering if this is the last time you'll get to see the world around you alone. Maven will be with you, of course.
Because you did this all for him.
And down we go
And we all fall down
Your doorknob starts to shake violently, and you jump at the sound. You can just sit in front of your vanity. Staring at your reflection. 100. You did it.
You must be beautiful for Maven. You begin to brush your hair as the sentinels start banging on your door. The sound becomes music to your ears, and the beats match the music your heart starts to make.
You think about Maven's eyes, how beautiful they'll look when they will be right in front of you. It's all you can think about, even when there is a gun pointed to your head.
I tried!
"We'll love again. We'll laugh again," you whisper to yourself in your cell. It's a promise, something Maven isn't good at making.
He promised you he would never become king. Because you knew the moment that crown would be placed on his head, Mariella would want nothing but for it to be taken off. You were just protecting him. That's all you wanted to do. Protect him.
One more night, one more night
Maven walks into your cell, both of his hands in his pockets. You just stare at his boots that are vaguely stained with mud. You wonder where he has been.
"I was going to save you," you whisper.
You look up at his eyes, you couldn't help it. You saw how helpless they looked. How sunken they were, how stressed he appeared. You could have saved him.
And you laugh, laugh in his face as he stands in the doorway of your own personal cell. He just looks down at you, his fingers dancing around the picture he took from your dresser drawer. The one where the moonlight removes his head from his shoulders. He thinks about it for a second, and for a second more. His heart almost skips a beat.
"Your execution..."
And we're all dead, now
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