Pg. 640 Songfic: Stardust
(Is a smut songfic called a songfuc
Mare is Glass Sword: Maven is evil but I can't help but miss him... He is uncontrollable... Why oh why do I still like him...
Mare in War Storm: What the FUCK is up maven NO wHat dId yOU sAy - sTep thE FUCK up maven)
I've got this funny feeling that I just can't shake
You lay with Maven in your bed, stroking his hair as you stare at his sleeping body. Everything seems off. He's skinnier, his face is thinner. You've been with Maven for less than a year, and you've already seen the difference within him.
It's quite funny, actually.
When you first met him you despised him, already ready to betray him. He was the one who requested the marriage, ending the war between Norta and Lakelands.
He never used to look at you, only teasing you in the way Maven does. But the day of the wedding when you shared a warm kiss, he began to enjoy the taste of your lips. And when he saw you protecting him, he fell for you.
You stared at him the entire time in the escape train, taking in his features. He wasn't at all ugly as you imagined, he was actually pretty attractive. It weirded you out at first. When Maven caught you staring, he smiled. It made you blush. That's when you knew.
The devil in the wires, the data eating up my brain
When you aren't relaxing by Maven's side, you take up time watching the security cameras. So many of them, so much information you never thought would witness. You could see all of the Reds being friendly with each other and goofing off. It made you want to fire all of them, or at least teach them a lesson. How can they just pretend to work? Do they know they are being watched?
More importantly, you can see Maven at all times. There's a camera in his study, which he talked about taking down before you made it your hobby to watch people. He often looks into the camera, almost looking right at you. It gives you goosebumps every time, knowing that he always has a sense of when you're watching.
There's a flood that's coming up to my bed
More than once, you would walk into your room with Maven waiting for you. Your favorite looks would be his hair all ruffled up and him only wearing one layer of a black silk button-up you know he wears with the top buttons undone. He takes no time in practicing this look nearly every day, fueling you for your marital duties.
You and Maven were happy together, yet somehow, you always felt like something wrong was just around the corner. With Mare away and the Scarlet Guard everywhere, you could never feel safe. You began worrying about Maven's life more than your own. It was a certain feeling you could never look past.
Chaos wins and I can't get over it
"Aren't you scared of them?" You ask Maven as he puts on his layers, and eventually, his crown. He turns to you with a devilish smile.
"I will never be scared of them." He replies. You squint your eyes. His eyes sparkle before he turns back to his mirror. Liar. You stand up, walking to the other side of the room and began dressing. No servants help you, Maven doesn't want you anywhere near them. It's pretty fascinating, really. He doesn't trust Reds. Whether he knows it or not.
"I love you," you saw with a small voice. He looks at you, but you don't look at him. All you can do is button the top of your dress, snapping the builds into place. Maven isn't playing this game the way that he should. This isn't how everything should go down.
And ever since your father died, you don't know what Maven will do anymore.
How do I even learn to play the human way?
At his funeral, you couldn't cry. You almost couldn't feel anything except like you were drowning. All you knew was you were preparing yourself for the deaths of more, the deaths of everybody around you. The way the countries are progressing - these deaths will come sooner than you think.
You look at Maven, seeing him with all of his sentinels. He probably doesn't even care. He is heartless, after all. You look at the dead corpse of your father. You have already wept for him. You have already wept for anybody. But now is the time to rise, to do what your father has always taught you. And as you look into his grey eyes, you know what you have to do.
I'm sorry Maven.
Smiles without a heart, weird mechanical mistakes
You can already feel your marriage falling apart moment by moment. Maybe he remembered how much he loved Mare more than you. Maybe he just grew to despise you. Maybe it was your father's death suddenly making you unimportant to him. He just doesn't seem to care anymore. You've started sleeping in your own room, leaving him with some privacy. The growls and groans of the walls keep you up. You can't seem to live without Maven by your side.
Maybe that was his way of corrupting you from the start; to fill you up then drain you effortlessly. You wish you knew what was going on in his brain.
Love's out there but I'm indifferent
"Listen, (Y/N)." His lips curl into a demonic smile as his fingers inch closer to your wrist as you walk by his side. The familiar halls suddenly feel foreign to you as the darkness swallows you. "I need to you to send word to your mother for me."
"And what will this message say?" You ask, looking down at the floor. His fingers wrap around yours, the grip welcoming yet trapping you to him. He drags you into the throne room, sarcastically reminding you of his holy presence.
"Tell your mother to prepare her armies," he informs as he looks over the empty room. You hum, looking up at his dark eyes. You couldn't help but smile.
"I forget it's your brother you're fighting against," you say, "how disheartening."
He huffs, narrowing his eyes. He leads you into another opening. The room leaves you with a dreadfully feeling deep in your gut. You try to blink away the pain.
"Where is he heading," you try to collect yourself, "for an attack, specifically."
"They intend to strike Harbor Bay." His eyes flicker your body, almost taking in your appearance like it's the last time he'll see it. "Have you ever been, (Y/N)?"
Stand up can you keep your head?
"No, I haven't, Maven." You try not to show any emotion in your voice. You are not a wife to him anymore. You are a weapon. This is making it apparent.
"Then, I hope you enjoy your stay." He says, a grin showing on his face. Who does he think you are? Because whatever it is, it's probably right. You love Maven. And if he wants you to do this, you'll destroy whoever he cares.
Love me like tomorrow we're dead
"I'll go," you agree quicker than he thought, "I hope you'll miss me." You walk up to him, lacing your fingers with his collar. He places his hands on your waist, looking at your lips with a sort of longing.
"I'll await your return." He smirks before turning away, almost forcibly pulling himself from your body.
Beauty, violence
Everybody looks like ants from your view. You stand poised on a high balcony, feeling the water from your hands. No Norta nymph could rise against your waves. You raise your arms wide, feeling the ocean ascend by your grasp. You watch as the Scarlet Guard's soldiers run for their lives only to drown in your waves. It's amusing.
You think of Maven the entire time.
The Lakelander guards surround you aboard of your ship. The colors of the warmest blue surround your vision. You almost feel safe knowing you are the strongest Silver for miles on end. You relax, knowing you are able to protect your world.
You should know the never relax, as with the ringing of your ears, the deck of your battleship explodes into reds and yellows. The air escapes your lungs as you collapse. You can almost see Maven's ghost from under your fingertips.
War is within us
Your warriors drape a large wave over the ship, putting out the fire by the time you get up to fight back. You see Cal, the brother of the person you will die for. How will Maven feel when I kill his blood brother? You know you'll find out eventually.
More waves land as more shells do. You try to see your target through all of the chaos. It makes you feel alive, even for a second.
You see him, dosing himself in flames. It makes you smile. Water will always overrule fire.
You ride the ocean's waves as they rise above him, trying to swallow him as you stand over him. He fights with fire, leaving steam and power easing off of the battle. Water and fire collide over your battleship as the other Lakelanders attempt to fight with you. You're going to kill him. And you're going to enjoy it.
We'll be silenced
Your unnatural waves meet his massive flames in a battle of life and death. The fire erupts as your water sprays, trying to silence his bracelet. Just the tiniest drop of water can make it disappear. You know that for sure. But as the edge of your ship released more and more gas, your surroundings get taken over by the soldier Calore. Your Lakelanders try to stabilize the ship, but the black smoke blinds everybody.
Everybody except you and Cal.
You dodge his fireballs faster than he could even move. You fight him with liquid with every motion of your life, trying to demolish him.
This is for Maven, you remind yourself. This is for the person whose death you want to prevent the best you can. You tried to ready yourself to see his death. But as you remind yourself of his touch and his warmth, you don't think you are truly prepared to witness his demise.
The most massive wave rises with your screams. Cal looks up at you with wide eyes. Your eyes are wide, staring down at him in rage. Your arms rise with the ocean. You pin him against the metal ship, drowning him as you float above his body. Your breaths become heavy. You keep your eyes on him as he plops into the water.
And as a teleporter steals him away from you, you growl loudly. Even your own soldiers keep their distance as you make your escape. You work back to Maven, your fingers twisting against the ocean's tide. You thirst for Cal's blood. You thirst for a fresh kill.
Tomorrow we're gonna be stardust
"I didn't kill him." Was the first thing you said to Maven. He was well past the friendly greetings. You lure him deep into the castle and to your room, where you collapse onto your bed.
"Did you lose?"
"I had him pinned. His armor was torn, I could feel his soul right in my hand," you pause to take in a breath, "a Newblood took him away." The warm, silk sheets felt amazing on your tattooed back. Maven sits by your side, looking down at you like a predator watching its prey. His pale fingers brush against the skin of your Lakelander arms.
No more ego
Nothing to control us
"Are you okay?"
You sigh, grabbing his fingers softly. You kiss his knuckles, rolling your eyes at the comment. That's the nicest thing he's said to you for weeks.
Without another word, he crawls into bed next to you. You can feel his skin against yours as he kisses your cheek. His lips are cold, nothing compared to his usual Calore warmth.
Painless freedom
Tomorrow we're gonna be stardust
He kisses you, his lips hunger for your touch once again. He didn't want a weakness. He didn't want to fall for the Lakelander girl he tried so hard to manipulate. But your touch is addictive and your breath helps him live.
You wrap your hands around his neck, laying on your side as you pull him closer to you. You wrap a leg around his side, a twisted feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach.
You pull away only for a second, looking at his peaceful face. His eyes were still closed, and he opens them to stare into your innocent gaze.
"Stay safe," you whisper. He nods before devouring your lips once more.
It's pulling me apart a little piece by piece
The sun shines on your face as you stand outside, your soft hands resting on the trees as you stare out amongst the woods, something you haven't done in awhile. As the wind brushes against your face, you can almost smell the scent of your father once again.
Your soft fingers begin to twitch in rage.
How can you live like this? In a world with little to no water by every corner? A growl escapes your lips as you turn around, your peaceful moment filling you with old rage as you walk back to your transport.
The doors slide open a little too quickly, but you don't care as you step inside. After making a speech to Archeon, you're ready to go home and embrace Maven once more.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty."
Your hands quickly raise up, waiting for any sense of water to rise with it. But you have no water on you. You have nothing on your side.
Anabel Lerolan's hands cup your cheeks as you look at you with her bronze yet dangerous eyes.
"I would advice to not do anything stupid, but you seem to not have anything to be stupid with." She coos. You don't look at her. You look at the driver and the sentinels, ones placed by Maven to protect you. Julian sighs, knocking on the glass that divided you and your protection. They are of no use, you figured that out by yourself.
"We're not here to hurt you, (Y/N)." Those are the only words you care to understand from the Singer's lips.
"Because you understand the consequences," you suggest sarcastically. Anabel smirks, letting her hands drop. She ignores the insult, keeping her mind on the topic at hand.
"I want you to pass along word to your mother. The way you usually do." She teases. You blink, crossing your legs as you sink into a leather seat. Your eyes flicker from Anabel to Julian, trying to read both individually.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you reply with a light roll of your eyes. Julian leans forwards, his fingers intertwining.
"I didn't find the need to sing a confession out of you, but I will if I need."
You tilt your head, saying nothing to your elders. Anabel never relaxes, but she ceases the tension in the air. Her hands go behind her back as she looks down at you.
"Tell the queen of the Lakelands that the rightful king of Norta has no quarrel with her." No. You uncross your legs, standing up. You are taller than the Oblivion, but admittedly, she is more intimidating.
Despite your raising heartbeat, you only nod. You feel the need to kill her, but you realize your surroundings. You are in no right. You aren't the most powerful one in the room. You have been outnumbered, and it's driving you crazy.
"Our alliance is not with Tiberias Calore, quite frankly we don't find trust to traitors."
"Your husband is a better liar than you," Julian replies with a tip of his head. You almost smile.
"Our alliance will not last with Tiberias as the Red alliance will not last as well." You snap back, making him twist in his seat.
Anabel lets out a twisted laugh, almost looking you eye to eye as her pride grows. "We have something else to offer." She smiles a pointed smile as you nod at her, etching her to continue.
"Salin Iral," her words send a chill through you, "I assume you'd be delighted to share a word?" Her offer tingles your flesh, making your nails dig deep into your palms. You know how this is going to end.
It's going to be either Maven or your father.
It's a game of who's been with you the most, and who you love more.
You think of your father's beautiful grey eyes, and what they looked like during their funeral.
Maven, as loving as he is, is nothing compared to that memory. Especially when he abandoned you afterward.
You made your decision before you even left the transport.
Paradox and loss are knocking me off my feet
A picture of your father's face is by your bedside, the loss almost drowning you.
You have heard stories of the Newblood who could see the future.
So, you grasp your stomach, feeling the beating heart deep inside. Did he know?
"Don't think so negatively," Maven whispers into your ear as his hands wrap around your waist. You shiver against his cold touch. You could swear you've heard those words swirling around in your head.
He adds, "everything will be okay." He's referring to the meeting between both kingdoms, Red and Silver. Mare will be there. And Cal. You don't know how you will contain yourself - especially now, as you hold Maven close, knowing what you decided to do to him.
And there's a flood that's coming up to my bed
You grip your dress while seating, Cal almost right across from you. The Silent Stone rips at your skin sharper than any of Anabel's glances can. Your mother is there to comfort you, even as it decreases to work as the time goes on.
"Step down, Maven. Step down, and I'll let you live." Cal replies.
You smirk, looking at Maven, who meets your gaze. You are worried, but you know for sure that the future won't go the way you want. You know for sure you've prepared for his death. It makes the meeting easier.
It's a lose-lose world and I can't stomach it
Your mother grabs your hand, not knowing how hard this suddenly becomes to you. For your father, you have to remind yourself over and over. Maven smiles at you, his smile etching into your mind like it's his last moments happy.
It all happens with a snap of your mother's fingers. The vibrations of water and the short battle left Maven caught off-guard. He stares at you as you go for the bracelet first. Just as you were taught. Just as you tried to do to his brother.
With one hand, you twice the fire bracelet, and with the other, you rub Maven's cheek. His lip is bleeding, but you don't wipe it away. All you can do is smile softly as you stare into his blue eyes.
"Nymph bitch," he snaps. He doesn't say anything else, and somehow, that hurts even more. You feel powerful with Maven by your feet. You think he knows it, too. But a part of you deep inside of your heart feels sorrow. It's a strange melancholy you can't prepare yourself away from.
You can see Salin Iral from the corner of your gaze, but you don't find ways to look away from Maven. He looks at Mare, not wanting to look your way.
I wanna turn it all around in a volte-face
Have it your way, then. You think as you pull your hand away from him.
You look at Iral, your sense of regret and jealousy covering your gaze as you watch him walk across.
You can't even focus in the real world until your mother puts a hand on yours, looking into your eyes.
"Send him across," she waves a hand towards Maven. You inhale deeply before pushing him on the way to Mare's wrath. You can only feel respect towards her as your mind occupies itself with your father's face. And then Salin Irals.
He gets on his knees, looking up at his demise. You and your mother circle him, filling him with the same drowning feeling you felt when you saw your father's face at his funeral.
Iral's face foams with seawater as his skin almost begins to peel. You can see the rage in your mothers' eyes as she ensures the torture.
You are the last thing he sees when he dies. And it feels good. It's this feeling, the lust of blood that you felt when Cal slipped from your fingers. This, right here, is what you live for. You almost want to feel more of it. You want the sensation more.
Eternally recurring, oh yeah put me in a trance
The feeling drowns you more than any sorrow can.
With the blink of your eye, you are floating above Archeon with your mother by your side. You can see thousands die under your touch. This land, once belonging to an idiot boy, is now yours. Even as you get entranced by the bliss, your mind still happens to fall into Maven's grasp. Where is he? You heard he disappeared. Perhaps, taken by the Newblood Mare. Her, once his prisoner, and now he is hers. It's quite funny, but not the thing you should be thinking about.
Your mind is focused on the other Calore, Cal, who you can see from miles away.
As more and more demons start flooding the streets, floating amongst the red bodies, the sight of red coats begins getting more and more vivid. The Scarlet Guard, you remind yourself. Your heartbeat begins to quicken. Suddenly, as loudly as snapping bones, the sight of lightning of many colors invades your vision. Your mother only laughs, throwing water in every way. You pause, lingering on a remaining color from only a few streets ahead.
You try to see the ants, but they are too far away. Your fingers begin to tremble. They should die. They did this to you. They made you the monster.
Is this what Maven would have wanted?
You aim all of your rage at the purple lightning from down below, wanting to slice each of them up individually.
And there's a flood that's coming up to my bed
It's the sight of one running away, one that looks different from the others. Your heart starts to race in that familiar style. It's Maven running, you realize too quickly. Your mother follows your gaze, only to scoff.
"Kill him," she orders you like you are just another one of her soldiers. But you don't move. You don't find the need to. You just watch the sunset, Maven's shadow cast by it.
He heads towards the castle, his castle. You don't follow him. You stay by your mother's side, something you should have done from the start.
But as the time slowly went on, you began to worry. Your ships were getting destroyed, the reds were moving up. You were becoming vulnerable, and going down to the castle after Maven surely won't help. But you can't resist. You can't resist your love, or the need to know what has happened to the person you trust more than anybody.
"I got the lightning girl," you look your mother into the eyes as you inform her of your leaving. As quickly as you could breathe, you were swept away by the waves. You were calm, holding your breath as you travel to the ocean's floor. As you could feel the cold concrete on your bare feet, you suddenly get the drowning sensation once more.
You travel with the waves and the rising river, swimming along it like a surfer; one hand on the wave and the other leading you forward. You keep a look out for Newbloods. You keep a look out for Maven. You keep a look out for anybody willing to get in the way of your love and your survival instincts.
Love's out there and I can't stomach it
You surf your way into the castle's open doors, water already flooding inside of the marble flooring. Your stomach aches as you dig deep into the black walls. This place looks like it hasn't been used in years. That would have made you feel better. Even though you've spent a year in this place, you can barely remember where anything is. It's different somehow. Cal.
No distractions, you remind yourself.
You search for wet footprints, and you find them. You find two pairs. Your heart moves up to your throat. You already know what you are going to find once you walk into his study. You already prepared yourself. But as you open the door and the silent stone creeps into your head, the room feels like screams and sharp claws digging into your flesh. You can see blood sprayed across the walls, blood with the tint of silver.
Your breath is sharp as you fall to the floor, fainting without the unconsciousness. You can't move, you feel numb. You can barely breathe. The only thing real to you is the ceiling you are too used to staring at from laying on the floor with Maven above you.
Tears sting your skin. You haven't cried in awhile. They are hot, a burning fire on your face. One resemblance of his touch.
You manage to crawl on all fours over to Maven's body, ignoring Mare, passed out on the floor. He looks peaceful, and you almost convince yourself he is just sleeping. But the deep gouge in his neck tells you otherwise. Gone, is the only word you can tell yourself. It's the only word that escapes your lips for another half an hour you spend sitting there, brushing your fingers against Maven's hair the same way you did only a few days before when you broke his heart.
But sooner than before, his body goes colder than it ever was. There is nothing to him anymore. No Calore, No Elara, No Maven. It's just a shell. Not your husband, not anybody. Not even the father of your unborn, but alive, child.
You look at Mare, wondering if she was dead like him. But her chest rose up and down. His life for hers. You crawl over quickly, sighing.
"Are you proud?" You hear the sound of your own voice. You didn't realize you were talking out loud until a voice by the door finds the answer. They see you over Mare's body. Their first response is to shoot. And they do.
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