One Shot: Dodgeball
(I've written like two of these already with different series jbzrgqwlajhbrgqliwrbh
Cal - Reader, Evangeline, Elane, Maven, Heron
Ptolemus - Wren, Mare, Cameron, Farley, Kilorn)
MODERN but they have powers wakka wakka
"Dodgeball sounds more like torture than a charm, don't you think?" Mare whispers to you, a smile on her lips. You nod back, looking at Ptolemus as he shakes hands with Cal.
"This is better than basketball," you eye the other side of the gym - students who chose to play basketball rather than a friendly game of dodgeball.
"Line up," Heron calls out with her light voice, waving her arm back and forth in a line formation. Everybody except Ptolemus and Cal does what she wants. The team captains get to watch over the rest of the students.
Cal glances left and right across the team, stepping in front of Ptolemus. Ptolemus squints at him, tilting his head at his actions.
Cal sees you standing next to Maven, and he smiles. He has shipped you two since the beginning of time, he loved seeing the way his brother looked at you.
He rubs his hands together, smiling. "(Y/N)." Cal calls out, smirking.
You scrunch up your voice in shock before standing by his side. "Uh, okay." You scoff.
Ptolemus squints his black eyes before making his pick. "Wren." Evangeline tilts her head, a small smirk on her face.
"Alriiiigghhht," Wren high-fives him, her eyes locked onto his. Gosh, I ship it so much, you think. Cal is taken aback for a second, wondering why Ptolemus didn't pick his sister.
"Mavey, get your butt over here," Cal says too quickly for comfort. You smirk, watching as Maven takes your side and not Cal's. His blue eyes look down at you, he shows anticipation in them. You giggle.
"I'm not allowing Mare onto that team, join me." Ptolemus laughs. Mare laughs mockingly at Cal before joining the magnetron brother.
"We get Evangeline," you suggest. Cal smirks, motioning her over. She huffs.
"Make us win," Maven whispers to her. She rolls her eyes, chuckling as you platonically bump your shoulder against hers.
Ptolemus looks at Cameron, calling her onto their team. She smirks, still eyeing the basketball team in hope that she can escape before it's too late.
You look up at Evangeline, seeing her eyes sparkle as she looks at Elane. Elane's red hair shines, her ability making her more appealing. You don't want to show you fell for her tricks, but you want your power couple to be on the same team.
"Choose Elane," you whisper into Cal's ear. He listens, picking on Evangeline's girlfriend. Elane smiles as she steps onto your team. You wink at her.
"We'll take Farley." Ptolemus smiles, and she walks over to Mare instead of him.
"Heron," Cal states, accepting the plant-loving silver onto his team.
"So that leaves us with Kilorn," Ptolemus teases the red as he sulks over to his team. You giggle, looking at Maven when you notice him chuckling too. You make eye contact, and you blush before you turn away.
The two teams made their way to their designated side of the court, and the gym teacher took their time stepping across the basketball court to the game, monitoring it closely to make sure the teams were even.
"Ready?" The coach yells out, looking at the team captains. Cal smiles, laughing a humorous crooked laugh. "Set... Go!"
Cal is the first one to head towards a ball, grabbing it before retreating.
You have your own way of planning dodgeball, staying behind and using defense rather than offense. Maven follows your movements, not risking his dodge-ball life on going to the middle.
You saw Farley racing forward quickly, throwing the ball at Heron, who was going to throw it at her. Heron sighs, pointing in disbelief as she sits down in the bleachers. Everything happened so quickly and you barely could process the battle.
Mare, on the opposite team, made it her job to try and get you out. You aren't the best at dodging or throwing, but neither is she. As you throw a ball at her, she dodges it quickly and before you can process, lunges one at you. Before it can hit its target, Evangeline throwings a metal paperclip in front of it, the paperclip expanding into a shield as it slows the ball down and wraps around it, weighing it down. You jump out of the way before you can get plowed by metal. Evangeline laughs at you, waving before you can thank her.
"She can do that?" Kilorn exclaims, his eyes wide. Ptolemus only laughs at him, copying Evangeline's actions to protect Wren at any given opportunity.
"Remind me to buy more paperclips," Elane mutters, surprised when she hears you laugh.
Maven is the most skilled at catching balls, managing to get Heron back into the team and get Cameron out. But rather than throwing them at somebody who's able to get out, he chooses to throw them at Cal, who always stops to yell at him. You think it's hilarious, which only fuels Maven more.
Kilorn was the most entertaining to watch as he tried hiding behind Ptolemus at every given moment. Evangeline catches this, and as most people try not to kill Ptolemus with their balls, Evangeline doesn't hesitate to coat hers in metal and send it his way. Her brother dodges, leaving Kilorn to get hit. He screams, and Mare turns her attention to him, in which Cal gets her out, too.
You triumph, looking at Evangeline like she was an angel. But as soon as Ptolemus got out Elane, she became a devil.
"How many paperclips does she have?" Maven whispers into your ear, watching as she throws metal balls from left to right, attacking her brother with all she has. Ptolemus mimics her actions, laughing as he battles his sister one on one. Nobody intervenes, letting them fight it out. Wren only laughs, standing back as she watches.
Heron is the one that gets her out, sliding on the floor as she throws the ball in a skillful, clear manner.
"Holy shit." You exclaim, looking at Heron. Her angled face looks up at you with a smile, giggling before getting hit by Farley. Farley. The true danger.
It wasn't until Mare throws a ball at you, hitting you in the arm, do you scream.
"You can't scare me like that!" You shout with a smile on your face. She laughs, picking up balls in every direction. Cal goes after her, trying to get her out. She just catches the ball and gets him out. Cameron jumps in, grabbing the nearest ball and getting Maven out before he can even get a breath in.
Eventually, all that's left on your team is Evangeline.
And after time, on the other is Ptolemus, Farley, and Mare.
Evangeline is skillful in combat, rolling on the floor to dodge attacks with her unbelievable senses. It isn't until she catches the ball does Ptolemus get released into the losers section. He groans, sighing dramatically before joining Wren.
Heron joins your team again, sliding on the floor in that majestical way she can. But she's not a match for Mare, who takes no time in getting her out again.
At this point, you are on the edge of your seat, excited to see if Evangeline ends up winning at the end. You hold Maven's hand, squeezing it as he squeezes back. You don't know if the action is platonic or romantic, and you don't know which makes you more comfortable.
Evangeline cheats a bit, getting Mare out by controlling how the ball moved and where it went. Mare tried to dodge it, but Evangeline just curved it onto her body. Mare screamed in frustration, joining Kilorn as they laughed together.
It was just Evangeline and Farley, who couldn't get a single hit in. Farley was going flips, amazing everybody by her skills while Evangeline tried to twist and turn her balls to her advantage. Cameron tried with all of her might not to cheat and turn off her abilities, but she couldn't help it. She hates her powers and using it against silvers. But Cameron can be competitive.
Evangeline was going to make another shield out of a paperclip before a ball came hurdling at her. She just stood, throwing the metal object at it. But the paperclip didn't shift, and Cameron smiles as Evangeline got hit right in the breast. She went back, surprised by the sudden loss of magnetron abilities and surprised by how much her titty hurt.
"Who did that?" Evangeline scanned the crowd, her eyes landing on Cameron. "You," her words came out like daggers. Cameron only smiled, looking at Ptolemus as he stepped in front of her.
"Calm yourself." He whispered, holding up his hands in a surrendering way, "if you get to use your metal she gets to use her silencing." He offered. Evangeline just huffs, popping her tongue in frustration before moving over to the loser team; yours.
Ptolemus celebrates with his team, high-fiving all of them.
You turn to Maven.
"We were the best," you smile at him. He nods, leaning into and giggling with you before kissing your cheek. You tried not to scream with joy, only smiling as you return the favor. The hands you held went from squeezing to resting together, fingers interlocked. It was cute, both of your hearts beating out of your chests.
"OH, MY GOD," Cal exclaimed, surprised when he suddenly turned and saw his brother with you. It shocked him, and he exclaimed before he could control himself. You burst out laughing, curling into Maven's chest as he blushed out of embarrassment, glaring at his brother.
Evangeline kisses Elane, both of them chuckling as they observe Cal's face. You look at them from the corner of your eye, taking Maven's face into your hands and copying their actions; kissing him lightly. You are still a giggling mess when you do this, and you can't help but laugh at the silver blush that spreads more across his cheeks. He chuckles, too, pulling you close to him before kissing your face as quickly as he can, planting kisses everywhere.
"Y'all too cute, I'm leaving." Heron whispers, standing from her place to join the basketball team. Maven begins laughing too, your happiness becoming contagious as he holds you tightly.
"Alright," Ptolemus walks up with a grin on his face, "another round?"
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