The Flower We Say That Day: (Y/N) the Hero
(Y/N) the Hero
Maven's headset is quieter than it has been before. Across the town, playing the same game on the same level is Kilorn. Maven frequently keeps in contact with Kilorn, often only for help defeating the final boss. But today the boss level is far away. Maven just wants the company of somebody who isn't dead.
He doesn't know where you are. You've been missing ever since he revisited the shack of his childhood. Still engraved into the wood are the words "SUPER PEACE BUSTERS."
"Hey," Maven says into the mic. Kilorn makes a noise that's close to a carry-on. "I need to tell you something," he ends. Kilorn has always been the most gullible and nice person of the group. Plus, Kilorn loved (Y/N) more than anybody could ever. You guys were basically siblings. Kilorn is silent, and Maven continues to talk.
"I think (Y/N) is still around... as a ghost." He explains. There's an audible gasp coming from the mic, Maven could imagine him leaning in.
"Really?" Kilorn lets out, "can you see her?"
"Yes," he responds quietly.
"Do you think I could see her?" Kilorn pesters. Maven looking up at the ceiling, not wanting to refuse the thought. "Maybe," he answers.
Mare works at a video game store. She has for a while. As she sits behind the counter, her phone behind the cash register, a familiar person walks in.
"Oh, hello Mare," Iris says. Mare smiles up at her and waves back, "welcome!" A formal greeting. Mare feels weird seeing Iris now as they're older. It always feels like there's something in the air, something dark and tense. Iris looks around the shelves of video games, seeming to take her time.
"I didn't know you played video games." Mare calls out. Iris shortly laughs before grabbing a cartridge.
"Samson wanted me to grab something for him," Iris explains as she places the time-consuming object onto the counter. Mare checked it out, smiling sincerely at Iris. Iris was looking around, her eyes taking in the information on each poster.
"(Y/N) would be happy to see you working here." Iris says. Mare grips the counter tightly, continuing to smile. "Well, goodbye," Iris exits. All alone, Mare begins to shake. The mention of (Y/N) always made her feel guilty. She was the one that told you Maven liked you mere seconds before you died. She always felt like it was her fault. Mare squats under the counter before started to cry, unable to hold it in.
"Mare," you say, standing above her. You know she can't see or hear you, but it was worth a try.
"I am happy, look at you," you continue to talk, "so many video games... just like when we were kids." You clench your fist, kneeling down at her side. You try to hug her, but nothing good happens. You just go through. You look at your hand, it's barely visible.
"Oh, ghost do want to grant a wish, yes?" Kilorn whispers to himself. Maven can still hear it as he loses interest in the game. Maven nodded, forgetting Kilorn could not see.
"Ooooh, what if the wish was to gave a rare monster card from Pokemon!" Kilron enthuses. Maven laughs into the mic, enjoying this conversation more than before.
"I think that's your wish," Maven says. Kilorn laughs too. "But we can try it, right?" Kilorn asks.
Maven walks into the video game store, a new employee behind the counter. He just assumed Mare wasn't here today, not that she was crying in the employee's only room. Quickly, Maven grabs a deck of Pokemon cards before throwing them on the counter. He must look like a mess. He pats his hair, trying to put down any cowlicks he might have. He didn't even bother to brush his hair and now he's anxious about it.
Maven was happy to get home. He forgot how hard it was to interact in reality. After taking off his shoes, he quickly went into his room and opened the cards. You still weren't back. He looks through them, seeing if there was something legendary.
"Oh, that one!" You pointed to a small card from behind Maven. He jumped, not expecting you to appear behind him. Maven's chest warms. He's happy to see you back.
"Samson!" Kilorn calls out, catching up to him as he tried to catch up with him on the sidewalk. Samson stops walking and turns back, looking at him with a smirk. Kilorn catches up with him before beginning to walk by his side. "Did you hear what's happening? We might get to see (Y/N) again!" Kilorn says. He begins to explain the situation and tell him about Maven. Samson stops walking, looking down at the ground. Of course, it's Maven. Why must it always be Maven? Samson wants to see you again, more than Maven could ever.
"(Y/N) is gone." Was all he said before turning around and walking the other way.
"This one is so rare, look at it!" You enthuse. Maven sighs. Turns out that wasn't your wish. You race around the room, exclaiming about the rare card. Maven is positive that one day you'll wish will be granted, but now he knows there will be trial and error. Maven watches you run, happy to see you so lively again. Perhaps he takes you for granted. Perhaps he should appreciate your liveliness. Deep inside, Maven is happy to see you again.
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