Songfic: Tsumi no Namae
(Medieval AU
3240 words!!!!
I wrote this is one sitting and it's literally exactly 12 pm and I've been listening to the song on loop while writing this)
It was a cold, stormy night when a young maiden carried a newborn to her chest. The rain plowed against the ground. The only thing the maiden had to protect her and the child was a long, thick brown cloak that flew with her running. Her bare feet screamed in pain by all of the twigs and thorns piercing into its flesh. The maiden did not stop. She kept running against the force of her muscles.
People screamed at her, running behind much slowly. The maiden refused to give her child over. The child, body disformed and malnourished the day it was born, was cursed not to live another day. But the maiden refused to give up her child.
Guns shoot, hitting trees nearby. The maiden holds her child close, who begins to wail. The moonlight hides the maiden under a tree as she tries to hide. The sound of her child's wail is hidden by the rain. Running will eventually cease to work. What must she do?
The sounds of footsteps got more audible as the maiden decided to run once again, revealing her short hiding place. A fellow, braid at the shoulders, aims his guns at the maiden - at the believed witch. As he shoots, the baby's cry gets louder. Its ears begin to ring.
The maiden was struck. Not once, but twice. She clenches her child to her chest, refusing to let go. The child weeps. And so does she.
When a goddess of fortune transfixed her eyes upon young me,
The get beckoned closer by the swaying leaves on the tall, everlasting trees. Nearby pixies emerge from their hiding spots to witness the cruelty of human nature. A light force emerges from the darkness. The men, holding their guns, point their killing machines at the figure. The figure opens her yellow eyes. She peers down at the baby before looking back at the men.
"Cease," her voice, resembling raining glass, echoes throughout the forest. The men all get pushed back by the forces of her lifted hands. Trees sway in the same direction, leaves flying off. There are no human heartbeats anymore, all but one. One that is not supposed to be beating in the first place. The contrast between the moon and the light of the goddess made every bug burrow into the ground, not wanting to live for the wrath of fortune. The infant, smothered between the mud and their deceased mother, is suddenly lifted into the hands of a deity.
She said "What a cute baby! A prime gift for the universe
Yes, she's the one! I'll entertain myself and have some fun,
She'll bear a grim curse."
You hear the tale of your birth every day from the deities that are constantly around you. They chip things like, you should be happy that you're alive in the first place. Along with living in the forest, you don't really find happiness in the environment around you, nevertheless your own body. Your fingers are rough, used for climbing trees as they are also webbed. Your body is deadly thin, unable to join anything and constantly losing. It's a curse to not be able to die. Your left eye doesn't seem to ever open, and it constantly leaves you jolting in pain. But sometimes when you see the butterflies dance along with the morning sun, you are happy that the goddess of fortune blessed you wish life.
You like watching the humans on the outskirts of the forest. All of the deities say that they're nasty and gross, but you don't agree. They are not so different from them. The humans have machines you have seen before. Things like wheels and ovens that help them on a daily basis.
Anyone who sees my face will only treat me with despise
Often you get spotted. You crouch down to the bushes, crawling back into the depths of the woods. Sometimes, the human gets curious and walks closer to the gloom. At that point, you're already gone. It's fun. You love the feeling of adrenaline it gives you. It's something human, right? Is this what humans feel?
Even if it's sad, I won't concede, I'll pretend. Because,
It's extraordinary. Sometimes you wish you were human. The goddess of fortune says that you are a monster, even if born from a maiden. So deep inside you know you'll never fit in with the humans, so you might as well continue living with the deities.
But as you continue to inch closer to the humans, you notice one that makes your chest feel like it's being squeezed. It's a boy with dark curly hair and bright, blue eyes. He never does labor like the rest of the boys. He just sits, facing the forest. He never moves his eyes. He just stares, always listening. His fingers are always in place as they touch his surroundings when he moves. You wish to help him, as he is obviously disfigured somehow. Can he not see? Why does he always stumble?
With the years and years you've spent watching the humans, you have never come across a human who could not see. Are their more humans like that? Are their humans... like you?
If I had one wish, I'd ask the stars to give me a friend who'd never leave
You inch closer to the boy, watching him as he sits down in his chair. The morning is new, and the smell of the bread being cooked in a nearby home filled your nostrils. The smell of humans is always pleasant. It's way better than the moist aromas that come from the gloom in the forest. You continue to crawl closer to the boy, your fingers holding up all of your weight. You just want to see what he looks like up close. Surely, nobody will care, right?
Your foot gets penetrated by a twig. You almost make a noise, but you bite your lip. You with your feet were as strong as your hands. The boy's head snaps in your direction, and he looks right into your eyes. His eyes move for a moment. He doesn't react. His sight is truly lost. Any other human would scream or attack you with the nearest object. Instead, he stands. You watch him as he inches closer to you. He just stands right in front of you. You can't move. You want to retreat, you want to run. But he looks so real up close. There is no noise other than the humans living their lives so he returns to his chair hesitantly.
You are quick to back away.
Asking a simple question, "Why is it that you hate mice?"
You sit with the deities as you return. The bright colors of each one contrast the next figure. It's like a light show. Their colors reflect off the moist cave, dripping with water from the roots above. You hate being underground. Everything is made of mud. But it's better than sleeping outside with a human to uncover you.
"Why is it that humans are so bad?" You ask sheepishly. All of the chatter stops. It seems all heads have turned to you. You just stare at the wall, continue to pet the small pixie that naps in your lap. You hate the feeling their eyes give you. It's insecurity. Why was your question so bad? What are they going to do? You almost feel like they are going to attack you over something so simple.
They roll their eyes and laugh back, "Because they're dirty worthless things!"
"My dear," the goddess of fortune soothes you as she places you into her lap. Her yellow light wraps around your finger. Quickly, the pixie retreats in fear. You wish to do the same. "Humans do not deserve our attention. They destroy, and they are pointless life forms. Don't waste your time on them." She whispers motherly into your ear. The other deities cackle, watching to see your reaction. You nod, thinking about it. Pointless? What makes humans more pointless than us? How do they know? Stupid deities...
"I understand," you respond calmly. Why can't they just accept the lifeforms amongst them? What did humans ever do to them?
With the way you are blinded by malice and hostility,
You never stop going to the humans. No word from a deity can convince you not to. Every day, the boy is there. He sits and listens. He never does anything, really. He is quite... cute for a human. Should you be feeling this way? Even towards a human? Maybe this human is different.
You crawl out of the forest's grasp. All of the humans lack nature today as they are crowded in a place unknowing to you. You sneak closer to the boy on your legs. He just sits, often smiling to himself. What do you see?
I wonder, can you really say the mouse is the one dirty?
"Hello?" You whisper, crouching next to the house. The boy stands quickly, turning near you. His eyebrows furrow together curiously. He doesn't attack you, he doesn't stomp near. He just stands peacefully.
"Who are you?" The boy responds. You blink. Your heart begins to beat faster than it ever has before. What is this feeling? Is this a human feeling? Are they contagious?
"I don't know. Who are you?" You ask. The boy inches closer hesitantly. He squints his unseeing eyes. He kneels down in front of you.
"I'm Maven." He introduces himself. Maven. A beautiful human name. It's not a title or something he posses. It's his name. He is called Maven. He inches closer, and so do you. His face looks perfect this close. His eyes are brighter than you can ever imagine. They look like the galaxies on the horizon that no human can see.
"Maven!" A voice calls out his name. Like a wild animal, panic soaks into your brain as you scramble into the woods on all fours. You run like a mammal, running as fast as you can until you know you are safe. That was amazing. The best moment of your life. Why can't you stop smiling? Maven. Maven is such a perfect name, one you haven't heard before. You lay in the dirt, breathing heavily as you smile. A small laugh even finds it's way out of your lips.
If this is what it means to be happy, then why are my tears overflowing?
You put your hands to your face. This is unbelievable. You feel so many human emotions. Tears start to come out of your eyes. You touch your cheek. Is this water? How is this possible? More tears drip down the corners of your eyes as you let out a small, loud scream.
You want to be a human. Even if it means the deities won't love you anymore. You can live with their hatred if it means Maven's love. Because you love him. If you can express human emotions, it means you are human too.
Will someone tell me a reason that I have to be me?
Every day you'd visit Maven, talk to him a bit more each day. You learned about his family. He has an older brother, one he can't help but envy. That's a human emotion you learned about. Envy. Humans are so unique. You love talking to Maven. It's way different than talking to the deities. You feel safe with Maven. You feel like you belong whenever you speak to him.
You're such a kind-hearted and good-natured girl, yet you blame yourself for things you can't control
"Why do you live in the forest?" He finally asks you one day. You look at the ground for a moment. Today, the grass is hard. You grasp it before pulling it from the dirt.
"I don't know. I just do." You answer calmly. His hand slowly begins to move closer to yours. You don't pull it away.
"I think you deserve better than the forest." He states as his head stumbles on top of yours. You stare at the touch. Your heart begins to beat again. What is this? Is this human interaction? What does this mean? You don't understand. You hate it. You want to cry.
I've brought you this lily flower
Soon you will see, even if you don't think so, I'm always listening
"Me too." You whisper. You look around you. The flowers begin to bloom this season. Does he know that? Can he see the flowers? You take one between your fingers, picking it from its stem before placing it on Maven's hand. He moves it away from yours, finding the flower before grabbing on to it. You sigh. You quickly remove your hand. A part of you wants him to continue holding it. But what if it's a sign of hatred? Why was he holding your hand?
"I love you." He says to you as he feels the petals of the flower. You squint, confused. "What?"
Slowly, the rain began to pour. It's quick. The small, innocent raindrops take mere seconds to grow big and hungry. The trees all get suddenly pushed in the same direction in the same motion. Was that just the wind? Where are the other humans? Where are their screams and worries? You are quick to stand, but Maven constantly slips against the mud. You grab his arm, helping him to his feet. You stare into his worried eyes. A yellow light slowly begins in invade your vision. You see her emerging from the forest, arms extending. It's the most terrifying thing you've ever seen. She is smiling, but unmoving. She floats towards you. She never breaks eye contact. But you do. You want to run as she inches closer. A chill runs through your body as you make your decision to hold Maven close. Please don't kill him, you pray.
Soon the goddess saw the boy was the only one not repelled
She stands only centimeters in front of you. Even though your squeezed shut eyes, her light continues to blind you. All you can see is yellow. Her long, tall body leans over the two of you.
"What's going on?" Maven asks, moving against your touch. You just squeeze him tighter, shushing him. The goddess stared at Maven for a long time, her yellow eyes circling his body.
"If you knew what she looked like, would this girl you still idolize?"
She moves her hands, touching his face longingly. You open your eyes, trying to pull him away. You are not strong enough. Is she going to kill him? The goddess hates the soft texture of Maven's cheeks. It's not dirty, it's not pure. It's only human, and she despises it. She wants to pull away, but she continues to stare into the boy's eyes. The boy's blind eyes, she figures out. A smile forms on her face. She closes her eyes, whispering to herself before speaking solely to the boy. You watch in fear, wanting to physically do something to prevent this. The multiple layers of golden cloth surrounding the goddess blow against the nonexistent wind as the rain falls straight through it like she doesn't exist. You are scared. You don't know what to do.
"If you are granted the gift of sight, will you continue loving this girl?" Her voice, louder than the rain yet quieter than a mouse, flows into your ears. Your eyes begin to widen. You can't even see Maven, as he is surrounded by the form of the goddess of fortune. Will Maven like you if he knows what you look like? You don't want to think about it. You don't want to exist. What if he cries, screams, or runs away? What if he hates you? Will you lose your only friend? Will you have to live with the deities forever?
And the boy who was blind could now see through his eyes
The goddess retracted herself away from Maven. Her floating form sinks to the corner of the forest, watching like a mother as the rain slowly ceases its hunger. Maven blinks once, then twice. You watch in fear, yet excitement. You wonder what it feels like. Being blind all of your life only to regain your sight? What would it be light?
Maven looks at the goddess, squinting his eyes. She truly is blinding. Her face never stops smiling as she looks at you. Maven follows her gaze, his eyes falling upon you. Time seems to stop. You hate the feelings that are overcoming you. Human feelings. Everything you ever lived for seems to be worth it for this moment, as Maven smiles at you. His eyes look you up and down, and he smiles. Why is he smiling? Does he like what he sees? Why isn't he running and hiding? How do you look to him?
"You're beautiful." He says as he walks up to you, hugging you. Even though the rain pours cold water onto your body, you feel warm in Maven's grasp. Every inch of worry on both of your bodies seems to disappear. You have never been hugged before but it just feels so right. You begin to cry. You cry on his shoulder. Is this what it's truly like to be human? Do you truly deserve this happiness you're feeling? Why are you worth the miracle of falling in love?
The goddess of fortune peers onto the two lovestruck teenagers in front of her. Something in her stirs. This isn't how she thought it would turn out. Maybe humans aren't so bad.
You cry out, "Please don't shed anymore tears, I promise I'll always be here!
I'll stay by your side until the day we die, I vow!
Don't dream of changing yourself, I already love the girl you are."
"I love you," you whisper to Maven, "I love you so much." He pulls himself away from the hug to look you in the eyes. His blue eyes are filled with life, something that you've never seen before.
"You're beautiful," he smiles. A drop of water falls from his eyelash as he leans in to kiss your cheek. His lips are soft, softer than you could imagine. Your chest feels like it's bursting. You love the feeling. He places his hands on your cheeks. You smile. You can't find any words to express how you truly feel. This moment, the euphoric feeling you longed for ever since you were a child, is remarkable. You bask in this moment, and you know you always will. The goddess of fortune clasps both of her hands together, smiling to herself. You two make eye contact. For once, you smile a real smile back at her. It makes her feel nice. And finally, the rain stops. Forever.
Almost like magic, it seems the nightmare transformed into a dream.
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