Songfic: I Can't Fix You
(I haven't been in the right mindset to write fics because they 100% of the time are really depressing and repressed so idk this one is a yandere fic but I can handle it.
This is the longest fic yikes)
I've been trying for so long
To sing you the right song
The chain around your ankle clinks against the floor. They can't hear it over the sound of the music and your singing. No camera dares to pan to the floor, only keeping your face in the shot. You sing for the silvers, the public draining your blood before sending you out. You try to dissociate, trying not to stare into the camera. But every time you mess up you get shocked, a reminder to stand up straight and perform with a smile.
To show you something different
You work your heart out to sing for the silvers. You write only most of your songs, but at least the voice is always yours. You try to be unique. If you're boring, you're scared they might delete you from the public. The key is the shock-factor, to always be surprising. Always be unique. Always.
So you hear what I have to say
Like puzzle pieces
"So free me from my heart," you sing as you stare at the camera. You wink, sending negative vibes through the lens. Watching from miles away is Maven, listening to your voice like white noise. The other people in the castle though, watch the broadcast closely. The servants keep their eyes on you as they do laundry and wash the dishes. They love you, and so do most of the silvers.
Maven tries not to watch, he tries not to listen. He knows he'll fall in love.
And now we're here at a standstill
Maven has heard everything good about you. He has heard about how beautiful you are, how perfect your body is and how enchanting your voice is. He knows in his most vulnerable time that he's going to fall in love with you if he sees your beauty. He just wants a moment to himself before he decides whether to listen to your words or not.
I wonder if you feel
The kind of pain that rips your
Insides out
You and Maven both feel trapped inside of your roles. Whether it's idol or king, it's all just a cage. And as Maven sits in the corner, you're the one to claw out of the bars and find the nearest key.
From your stage, you think about a way to cease everything happening. Your song is almost over, you need to think. Something that won't get you in trouble... Which is like nothing. So as the music end and you hit the last note, you smile at the camera.
That's something I know all about
"That's for you, King Maven!" You give a wink to the camera.
Maven blinks in his spot, looking down at the floor before glancing at the screen quickly. He takes a deep breath. It's almost like you're staring into his eyes. Your face, dotted with only colors of red, burn an image into his mind. With your flowing hair and extending arms finding their way into his brain, he sits down to ponder about the seasonal decorations you wear on your shoulders.
Shocking, ain't it?
The cameras turned off, leaving you terrified. The chain around your ankle began to shake before sending a shock into your leg. It's practice, you imagine. You try not to react to it. You bite your lip, turning your head away from the crew. Before you could react, the chain began getting reeled in. It happened at the speed that knocked you onto the floor before dragging you offstage.
Is it because I can't be her
Maven rubs the goosebumps away from his skin as he stares at the new decoration to his room. Resting on the corner of his dresser is a magazine with your face plasters on the cover. In the picture, you hold a mistletoe with gloved fingers, reading "Who Do You Want Under Your Mistletoe?"
He feels indifferent about it. He can't decide whether you're the most attractive thing in the world or utterly stereotypical. He just stares at the picture, sulking in the corner. He doesn't know what to think. The famous red is messing with his mind.
He feels happy that you acknowledged his presence. After his mother died, the weight of the world suddenly crushed him. But he feels like he can handle the world now. You're his sanctuary.
Made your mistakes and made me hurt
"But like - ugh, I don't see why you aren't like - seeing what I'm seeing right now," one of your makeup artists say. You wave a hand in front of her, signaling her to knock it off. You never enjoyed makeup, so everything has been minimalistic so far. But today is special, sadly. You're having a photoshoot with the top tier highhouses of Norta. You remember in your trainer you were supposed to memorize each house. You're scared, mostly. You think you'll look like a marshmallow next to somebody like Evangeline. But you know it'll all be fun. You hope.
For the photo shoot, you have to wear something with long, open sleeves and a curved collar. Usually, you'd have a bright puffy skirt. But your ankle is fucked up. Instead, you wear long, robotic boots that help you walk normally. Instead of the red style of clothing, you sport a light blue tone. You look like a star.
I can't fix you
Your favorite moment is when you get to stand next to Maven Calore. Meeting him was insane. You acted nice, and he acted professionally. Inside, you were both screaming. You both couldn't believe you were meeting each other.
You posed with one of your fingers under his chin and his hand on your waist. It was hard for him to keep his eyes off of you. It was the perfect kissing position. You thought about it, you really did. You even moved your head to do it. But you thought about it for a second and thought about the consequences. All of the silvers in your life would shun you, and probably shun Maven. So you kept your lips to yourself.
Maven looks at you, staring down at your lips for a split second. He sensed the hesitance. Why are you scared? Who is frightening you?
"I can fix you," Maven whispers into your ear, pulling you closer. You don't give any physical reactions as the cameras continued to click.
Made me awake and made me hurt
Your eyes dance around the room only for a split second. You see people whispering to each other, eyeing both of you down. They noticed. Evangeline whispers to one of your producers, who frowns angrily at you. Maven is so stupid. Does he not know he isn't supposed to be real next to you? Doesn't he understand that you're only a doll for him to hold and not talk to? You're not supposed to talk. He's not supposed to talk. Silence. Behind the camera, you see an executor walking over to you.
You think quick. For the controversy, you think. For the controversy.
You grab Maven's face, cupping it with both hands as you kiss him on the lips. Everybody in the room freezes. The cameramen go to town on capturing it. Quickly, he pulls away. Maven is shook.
Your makeup artist grabs your hand, pulling you away. All of the silvers that control you look around, mentally asking each other what to do. Maven watches you as you get pulled away.
I feel my heart breaking
Mistakes I've been making
Maven gets goosebumps again as he looks at the magazine with both of you on the cover. On the corner of the paper was a picture of you two kissing.
You look at the same paper from your room, smiling to yourself as your makeup artist straightens your hair. Your producers have practically locked you in your room as they think about what to do. Honestly, with all of the money and publicity you've been getting, they can't find a reason to be mad.
How can a human lose their
Maven has been thinking about that moment since it happened. It's the only thing keeping his mind rolling. His hands twitch as he stares at the magazine, reading about what people think about him. It's addicting, it's beautiful. He begins noticing things he didn't before, like how airbrushed your cheeks are and how thin your fingers are compared to his.
I can't fix you
He runs his fingers over the airbrushed skin that was on your body. He can practically feel the smooth skin under his fingers. He imagines you in his arms with a smile on both of your faces. His heart begins to race, his fingers clench the paper.
"I need her," Maven whispers. He tilts his head, squinting his eyes. He repeats what he said before quickly heading towards the door.
This is what happens when you
Leave it to somebody else
Your makeup artist holds your hand firmly yet calmly, almost ready to yank you if you try to walk away. You're walking down a dark underground ally with her. The walls are brown and metal, curving without fault. There are lanterns everywhere, leaving no shadows. Your makeup artist stops at the end of the tunnel, licking her lips as she moves the two metal walls with her mind. You are forced to stand there next to her with your arm basically getting cut off by her.
If you want it done right
The next room was pure black and looked like an underground train system. Your producer stands there, his arms crossed. He goes to grab you but your makeup artist pulls you by her side.
You should just do it yourself
"Stop that," she says. You stay quiet, not wanting to say anything for fear of the life. Your producer reaches out his hand, his fingers straightening as they run through your hair. Your time is up, you hear his voice in your head. Your heart beats faster. This can't be over. You've had so much fun, even through the pain. You don't want it to end. Are they going to put a gun to your head, end it quickly? What's going to happen?
You may make everyone happy
But you're dead inside just like me
All of the fans you've made over the years. All of the fame you have. All of the inner lights you exposed from inside of people. It's over, isn't it?
Your producer smiles, his eyes squinting without any happiness. The makeup artist runs her fingers up your arm, licking her lips as footsteps become audible behind her. She smiles, too.
She lifts up her hands, releasing your hands as she wraps herself around your shoulders.
"You cost millions of gold, you star." She whispers into your ear. You can feel the tears from in your ears. Suddenly, she lets out a yelp from behind her teeth. She lets go of you, and you suddenly feel free. But there's nowhere you can go without something catching. Nothing good will come from anything.
Before you can even move, a warm, thin hand wraps around your waist as Maven brings you closer to him.
Now we're here at a standstill
Your producer just smiles at Maven, talking to him through his head. You are forced to stand there in the silence. With Maven by your side, you stand up straight. Your heart is pounding so fast you fear Maven can feel it. Maven shakes hands with him, his hand loosening around you. You don't want to look at Maven's face. You're scared. You don't want to face what Maven is behind his crown. You turn your head away, staring off into the walls of sinking metal. You don't speak as Maven leads you down the tunnel, towards the darkness.
I wonder if you feel
The kind of pain that rips your
Insides out
You stand next to Maven in the castle. You wear a long, silk red dress that goes to your knees. You have a ribbon around your waist and a bow in your hair. You look like a doll. You haven't seen any of the producers or makeup artists since Maven practically bought you.
You walk around with Maven everywhere, standing next to him without a word. He enjoys your presence, and so does everybody else. It's not better than being on a stage in front of your fans, but it's better than being surrounded by all of the empty people there.
Shocking, ain't it?
As Mare walks down the hall, you blink. Maven takes a step forward. You don't move. You've never imagined you'd see the Little Lightning Girl in person. Strikingly, you make eye contact with her. She looks at you. You look at her.
We have a lot more in common
Than you would be calm with
Without a word, she grimaces at Maven.
You can't help but look down.
You think, what's the difference between you and Mare?
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