One Shot: The More You Sing prt. 4
(this is so cringey I'm crying ya'll)
You sat on your bed (a swarm of blankets), the nights' beautiful stars arrayed threw out the room. Julian said he only vaguely recognized the material the goo is. Good news, it'll disappear in a while. Bad news, you're hand will fully heal in like a month. There's only barely any flesh on it now. That's not your problem. Your problem is that you're hungry. Maven was sitting next to you. The mischief in your eyes was attractive to him. You grabbed a light shawl to wrap around your shoulders while you stand up, motioning for Maven to stand after you. You feel close to him, he did technically save your life. You could honestly have defeated her by yourself, but the help is appreciated.
You walked down the halls with him by your side. You humorously danced, spinning and smiling at him. You felt like humming, so you hummed a simple song. But you were proud of yourself, so you felt like singing. Maybe a spell, you could try out that spell you always wanted to! It's not the most dangerous of spells but it can definitely be fatal, well, you guessed that no one here was bad. The spell just leads to bad coughing and bleeding from the mouth, continuously.
What were the words again? Something that rhymes with soul, come on (y/n), remember! It's a four-lined poem! Ah-ha! You got it! You stop walking. A smiled formed on your face as Maven put his hands in his pockets, leaning on the wall behind you. When you dramatically turn around, you look up and down at Maven. He is absolutely beautiful, truly. He gives you a smile back.
"Peaceful birds start to sing
The nice go to the bad's every need
The one with the evilest soul
Is the first to go
Will you draw blood?
To save the one you love?" You sang elegantly, thinking nothing of it. The spell is used to draw out those with bad souls. It's a song about sacrifice. It's one of your favorites. You always sing it whenever you're alone. After you sang that, time stopped. Maven started coughing. You stood there, frozen. Did he have a bad soul? There's no way. He's so kind and helpful. Yet, he's the son of Elara. You took a step back, gasping. Maven was about to walk to you, he's only confused. But backed away, avoiding his touch like the plague. He coughed more into his hand. You don't have your bag, you could have easily cured him with those damn flowers. You put your hands on his shoulders, lifting him up. You made your decision, definitely. Your hands move from his shoulders to his cheeks,
"I'm going to the river." You concluded. Maven shook his head, trying to protest. Standing tall, you are quick to lead Maven back to his room. There's even a moment when Evangeline walked out of her room, asking what the cluster was about. You explained how Maven got cursed, she honestly didn't seem to care. You could see past her words. As you laid Maven down, you put your hand on his forehead.
"Don't scream,
Don't peep,
It'll be better
Once you sleep." You sing to him. His eyes close, and he sleeps peacefully. Of course, it's not sleeping, more of internal slumber, but you can easily wake him up by repeating the same spell. And by that, you're set to go.
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