One Shot: Little Red
("You just hated being confined in a space like that for long." a fuCKING CASTLE IS TOO CONFININING FOR YOU??)
After you do your time as a servant you always exit the castle secretly, draping a red cape over you as you sneak into the forest. The wolves treat you as family, the bird's console you. The forest has always been your friend. You were not special, not peculiar like Mare or Evangeline. You were a normal red. A red servant if you should add. You work for the Calore castle and you definitely blend in with the rest of your work buddies. You just hated being confined in a space like that for long.
Today is nothing special, the typical neglect from everybody around you as they treat you like your a scoundrel. When you noticed Maven glancing your way more than usual you immediately took notice. You especially took notice when after all the all-mighty silvers took their leave he grabbed your wrist.
"Follow me," he whispers. You silently acquiesce in his demand, even when you just wanted to leave. What does he want with a red like you? Is he going to kill you? Maven leads you into a silent hallway you've never been down before. Hell, you never knew it even existed.
"You're adroit at looking as if you know something we don't," Maven speaks. You stiff up. What? What does that mean?
"I-I'm sorry, pardon?" You spoke to him for the first time. He let go of your hand and slowed his pace.
Maven adumbrates, "you are quite skillful in making me curious." You blink. You make him curious. Curious about what?
"Tell me about yourself." He adds. What about you? What is so important about your life that Prince Calore wants to know?
"I like birds." You blurt out without thinking. Birds, birds?! Nice going, moron! He nods, not giving in to that answer. "What got you into birds?" He asks. Why are you having this conversation?
"I love going through the forest, it's so beautiful." You let out. He nods, "I know."
"Wait - what?!" You look at him. He lets out a chuckle.
"I've been watching you go outside for the past month." He admits plainly. You blush.
"You're not going to tell anybody, right?" You ask quietly. He stops walking. You look up to him nervously. Your emotions calm when you see his smile. "Only if you show me what's so fascinating about it." He jokes.
"Alright," you promise. You give him a smile as he turns around and starts walking the other way.
"Isn't the forest scaring at night? Aren't you scared of the big bad wolf?" He asks with a smirk.
"Not if I have somebody like you to protect me next time."
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