One Shot: Arcanum
You hold Maven's hand with a smile as you walk around the magic circle you crafted from salt. Maven thought this was silly but didn't want to give up the chance. You knew a lot about this stuff.
At last, at last
Time began. The circle was decorated beautifully with symbols foreign to Maven's brain.
at long last
There's a red servant in the middle of the circle, an iron cage covering their seated position.
Young guard dog and
The room had no windows, only lit by a single candle in your corner. Maven was across the room, in another corner. The candle blew out. You began chanting, the chant is short. The chant says how long the spirit will stay in the room.
little lost girl
"Is the caged child... Thomas (Y/N)?" You called out.
Sealed within an iron cage
At mountains bottom
"Is the caged child... Thomas (Y/N)?"
within the darkness
"Yes," the voice called out. It's pitch black, you couldn't see a thing. You wished Thomas was visible to you, you would kill to see your brother again. You could hear Maven's gasp over the ringing in your ears. This wasn't real, this didn't work. How was this real? You did it. After so many attempts you finally did it.
At last, at last
"Are you real?" You called out without thinking.
"Yes, I am quite sure I am real." Still humorous, Thomas is still the same.
How many will there by dawn?
"I'm sorry," Maven let out. There's silence for a second. Only one second. It's the longest second of his life.
"It's okay, don't worry. I'm fine." Thomas reassured with a calming tone. You felt your heart stop. He's so forgiving, it took you years to forgive him. They must really love each other. You felt a bit of jealousy. Maven loved you but you knew you wouldn't top his love for Thomas. This was the most you could do for him.
"Are you sure?" You asked, your voice cold towards Maven.
Will there be two or just one?
"I'm sure." Silence. You could feel the time running out.
"I promise I won't visit anytime soon... if you understand." You said with a shaky voice. You could feel the lump forming in your throat. You get to talk to Thomas again, this was really happening. Your brother... with you again.
Will the guard dog run far away?
"Time is running out," Thomas confirmed. You clenched your fist, not wanting this to be over.
"I lov-"
Or will he eat the little girl?
"-e you!" Maven called out, sounding as if he was fighting with himself. He was quiet for awhile. You wonder if he's taking this well.
At last
The room, once dark, began to light up again. The candle was dim.
"G-GOODBYE!" You screamed out with teary eyes.
at last
"Goodbye, sister." He spoke, his spirit disappearing.
at long last.
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