END - i'm glad you're evil too ♥
(Gosh I'm so sappy.
It's called "Maven Calore X Reader One Shots (2)"
Okay, but do you guys get notifications whenever I upload??? Like how are you on my ass (in a good way) like seconds after I upload somethign??? wh--)
Staring off into the sky, in the middle of the night
You were always a bit happy in life. You had your episodes, but you never failed to try and see the brighter side. You had to train yourself to be happy in fear that your mind would take over. This is how everything always was. You always kept to yourself and thought about your actions. This is what led you to get a lot of friends and befriend your teachers. You, the brightest person in the world, always tried to get others to shine.
I remembered a call we had, we were laughing all the time
At first, you saw something different in Maven. He was just a fun person to hang around, whether you were talking or not. Whenever you looked into his eyes you got lost, almost forgetting the concept of time. You loved his eyes. They renewed you every time you talked to him. You always saw him in the hallways and at lunch. You never said anything. Because he was just a classmate, not a friend. You wished he was a friend. But he probably didn't feel the same.
Even though it should've been kinda scary
You always tried to be the best influencer you could around him. You thought of him as a child as you helped him with his work. You felt the need to be careful about whatever you said around him. But you also tried to seem fun, and unpredictable. It was the constant battle you had with yourself when around him. As beautiful as it seemed, he was the only one who made you question your actions.
You remember turning around one day during class, starting a conversation with him. It was your form of a platonic pickup line.
"Do you believe in aliens?" You asked. Sitting in front of him was a blessing you cared for deeply. As quickly as you said it, your mind started to race. He looked confused, taken aback by the sudden question. Even with your mind attacking you, you continued to smile. He is not like your friends or any of the goofballs in the class. You can't approach him like this. He is a boy, he doesn't match your humor levels. At worst, you probably made yourself look like a moron. Good going.
Other people would've made me feel wary
Your friends laugh around about him. They come up with nicknames, teasing you about him. You refuse to talk about it. Eventually, they carry on like the winters blow, and continue on with their lives. You stay still in your life. You relive the same day over and over in your head. Do you believe in aliens? Honestly, he didn't answer. You were curious. And a coward.
Think positive. He laughs about it. He talks about it to his friends. There's no way he thinks you're weird. With how his brother lives, he's probably heard worst.
That's it, that's a positive way. That's why everybody loves you. You are positive. Yes... positive.
But even with your friends off of your back, there are low-class students in the class that comment on it more than any other type of people. They call you guys a cute couple, to your dismay. You just laugh about it as he shadows out of his mind. Being with Maven? No. There's no way he would want to be with you. He probably wants a goth girl, or whatever quiet people like him desire the most. But there's nothing wrong with that, you counter again. He can like whoever he wants, and whoever he does like, they are definitely a perfect person.
But whenever I'm with you I feel like I can really smile
One Friday, you walked to a mall with your friends. You were in a store meant for children. All of your friends were laughing at the calenders and board games. You were by yourself, looking through the bath toys. You saw rubber ducks upon rubber ducks. You always collected them, ever since you were a child. But there was a unique one. One with the painted design of an alien. You have never seen it before, yet it seemed so similar.
You stand against your friends as they all chatter. Everything is quiet in your ears. You hold onto the alien with the tips of your fingers before snatching it from the rack. You buy it quicker than you have ever bought anything. Hardly any of your friends notice nor both to ask. It was your little present for Maven.
You brought it to school with a certain thing in mind. Maven. You knew you wanted to give it to him. It's like a part of you in his hands. And when you gave it to him, your heart was pounding in your ears. It was a goofy moment, but it was dear to your heart. You thought he would be annoyed but take it anyways. You thought he would be in denial. You thought he would be anything other than what he really was... which was happy. He looked at it like it was a gift from the Heavens, and maybe it was.
"Thank you," he said as he held it with both hands. He examined it closer than you thought he would. You felt surprised, you felt happy. You wish you knew what he felt. And then, he looked up at you and smiled. His eyes sparkled with a sensation you only knew as love. You were in shock. You blushed. You couldn't stop blushing.
Holding twisted realities at the bottom of my heart
He loved you. You didn't see it. Was it so clear? Are you blind? At that moment, all of your feelings towards him erupted. He was the most beautiful creature you've ever seen, and he felt the same way about you. You couldn't believe it. You were almost in denial. This was the person you wanted to be with. You knew it. You knew it dearly. He was an angel. Somebody you never saw before this moment. This was real, and you couldn't believe it.
Letting rain beat down upon me
And avoiding the sun where I could see
I was so surprised to find your hand so warm in mine
"Why are your hands so cold?" You whisper to him quietly. The trees swayed in the wind, hiding you two from the vibrate sun. His hands are larger than yours and specifically smoother. The lines of his palm fit so perfectly with yours. You loved hanging out with him. This was the most perfect place in your mind. Being with him and seeing how real he is is indescribable. Everything was made for you two to be together. The smell of the pine, the gentle gust of the wind, everything loves you together.
"Coldness is just a lack of warmth." He smiled. You smiled, too. His smile brings you happiness that you cannot explain. He keeps you alive to the point of extinguishment. You look up at him, stepping closer to his body.
-"I can give you warmth." You say as you grab his hands, holding them with yours. You looked at your hands in his. You want to do this more often. You exhale. You have a mad crush on Maven. It's started to mess on your goals in life. You want to get an education, have children, and live longer. You never thought about falling in love this early. But it feels like a relief. It feels... nice.
In a childish sort of reverie was us
Overflowing full of happiness
You sit in your room, writing in your journal. Beyond your love for him, you do know the chances of you two being together forever is low. You both are still children, and you might find other people. You pause. Just the thought of Maven loving somebody else makes your heartache. You never realized how much you loved him before this thought came into your head. You are such a creepy. Why are you such a creep? Even if Maven finds somebody else, you'll still love him. You don't think you would ever be able to give him up.
But we always held on tight no matter what and it was enough
Just as if it was our first love
"I remember this," you say. At this point in your life, you have already lived through the stress of college with Maven by your side. And now, as you grow old, you decided to move into a new place with him. You two have been dating for over a decade and you still have been strong together. Your favorite moment was being with your guardian as you packed all of your stuff, looking at the things you haven't noticed at all.
You pick up the book, showing it to Maven as he towered above you. You point at a picture you took of you both holding each other tightly. It made you smile. You remember when you were in madly love with Maven. It makes you happy. You've lasted longer than you thought you would.
You brush your fingers against the image before flipping through the rest of the book. All of these pictures brought memories that overflowed up. Maven made you feel like you belonged. That was a feeling you didn't know of before you met him. Tears start to form in your eyes as you flipped through. You remember everything.
We watched the sunset, me and you
We sent memes of cute puppies too
You remember when you would invite Maven into your room just to watch the sunset. He loved the look of your room. You had two chairs in front of the window just for watching the sun go to sleep. Maven sat in one, excited to see life go to an end. You remember staring at his face, watching how intrigued he was. And then you snapped a photo. The sun's orange and yellow reflection warmed his white cheeks, bringing warmth to his heart. It was beautiful. You loved taking pictures of him.
Every day you have ever found, you've taken a picture of. You loved animals, you were that type of person. What you loved even more than puppies was Maven, so you never hesitated to show him what you found. He just smiled and congratulated you. You wished he would do more.
We would get so offended over stupid trivial news
Maven was very argumentative. His mind was always stuck on what he believed. You loved arguing with him. It was fun to listen to his mind, such an opposite of yours. You want to teach him how to deprive himself of the negative things. He has the such an evil mind, but you do too, right? You just handle it differently. Oh, Maven, you think with empathy, why do you do this to yourself? You just wanted to hold him until the end of eternity. All you want to do is tell him that everything will be alright. Why doesn't he let you do that?
We'd laugh while watching parodies
And cry while listening to comedies
You love showing Maven things from your childhood. You remember all of these movies from when you were growing up, and they seemed to shape you and your sense of humor. You don't know what you would be without them. So you show them to Maven, the stupid movies they may be. You laugh at them every time you watch them. It fills you with so many memories. You hold Maven's hands, bathing in the thought of how far you've grown since the beginning.
"I love you," you remind Maven in the middle of every one of the movie sad scenes. He usually holds you tight, letting his warmth take ahold of you.
Two lonely and broken souls having the time of their lives
I'm glad that you're you, that I'm me, and for us two
I'm kinda glad that you're evil too
You love the feeling of his cheeks between your fingertips. You love holding his face as he sits against the bed. He is beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
"I was like you once," you say as your eyes searched his for hope. His lips part but he doesn't say anything.
"I was small... and so scared," you whisper, "but now I'm confident... because of you." Your words send shivers down his spine. Your touch made him tingle in a way he had never felt before. You're happy you are with Maven. You have watched him grow for so long. You remember being like him, being so vulnerable and weak. It breaks your heart so reminisce in those memories like Maven does. You are happy Maven is evil, because if he wasn't, you are sure he wouldn't believe in himself as much as he does now.
Hearts beating were almost one, too small to understand
You only started about thinking of the future when you moved in with him. It was like a step closer in your relationship that you thought about more than he did. You knew this was like a twisted version of forever and ever commitment, whether Maven knew it or not. This made you consider your future, and you wanted to know what Maven felt about it. Ever since you were a child you have dreamed of what your future children would be like. There is a problem though. You have gotten physical pains in your stomach and abdomen ever since the age of 14. You knew your chance of physically having children would be low, but you never came to accept the part.
You started to convince yourself you were fine. You ignored your pain, you ignored all of your serious sufferings. You thought you were healthy. You made yourself believe that you were capable of having children just to hide the pain of the loss.
"What will life in the future be like?" You asked Maven in the silence one day. He always loved sitting in his room alone, just reading in quiet. You thought it was weird. Being in the silence for so long... drove you mad. You joined him one day, but all you wanted to do was talk.
"We are in the future." You responded so perfectly. You turn your head towards him, smiling brightly. That wasn't even in the top five answers you thought he was going to say. His words remind you why you love him so much, even when looking at him doesn't remind you enough.
"Do you want kids?" You continue staring at him. He doesn't respond, almost ignoring you, as he continues to read. Your heart finds its way to your throat, making you unable to breathe. You feel like you're trapped underwater, grasping at the surface for it to never come. But then, you realize you have just been staring into his eyes, and he has been staring back.
Both dreaming of rising up to the world and fighting back
You close your eyes. This is done slowly, very slowly. The question was probably too much for him. Not everybody wants children, and if you decided to be with somebody who does, that's completely okay. You almost apologize before he interrupts you.
"I wouldn't dream of anything else." Maven answers with a smile. You sit up quickly, surprised by his voice. You don't waste any time before holding him in your arms. You love him more than anything. If all guys in the world were like Maven, there would be no more wars. Everybody would be happy, and you would love your fair share of the original. Maven wraps his arms around you, giving you hope that you once before didn't have.
Even in the dark, I know there's hope for us
In the form of fleeting happiness
"When you have a child, this-" you spin around in the empty room "-will be their room!" In your mind, you could see the decorations already. The painting on elephants that will play above the crib, where the child will rest. There will be toys scattered across the floor, all leading into a wooden box. It is your dream, your perfect room. You can't wait to make it happen.
And in your happiness, in all of your pleasure, reality hits you again. Children, your abdomen screeches, children. Your stomach, getting stabbed by the overgrowth of tissue, squeezes you tightly. You can see nothing, you can barely stand. You hate it. You hate it more than everything. Why can't you be normal? Why does this happen to you?
All you wanted was a happy life, but nothing is going right. As you grow older and older, your positivity begins to get sucked away from you. You just want to die right there in Maven's arms.
If I fall I know you'll stop and turn around and help me stand
Just as if we were little kids again
Reality hit you in your face once you made it to the hospital. You knew this was going to happen. You knew your future would lead to this. For years you tried to forget. For years you covered it up. But your body finally caught up to you. The beginning of self-care is the realization, which you only came to now. You knew you were unable to have children. And at the same time... you didn't know. You knew it was over before your life even began.
The doctors helped you understand your pain and why it was there. You began to get too involved in your surroundings. You noticed the hold, metallic table under you. You noticed the way Maven's hair slightly moved with the air conditioning from the room. You focused on the things on the walls. You focused on all you could to distract yourself from the doctor's words, but nothing worked. You listened to everything. You didn't want to feel. Your evil-self pushed away all of your pain, trying to remain positive. All you wanted to do was be positive.
We would get so absorbed in whatever we set out to do
You knew Maven needed his time. He was a very independent person, he didn't need you to help him with his recoveries. He took the news worse than you did. You didn't realize how much it would impact your life until you realized how much you passed the child's room. Now, it's always going to empty. Neither of you has the soul to fill it with anything else, nevertheless look at it.
You wanted to stay supportive of Maven. You could understand what he was going through and why. So, you start placing sticky notes around the house in places you knew he would go. He usually never comes out of his room, leaving you alone to sleep on the couch, which you enjoyed. You wrote him inspirational quotes, whether from yourself or the internet. It was fun to do.
You didn't feel alone. No matter what, you always felt like Maven was with you. The sticky notes helped you connect with him more. They were the thing that connected you back together through the melancholia.
Two lonely and broken souls messing around with their lives
You spend most of your days watching tv before pretending to be asleep so you can see Maven come out of his room. You haven't groomed yourself in years, looking fresh out of literally nothing. Instead of paying attention to the television, you just thought. Is Maven okay? Is he hurt in any way? What if he dies up there and you don't know?
You say Maven walk out of the room but you didn't turn your head. You didn't want to scare him away with your red eyes. But he stepped closer to you, even daring enough to sit right by your side. For a split second, you thought you weren't real. But as he held you close to him, you almost felt safe. You could feel the way your lungs moved when you took in a breathe. You could feel everything. Everything was real.
"I'm happy you still love me," you whisper to him. He holds you close to him, so close you can hear his heartbeat.
I can't be good no matter what but you held me close and it was enough
Just as if it was our first love
"I will always love you." He whispers into your hair. You smile. You think about all of the years you've been with him. All of those times throughout high school you both cheated off of each other. All those times in college where you both found time to just sit in coffee shops for hours on ends. All of the times, now, that you spend just loving each other more than anything.
We watched the sunset, me and you
We sent memes of cute puppies too
Maven takes pictures of you from day to day. Whether they are just you opening the fridge or you trying to remember where you put your keys. He takes pictures of whenever you are the most beautiful. Which, for him, is always. You see this pictures every day as he prints them out and puts them around a pinboard he hangs on the wall. They are cute, filling up with the greatest of the greats.
And now, as Maven opens up, you have a dog running around. A small, one at that. A gift from yours truly. The pupper never hesitates to boop you on the nose with his cold, black one. Whenever you stare into the dog's eyes, you forget about all of your thoughts of having children. Taking care of the dog is almost fills your heart enough. You still die at the thought of having a child of your own, but you are happy Maven is coming to his own ways of forgetting so you should too.
We would get so offended over stupid trivial news
You love thinking about what's going on in the world. Your values begin to abhor all of the recent celebrity business the media is getting into. You talk about it all the times, and now, Maven listens. You almost forgot what it's like for somebody to listen to you. The older you get, the more you talk. It's a curse for some people, but for Maven, it's a blessing. He loves to hear your voice. You two go perfectly together. Your family begins to know this as do his. It's what really makes you two the evilest people in the world.
Though both of us will die one day
Though this life is useless anyway
When you're here by my side, you make me feel like it'll be okay
Everybody, already you begins to grow like flowers of a new generation of gardens. Life is complete, as so is the world and all of the people in it. You are happy being with Maven, and you wouldn't choose anyone over him. You are happy with your dog and how he is no longer a puppy anymore.
And somedays, when life is at it's worst, you both don't hesitate to pick each other up. You both give each other life and hope. That's all you both ever wanted as teenagers. That's all you both ever wanted in life. And you got it, as beautiful as a Heavenly gift it was, you both finally found happiness.
When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you
I'm glad that I fell in love with you
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