27 years later
It had been 27 years since the first attack by it and bill had blamed himself for Georgie and Jaymi going missing, he couldn't exactly asked Richie's brother as he had never returned for getting help for the attack. Well things had kinda improved as he became the leader of the group and he officially claimed Stanley as his mate and he couldn't be more happy about that. Richie and eddie also became mated to one another which was no surprise to anyone especially when they had announced that they were expecting a pup. Ever since that richie had become more protective of him and now could exactly blame him "um bill we gotta a slight problem" ben said "what is it?" Bill asked "well there a herd here asking for richie" bev says and that caught richie's attention. He was very confused by the news "what?" Is all he could say and they went to the edge of derry to see a group kids "excuse me who might you be?" Bill asked them all "my names mike wheeler and I'm looking for someone named Richie Tozier" the boy says and richie stepped forward. He toke a deep breath "that would be me" he says "listen you won't know who we are but our farther was your brother" the boy say "my broth.....wait what do you mean was?" He says "he died trying to protect us" the older girl says. That course richie to whine a little bit "we better get you kids inside and get you something to eat you all seem hungry" Beverley says and they toke all the kids to the house that was big enough to fit all of them. The second richie walked the door his love walked over and nuzzles him "richie are you okay, I can sense that something's bovering you?" Eddie says as he then noticed the new comers "oh hi there I'm eddie" he says and each kid introduced themselves. It was as the kids were eating and bill was just looking out at the moon "you okay love?" Stan asked walking over to him "yea I just.........I had the dream again last night" bill says and stan simply nodded. Bill has lately been having dreams of having another mate with stan but he could never get their name all he knew was that they were female "look we can look in the barrens again tomorrow if that'll make you feel better" stan says to him and bill nods. Will over heard bill and stan and walked over "hey sorry to seem noisy but I over heard you two and maybe me and my friends could help out" he says and the two men looked at him and after asking each kid they said they would help out so they had much more hope in find the female in Bill's dreams.
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