Kouta's Temporary Guardian
"Kouta? You have everything?" A woman's voice called out to the attention of a young boy who was still putting away some stuff in a luggage. Clothes, bathroom utilities such as toothbrush, pasted, wash, and floss. The small child put a ball inside as well just in case his new temporary home had nothing but boredom for him.
The woman with red short hair walked towards the boy and knelt down next to him to help with the packing up process.
For the past few days Kouta had being silent and kept to himself when he heard the news of him being housed in the dormitories of U.A. It wasn't his decision but his aunt Shino Sosaki or better known as Mandalay the pro Hero and Leader of the Pussycats. He did not know why she made that decision for him but he wasn't happy about it at all.
"Why?" Kouta whispered which was heard by his aunt as she looked at the boy while still holding some of his clothes. "Why do I have to go?" Kouta's words hit Shino like daggers entering her heart. Of course she did not want this to her nephew but he will eventually understand as time goes on.
Shino, she couldn't feel the need to put Kouta in anymore danger than he already had been through. The loss of his parents, build up resentment towards villains and heroes, and the recent attack in the forest. All of these were something that a child should not have experienced, not so early in their lives. The Pro-Hero sighed at the thought of the boy next to her must be feeling.
She couldn't do anything at the time of the attack besides hold of some villains. Her nephew was in danger and needed her while she was fighting another battle. The responsibility of being a hero is indeed heavy even for those who are thick skin, unyielding will, and mighty perseverance but in the end it those the best of hero's from the harms of themselves or their loved ones.
This was such a case with the Professional Hero Mandalay. Of course in her heart she wanted Kouta to be safe growing up and near her presence to help soothe some of the pain away but she knew that if anything went wrong who can take care of Kouta for the time being.
Reaching out to U.A. after All Mights final battle before his sudden retirement was a huge thing to request. As the number one hero had forever stoped his well gratitude of service to man. This was another fear that came up, crime and catastrophes.
Being a hero whether in the rescue division or battle division it was always a challenge to face for both types of heroism. Shino was always a rescue hero along side her team that she leads today the Pussycats yet the will have to have combat experience as well since it was a vital key in helping out with conflicts if the only answer was action through attacks.
It hurts her that she requested U.A. to look after her nephew when she felt that things could be even more danger on that end. But at least if anything happened she had more faith that the staff of U.A. would keep him safe then when Kouta is living along side her.
She would worry less in the sense that Kouta wouldn't have to wait for her and her team to return from a mission and the fact that Kouta would be better secured with heroes and heroes in training.
But it did cause her some new questions but were to be answered in a positive light. Such as how will her own nephew get along with the crowd that he resented so long? Only to have an answer like maybe he will make friends and it will help pass that issue. That was one of the many small questions that can be answered by her own positive outlook and intellect.
"I know you don't like this idea as much as I but I want to keep you safe." Shino said as she put down the pair of clothes in the luggage before turning her body completely to face Kouta who was now looking down at the floor. "Safe?... But aren't I safe here with you?!" Kouta did not really exclaimed it enough but nonetheless had an impact on the Auntie.
U.A. it is a safe place for Kouta on a physical stand point with the security of heroes and students especially one of those kids saved and protected him. Although emotionally it was not a great place to send him but Shino knew that she was the only living relative around to take care of Kouta. Then theirs the trauma, it was no secret that the boy had some night terrors and shock from things in the present triggered past incidents.
Though there was a hope of a solution to the situation: Izuku "Deku" Midoriya. He was one of Awizawa's students, the one that saved Kouta when she could not. She was grateful that he had saved Kouta but she felt unsure if she wanted to leave the safety and responsibility of her own nephew in the mind and hands of a teenager.
Surprisingly it was all on Kouta's mind after the incident. For once she witnessed genuine worry for someone else besides her and her teammates. Of course there was the other students that were injured and the one that was kidnapped but Kouta was more focused on Izuku. The state that Shino remembered of the young teen was battered and bruised to heavy degrees. In the pro hero's mind she knew that can have affect on the boy's future as a hero and Kouta blamed himself for it and even now. It was clear as day, when ever the young child ever heard or spoke about Izuku it was reminder that the same teenager that saved her nephew could've died that night and his state could've been a reason for that outcome.
"Right now you are but you will be safer with other... more heroes to protect you." Shino did her best to reassure the boy as he was clenching his fist before he frustratedly said. "How can I be safe if they... can't even protect themselves?!" It was a selfish question out of anger and fear that was implanted into boy's mind from that night of assault at the forest and Shino knew that completely well. It must be hard to be young and have your life juggle around in a tidal wave of emotions.
"It what a hero is Kouta, being selfless so that people can have another day to experience in their lives. I know it has been hard for you to deal with this. You shouldn't have to go through with this. But this is only for couple of months okay? Please bear with this for just a few months and then I will pick you up again." Shino was honest at the fact that it was hard for Kouta but was not honest with herself when she did not mention it was hard for herself. She needed Kouta to be safe from harms way for a while. "But~" Kouta tried to rebuttal but was cut off by the embrace he was receiving from his Auntie.
No words can be said for the next couple of minutes as the boy returned the hug and started to close his eyes hoping that he can stay with her for a few more minutes. "I love you Kouta and don't forget that little important detail and all I want for you is to be out of the conflict just for a bit so please, do this much for me." Shino hugged the boy tighter responding to the silent whimpers of a child in her arms. She knew it was hard for him and it was going to be for a while but she has hope that Kouta will come through.
At the train station~
Kouta was still hesitating to enter the train cart as he stood beside his Aunt. Parting ways was a new feeling for the boy: It was sad in his own opinion. He had already said farewells to his only living relative beside him earlier in his old room. Kouta said goodbyes days before to the rest of the Pussycats.
He had said goodbye, farewell, and see you next time but Kouta sooned learn it was hard to ever part-ways with someone that was important to him. The young boy was not ready for a life without his aunt even if it was temporarily.
And to add fuel to the fire he was going to be around the kind of crowd he distasted for so long. With the only exception of Izuku. Though how can one person outweigh the rest of the school?
Kouta sighed in frustration, defeat, and annoyance as he walks slow towards the train cart as his aunt watches.
Once he got inside and the final announcement was made that the train was leaving, Kouta took one last look at Shino "Mandalay" Sosaki. The boy held a frown while the adult held the same as she waved good bye as the sliding doors closed.
Kouta did not react in time to wave back as the train took off. With confusion, and plenty of other negative emotions such as fear, anguish, anger, and sadness. The boy took a seat and looked out to the window behind him.
The forest, it was all he remembered as Kouta looked out in the distance to see tree lines and mountains. It was going to an hour trip, his aunt told him before a couple of days ago.
When thinking back so far to remember the attack on the summer camp, Kouta could never forget how scared he was, how terrified he could be, and how he could as welll as die that night. Although in the mist of all theses speculations, one thought managed to pull Kouta away from all the fear. It was Izuku the same boy that saved him but at the cost of his own body. Kouta can remember how much Izuku's were battered to limp as it looked like it was barley hanging on to his own skin.
With fear being washed away by guilt and safety, that was what the little boy was thinking. No matter how much Izuku had smiled in the face of danger for Kouta's sake. The little boy always felt that there was always some resentment, animosity, or even annoyance directed to himself for causing the teenager so much trouble.
How was he going to face Izuku? Is Izuku still mad at him? When is his auntie exactly coming to get him? Can he really be able to live away from an important family member for so long? Kouta filled himself with doubt and questions that he did not want to answer because his own mind would create a negative solution.
Thinking back, he thanked Izuku for saving him in the forest with a letter sent to the hospital that the teenager was at after the incident with the villains. He honestly thought that was the last time he was ever going to see the green haired hero in training.
Although fate beg to differ with his Aunt telling the news about his sudden temporary stay at U.A. This wasn't the only thing that shocked him as the fact he was going to be looked after by the same teen who saved his life.
As Kouta was told that he will staying in the same room and dorms as Izuku. Not that he wasn't glad he would get to thank his savior but the fact when it came up after a massive brawl between All Might and some villain was a bit intimidating.
The world made it obvious that U.A. was going to be a threat to the league of villains and so much more criminals out there. And here is was being dorm over there when he wasn't a hero in training nor did he have a great quirk to defend himself with. Shooting water out of his finger tips: Kouta can never think highly of it.
At the end destination~
The announcement was made that it was time to depart from the train leading to Kouta wake up from his long time nap. Realizing that people were leaving the train cart in the exact same destination as he was caused him to leave his seat and extension the train cart.
Upon leaving the train cart while still waking up Kouta did not bother to wait as he was going to walk towards the entrance of the train station. It was so hard to see past a few inches in front of him as all the the others who depart from the train were much taller than him. Adults it was something he did not want to be. He did not to fear the fate similar to Kouta's parents but the kind of person he did not want to see himself be.
"Kouta" A voice so vague and distant did not reach the young child. "Kouta!" It was louder but Kouta did not recognize the voice through the numerous of chattering, announcements to the next trains coming and going, plus the noise of the trains starting up or braking in at the pick up point.
Kouta was going to walk a bit more to look for~ "Kouta!!" A voice full of worry and concern ran in front of the small child as the person knelt down before him with a frightful of expression on his face. "Izuku?" The small child breath out as he registered what was before him. Green curly hair, emerald irises, a face with freckles, and a concerning voice. It was him.
"Hey Kouta... how was the trip here?" If Izuku was being honest he did not know how to really build up a conversation with the child in front of him. The only real conversation that the both of them had was Kouta telling Izuku to leave him alone in the forest or when he questions Izuku's actions for saving him from Muscular's blood lust.
In all the same this was a chance for Izuku to get to know the small boy he knelt before. "It...was alright." It was obvious that Kouta was awkward about this new change as well as Izuku. Said teenager smiled a bit with both awkwardness but interest in getting use to this new position he was in. "Well... are you ready to go?" Izuku asked not wanting to pressure the child to rush to get situated at his temporary home. Luckily Kouta did not need to stay any further as he was ready to get to his new home. "Yes...I am ready."
While walking to the dormitory of U.A. Kouta was walking side by side to Izuku as they strolled along the side walks. Izuku kept looking back and forth from the direction in front of them to Kouta himself. Izuku did not really know how to communicate with the child on a even level without feeling awkward about it for himself or Kouta. Although this could be a timely process that will require patience which Izuku has.
Izuku got news about this sudden guardian role at the same day of moving in with the dormitories. His sensei Awizawa, spoke privately in the teachers lounge of how Pro-Hero Mandalay made a request from U.A., a personal request that asked Izuku Midoriya to look after Kouta for the next few months.
It was sure was a surprise to hear at first that a pro hero requested help from a student of U.A. until it became vaguely clear: It was Kouta. At first Izuku had a bunch of questions from Is something wrong?! Is Kouta alright?! Did something happened?!
All of these questions were answered by both Awizawa and Mandalay( via through phone call on speaker). Izuku now understood the task it was to be a temporary guardian for Kouta for the next few months to help build a mutual friendship with the Izuku and his classmates to help get passed his own thoughts about heroes and give heroism a second look.
Although Izuku was sure that there was more as in the meeting Mandalay hesitated at certain points when answering Izuku's question: Did something happen?! Mandalay said no but felt there was more. Though deciding to not push it any further Izuku accepted the task and was given the time and day Kouta would arrive at the station.
Fortunately it was on a weekend when students were getting settled in the new boarding system instilled on U.A. giving more time to help Kouta get situated for his temporary stay.
Izuku now was walking with the smaller boy next to him as they stroll up the hill leading to the campus where the dorms are. As each step was getting closer and closer to their destination both boys had something on their mind. Izuku was thinking of how should he get Kouta to open up with everyone making the stay a bit more welcoming and not stressing as the atmosphere as it usually is with his classmates. More ideas such as introducing Kouta to Ilda and Ochako first then Shoto along with Momo further the extension to the rest of his classmates.
Meanwhile on the child's mind, Kouta was expecting the worst experience of his life full of awkward, uncomfortable, and distasteful situations. This left is the mindset that Kouta is expecting even with the presence of Izuku as he did not bother to get to spend time with the green haired teenager during his summer break at the forest.
As the pair walked through the huge gates of U.A. Izuku signed to himself at relief that the I.D. for Kouta worked otherwise there will be another problem added to his hands and it would just leave a bigger unpleasant impression for the boy.
Throughout the walk from the station to the academy no words were said and the teenager blamed himself for not making an effort to try and make a conversation with the child. Though he also over think the idea of how the boy must feel with this sudden change. This to was a possibility that Izuku did not want to take as he would just felt that if he, a hero in training made Kouta display the opposite of a smile than it would just create more guilt for Izuku.
Kouta felt that he should say something but did not know how too. This was going to be his non-permanent guardian for a couple of months and it was already off to a rough start in the young boy's opinion. Kouta felt that he should at least ask how Izuku was doing but something was holding him back from bringing the words out. Was it fear getting to know the teen who is a hero in training or was it that he just did not feel comfortable around people nowadays due to past experiences of connection?
Kouta was lost in his own thoughts as Izuku stopped him somewhere in a hallway with doors on the side facing the windows on the other direction. "Well here we are... this is going to be your room as well as mine." Izuku informed the small child who looked up in confusion. "We are sharing a room?" Kouta was confused that this was dorm and surely enough he knew that these rooms only had enough for one bed meaning one person. "Yea... they made the bed here a bunk bed for your stay... and the whole temporary guardian was part of it." Izuku said once as he twist the door nob to reveal a plain room with indeed a bunk bed at the end of the room on the side of the wall just before the sliding doors leading to the balcony.
Kouta took a few steps inside to see the room in better detail.
Near Izuku's desk was a action figure of All Might and a poster on the wall that read 'smash' with a punch emote from the former number one hero himself. On the desk had a couple of books possibly text books from school just sitting there under the turned off lamb.
Next to the student desk was group of weight equipment from bars, dumbbells, and wrist weights. All of these items were something that Kouta knows through seeing the Pussycats train in their off times.
On the bunk bed there was a latter that lead up the upper level mattress both beds had blue sheets and covers folded neatly as they weren't used just yet.
Kouta kept on looking around to see if anything thing else stood out but the only thing left was the wardrobe that was near the door of the dorm room.
"By the way Kouta... the restroom is down the hall to the right." Izuku gestured the boy to come to follow him. Kouta threw his stuff up on the second level bed claiming it as his own before he walked silently towards Izuku. Before the two left the room and Izuku showed Kouta around the dorm.
Both boys thought something different but similar as they walked around the dorm. 'This was going to take time to get used too.' Izuku thought as he lead the boy to the restroom first before they doing else. 'This is going to be a long temporary stay.' Kouta thought as he followed Izuku down the hallway.
Both boys knew it was going to be long but they have to face it together.
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