7 - the meeting
Izuku bit his lip as he stalked away towards his desk, his nails dug into his palm hard enough to draw blood as waves of heat poured across his body. He kept his eyes down, ignoring the tall figure making his way to the podium almost mirroring Izuku's stature.
The man cleared his throat as he stepped behind the podium, Izuku glanced up to take in the man's appearance. He was scruffy and kinda familiar, he had long black hair and stubble running along his jaw with a light mustache. Izuku met his dark eyes and immediately dropped his gaze back to his desk, focusing on his task of hiding the flames burning him from the inside out.
"Alright let's get this out of the way, I don't care if you just met your soulmate or not, you have 15 minutes to get changed and meet me out on the training ground Beta." His tone was cold and unbothered, all his classmates scrambled out of their seats and towards the door. Izuku followed near the back of the group avoiding his soulmate's attempts to catch his attention. "Ah, you wait," he called making Izuku still mid step, Izuku looked back and the man motioned him over.
Izuku sighed biting his lip as he turned around, all the things his mother had said regarding his soulmates ran through his head as he walked to the man. 'They're going to take one look at you and be ashamed that they're stuck with someone like you,' 'no one is ever going to love you if you keep acting like this' 'once they find out you're playing pretend they'll drop you like you're nothing.' 'They'll never love you.' Izuku's mind was whirling with doubts as he stopped in front of his soulmate avoiding eye contact.
"You're Izuku Midoriya, right?" Shota asked looking through his roster, settling on Izuku's sheet. Izuku nodded staring at the ground, Shota looked over him in curiosity. Izuku's hair was a mess of dark green curls and his skin was tan with splatters of freckles everywhere. He noticed gauze pads and bandages on the side of the young man's face and neck and eyed them curiously. "Have you met the others yet?"
Izuku shook his head as his hands shook, the heat had subsided and was now replaced with a chill Izuku could feel in his bones. He clenched his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering and to keep the tears in his eyes from streaming down his face, he just wanted to go home and curl up in bed.
"Why don't you meet me here at lunch, I'll take you to meet them." Shota offered and Izuku thought for a moment before nodding once again, he glanced up for a second to see Shota eyeing his bandages. "Alright, well go get changed you still have 10 minutes."
Homeroom was about 2 periods long leaving two classes between it and lunch. By the middle of 4th period, Izuku was on the verge of a panic attack, his brain running through a million scenarios of what could happen during lunch. The chill had subsided into a dull ache in his bones, his hands shook and he clenched his jaw, 20 minutes till lunch. His eyes flicked from his desk to the window as he clenched his fists, his head started throbbing, 15 minutes till lunch. His eyes flicked over to the clock, watching the seconds count down till the bell rang signaling his fate was sealed.
Izuku stayed in his seat as his classmates filled out of the room, Aizawa would meet him in the classroom. After a few anxiety-ridden moments the classroom door opened and Shota poked his head in, scanning the room until his eyes landed on Izuku.
"You ready?" Shota asked softly as he stepped into the classroom. Izuku stood and grabbed his bag, he offered a small nod joining Shota at the door. Shota pushed open the door and Izuku stepped out the older man following behind him. He rested a hand on the small of Izuku's back guiding Izuku through the labyrinth that was the hallways of UA. He could feel Izuku tense under his fingertips the second he made contact, what was this kid so afraid of?
Stopping outside a large metal door Shota removed his hand and looked at Izuku, who was still avoiding his eyes.
"Hey," he tried but Izuku kept looking towards the floor, Izuku jumped and his head snapped up meeting Shota's gaze as he rested his hand on his shoulder. "Come on, they're excited to meet you."
They won't be afterwards. Izuku thought to himself biting his lip, he watched Shota open the door and step inside muttering a few words to the other occupants before motioning Izuku in. Izuku hesitated, his mind swirled with thoughts before he took a deep breath. He was going to meet them one way or another might as well get it over with now. Stepping into the room his eyes fell on Present Mic and Midnight, the feeling of burning he felt this morning looking at Shota rolled over him again tenfold.
He closed his eyes as his face scrunched up and his knees locked, he could barely feel hands on him gently helping him down onto the floor as he curled in on himself. Izuku could feel tears streaming from his eyes as he clenched his pant legs in his hands looking for any type of grounding, he felt like he had just dived head-first into a pool of lava. The fire ran through his nervous system starting at the base of his skull, running down his spine, and spreading down his arms and legs all the way to his fingertips and toes.
But suddenly the flames cooled sending shivers crashing through his muscles, his teeth chattered feeling as though he was unwillingly dunked into a frozen lake. A warm hand rested on the back of his neck moving upwards into the hair on his nape, he shivered violently against the grounding hand keeping his eyes clenched shut. The world around his was muted as though there was cotton in his ears, he could hear muffled speaking as someone pet his hair.
Izuku's eyes fluttered open and landed on a pair of boots in front of his face, his eyes followed the boots up and landed on Present Mic's face. He was crouched in front of him, Izuku could see his shoulders shaking in small shivers, his mouth moved as he spoke but Izuku couldn't hear anything but muddled garbage.
"I can't hear you," Izuku whispered meeting Hizashi's eyes, his voice reverberating loudly in his head. Hizashi frowned down at him before looking towards someone outside of Izuku's limited eyesight. Izuku tried to move but his muscles tightened uncomfortably, Hizashi gripped his shoulder catching his attention once again and shook his head mouthing 'Don't move'.
There was still someone petting his hair, nails scratched his scalp making him guess that it was Midnight. He stayed there until he felt his muscles relax and the shivers went away being replaced by the dull ache in his bones. Sound came back with the ache and he could finally hear the three pros in the room shuffling around him. He rolled from his side onto his stomach stretching his legs out with a quiet groan catching the others' attention.
"Can you hear us?" Shota asked and Izuku hummed in confirmation. "How are you doing?" Izuku didn't respond only lifting his head to glare at Shota.
Midnight giggled on his left and he looked at her, she looked down at him and smiled softly. "Hi," she greeted pulling her hand away from his hair.
"Hi," he replied quietly, he wasn't sure what to do now. He met his soulmates, he went through the horrible pain that came with it and now he was lying on the floor surrounded by his soulmates.
"Wanna get off the floor?" She asked tilting her head, a teasing smile on her face. Izuku shook his head before pressing his face into the floor, he didn't think he'd be able to move anymore let alone stand on his own. There was a soft thud on his right accompanied by the creak of leather leaving Izuku to guess Mic wanted his attention now. Grimacing he turned his head to meet Hizashi's red eyes.
"Hey Rockstar, you took that like a champ, I cried like a little bitch when I met Nem and Shota." Hizashi stated with a grin making Izuku snort.
"I believe it," Izuku hummed and Hizashi scoffed in offense while Midnight laughed.
"I know you probably don't feel like moving but the bell is about to ring," Shota piped up from his spot leaning against his desk. Izuku let out a quiet groan turning to press his face into the floor once again. Izuku pressed his palms into the floor and pushed himself onto his knees, his arms shaking as they pushed his weight back onto his knees. He sat back on his heels resting his hands in his lap as he took a deep breath.
"What are these from?" Hizashi asked poking one of Izuku's bandages, Izuku limply swatted his hand away with a quiet 'nothing'. "Alright my bad, I'm sorry." Hizashi put his hands up in surrender.
Izuku moved slowly as he pushed himself off the floor, he felt like a baby deer as his legs shook and his knees threatened to buckle under his weight, stumbling a bit before righting himself ignoring the way the three pros reached for him. The bell rang somewhere behind him making him turn his head to wards the speaker on the wall.
"Why don't we do introductions tomorrow at lunch?" Nemuri suggested and Shota and Hizashi agreed, Izuku hummed with a small nod looking for his bag. Someone must have taken it off him during his fit on the floor.
"Oh! Here, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable on the floor," Hizashi grabbed his bag from the couch and held it out to him.
"Thank you," Izuku murmured taking his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He turned towards the door and left without another word, distancing himself would be best, he didn't want to get attached and be hurt when they found out what he was. The trio of pros watched the door close behind him, they had called out but he ignored them.
"Well at least we know who he is," Hizashi muttered moving to stand beside his husband. There was something different about the kid, something the three of them couldn't put a finger on. One thing they all knew was Izuku wasn't going to let them in easily, they would have to work overtime to earn his trust.
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