Welp I wanted to publish this yesterday as a present for you guys but my brain disagreed so it's a late present I guess (I made it pretty lengthy for you guys). Merry Late Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!
"You have to go," I say.
"No I don't, they don't need me there. They have my mom and my brother and his mate and plenty more I'm sure."
"Kaine they're your family," I remind him.
"Then they should understand that I can't just leave my mate," he growls.
I sigh heavily. "Look I know it hurts you to go back there, but you have to face what happened at some point. If you don't then you'll never be able to accept it and you're never going to be happy again," I try to explain.
He growls a little but says nothing. Then he shakes his head. "You're right," he mutters. "Fine I'll go, are you sure you can't come with me?"
"I have to speak with a few important people but I can meet you down there if you'll be staying for more than just a day."
"Yeah I might as well stay for a while to catch up with everyone," he sighs.
I pull him down to give him a soft kiss. "Then get going and I will see you soon."
"Please don't be too long, I'm not sure how much of my family I can take," he mumbled and I laugh.
"Oh come on you'll be fine! Your mother will probably be busy with the babies and your brother has his mate so you will get to catch up with your aunts, I'm sure they've missed you quite a bit."
"Yeah I miss them a lot."
I roll my eyes a little. "Then go pack and get going so you can see them before they all fall asleep."
I shake my head as the woman's body hits the floor. She lets out a strangled gasp before going silent, her eyes staring blankly.
"Take care of this," I sigh.
"Yes my queen," a young man says, bowing deeply.
I turn away from the bloody mess, blowing out a heavy breath. "Gods forgive me," I murmur as I climb the steps to my bedroom.
I grab a cloth off my dresser and use it to wipe the blood off my dagger. I move to stand in front of my mirror then bite the inside of my cheek.
Droplets of blood are scattered across my face and the front of my dress. "Lovely," I mutter with an exhausted sigh.
I flick my fingers and the blood vanishes and my dress is replaced by a clean, less formal one. I slide my dagger into its sheath on my calf and watch as it disappears into the rune on my skin.
I pull my hair back into a braid and slip my heavy cloak on, smiling at the warmth the thick fur provides. I slide my feet into a pair of winter boots and pull on a pair of gloves.
I find my sword resting against the wall and tie the scabbard around my hips. The tip of the blade nearly reaches my ankles when I stand tall.
Where are you?
I'm eating, why?
I roll my eyes. Gods Rexall you're going to get fat if you don't stop, I murmur. I'm leaving for the mountains in a few minutes so you better get over here.
Alright fine, he huffs.
You better be coming this time, if you ignore me like you did with the monsters you're going to sleep with the ravens for a week, I warn.
Okay fine! I'm coming! He snaps.
I head down the stairs, smiling when I notice they already cleaned up all of the blood. Outside the tree are two young men. They bow as I approach.
"Did you do as I asked?"
He nods and motions to the center of the clearing. I follow his gaze to the woman's body tied to a post in the dirt. A moment later Rexall lands in front of it.
Here is the fate of those who wish to take the throne? He asks, tilting his head a little as he stares at it.
Hopefully it will keep the idiots away for a few days at least, I sigh.
"Thank you," I tell the boy.
He bows again then vanishes.
"My queen, your horse is waiting by the entrance to the path," the other man says.
I give him a nod and he vanishes as well. I wave my hand and Rexall follows me down to the beginning of the mountain path.
A woman waits with a grey horse, smiling as I walk over. "I wish you safe travels my queen," she says and I climb onto the stallion.
"Thank you," I tell her before clicking my tongue and digging my heels into the horse's sides.
He takes off at a full gallop and I watch with amusement as Rexall struggles to keep up.
See you're getting fat already, I comment.
I'm sorry your highness I haven't had much else to do lately seeing as how you never leave the territory anymore, he retorts.
Yeah having a mate is a lot more work than I could have ever imagined. I have to protect so many secrets and keep up with so many lies—it's absolutely exhausting, I mutter.
Then tell him the truth.
I shake my head. I can't do that. He'd never understand.
Syrra no one understands. Those that did were labeled to be monsters and killed years ago.
Yeah, I sigh.
Kaine might be one of the few that chooses not to call you a monster though, he offers.
He remains silent as we move down the winding path of the mountains. This dirt road is normally filled with people but at this time there isn't a single person in sight.
A few hours pass before lights come into view. I slow my horse as we reach the small building. A dark figure rushes toward me almost immediately.
"To what do we owe the pleasure my queen?" A small voice asks.
"Merely passing through. Could you take my horse to your stable?" I ask.
The girl nods quickly making me smile. I hop down from my horse and give her the reins, watching as she leads him towards the back.
I think my hands and face are numb, I mutter.
Rexall sits on the front steps of the building. Well I'd appreciate it if you didn't leave me out here all night—again, he grumbles.
Fine you big baby, I'll leave the window open so you can come inside, I tell him.
He lets out a small squawk and disappears into the night. Don't go too far, I warn him quickly.
I climb up the steps of the inn and warmth instantly surrounds me as I walk inside. Dozens of voices meet my ears as soon as I pull the hood of my cloak down. Creatures of all kinds converse at tables and drink and eat and enjoy themselves.
Well, all kinds except for dragons. This path is longer but less dangerous than the one to the Devil's Circle. They don't need a safe building to rest in like everyone else though, they can just fly until they're tired and then find a cave; I can't think of a single living creature that would dare wake a sleeping dragon.
A beautiful woman with piercing blue eyes suddenly walks up to me. "Will you be staying the night?" she asks in a sultry voice.
"Yes. Thank you," I tell her.
She smiles with a small bow of her head. She turns and leads me up the stairs and down a few hallways. We skirt past a few drunken warriors and mistresses before stopping at the last door.
I follow her inside, glancing around the room. "This will do fine," I say with a nod.
"Excellent. Please let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you."
"My pleasure Queen Syrra," she grins, flashing her fangs. She leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
I open the window with a heavy sigh. Alright, get in here you lazy asshole, I mutter. A few moments later a red bundle of feathers comes rolling in through the open window and Rexall lands flat on his back on the floor, his wings splayed out.
I roll my eyes. "Impressive," I murmur.
"You try fitting through a tiny window," he grumbles, standing up and shaking out his feathers.
I look around the room, raising my eyebrow a little. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"
"No," he mutters, hopping up onto the bed.
I purse my lips in annoyance when he starts dragging blankets around. "Can you not turn the bed into a fucking nest?"
He stares at me for a moment before going back to piling the blankets.
"Asshole," I mutter under my breath. My gaze wanders around the room, taking in the familiar sight. "You know I think I stayed in this exact room a couple of years ago."
I lay down on the bed and close my eyes and the memories all come flooding back.
They threw their heads back and laughed. My lips curled into a smirk as I leaned back in the chair.
"You actually said that to Myron?" the youngest man asked.
"I did. Of course he was not pleased by my words and ordered his guards to take my head," I told them.
"Well how did you get out? When a clan leader wants you dead you usually end up dead."
My smirk grew wider. "I unleashed my blood magic on all of them," I drawled. "Each one fell screaming to the floor as their minds warped and twisted and turned their own fears into lethal weapons."
The fear in their eyes made my lip curl. It made a shiver run down my spine. I loved it.
"So you're the queen now, right?"
I nodded. "Now I am travelling across the kingdoms to make each ruler recognize my position as the leader of all three witch clans."
"They're all stubborn bastards, how do you plan on doing that exactly?"
"I was smart. I was spoke with the dragon queen first."
They gaped. "You got the dragon queen to bow to you?"
I snorted. "The dragon queen bows to no one and I wouldn't dare ask her to. She is however my ally and supports my claim to the throne," I explained.
"That's quite impressive," one man remarked.
"I thought so too," I grinned.
I heard a heavy sigh from the end of the table. "Well we should be retiring to our rooms now, we need to get some rest if we're going to make it home before nightfall."
Each man stood and offered me a small bow before leaving. Each one left the table without another word—all except for the youngest. Instead he slid across the bench to sit directly in front of me.
"Don't you need rest before your journey?" I asked.
He shook his head. "I have much more energy than the old cats," he smirked.
"Is that so?" I teased.
He nodded, throwing me a wink.
I bit my lip and motioned for him to come closer. He leaned over the table and I put my lips to his ear. "Why don't you prove it?" I whispered before standing and walking away. I swung my hips as I sauntered up the stairs of the inn.
His footsteps weren't far behind as I headed down the hall to my room. I stepped inside and suddenly my back was forced against the door.
He loomed over me, his green eyes filled with lust.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked in a dangerously low voice.
"I'm doing whatever I want," he growled, leaning forward to kiss me.
I shoved him backwards and drew my sword from its sheath. I held the blade against his throat. "You will do whatever I tell you," I smirked.
His eyes went wide and he stepped back as I edged the blade closer.
"On your knees," I said.
He swallowed hard before doing as I said. He stared up at me, his feline eyes darting over my face. "What are you—"
"Did I say you could speak?" I snapped, pressing my sword into his neck so that blood dripped onto the blade.
"No ma'am," he hissed with a sharp wince.
"Excuse me?"
"No my queen," he corrected.
I grinned, leaning closer until my lips were almost touching his. "Do you want me?"
"Yes my queen," he replied, his voice breathless.
"Then take off your clothes," I told him, letting my sword fall to my side.
He paused for a moment before tearing off his shirt and standing to take off the rest of his clothes.
"Get on the bed." He obeyed immediately.
"Good boy," I murmured. I tossed my sword onto the floor and unlaced my dress, letting it slip off my shoulders into a pile at my feet. I climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist, watching as his eyes grew wider.
I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. He responded quickly, his mouth moving against mine. I bit down on his lip and he let out a small growl that made me smirk.
I felt his hands on my waist and I snatched his wrists and pinned them above his head. I pulled away with a small sigh. "Did I say you could touch?"
"No my queen."
"It doesn't quite work with Kaine, does it?"
I open my eyes and look at Rexall nestled into the pile of blankets. "What doesn't work?"
"The rules. He doesn't follow them like the others did."
I shake my head. "No not quite. It's almost more fun though, like he's a challenge," I chuckle.
"Have you won yet?" he asks.
"No. Unfortunately we haven't done anything since his sister passed and I don't know how much longer I can wait," I admit.
"You should talk to him," Rexall suggests.
"I tried. He just keeps saying he can't keep his dragon or his wolf under control and he's afraid he's going to hurt me by accident."
"Gods how aggressive is he?" he snorts.
I smile a little. "To be honest, I'm hoping he's very aggressive."
"No you're going to wait out here," I tell him firmly.
The feathers on his head start to stand up and his wings puff up as well. "I don't like her! She's going to try something!" he hisses angrily.
"Rexall calm down!" I shout. "She's not going to do anything because she's not stupid. Now wait out here."
He snaps his beak a little before lifting off into the sky. I shake my head in annoyance when he lands on the roof of the house.
"Can you not be a pain in the ass for once?"
He turns away from me with a dramatic flick of his head and stares up at the clouds.
"Such a big baby," I mutter, rolling my eyes.
I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. I hear shuffling on the other side for a few minutes before it finally swings open. The girl takes one look at me then immediately slams the door shut in my face.
"Damn it Jada. Come on I just need to talk to you!" I shout, banging my fist on the door.
"Go away! I'm very busy right now!" she shouts back.
"Gods help me," I groan. "Look I know we haven't gotten along in the past and that I really have no business asking for any favors but I could really use your help with something."
The door slowly opens and she glares daggers at me. "What?" she sighs.
"Can I come in?"
She clenches her jaw and I watch her grip on the door tighten before she opens it wider. "Fine," she spits.
I walk past her and into the living room, sitting down on the plush couch. I look around the house, my eyes widening at the expensive furniture and rare artifacts. "You've made quite a bit of money selling your services, haven't you? Is your mom proud?"
She stalks into the room, her arms crossed over her chest. "I don't know."
My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean you don't know? What happened to my aunt?" I demand.
"I have no idea. I haven't seen her since the day this happened," she spits, gesturing to herself.
I shrug a little. "I still think it's an improvement."
She fakes a laugh. "Yeah it's great, I'm 117 and I'm stuck looking like I'm 12 years old for the rest of my life," she snaps, her voice filled with sarcasm.
"Well you weren't exactly aging well before—" I start to say but her glare cuts me off.
She leans against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you want Syrra?"
"You heard about Queen Zari's daughter right?" I ask.
She nods. "Of course. I live in the middle of nowhere but I still know what's going on," she snarks.
"Okay well the boy who did it was being tortured and they were about to kill him but I intervened and performed a spell to use his soul to allow me to have a child."
Jada bursts out laughing, shaking her head at me. "Of fucking course you did. Black magic fixes everything right?" she snorts. "You have not changed one bit."
"Okay can you stop being a bitch for two seconds?" I growl.
"Okay maybe one thing has changed. What happened to the Syrra that was dead set on never having kids? I remember you used to call me crazy because I devoted my life to helping people have children, an idea that you thought was absolutely ludicrous and now you're telling me you used black magic to give yourself a child—"
"Gods just shut up! I get it okay?" I shout.
She smirks, shrugging a little. "Well what do you want from me? A birthing party? A congratulatory letter? Oh oh I got it! You want me to make you an enchanted cradle?"
It takes everything I have to not slit her throat. "Can you please take this seriously? You're obviously not my favorite person so I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."
"What the hell do you want from me?" she sighs in annoyance.
I take a deep breath. "I need a way to reverse the spell."
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