Damn y'all are some horny motherfuckers XD I got about 70 messages with some variation of 'YES' in less than an hour.
For the few of you that said no: the scene is at the end of this chapter if you want to skip it.
I think this is one of the longest chapters I've written for this series o.O
"Oh gods fuck yes. Shit. Fuck. Fuck me!"
My eyes widen at the noises coming from the bathroom. "Ash what the hell are you doing in there?"
"I'm playing leave me alone."
My eyes widen as I walk into the bathroom. Then I shake my head. Ash sits on the floor, staring at the old video game in his hands. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Having fun there?"
"Not anymore," he frowns, roughly setting it down.
I chuckle. "Ash it's just a video game. They're hard to win," I say as I pick it up. "Where did you get this anyway?"
"Your mom gave it to me, she said I needed to modernize a little," he shrugs.
I glance down at it and my heart drops. Only one person in our house liked retro video games like this.
It was Maia's, Azazel murmurs.
I carefully place it on my dresser then clear my throat. "Did my mom give you anything else?" I ask.
"No but we got to talking—we have a lot in common—and it seems I was born less than a decade after she was so I finally figured out how old I am."
My eyes fly wide. "Oh gods," I murmur.
"Yeah so it turns out I'm like―"
"Ash please don't finish that sentence," I say quickly.
He frowns. "I don't understand, why not?"
I purse my lips. "Cause it's weird. The last thing I need is to know exactly how close you are to being the same age as my mother―and that's a fact we are never going to mention to anyone―ever, okay?"
He stands up, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he pushes past me. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"
"I'm sorry, it's just weird to think that you're almost the same age as my
mother," I try to explain.
"Yeah I understand."
"Hey come here," I sigh, catching his hand when he tries to walk away. I pull him back to me and draw him in close for a soft kiss.
He snakes his arms around my neck, sliding his fingers into my hair. My hands run down his sides, all the way down to his thighs.
I easily lift him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. I kiss him again but he pulls away slightly. "I thought I was too old for you?" He pouts.
"It doesn't matter how old you are Ash, you'll always be my baby."
"Why exactly are you training me today?"
I sigh. "Because my mother needs to get some rest and she said you wanted to learn how to throw knives."
Fara smiles a little. "Are you gonna teach me how then?"
"Sure, I haven't had much luck teaching your litter mates but you seem to learn faster so there's a good chance you'll get the hang of it."
Her lip curls into a smirk as she leaves to retrieve two sets of daggers from the chest of weapons that sits at the edge of the clearing. She hands one set to me making my eyebrow shoot up.
"I learn best from example," she says.
"Very well," I sigh. I spin the dagger in my hand, testing the balance and the weight.
I take a deep breath and look across the clearing at the target. I fling the dagger and hear Fara swear when it hits the center.
"Gods I honestly thought Zari was exaggerating when she described how good you are with those," she murmurs.
"Well I've been practicing with them since I was six. I really hope I'm good with them after fourteen years," I remark, twirling the other knife in my hand. "Go ahead and try it a few times. I doubt you'll hit the target but maybe you'll impress me."
She scowls before taking my place in front of the target. "Is your mate as good with a bow as you are with a throwing knife?" She asks.
"As far as I know. Why?"
"What do you mean? You've never seen him shoot one?"
"No. Why does it matter if he is good with a bow?" I ask.
She shrugs. I watch with amusement as she hurls the knife towards the target and it bounces off. She looks back at me. "I'm not very good with a bow either, but I can handle a sword better than most of the warriors," she tells me with a grin.
"I wouldn't doubt it. You're good in hand to hand combat too, I bet you could add a dagger or knife to your fighting and you'd be even better. Fighting with a dagger is not so different from fighting with your fists so long as you know where to cut and where to stab."
"Sounds like fun," she mutters, throwing the second knife. It bounces and lands beside the first one. "Why won't it stick?"
"Because you spin it when you throw it. If it spins then you don't know if the blade or the hilt will hit first and more often than not it's the hilt. If it doesn't spin then you can practically guarantee it will stay in the target," I explain as she moves to retrieve the blades.
When she returns to stand in front of the target, I frown. She bounces on her heels and keeps wiping her palms on her pants. She bites her lip and her eyes shift between me and the knives in her hands.
"Fara is there something you want to ask me?"
She glances at me with wide eyes. "Uh—no nothing. I'm good," she shrugs quickly.
"You can speak freely," I assure her.
She chews her lip for a moment before nodding. "Okay um—this is gonna seem like a weird question but how did you know Ash was—I mean like how did you figure out he would be interested in a male mate?"
My eyes widen and I stare at her. "What?"
"Nothing never mind that was a stupid question—just forget I said anything."
"No it's not a stupid question at all it's just—" I pause, my lips curling into a small smile. "That was honestly the last thing I expected you to ask."
She looks at me for a second, then her eyes dart away again. "Sorry I was just curious," she mutters.
"No I understand completely," I grin, realization sweeping over me. "Uh well with Ash I sort of took a gamble. The situation helped a little—he was injured and I had been taking care of him for weeks. I honestly had no idea how he would respond but I saw an opportunity and I took it. And it turned out that he felt the same way."
She grins down at her feet. A true smile is something I have never seen Fara wear, but now her cheeks are red and the corners of her eyes are crinkled and I can even see her dimples.
"How did you guys make everyone see that two guys together isn't a bad thing?"
"Come here," I say, sitting down in dirt.
She settles down just a meter away, her eyes filled with a burning curiosity. "Well?" She asks.
I sigh. "I heard you've been having problems with the boys. Tell me what's going on and I will tell you whatever you want to know."
"But nothing is—"
"Fara don't lie to me. I've grown up with people that are struggling with life—hell I'm sharing my fucking soul with one of the most damaged dragons in history," I mutter.
"Look your mother already bugged the crap out of me. Nothing is going on," she growls.
I take a deep breath. "Fara I just want you to talk to me. I won't do anything if you don't want me to. I won't say a word to anyone. I just want to understand," I explain.
Her eyes widen a little. "Really?"
I nod. "For years my best friend would confide in me. She told me awful things but no matter how bad it got, I didn't do anything because she begged me not to. I promise I won't do anything without your permission."
She closes her eyes and buries her face in her hands. A few minutes pass before she finally sits up again. "You won't believe the things I have to listen to," she whispers.
"What do you mean?"
"Those assholes. Every night I listen to them piss on you and your family for the dumbest reasons. They are just waiting for the day that they can kick you and Ash off the throne."
What a surprise, Azazel retorts.
"Why does that bother you?"
"Because I hold you and your family in the highest respect. Every single one of you earned your right to the crown but they don't give a shit," she growls.
"Of course they don't. They believe they have a right to throne simply because they are fury dragons. If they bring it up again just tell them to challenge me—their decision will prove them weak and stupid and they won't have much to say after that," I chuckle.
She smiles. "That's not fair to make you fight though."
I snort. "If I can't easily beat one of your litter mates in a fight then I don't deserve the throne."
"I suppose that's true."
"What else? There's no way their complaints about the crown are giving you this much grief."
She bites her lip, running her hand through her hair. "For almost a year now, ever since I surpassed them in training, they've spent every night trying to sabotage me," she admits.
"Sabotage you?" I echo with a grimace.
She nods. "They tie me to my bed in cold iron chains. They burn my clothes. They've locked me in a closet with scorpions. And in the past few weeks they've been getting much worse. I've woken up a few times to one of them slitting my wrists or breaking my bones. And a few days ago—well, let's just say they were about to try to get my clothes off."
I clench my jaw and close my eyes. This is too familiar, I growl.
You made a promise, Azazel reminds me.
Fuck! Why does this keep happening? What is wrong with people! I snarl.
They are not people. They are animals in every sense. Impulsive. Weak. Absolutely disgusting.
I take a deep breath to calm myself. "Why have you kept this a secret for so long?" I grit out.
"Because the last thing I need is for them to think I'm weak. As long as I deal with it, they are still afraid of me—"
"Fara they're clearly not afraid of you anymore! They're trying to kill you for gods' sakes!" I snap.
"Whatever. I can handle it. And you promised not to do anything and that's the only reason I told you so you better keep your fucking promise," she growls.
I drag my hand down my face in frustration. "Yeah okay fine. Let me know the second you change your mind though," I grumble.
"I will. Now can I still ask my questions about you and Ash?"
I let out a heavy sigh before nodding. "Yeah sure, what do you want to know?" I mutter.
Her eyes light up almost immediately. "So how did you guys get all the dragons to be okay with it?"
"I brutally murdered the dragon that publicly announced his dislike for my choice in a mate."
"Effective," she murmurs with a small smirk. "How did you meet Ash? Do you know about any other dragons around here like you two?"
I shake my head. "Ash was the messenger. He came to werewolf territory to deliver a letter from my mother and then we traveled back here together. I have yet to meet any dragons that are 'out of the closet' as the humans say."
She throws me a funny look. "Out of the closet?"
"Yeah if you're in the closet it means you're still keeping it a secret and when you tell someone they call it 'coming out'," I explain.
She laughs. "Can we call it a weapons vault instead of a closet? I spend way more time in a weapon's vault than a closet."
My eyebrows furrow a little. "Uh sure, we can call it that if you want."
"Well I have yet to find another dragon that has 'come out'," she sighs.
"You don't have to find a dragon. There are plenty of other species and now is the perfect time since we have alliances with nearly everyone."
"Yeah that's true. It would just be nice since I'd have a lot more in common with another dragon."
"That's fair," I say. "Well your secret is safe with me and let me know if there's ever anything I can do to help you in any way. Okay?"
She nods, the corners of her lips lifting into a grin. "I promise."
"Go take a break. Practice resumes in twenty minutes."
"Does everyone just tell you everything?"
I chuckle. "Yeah pretty much. I'm not really sure why but people just talk to me, they tell me things even when I don't ask."
"Are you going to do anything about it?"
I blow out a heavy breath, falling onto the bed. "I promised I wouldn't."
"You can't just let them keep doing this to her," he says.
"I know but I don't know how to help without making it worse. I'm not going to talk to them—that definitely won't help and I can't just kill them," I mutter.
"Well actually you can—"
"No I can't," I growl, throwing him a glare.
He shrugs, a small smile on his lips. "I'm just saying it would solve a lot of problems."
I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to kill them," I tell him firmly.
"Do you want me to kill them—"
"No! No one is going to kill them," I growl in annoyance. Then I purse my lips. "Well actually Fara might kill them."
"I honestly hope she does," he mutters.
"Of course you do," I sigh.
Ash's face suddenly appears above me, deep creases in his forehead. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means you're turning into a bloodthirsty dragon," I tease.
"Don't try to pretend you don't love it," he growls, his eyes flashing red and I can't help but grin.
"I don't love it, I love you," I mutter. "I love you when you're a broken puppy and I love you when you're a vicious fury dragon. The only thing that changes is whether I'm going to cuddle you or fuck you."
"Well I'm feeling a little vicious right now," he growls, his eyes flaring once again.
I stand up, smiling in amusement. "And the King comes out to play," I murmur as I walk over to lock the door.
I turn around to see Ash sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks so tiny and helpless in my clothes but his eyes are bright with a mischief that makes my dragon stir.
He doesn't move but I can hear his breathing quicken as I saunter across the room. My fingers brush the hair away from his face and he looks up at me, his big brown eyes simply glowing.
I tilt his chin up and softly press my lips against his. My other hand slides up to his neck, my fingers weaving into his blonde locks.
He grabs my arms tightly and desperately leans into the kiss but I pull away. I yank off my shirt before slowly pulling his off as well.
He grins as I push him onto his back on the bed. I climb over him, my hands on either side of his head as I lean down to kiss him again.
He bites down on my lip and I let out a low growl. I start to kiss down his jaw, listening to his gasps of pleasure as I grind against him.
"Oh gods, fuck me Jax, please," he begs and a chuckles escapes my lips.
"You better be careful. You keep acting like this and I'll let Azazel take over," I growl as I pull away.
Ash shivers a little. "I think I'd enjoy your dragon taking control, I know Cassie likes the idea."
I loom over him, a smirk crawling onto my lips. "Ash baby she would tear you apart," I growl. "And that's something I'd much rather do myself."
He parts his lips, staring up at me, silently pleading. I start to lean down and he grabs my neck, pulling me closer and forcing our lips together.
His are warm and soft like always, tasting of the purple berries he's addicted to. I smile a little as his fingers tangle in my hair.
I kiss down his jaw, making my way to his neck. I suck on the tender flesh, biting gently until bruises appear.
I drag my tongue down to his chest, much more muscled than it was a few months ago. My teeth graze his nipple and he lets out a sharp hiss.
I kiss the scars on his chest and lightly run my hands down his sides. By the time I reach his boxers he is already hard.
I tug them off and toss them onto the floor. I kiss the inside of his thighs and nip at the skin of his hips until he is literally shaking with anticipation before finally taking him into my mouth.
His breathing is erratic and I smirk at the sound of my name in his strangled gasps.
His hips move up as my mouth comes down and I watch as his eyes close and he throws his head back. He tugs on my hair and I pull away before he can finish.
His whimper meets my ears and I place a kiss on his lips. "Don't worry baby, I won't leave you like this I promise," I whisper.
I find his hand and pull him with me as I lay back against the headboard. I kiss him again, letting my tongue explore his mouth.
He moves back and I chuckle as he eagerly pulls off my boxers. I close my eyes, letting my head fall back as his mouth closes around me.
He moves up and down slowly, sucking and twirling his tongue. A groan escapes my lips when he starts to speed up. "Good job baby, keep going just like that," I murmur, tightening my grip on the top of the headboard.
I look down at him and bite my lip at the sight of his gorgeous mouth wrapped around me. My chest heaves and I grit my teeth when I feel myself getting close. "Ash baby come here," I groan.
He pulls away and I smirk. He did perfectly, I think, noticing that I am more than wet enough.
He crawls onto me, his legs straddling my waist. I kiss him hard as my hands slide down to grip his hips. He lets out a harsh gasp as I slowly push up into him. His head falls onto my shoulder and his fingers dig into my back.
"Just breathe baby," I whisper, placing kisses along his jaw.
I let out a groan when Ash suddenly starts to grind his hips. He buries his face in my neck as he rocks, stifling his moans against my skin. "You don't have to be quiet," I murmur, my lips brushing against his ear.
"The guards will hear," he gasps out, shaking his head.
I smirk at the cry that escapes his lips when I begin to stroke him as he bounces. "I don't care. Let them hear. Let them know that you're mine and I'm yours," I growl, kissing him hard.
"Ah fuck," he gasps. His grip on my shoulders tightens and his breath comes out in short pants. "Jax I'm—I'm—"
I flip us over, pinning Ash's wrists above his head as I move faster. He cries out, his hips jerking up to meet my thrusts.
His body trembles beneath me. Everything is sweaty and grows blurry as I get closer. I slow for just a moment before thrusting deep.
The sound of my mate screaming my name sends me over the edge. I pull out with a groan and let my head drop down onto his chest as we both try to slow our racing hearts.
"I love you," Ash murmurs breathlessly.
A small smile creeps onto my face as I raise my gaze. "I love you too baby," I say, kissing him gently.
I place my hand on his cheek and let my thumb run across his lip. He closes his eyes with a sigh, tilting his head back.
"Gods I will never know what I did to deserve you," I murmur, looking over his beautiful, scarred face.
His arms slide around my neck and mine around his waist. I pull him backwards onto my lap so he can wrap his legs around my hips.
He kisses me with a grin and I can't help the smirk on my lips as I carry him towards the bathroom. "Let's go get cleaned up."
Sorry this took so long guys, I put a lot (probably an excessive amount) of effort into this scene. I wanted to make sure it fit their personalities and I'm really hoping you guys learned a few things about Jax and Ash in this chapter.
BTW Ashon won by quite a bit :)
Let me know if you guys liked this chapter!! (If you did like it I might do more)
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