I let the waves of heat roll over me, sighing at the energy that seeps into my aching muscles. It's quiet, so quiet I can hear my own heartbeat.
After a few minutes of staring into the flames I find myself humming. I haven't heard the song in years and I don't remember the words but the tune is permanently etched in my mind.
The fire seems to almost dance to it.
Footsteps snap me out of my trance and I sit up, my heart pounding. My eyebrows furrow at the dark shadow of the dragon king—only recognizable by his golden hair, gleaming in the light of the volcano.
"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was going to be up here," he murmurs.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
He shrugs. "I couldn't sleep," he says.
"Where's your mate?"
"He's helping his mother."
I frown. "It's the middle of the night."
"Yeah well she's still struggling and some days are worse than others," he mutters.
"Right," I mumble, scooting over on the rock. "Well I wouldn't mind some company if you want to stay?"
He nods a little before sitting down about a meter away, wincing sharply as he settles in one of the smooth grooves that cover the top of the volcano. "What are you doing up here?" he asks with a small sigh.
"Break technically starts tomorrow but most of the dragons start partying tonight. There's way too many people and it's too loud and it reeks of liquor and I just—" I pause, running my hand through my hair. "It's calming up here," I finally say.
He smiles a little then hugs his knees to his chest. The harsh light of the volcano makes his face appear gaunt. He looks tiny and weak.
How in the name of Kilano is he responsible for the deaths of hundreds of dragons?
Don't underestimate him Fara, I'm sure he could still easily kill a dragon if he wanted to, Adriel warns.
"What?" he suddenly asks, his voice filled with annoyance.
"Do you think you could teach me to use a bow?" I ask.
"I thought Zari was teaching you."
"She is but I've heard that you're the best archer since the spirits walked the earth."
He glances sideways at me then frowns down at his hands. "The spirits still walk the earth," he murmurs.
"Wait what?"
He shakes his head. "I'm sorry I don't do archery anymore."
"What do you mean the spirits still walk the earth?" I repeat, confusion swirling in my mind.
He lets out a heavy breath. "Sometimes the spirits reincarnate and a Fury can end up with a dragon that is much more powerful and knowledgeable than it should be because it's actually several centuries—even millennia old."
"Your mate has one doesn't he?" I ask, an excited smile crawling onto my lips.
He doesn't say anything.
"I knew he was different, you don't get to be that powerful just by having royal blood—oh shit, Zari's dragon is one of the spirits too, isn't he!" I say, realization sweeping over me.
He raises his eyebrow, throwing me a weird look. "How do you have so much energy?"
"The rock is really warm. Lay down on it, it's like taking a nap without actually having to fall asleep," I explain.
He narrows his eyes at me a little but then lays down anyway. "Huh," he mutters.
"Well?" I ask.
He shakes his head with a small sigh. "A mate still beats a rock," he mumbles, turning to lay on his stomach.
"Do you want a pillow?" I ask.
"Do you have one?"
I grab one of the pillows from the pile behind me and toss it to him. He shoves it under his head and closes his eyes. He opens them again with a sigh just a few moments later. "Well there's one thing that sucks about sleeping with a mate, it becomes impossible to sleep without one," he growls.
"What's it like having a mate?" I ask.
"Why do you ask so many questions?"
"Curiosity runs in my family like a sickness," I murmur.
He rolls his eyes a little. "Having a mate is not really something you can describe."
"Oh come on! Can you try at least?" I plead.
He makes a face at me. "Why do you want to know so badly anyway?"
I bite the inside of my cheek. "My mother's mate ditched her not too long after I was born. He caused her nothing but pain. I don't remember him and I don't think I want to but I want him to come back for my mom's sake because she is barely holding on some days," I tell him. I suck in a heavy breath. "Now I know that not all mates cause horrible pain like that but I need to know if having a mate is worth taking that risk."
"It is," he says softly, a tiny grin on his lips. "Finding your mate is kinda like finding your other half—as stupid as that sounds. They make you laugh. They make you feel strong and beautiful. They make you feel protected. They do whatever it takes to make you happy. They give you whatever it is you need the most—whatever's been missing from your life."
I tilt my head, peering at him with a small smile. "And what was missing from your life?"
"A home," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "Jaxon became my home."
"I bet if you let your mate know that you could get the all-powerful dragon king to cry," I chuckle.
His lip curls upward into a half-smile. "Believe me, he knows," he murmurs.
"He does?"
"I do."
My heart leaps from my chest at the sudden sound of King Jaxon's voice. "Gods how long have you been standing there?" I ask.
He shrugs. "Not long," he says before turning to his mate with an amused grin. "Do you wanna go back to our room or are you more comfortable here?"
He lets out a disgruntled groan before slowly pushing himself to his feet. He trudges over and drops his head onto Jaxon's shoulder.
Jaxon chuckles, stroking his hair gently. Ash slides his arms around his mate's neck and I watch Jaxon roll his eyes before lifting him up.
My eyes widen as Ash's shirt comes up and a tattoo on his lower back is suddenly visible. I quickly avert my gaze.
"Goodnight Fara, don't fall into the volcano," Jaxon calls, carrying his mate down the rocky path.
"Goodnight my kings," I sigh, laying down on the warm stone. I close my eyes, adjusting the pillows behind my head.
There's a warmth in my chest and a smile on my face as I drift off.
I jerk awake as something wet suddenly touches my nose. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl.
The sky is completely white with snow. The heat from the mouth of the volcano turns it to rain as it falls around me.
I slowly stand, stretching my muscles with a yawn. I run my fingers through my damp hair with a grimace. "I need a shower," I mutter under my breath.
I gather up the sopping pillows and trudge down the rocky path. Annoyance sweeps over me when I notice that nearly everyone is indoors, only a few guards remain outside.
I turn to see my mother running towards me. My eyes widen as she barrels into me, throwing her arms around my neck. "Gods mom," I mutter, stumbling a little. "What's going on?"
She pulls away and I notice the massive grin on her lips. "Queen Zari assigned me to the Zhyden patrol."
"That's great mom." I cringe when I realize my enthusiasm is lacking a little.
She rolls her eyes. "I've been looking everywhere for you—we were supposed to leave a few minutes ago but I had to say goodbye first," she says.
I clench my jaw and swallow hard. "I hope you have fun out there, you deserve it."
She smiles, tilting her head to the side. "When I get back I expect you to be the greatest warrior in the dragon guard," she tells me.
I manage to crack a smile and nod. "I won't let you down, I promise."
"I love you sweetie, I'll see you soon," she says quickly, placing a hasty kiss on my cheek before walking away.
"Love you too mom," I mutter, running my hand roughly through my hair as frustration fills my mind.
"Oh I almost forgot! King Jaxon was asking for you—I think he's in the palace!" she calls over her shoulder.
"Thanks!" I shout back, watching as she jogs toward a small group of warriors waiting in the clearing just inside the entrance.
She swings a pack over her shoulder and gathers up her two swords before following the other warriors out of dragon territory.
I feel wetness on my cheek and quickly wipe the tears away. I shouldn't be angry or sad but I can't make myself feel anything else.
She's been waiting for an opportunity like this for years. She always wanted to travel—to see other territories and meet new people. But she gave it all up for my father.
He wanted a child so she gave him one. He was angry when she had me; he wanted a son. They tried again but my younger sister was born dead.
He left and my mother was stuck raising me on her own instead of exploring and guarding the Devil's Circle like she wanted to. But now she can, and all I can think about is how selfish she is.
She deserves this after everything she's had to deal with, I try to tell myself. It wouldn't be fair to make her stay.
It's okay to miss her, my dragon says.
Six months Adriel. The shortest patrol missions are six months long. How could she leave me here for that long? I growl, ignoring everything I just reminded myself of.
She waited until you were strong enough to survive on your own. She could have left when you were an infant. She could have given you to another dragon to raise. Instead she took care of you until you could care for yourself. She knew you'd be safe if she left.
Why did she have to leave at the beginning of break though? Where the hell am I supposed to go now? I growl.
King Jaxon requested to see you, perhaps he has a task for you, he suggested.
I snap back to reality and my lip curls up in disgust. I am sopping wet, my face covered in rain and tears. The pillows fell to the ground when my mother hugged me and are now covered in mud.
I flick my wrist and they burst into flames, leaving behind nothing but a black mark in the mud—quickly washed away by the rain and snow.
I suck in a heavy breath and make my way towards the palace.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I don't want them to hate me more than they already do," I mutter.
"I thought you didn't care what they think?"
I smirk. "That's true," I said. "Okay I'll do it. The big babies can suck it."
He chuckles. "I'll get some guards to put your stuff into one of the rooms so you can move into the palace tonight if you want."
"Sweet, maybe I'll finally get to sleep through the whole night," I remark.
"That's the spirit," he says, an amused smile crossing over his lips.
"Wait before I say yes, can you do one thing for me?" I call as he starts to walk away.
He pauses and turns back, his eyebrow raised. "What?"
"Please make sure my room is far away from yours. You and Ash are fucking adorable but I don't need you guys keeping me up with your nighttime activities—which I've heard can get very loud."
He laughs. "Very well, you can have the room at the end of the guest hall. We rarely have anyone down there so you'll get all the peace and quiet you want," he tells me with a grin.
"Thank you," I say.
He nods and leaves the throne room without another word. My uncle walks in a few moments later. "Come on, I'm taking you to your room," he says, motioning for me to follow him.
He is covered in guard armor but is still silent as he takes me through the halls of the palace. I can barely hear his footsteps.
My gaze wanders as we walk. I've been in here a few times before but I don't remember it being this magnificent.
"Did your mom find you before she left?" Mika suddenly asks.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I tell him and he says nothing more as he leads me to my room.
He lets out a heavy sigh as we reach the end of the hall. "Okay this is your new room. You are now living in the palace, you are expected to behave accordingly. There are warriors in every hall and they are the least tolerant in the dragon guard so try not to piss them off. Also we sometimes have distinguished guests staying in this hall so you will have to act appropriately; you will be representing the fire dragon race so please don't embarrass us."
I make a face. "I'm not stupid, I know how to behave myself. I'm just not very good at dealing with stupid boys," I mumble.
He chuckles a little. "Well there aren't any stupid boys living here so I expect you to stay out of trouble."
I smirk. "I'll do my best but no promises."
Whose POV for the next chapter? Please just pick one person cause I can't start writing until I have a clear winner :P
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