***Sue's P.O.V.***
Something was wrong. Tarris seemed to be distant from me. Anytime I'd walk into a room, he wouldn't even look at me. Eventually, he would exit the room as if the hounds of hell were after him. I don't know what was wrong and his actions hurt me.
Did I do something wrong? Have I made him angry? Was this whole thing just a lie?
My last thought made me pause. What if it WAS a lie? I mean, Tarris told me it was the mating urge that made I even like each other. Tarris himself may want nothing to do with me. The thought of this causes my heart to constrict and I gasp in pain as my eyes fill with tears. He wants nothing to do with me.
Suddenly, I hear voices. Not wanting anyone to see me cry, I head upstairs to the bedroom I share with Tarris. Once I get inside, I gently close the door and go grab my camping bags that held my clothes. There was no way I was staying here if he didn't even want me.
Through my blurry vision, I tried to locate my drawing pad. Looking around the room, I finally find it on the bed under the covers. I open it and the first picture I come to was the last one I drew. The one of Tarris. I grab it to rip it out but I falter. I grit my teeth as I realize I don't want to give him up. He doesn't want you Sue. It'll only hurt you to keep a memory of him.
Even if the thoughts were true, I left the page in the journal and stuffed it into my camping bag. I know I can't carry my tent and my bag so I had to leave my tent. I could always buy a new one when I get to my world.
I grab my stuff and sling it over my shoulder. I wipe the tears away cause I'll need my sight if I was going to run away. Slowly, I open the door and listen. It sounded as if everyone was downstairs and that's where I needed to go.
I close the door softly and tiptoe down the stairs, praying they wouldn't creak. I stopped at the bottom and peeked around the corner. I could see Clara, John, and Tarris laughing over something Ash had said. Turning my head, I saw my sister with her mate, Mark. They looked happy together and it made my heart hurt as I wondered why I couldn't be that way with Tarris. The only reason me and him were even here now was because of the mating urge.
Now that I knew everyone was distracted, I snuke around the corner down the hallway that led to the backdoor. I opened it as quietly as possible then walked out, gently closing the door behind me. I took the two steps to the ground then started walking.
I made it five steps. "Hey Sue! Where ya going?" It was Jocelyn. Oh my god! I've been caught! I'm gonna have to run!
With that thought, I took off. "I'm sorry, Jocelyn," I yell over my shoulder. I hear footsteps coming my way so I run faster. The bag only makes it harder so I grab my drawing journal from the top then drop the bag.
"Sue! Wait! Why are you running away?," I hear Jocelyn shout.
"I cant stay!," I shout back. I zoom past trees until I come upon a lake. Not stopping, I run along the bank until I see a boat. Perfect!
I run up to the boat, throw my journal in and quickly begin to push the boat into the water.
"Wait Sue! Why can't you stay?," I hear from Jocelyn. I look back and see that she's made it to the lake with me. I quickly push the boat further into the water until I'm knee deep then jump in. I look up to see Jocelyn jumping in the water. Panicking now that she might get me, I grab the oars and quickly begin to paddle out.
"I can't stay Jocelyn. Go back. The only reason me and Tarris are even together is because of the mating urge, he said so himself. He doesn't want me himself, it just because we're mates. Go back," I say, my voice cracking.
By now I'm too far out for her to reach or for me to hear her reply. I stop rowing to rest my arms and let the tears fall. I lay down in the boat and notice beautiful white flowers that must have fallen of the tree it was under on land. I grab one and look at it, then sigh and close my eyes. I'll just rest for a minute.
Ack! Its been too long! I'm so sorry guys! But I'm back and I'm posting! Please don't be too angry! And please-
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