Chapter 5
"Do you need something?" Damon asked politely when he saw Marcus looking at him.
Marcus's face flushed in embarrassment as he looked away from Damon.
Marcus gave Damon one of the pillows from his nest making Damon give him a confused look.
"What do you want me to do with this?" Damon asked calmly with a raised brow.
Marcus pointed to his own neck where his sent gland is.
"You want me to sent it for you?" Damon asked seeming calm on the outside but confused and happy on the inside.
Marcus meirly nodded as the movie continued to play on the screen.
"So he gets all quiet when he is shy." Damon thought silently.
John was about to be killed by Pocahontas's tribe when she jumped in the way and stopped them.
"Okay, is there anything else you want?" Damon asked as he sented the pillow Marcus had given him.
Marcus thought for a second before glancing beside himself in the nest and scooting over some.
"You want me to sit in the nest with you?" Now that shocked the Hell out of Damon.
Omegas were normally very territorial about their nests and wouldn't let just anyone sit in them so Damon only assumed that Betas were the same.
Marcus nodded again, his head down slightly as his eyes roamed over the floor, determined not to make eye contact with the Alpha.
"Okay." He said gently as he got up and moved to sit with Marcus.
The nest was quite small but Damon didn't mind much.
Right once he got settled, doing his best not to mess up anything about the nest, Marcus shocked him once again by cuddling up to him.
He slowly wrapped his arms around Marcus before they both went back to watching the movie.
"Why did he get all shy and affectate all of a sudden?" Damon thought as he started subconsciously playing with Marcus's hair.
Marcus shut his eyes, allowing himself to relax.
By the time the movie was over Marcus was half asleep.
"What time is it?" Marcus asked as he slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Five fifteen." Damon replied after he checked his phone.
"Do you want dinner? I can cook or I have some Ramen if you want that." Marcus asked as he stood up, Damon standing up as well not wanting to upset Marcus with him being alone in his nest.
"Ramen sounds good." He replied getting a tired nod from Marcus as the Beta walked into the kitchen to fix them both some Ramen.
"I have chicken and shrimp, which one do you want?" Marcus asked as Damon followed him into the kitchen.
"Chicken please." He replied not really liking the shrimp kind.
So Marcus fixed them both some chicken Ramen before handing a bowl to Damon.
"Do you want to watch another movie or do you want to just eat and then head home?" Marcus asked while handing Damon a fork so he could eat.
"We can watch another movie." Damon said as he walked back into the livingroom and sitting onto the couch making himself comfortable.
Marcus nodded before following him and sitting down in the floor infront of the couch not wanting to get his nest dirty on accident.
"I picked the last movie so you can pick this one." Marcus said as he handed Damon the remote.
Damon took the remote and started to scroll through what Disney+ had before settling on Hamilton.
Soon they were done with their Ramen and paused the amazing musical so Marcus could get up and put their dishes in the sink.
When he got back into the room he went into his nest and instantly bundled up in three blankets while cuddling the pillow Damon had sented.
Damon unpaused the musical but his mind was racing with questions.
"Why did he want me to sent the pillow for him? Why was he so calm with cuddling me? We have only known each other for a few hours! Should I ask hi-?"
His thoughts were cut short when he felt a small tugg at his shirt.
He turned to face Marcus again and saw that he had sat up and moved over giving Damon room to sit.
Damon smiled at him before getting up and carefully sitting down next to him.
Marcus cuddled up to Damon again as they turned their attention back to the musical.
By the time "Dear Theodosia" started to play, Damon decided that he would ask a few questions.
"Hey Marcus?" He started getting a quiet hum in responce.
"You don't have to answer this but I was wondering...why did you want me to sent your pillow? I don't mind at all I was just wondering." He asked making Marcus sit up and look at him.
"Well if you want the honest answer then it's because your sent calms me, even withought the calming pheromones." Marcus muttered while once again moving his eyes to the ground.
"One other question, why do you have a nest? I thought only Omegas used them?" Damon asked hoping he wasn't stepping over any lines.
"Oh well...even though I'm a Beta everything I do is more like an Omega, really the only Beta thing about me is my sent." Marcus explained as he started to play with the fringe of one of his blankets.
At this new information Damon smiled and pulled Marcus closer to him again.
"Well that's adorable." He mused making Marcus blush.
"Oh hush." He muttered as he hid his face in Damon's chest.
Damon chuckled before going back watching the musical.
By the time "Burn" had ended Marcus had fallen asleep.
"I should go, I'll just leave him a note." Damon thought as he attempted to get up.
Key word, attempted.
When Damon started to move Marcus tightened his grip and let out a small whimper making Damon freez.
"Shit." He cursed quietly with a small sigh.
Now don't get him wrong, he liked cuddling with Marcus but he needed to get home soon.
"Oh fuck it, I'll just text Flura and tell her I won't be home until tomorrow." Damon thought while reaching for his phone.
I won't be home until tomorrow, I'm staying the night w/ Marcus
Ooooooo already~
Not like that u perv! He started to cuddle me & low key trapped me
Awwwww that's adorable
Shut up...
Okay bye now
With that Damon turned off his phone and looked down at Marcus unsure of what to do now.
If they fell asleep here then they would both be in pain for the next few days so they couldn't stay here.
After a while he decided to pick Marcus up and carry him to his bedroom and if he could escape the cuddles and sleep on the couch so Marcus wouldn't freak out when he woke up.
Once Damon got Marcus up to his bed he layed the small Beta down before he tried to leave to the couch.
Thats when he felt a hand attempt to grab his wrist but only brush against it before falling down again.
He turned around and saw that Marcus was slightly awake but still mostly asleep.
"C-can you stay? I don't like being alone..." Marcus trailed off as he looked up at Damon with sleepy eyes.
"Sure." He replied with a defeated sigh. He couldn't say no to this adorable bean!
So he took off his jeans and top so he was left in his boxers before sliding in the bed beside Marcus.
Instantly Marcus cuddled up to Damon trying to steal all of his warmth. He also nuzzled his face into the crook of Damon's neck where his sent gland was.
Very quickly after that Marcus was back asleep while Damon stayed awake for a few more minutes going over the events of the day.
"This is going to be fun to explain when he wakes up..." was Damon's last thought before Marcus's honey sent soothed him to sleep.
1,346 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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