Chapter 9
Alex's POV
The police arrived a few minutes ago and Lily had gone upstairs to get Maya. She said she wanted to do this but her heartbeat is fast which means she is nervous. But that is actually quite normal. I bet it's not easy for her to come down here and tell the police what happened that night.
"Oh wow this place is beautiful. This whole floor is black. Is this whole floor Alex's room?"
"Yeah it's cool right. They all have their own floor"
"I didn't even have my own bathroom and they have a whole floor"
Oh baby you can have a whole castle. I smile just thinking about the possibility.
They come down the stairs and appear in the dining room where the two police officers and my dad are seated waiting for her.
Oh shit
Her heat rate picks up seeing them and her body becomes more tense. She scans over the room till her eyes land on me leaning against the kitchen counter.
Thank goodness there she is.
She smiles and she takes a deep breath. "Hi" she mouths to me but I could her that small whisper like it was the only sound in the world.
"You ok?" I mouth back and she just nods before taking a seat.
"Good morning miss Bishop I am officer Lane and this is officer Biles. I am so sorry about what happened to you. How are you feeling?"
"I am ok" she says in a low voice and her hand is tight around Lily's who is seated next to her.
"I am glad to hear that. Do you mind if we ask you a couple of questions? I have been told that we can't talk to you alone so don't worry about that" he says looking at me and I just smile at him.
I told him his fortune right when he got out of the car. I know Maya is scared. No way in hell I would let her talk alone with them.
"So Maya can you start at the beginning. What happened right when school ended that day?" He asks.
Maya takes a deep breath and flips her hair over her shoulders which sent a that addictive scent right up my nose which made my stomach do backflips.
"Well my father and two brothers picked me up after school and took me home. It was a cold day and my dad said he was driving by and thought I shouldn't walk home that day"
Oh for fuck sakes. What a lying dick.
"Do you always walk home?"
"Yes sir, ever since I started high school. Lily and I walk everyday except when she has after school activities."
"And I assume she had an activity that day?"
"Yes sir so I was supposed to walk home alone that day or well Alex was there to give me a ride"
"Does she always give you a ride?" He frowns.
Why is he frowning?
"No not always. Only when the weather is bad" she smiles slightly.
"Ok so Alex was there to give you a ride home but your father picked you up unannounced?"
"Yes sir" she nods.
"Ok what happened when you got home?" He asks
This is the part I don't want to hear. I turn my head to the window and try to block out her voice. But how can I block out the voice that I can hear so clearly. The voice that stands out in a stadium of people. The only voice I want to hear for the rest of my life.
"Uhmm well. When we got there my mother was also home which was strange because it was Monday and she is never home that early but I didn't think to much of it. So I went to my room to start with my homework like I always do." She pauses and take a deep breath.
Alex she needs you.
I turn at my father's words and I meet her eyes. She is so scared and vulnerable right now. She keeps her eyes on me for a few seconds but then blinks and look back at the officers.
"My dad come into my room and he started throwing my books around. I didn't know what was happening so I just sat there behind my desk. He then pulled me from my chair and grabbed me by the shoulders. He said 'we heard you have a new friend' and I knew he was talking about Alex because that is basically the only new person I have met this whole year but I denied it because they don't want me to have any friends. So he started yelling that I was lying and he threw me on the ground."
Her tears start to build up and I just want to hold her in my arms. I just want to run over there and hold her tight. I can feel my pupils dilating from rage. I can see the story playing out through her mind. I can see what she saw and feel what she felt.
And it fucking sucks.
"My mother then came into the room and she sat on the bed. She then told me that uuh" she pauses and glances at me.
Oh gosh what did she say.
"She told me that a friend of hers saw me at the carnival with Lily and someone else. So she asked me who it was and I just said it's one of Lily's other friends."
Her breathing goes faster and her tears are flowing down her cheeks but she has to continue the story. I wish I can take her away and distract her mind from this but I can't do that right now.
"She then got really mad and said I was lying because her friend saw me and this other girl holding hands" she glances at me and my heart stops.
I can't hear any of this anymore. I look down at the ground avoiding her eyes because this is all my fault.
"She then started yelling at me and she hit me across the face for lying to her. My dad then grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me into the hallway. I got to my feet at the stairs before he could drag me down the steps. He took me to the basement and threw me on the ground. There was a small mattress on the floor and I assumed it was for me."
I just keep looking at the floor feeling the rage boil inside me. Why am I here again? I don't want to hear this. How will I ever forgive myself for letting this happen?
"He then hit me above my eye I think a few times and then on my cheek. That's when I tasted the blood in my mouth."
My fucking blood.
Alex calm down!
"While I was laying on the floor in pain he then took off my clothes leaving me in my underwear. My eyes were closed and I just covered my head. I didn't want him to hit me again. I felt a sting across my back and when I looked up I saw him standing with some type of rope or wire. I don't know what it was. Everytime before he hit me he kept asking me questions. He asked what is her name?, where does she live?, how old is she? And I couldn't answer him because of them pain I was in so he hit me over and over again. Till he stopped. I heard him walk away and then he turned out the lights. I don't know how long I laid there to scared to move. So after a while I crawled over to the mattress because the floor was so cold. And I layed there in the dark. Till..." She pauses and I can feel her looking at me so I lift my head.
"Till she came in"
Her eyes.
Oh shit. She saw my eyes. She frowns a bit till the officer grabs her attention again. "Miss Bishop I am so sorry for what happened to you. We will be in touch with Mr and Mrs Reynolds about what's going on. Thank you so much for your cooperation"
She frowns again. She doesn't know that she will be living with Lily from now on.
My father escorts the officers outside and leaves me, Lily and Maya in the dining room.
"My parents said you could come live with us for the rest of the year ok. Don't worry about that anymore ok" Lily says hugging her but her eyes find me and I give her a small nod and smile.
"We can go pack your suitcase" she smiles and gets up pulling Maya with her.
I don't want to leave.
They disappear from my view and I take a few deep breaths. That was the worst experience of my life and I have been through torture. My father prepared me for one day when someone figures out what can kill us. He put me and my brother through hell but this, living through the torture of my mate....that is much worse than hell.
"Alex. Maya is asking for you" Lily comes into the kitchen straight for the fridge. Absolutely no boundaries. I just smile and walk past her up to my room.
I knock on the slightly open door and see Maya sitting at the edge of the bed, eyes red from crying. "Hey" I say in a concerned voice. I close the door behind me and walk right up to her. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I am ok. Just reliving that, wasn't that much fun" she chuckles.
"I know I am sorry" I say sitting down next to her.
"It's ok. I had to do it" she smiles playing with her fingers.
"No you didn't have to but I am glad you did. You can't go back there" I say in a low voice.
She stays silent for a moment and I try really hard not to read her mind.
"I have been thinking about what happened the past two days and" she pauses taking a breath. "I still don't know how you were there. Lily said you had a feeling something was wrong and I am really happy about that but a normal person would call the police, not kick down the front door and walk in."
She looks at me and I feel the blood draining from my face. What the fuck now?
"W-why did you do that for me?" She says in a hesitant voice. "And where were you? Lily said you came running to my house?"
I look down at the floor. This is it. This is the moment I have been dreading.
"She said you weren't even breathing for a few minutes. Look I don't mind if you watched me from across the street or whatever but please just tell me what is going on? Everything else makes sense, but you."
I stand up from the bed and walk towards the door. "Alex where are you going?"
"Just give me two seconds"
I get out the door to grab a chair in my little lounge area.
Dad get Lily out the house please. I am telling Maya, she has seen to much that doesn't make sense. And please stay out of my head. You too Marcelo. If she runs just let her go. This has to be her choice.
Good luck sweetheart.
Good luck sis.
I step back into the room and before I close the door I think it's maybe better to leave it open. She might feel more comfortable this way. She is still seated on the bed looking at me but she is definitely confused. I place the chair against the window on the other side of the room across from her and sit down.
"Why are you sitting there?" She frowns.
"Because I don't want you to be afraid of me" I sigh."You shouldn't be afraid of me because I would never hurt you."
"Why would I be afraid of you Alex?" She frowns with a bit of a confused laughter.
"Everything will make sense in a few seconds ok. I just want you to know that I will never hurt you Maya. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again."
"Alex what is going on?" She says in a shaky voice.
"The reason everything doesn't make sense is because it's not suppose to make sense. Because there are things you don't know and therefore you don't understand."
"Know what?" She shifts on he bed and her heart rate picks up. "You are scaring me"
"Please don't be scared Maya. I am going to tell you something and after that, you can either take your bags and get in the car with Lily or you can stay here and let me explain everything to you. That is 100% your choice. I am just going to sit here till you made your choice ok"
"O-ok? She stutters.
I take a deep breath. "I did have a feeling something was wrong that night. I felt it in my body and yes I did run to your house. I wasn't watching from a distance though. I was here with my dad and Marcelo when I called Lily."
"But how-"
"Just let me finish ok" I say with a small smile. "Yes I didn't breath for a few minutes when I got to your house because I was trying to hear your heartbeat. I needed to hear you breathe."
She frowns and her breathing becomes quicker.
"I didn't call the police because your heartbeat was irregular and you lost a lot of blood. So I kicked down the door not even thinking twice about it. I didn't care about your parents. My only focus was on you and to find you. You were hurt and I needed to get to you."
"H-how did you know where I was?" She cries.
"I smelt you Maya. I can smell you from a mile away." I sigh and her frown just keeps getting deeper and deeper.
"Maya. I am not....human" I look at her and her breathing stops.
"I am a vampire"
She jumps up from the bed and covers her mouth. I can see the confusion in her eyes and her heart is pounding in her chest.
"Your-r eyes" she sobs.
"My eyes change colour with different emotions. I didn't think you saw my eyes that night. I was just so angry and I needed to get you out of there"
She steps backwards till her back hits the wall on the other side, crying. "What the hell?" She screams.
"Maya please don't be scared of me. I would never hurt you" I say sitting perfectly still in my chair. I don't want to startle her.
"Please tell me this is a joke." She cries.
"I am telling the truth Maya" I sigh.
She looks down at the floor and I give her privacy in her mind. "Wait. That day you met me in the hallway. I didn't look familiar to you did I? You wanted to kill me!"
"No" I say standing up and she jumps back into the wall. "Sorry sorry" I sit back down seeing how scared she is. "Maya I would never hurt you. Please let me explain"
"I want to leave" she cries.
"Maya I am so sorry. Please believe me" I say in a shaky voice.
"I need to leave" she says and grabs her bag and runs out the door.
My last glimpse of her was her hand shutting the door behind her. Leaving me in the silent empty room, sitting on this chair.
I just lost my soulmate.
I feel a tear roll down my cheek and that is strange for me, I don't cry, ever. But this is a new emotion for me, I have never cared about anyone so much in my life. I have never loved anyone so much. In fact I have never loved anyone before. And now she is gone. I have lost the one person that made me slightly less awful than what my reputation says about me. She made me happy. She was my everything.
And I lost her.
Maya's POV
It's been a week since I left Alex's house. I haven't stopped crying. Lily kept asking me what is wrong but I couldn't tell her. How the hell do I explain to her that Alex is a blood sucking vampire?
She is a vampire. She doesn't have a heart. She is dead. She is a killer. A human killer. And she took care of me. I rode in her car. I layed in her arms. I slept in her bed. She could've killed me so many times....but she didn't. Did she wait for the perfect moment? Did she plan on sharing me with some of her friends. Did she plan to kidnap me when I got to comfortable? Is that why she was happy that I didn't go back to my parents? That she could have easy access to me now.
She lied to me. She lied to me for months. What if I didn't see her eyes? Or asked those questions? How long would she have lied to me?
I went back to school after a few days. There were stares and questions but after a few days everything died down. I have this ugly scar on my cheek and eye though. Everytime I look in the mirror I sigh at the sight. I wish it could just disappear.
It was Lily's birthday a few days ago and I was so happy to have spent it with her. There was actually a snow storm on that day so she couldn't really throw a big party. We did however have a great time. I bought her a friendship bracelet because we can actually both wear it now.
Things have been great but my body feels numb. My heart feels empty and I can't stop thinking about Alex. I am so mad at her but there is a small part of me that misses her. I want to see her but I am scared of her.
Christmas day. My absolute favourite holiday and this year I am even happier because I am surrounded by people who cares about me. We have the next two weeks off before we start our last semester of our senior year. I am scared out of my mind of what the future holds but for now I am just grateful to be here.
After dinner we gathered around the big Christmas tree that Lily and I put up. It was my first time to put on the star at the top. My father never let me do it.
We exchanged gifts and Mrs Reynolds made us some hot chocolate as we got familiar with our gifts. Lily got me a pair of earphones because she knows I love music and Mr and Mrs Reynolds got me a pair of snow boots. I have never had a pair before so now me and Lily can actually go walk in the snow. I always walked in the road because my feet would almost fall off from the cold.
"We have another gift for you Maya" he smiles and hands me a small box with a letter.
I smile with a small frown. "Who is it from?"
"Just open it" he smiles.
I open the small box and inside is a beautiful silver necklace with a small crown as a charm, hanging at the bottom. My jaw drops because inside the crown it looks like small diamonds. It's probably fake but it's beautiful. This is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life.
I open the letter and sit back on the couch holding onto the necklace. Everyone left me alone in the living room for some reason but I didn't think much of it.
Dear Maya
Merry Christmas Maya! I know this is you favourite holiday and I am so happy that you get to spend it in your fuzzy slippers with hot chocolate in your hand, and Lily by your side. You deserve this Maya. I really do hope you are happy.
I am writing you this letter on a crappy seat at the airport and when you receive it I will be long gone. I am leaving Maya. You don't have to worry about seeing me again. But know that I will always do my very best to protect you....from a distance.
I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I am sorry that I lied to you about everything. I am sorry that I hurt you. Please know that was never my intention. I would never hurt you Maya. My purpose in life is to make you happy and keep you safe and I will do that for the rest of my life, even if it means staying out of yours.
You don't have to wear the necklace but it will keep you safe. I have also left my car for you Maya. I know how much you loved it so now you don't need anyone to give you a ride.
I have asked my dad and Lily's parents to watch over you and so far they have not disappointed me. You have one more semester of high school left and I know you will smash this one out of the park. You never cease to amaze me and you should know that you are capable of many things. You are going to do great things with your life Maya. I know it.
Go live your life Maya. Go be happy. Do what you always wanted to do. Get out of that shitty town and explore the world. It's going to blow your mind.
It was an honour to know you Maya. You have changed my life.
The tears are running down my face as I read this letter. I can't believe she left. She left me here alone. I grip the necklace in my hand and take a deep breath.
I stand up from the couch and walk to the window. And right there in the street is her car. I do love that car but it was more about her in the car. It doesn't work without her.
I take a golf club from Mr Reynolds's bag and open the door. It is freezing outside and I am only wearing slippers but I am so mad at her right now.
I hear Lily and her parents call for me from the door but I only have my eyes on her car. I take a swing and hit the windshield in pieces. I take out all the windows and then hit her car a few more times.
"I. Don't. Want. Your. Car. I. Want. You!" I yell with every swing.
After a few minutes of panting and crying I look at me hands and I have some cuts from the glass and it's almost blue from the cold. I throw the club down and look up at Lily and her parents. "I need to see Mr Woods" I say in a breathless voice.
"Let's go" Mr Reynolds says with a small smile. We jump in the car and drive to Mr Wood's house. I know Alex isn't there but he can tell me where she is.
After a few minutes we arrive at his house. I have the necklace in my hand and the letter in the pocket of my jacket. Lily grabbed me a jacket to put over my sleepwear. I didn't give anyone time to change there clothes.
I run to the door and before I could knock her father opens the door. "Merry Christmas Maya!" He smiles.
"I need to see her" I pant still shivering from the cold and also shaking from anger.
"Ok I will take you to her" he smiles and Marcelo comes out a with a few bags. He steps out and locks the door.
Did he see me coming or I am just lucky to have caught them before they left. We get back into the cars and drive to the airport. I don't know what's going on but my focus and anger is concentrated on Alex right now. I just want to get to her.
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