Chapter 7
Maya's POV
Waking up for school again I groan in annoyance. I had a really good night's sleep. But yet I smile because I don't have to stay at home. I can go to school and see Lily again and I really hope to see Alex.
After the carnival I think we are finally on the same page. She knows about my parents and she knows I didn't mean all those things I said to her. She is keeping her distance to protect me, not that I want any distance from her. I want to get to know her better. I want to spend time with her because being around her makes me smile. She makes me happy with just being next to me.
But for now we need distance. My parents would send me away to a camp or lock me up in the basement. Firstly yell at me for having a new friend and then without even admitting to it they will assume I am gay. They would assume correct but Alex and I are just friends.
It's basically winter but luckily it hasn't snowed yet. Walking to school in the snow is not that fun so hopefully it stays away until Christmas break.
I am dressed in leggings and jeans, long sleeve shirt, a sweater, a hoodie and a jacket. My winter boots and a beanie. I hate getting cold. I would much rather carry all of this with me later when it gets warmer than freezing on my way to school.
I open the front door with a cold breeze hiting my face. My nose feel like its going to fall off. I take a deep breath and march right out into winter.
Walking will definitely make me warm up so I start walking at a quick pace.
I look up ahead like every morning, hoping that Alex waits for me at the corner. But nope, not today, again. Maybe it's too cold for her as well. I bet she is still all snuggled up under her warm covers in bed, while the rest of the world needs to suffer.
Nearing the end of the road I turn a corner. I look like a thief though. With my beanie and my jacket's cap on, my mouth and nose almost covered by my scarf. I walk looking at me feet avoiding the direct wind in my face.
I hate winter, I repeat. I hate the winter.
"Are you going to the north pole?" I hear a voice in front of me. I almost fall on my ass out of freight but when I look up I see Alex leaning all to casual against her car.
She is only wearing a light black jacket that complements her figure. While I on the other hand look like a fat grumpy old man. Not even a woman, a man.
"You could've just called me for a ride. You don't have to be so dramatic about it" she laughs.
"I hate the winter" I mumble getting into her car without further delay.
"I can see that" she still laughs getting in herself. She starts the car and I immediately turn on the heater.
"Maya it's not that cold. It hasn't even snowed yet. It's just a bit cloudy today. What do you do when it snows?"
"That is usually during Christmas break and then I stay in my house. Where it's warm and cozy."
"And if you have to go to school?" She raises an eyebrow.
"Then I am dressed like this but with a few more layers underneath." I smile. "If the wind wasn't so cold then I would've been fine, still dressed like this though. But thank you for being here"
"You are welcome. Would it be ok with you if I gave you a ride every morning? Or only if-"
"Yes please" I cut her off before she could finish.
"Ok" she smiles.
That beautiful smile that warms my heart. She looks beautiful today. I think the clouds bring out her eyes. Or maybe I am just used to seeing her with sunglasses. Her hair is braided on one side. That is new, but I like it. She looks beautiful, almostike a Viking.
"Is Lily also walking?" She asks breaking my staring thoughts.
"I doubt it. Her father always takes her to school in the winter" I say looking out the window.
She softly hmms while we continue down the road.
"I think I want to get myself a pet" she suddenly says catching my attention.
"Really? What, like a dog or a cat?" I smile wide. I have always wanted a cat when I was growing up but that dream came and gone.
"Maybe a cat. I am not really a dog person" she says resting her elbow on the door scratching her chin deep in thought.
"I love cats. I have always wanted one. Lily has a cat but she hates him" I laugh
"Yeah but it's a maybe. I don't know. I will go have a look at the pound or if someone is selling. Maybe one of them will choose me or something" she laughs. "Is that even a thing?"
I look at her and just laugh. "I don't know but you can try"
"Yeah I don't think it's a thing" she laughs.
I missed this Alex. I like her like this. Sharing things with me, being comfortable with me again. Not closed off like it was a few weeks ago.
"If soulmates are real maybe animals and people can also find their way to each other" I shrug.
She looks at me and smiles. "You believe in soulmates?"
"I like to believe that yes." I smile . "There has to be some sort of destiny or fate to bring a little bit of happiness to a few people who are actually lucky enough to find that perfect person. Like my mom and dad are not those lucky people. They are absolutely not meant for each other. They are so unhappy" I laugh.
She smiles and nods her head saying nothing.
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
"1000%" she smiles widely. "But it has nothing to do with luck. I think some people just give up to quickly and settle with something or someone that is comfortable. Something that makes their life easy. Those people fuck up the whole system" she says parking the car in the school.
"What if someone stole your soulmate and you spend your whole life trying to find them but meanwhile they are semi-happy with someone else?" I question her statement.
"The universe will balance it out. I believe no matter what, you will find your soulmate. Somehow, someway you will find your soulmate even if someone else kept them occupied for a while." She smiles.
"So you-"
"Maya, you are going to be late" she cuts me off with a chuckle.
I look at the time and groan. "This conversation is not over" I say preparing myself for the cold.
"I can tell but my dad will kill me if you were late for school. So I will see you tom-" my eyes snap at her with a frown. "This afternoon?" She says a little hesitant and I smile.
"See you later Alex"
"Enjoy your day Maya" she smiles and I get out the car.
I walk into school a but faster than usual. The school is a bit warmer but not by much.
I walk to my locker and find Lily leaning against it. "Hey cupcake. Please tell me you didn't walk in this cold"
"No" I smile. "Alex was there"
"Oohh your very sexy knight in black armour" she smirks.
I blush and just keep getting my books out my locker. "How was your date with Marcelo?"
"Ahh Maya. He is such a gentle lover" she sighs hooking her arm into mine as we walk to class.
"Gross" I cringe. "I didn't need to know that. You could've just said it was great."
"It was great. Like really, really great" she whispers in my ear and I just shake my head and we go into class laughing.
Lily and I decided to have lunch inside today. It was to cold outside and it was close to our next class which was History.
Today was actually a very good day. Only a few more minutes till the bell rings and I get to see Alex again.
The bell rings and my smile widens. I almost run to my locker. I know Lily is going home with her dad so I don't bother finding her. I walk out of the school building with a spring in my step. I can't wait to see her. Even just for the 10 minutes we drive to my street, but still. She is funny and smart, beautiful in every way. She is just amazing. I know she would be waiting around the corner like she usually does to not cause any attractions to me.
Just as I walk down the steps my eyes land on my father. I do a double take and yes, it is him, standing next to his truck with my two brothers in the back. He calls me over and I hesitate for a second. This is weird, this never happens. Maybe he had a change of heart. Maybe he felt the temperature and felt sorry for me.
What about Alex? She is waiting for me. I can't exactly ditch my dad for her. That would not go well for me.
I slowly force a smile and make my way to them. I get in the truck and quickly text Lily that my dad came to pick me up. I actually never got Alex's number, which I regret now, she is going to think I stood her up or something. I asked her to be here and now I don't show up. I hope she isn't going to be mad.
Alex's POV
It's been 15 minutes. I know she usually waits for most of the students to come out but it's getting to long now.
I am starting to get worried though. She said I should be here and now I am here.
I wait a few more minutes and almost everyone is gone. I do have her number but maybe it's to soon to send her a text. Maybe she will feel pressured if I call her. Maybe we are not there yet.
After half an hour I decide to go back home. Still worried but not getting worked up about it. I wanted to drive by her house to maybe hear if she is there but decided against it. I don't want to cause trouble.
8pm comes around and my mind is going to dark places. Something feels wrong. She walks home every day. She walks the same route every day. Something is wrong, I can feel it inside me.
I get my phone and call Lily.
"Alex hi, I was just about to call you"
"Why what's wrong?" I immediately go in panic mode.
"I don't know. Maya isn't returning my texts. Usually this time of night she is in her room studying or pretending to study. I don't want to call and maybe get her in trouble"
"Where was she this afternoon? I was supposed to pick her up"
"Oh I thought she told you. Her dad picked her up. Apparently he drove by the school and did the descent thing to pick her up. I find it strange though"
"Why?" I say with wide eyes.
"He drives by the school every morning, why doesn't he drop her off?"
"Fuck" I sigh. "Lily I think something is wrong. I can feel it"
"Really? Don't say stuff like that Alex. I am starting to panic"
"Just wait. Uhhmm I will call you back in 5 minutes" I quickly hang up and speed down to the kitchen.
"Dad, I need your help" I say nearing the dining room table where he is sitting.
"What's up?" He asks concerned.
"I think something is wrong with Maya. Can you help me maybe read her mind from here. Our bond is not that strong yet"
"Sure honey, but why? Do you think she is in trouble?"
"I don't know, her dad picked her up from school today after she said I have to take her home. So it's a li-"
I stop speaking as my dad's eyes went wide and he stands up. "Marcelo!" He yells and my brother appears out of nowhere.
"Alex you have to get there now! We are bringing your car" he says and pushes me towards the door.
"W-what? Why?" I almost stutter in panic. I search his mind to hear what he heard but he blocked me out. "Let me hear dad!" I yell at him.
He grabs my shoulders "Alex she needs your help"
Without another word I fly out the front door down the driveway, onto the road. The town is far from our house but I'll get to her in a few minutes.
She is hurt, I saw it in my dad's eyes.
I feel my eyes glow of rage as I speed through the streets. I don't want to even think about the possibility of coming there and facing my worst fear.
A couple streets from her house I smell her, but not that beautiful vanilla smell, not the perfume that fills my nose everytime the wind blows in my direction. I smell her blood. I have never smelt it before but I know it's hers. It's the most sweetest blood I have every smelled in my entire life.
That is the blood that is supposed to make me stronger, that is the blood that should fullfil my thirts. That is the only blood I need to survive. But that is the only blood she has to stay alive. And right now I am not using it and for her to use it, it must be inside her body. Not on the outside where I can smell it. It is being wasted.
I get to her street not even panting. To my surprise I find Andrew, Alana and Lily there in a car a few metres down the street.
"Woah where is your car?" Lily asks getting out with her parents. I keep my focus on the house and lift my finger for all of them to stay quiet.
"What is she doing?" Lily whispers.
"Come on Maya. Give me sign. Talk to me" I say in a low voice.
She is in the basement.
My eyes flare open in pure rage when I hear my dad's thoughts. I look to Andrew and Alana. Lily is still staring in confusion.
"I need a witness" I say to Andrew.
"I got you Alex." He says taking off his thick jacket. I am only wearing a sweater and boots. It's actually really cold but I don't care right now.
"Are you going in?" Lily asks a bit concerned.
"Yes" I start walking to the door with Andrew right behind me. "Keep them away from me or I will ripp their heads off"
I feel my pupils dilate in rage before I take a deep breath and kick the door open.
"What the hell? Who are you?" Maya's mother yells from the kitchen. Her father and two brothers come running in from the living room. I walk right pass them and follow the smell. Her thoughts are quiet so I need to follow her blood.
"Get the fuck out of my house" her father yells and with that Andrew throws him up to a wall.
I just hear screaming and groaning behind me as I finally find the door that leads to the basement. I open it up and it's pitch black. I only see the first three steps heading inside. Her smell is very sharp which means she is definitely in here. A calmness comes over me when I hear a slow but steady heart beat.
She is alive.
I switch on the light and fly down the stairs. As I reach the bottom my knees almost drop to the floor.
Laying on a shitty piece of mattress on the floor in the corner of the basement, is my beautiful Maya. She is only in her underwear and I can only see marks on her back. She is shivering in this cold basement without a blanket in sight.
"Maya" I whisper in a almost breathless voice. Her head snaps my way in shock and when I see her face I almost fall in the floor.
Her eye is swollen and her skin is split open on the eyebrow. She has a cut on her cheek that is also bleeding. Her lip is busted and there is blood coming from her mouth. I can see the handprints around her neck and a couple of bruises on her chest that is now breathing at a rapid pace.
I rush to her side and hold my hand under her neck to let her rest in my grip
"Alex. W-what, ar-re you... doing here?" She asks in a trembling voice. Her eyes are bloodshot from crying and her whole body is shaking. I can't believe what I am seeing. How can someone do this to their own daughter?
"Alex, I am scared" she cries gripping onto my sweater.
"Maya, I am going to take you away from this place ok" I whisper stroking her cheek. "I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?"
"Please take me away. I don't want to be here anymore." She cries clinging onto me for dear life.
I feel my dad's presence behind me and I look at him. "Dad"
"Take her home Alex" he nods.
I pull the sweater off my body leaving me in a tank top and pull it over her head and arms. I pick her up and she immediately grabs onto my neck. She is as light as a feather and I've always dreamt about walking with her like this but this is not the way I imagined.
She cries into my neck still shivering from the cold and probably from fear as well. I walk up the stairs and step into the house. I see Maya's parents and her brothers standing in the living room watching me. I clench my jaw trying not to lose my shit but getting Maya out of here is my number one priority now.
"You can't just take her, she is my daughter!" he mother screams at me.
"Watch me" I hiss before I step out the door.
I hear Lily gasp when she sees us. Her hands cover her mouth and she starts to cry.
"Get me a jacket" I command. Marcelo runs to me taking off his jacket and covering her body.
"Oh my gosh Maya" Lily cries walking beside me to the car.
"She is ok Lily but we need to get her to my house" I say looking at her trying to keep her calm. She slowly nods and then looks at her mom.
"Go honey. We will meet you there" Alana says giving us Andrew's jacket too.
We get to my car and Lily opens the back door for me . "Marcelo are you good?" I ask knowing the intense smell can be a trigger when rage is involved. I can tell he is upset too. I just need him to be ok to drive.
"It's Maya Lex. I am good" he says before getting in the driver seat.
I get in the back not letting Maya go. She is still holding onto me like she never wants to let go. Lily gets in the passenger seat and Marcelo speeds away from the house.
Maya hasn't stopped shaking. She is crying and Lily is crying too as she looks at us. I can feel her heartache seeing Maya like this. I take Maya's hand that is tucked away against my chest and let it rest on the side of her body. Then I hold it out for Lily to take and she does so without hesitation.
She leans over to the back and brings Maya's hand to her forehead, crying. I can see Maya's hand tightening the grip but I knew this is what Lily needed. She needed a sign that Maya is ok. She is not ok but she is breathing. She is awake and she knows Lily was here to help save her.
Maya's head drops a bit lower from my neck onto my arm but she tucks it away as if she doesn't want anyone to see her. She hasn't stopped crying and she is still shaking. I can tell she is in pain and the cold is making her muscles ache even more.
"I got you Maya. I am so sorry" I whisper letting my head rest against hers. She doesn't say anything but I stay in that position till we get to the house.
Lily opens the door for me and I slowly get out making sure not to bump her into anything. Marcelo opens the front door and I immediately walk her up to my room. Lily and Marcelo are right on my heels as we walk to my floor and enter my bedroom.
"Marcelo please get me a bowl with hot water and a rag. Lily go into my closet and get her some sweat pants and a t shirt" I say and they both go. I slowly put Maya down on my bed, letting her head rest on my pillow.
"We got you ok" I whisper to her. She slowly nods and it seems she has stopped crying. Her one eye is almost swollen shut but she can see through it.
I just keep my hands on her and wait as Marcelo comes back with the bowl and rag.
"We have to clean you up ok. Then you can sleep" I say in a comforting voice. She slowly nods and then her eyes land on Lily who comes out the closet.
Lily stands in shock as she sees her face for the first time. She covers her eyes and shakes in sobs. "Fuck" she whispers but we can all hear her. She takes a deep breath and wipes her tears away. She is trying to be strong for Maya and she is doing a good job.
"Lily" Maya holds out her hand and Lily immediately gets on my bed shoes and all, taking her hand and sitting next to her.
"We are going to get you cleaned up ok" she whispers with a small smile and then looks at me.
I get on my knees at the side of the bed, place the bowl on the bedside table and put the rag in the water. "Tell me if it hurts and I will stop ok"
She nods and I bring the rag up to her body. Lily helps pulling the jacket down a bit exposing her chest. I assume she would be shy but right now I don't think she is totally aware of her surroundings. I wipe off the blood that has dropped down her neck to her chest. I wipe along her neck clenching my jaw as I move over the handprints. A sudden touch from her hand on my arm makes my eyes divert to her watery ones. I can tell she is trying to calm me down but at the same time it brings back her memory of it.
I quickly wipe down her arms as well which seems ok, just a few cuts and bruises probably from trying to defend herself.
I take the rag and move to her face. I look at her for confirmation and she closes her eyes for a few seconds and then takes a deep breath. Her hand grips onto my arm which is holding onto the other side of her head, just to keep her steady.
I slowly run the rag over the cut on her cheek. She flinches and holds her breath. I keep my head out of her thoughts. I can't handle hearing her scream of pain on the inside. It will kill me.
I softly run it over a few times more getting all the blood off her cheek. Lily is gently stroking her hair and letting Maya grip her hand in pain. "Breathe Maya" I whisper waiting for her to open her eyes.
She lets out the air she kept inside and the tears roll down her cheeks. "I am sorry. I have to clean this ok."
She slowly nods and more tears run down the sides of her face. She knows I have to clean her up but it hurts. I know it hurts.
"C-can I h-have smm...water p-please?" She whispers.
Marcelo quickly runs to the fridge on my floor and comes back with a bottle and a straw. He is so smart.
Thank you
I smile up at him and take the bottle from him and give to Lily. She puts the straw in and I help Maya sit up slightly. She takes a few sips and lays back down. "Thank you"
I take the rag again and slowly run it over the cut above her eye. It's luckily not to deep but it probably still hurts like a bitch.
She flinches again and groans out in pain. I feel myself wanting to cry but I can't, not now. I wipe the rag a few times over while she holds her breath, trying to get it over and done with. "Ok I am done" I say and she lets out the air.
I wipe the rest of her face and she looks a little better without the blood everywhere. Lily has seemed to calm down. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying but she is great support for Maya. She held her hand the entire time. I am so grateful for that.
"Lily would you help her change into some clothes and just wipe down if there is any blood further down her body" I ask and she immediately nods and gets off the bed.
I lean over Maya's face and she looks up at me. Her hand is gripping on my arm as if she doesn't want me to leave. "Don't leave me" she cries but I wipe away the tear on the one side of her face.
"I am going to the bathroom just over there. I will be right back. Just let Lily help you quickly please" I whisper stroking her hair.
She slowly nods and I let go of her for the first time tonight. I almost don't want to but she needs some privacy. I wouldn't mind doing it but I want her to give me permission to see her naked.
I go into the bathroom and Marcelo follows me also giving them privacy. I immediately take off my clothes and throw them in a pile on the floor. Marcelo goes into my closet and gets me a pair of sweet pants and a hoodie. He knows me so well.
I put it on and wipe a few bloodstains off my neck and face. I take a deep breath and bend down to the floor.
"She is ok Lex. You got her out of there" he says bending down next to me.
"I should've gotten her out sooner. Then this wouldn't have happened." I say with a clenched jaw.
"This isn't your fault. We don't even know what happened"
I stand up and look at myself in the mirror again. "I should've gotten her out sooner"
He spins me around and grips my shoulders. "Look at me. We didn't know he would do this. This isn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. We got her out and she is safe now. You can keep her safe here, we can keep her safe here"
I nod my head and he pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you" I whisper.
"I got you Lex. I always will" he says pulling back. "Now let's go take care of your girl" he smiles.
I grab some painkillers from the cabinet and we step back into the room as Lily is helping Maya get under the covers. I know my bed is warm so she will be warm and comfortable in a few minutes.
"Lily can you sleep with her tonight?" I ask as I get to the other side.
"Yeah of course."
"You can go into my closet and wear anything you want" I say and she nods and walks away. Marcelo goes with her holding a comforting arm around her shoulders.
I walk and bend down on my knees again next to Maya. "Hey" I smile and she brings out her hand at the top of the blanket waiting for me to take it. I don't hesitate for a second and grab it. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired, but I am ok" she smiles.
"I brought you some painkillers." I say getting the bottle again. I hold her neck steady and she takes two pills and swallows it down. I put her back down and put the bottle away. "They will help you sleep"
"Alex" she whispers and her lips starts to tremble and her eyes start tearing up.
"Hey, hey, hey. Stop" I stoke her cheek with the back of my fingers. "I got you. Don't worry about a thing. You just get some sleep tonight. We will talk when you feel better ok"
"Ok" she says in breathless voice. "Thank you for saving me"
"Always" I smile and bring her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss on the back of her hand.
Lily and Marcelo comes back in the room and I can tell Lily was crying her eyes out a few seconds ago but she got herself composed and dressed for bed. She gets in on the other side and turns to Maya with a small smile.
"Get some sleep ok. I will be right out here if you need me" I whisper and kiss her hand again.
I look at Lily and she nods my way that she is ok. I stand up and let go of Maya's hand. She slips it back under the covers and moves closer to Lily. I can tell she is tired, her body is tired. She has faced a massive trauma tonight.
I turn out the bedside lamp before Marcelo and I make our way out and close the door behind us.
"Marcelo get out of my head"
"I'm out" he says and walks away.
I walk to my kitchen and grab onto the counter for support. I can't believe this happened. My beautiful Maya was treated like a dog, no respect, no love. She didn't feel safe and I wasn't there to protect her. I should've gone to her house, I should've checked on her. I should've called Lily earlier. I could've protected her from this.
She shouldn't be living like this. She shouldn't have to deal with this trauma. This is going to haunt her forever. Should I ask my dad to make her forget what happened? But then she might go back to them not knowing how they treated her. I can't let that happen.
All I know is I am not letting her go. I am not leaving her again. Even if she rejects my love for her. Even if she doesn't want to be my mate. I will still look out for her. I will still protect her, even from afar. I can make her happy just like I did the last couple of weeks. It's not my ideal but it helped her.
My ideal is to take her away from this town after school. She can study anywhere she wants to. I will take her everywhere she wants to go. I want to hold her at night. I want to kiss her, feel her, make love to her, taste her and protect her. If only we could make that connection, then she will feel how powerful our bond can be. It's already powerful but when she lets it in she will feel how I have been feeling. She will know how love feels. She will feel it in her bones, in her precious heart and beautiful mind.
She will know.
I want her to know.
I need her to know.
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