Chapter 5
Maya's POV
It's Friday afternoon and I am walking home. I already parted ways with Lily and I am walking as slow as possible because I hate the weekends. Our midyear exams are coming up in three weeks and my parents are going to make me study from now till end of the year. It's been like this throughout high school. The only time I have off is over Christmas break.
I finally turn the last corner and leave my freedom behind till Monday morning. There was a part of my that wanted Alex to be there waiting for me today. But I was so rude to her, I will probably never see her again. It's been a week since I lashed out on her and I feel bad about it now.
But the only explanation for her to talk to me was because she pitied me. There is no other logical reason for a girl like her to talk to someone like me. I wish I wasn't so afraid and had more confidence in myself, maybe we could've dated or something. Well behind closed doors of course.
Why couldn't I have met her after school or in college. Things would've been so different.
I enter the house taking a deep breath. My mom and dad are already home. It's Friday so they only work till 2pm.
"Maya, come here real quick" I hear my mother say from the living room. I walk to her and see my father also sitting there.
"The school called today. They wanted to know if you needed a tutor for your exams that's coming up. Apparently they called everyone. They are so helpful." My mother smiles and my father hums in agreement.
"You will be going to the town's library every Saturday from 10 till 4 and she is available every night during the week if there is something you don't understand." My mom explains in a very excited tone.
"Mom I don't need a-"
"Stop arguing Maya. You will go and that is final, we already paid admission fee" my dad cuts me off.
"Yes dad"
"Your first session is tomorrow. This is so great honey. You are going to do so great" she smiles.
I put on my best smile, thank them both and go up to my room.
The next morning to my surprise my mother didn't wake me up seven am, I slept till eight. I got in the shower, got dressed, packed my books and some lunch for this long ass day.
Walking down the street to the library wasn't as bad. It's a bit further than school but it's much better than being at home, so I am kind of glad. Hopefully this tutor is nice and friendly. I am not in the mood for an old grey lady bossing me around.
I turn a corner and freeze in my steps. There she is, the girl I have been thinking about since I last saw her. She's wearing an gorgeous black outfit but her hair is tied back into a high pony this time. I frown when I see Lily leaning against the car with her. Are they friends now? What are they doing here?
Lily sees me and starts running towards me. I meet her halfway with a hug. "Hey cupcake. You made it" she smiles.
"What do mean? Are you here for tutoring as well?" I frown as we walk to where Alex is standing.
"Fuck no. Neither are you" she smiles.
"What?" I ask frowning and then look at Alex.
"Hi" she says with a sweet smile. She doesn't have her sunglasses on and her eyes captivates me in a slight trans. I haven't seen her eyes since that first day in the hallway. It's absolutely gorgeous.
"Hi" I say almost in a breathless voice. I am so glad to see her. I feel so terrible for what I said to her and I haven't even noticed that until now but her presence makes me feel warm. It's a strange feeling but it's nice.
"Come on let's go" Lily says and she climbs into the back seat.
"What? Where are we going? I have to meet someone here" I say pointing to the library.
"Get in the car Maya." Alex smiles at me. "There is no mrs Orlando and you don't have tutoring every Saturday. So either get in the car or I will throw you in the trunk"
I frown at her but her eyes mean nothing but business. She is really intimidating when she raises her voice a bit.
"Ok" I whisper out of fear. I have seen what she has done to other people with that stare. I don't want to shit myself thank you very much.
She gives me a wink and a smile before opening the door for me. I get in without any further questions. She also gets in and we start to drive down the road.
"Uuhmm can I just ask a question?" I slightly chuckle.
"Sure" Alex smiles and Lily sits up closer to the front.
"What is happening?" I laugh.
"Well we thought you should take a break from studying and have some fun. So with the help of the very handsome principal we have" Lily laughs and Alex just shakes her head.
"We convinced your mother that there is tutoring available. And you and I both know how much you parents love tutor's." Lily laughs and I nod my head in agreement.
"So we made one up to tutor you every Saturday at the public library from 10 to 4. So every Saturday while she thinks you are studying we can do whatever we want. We should avoid public places though. We don't want to run into one of your mother's friends. But we can either go to my house or I don't know somewhere far and that's where Alex comes in. She agreed to take us places in this monster of a car."
I look between Lily and Alex with a frown on my face and my mouth slightly open. They played my mother. That is genius. "Uhmm and what about the money? Who do they pay it to?"
"Oh yeah. We opened a bank account in your name. So all the money they pay for your tutoring goes right in here" she says handing me a bank card. "How smart are we?" She says with a proud smirk on her face.
I hold the card in my hands and I want to cry. I have never had money of my own. Well this is basically stealing but I will worry about that later. And now I have Saturday's to do whatever I want. I can't believe this is happening to me.
I cover my face and I can't hold back the tears. I feel Lily's hand on my back and then her body leaning over to hug me. I grab onto her and hug her tight. "Thank you so much Lily" I whisper in her ear.
"Anytime cupcake. Besides it's our senior year. We need to make some memories" she laughs and I wipe away my tears looking at the card again.
I can't believe this is happening. I look over at Alex and she smiles at me in a quick glance. "Thank you Alex"
"You are welcome Maya"
"So where are we going?" I ask looking out the window.
"I have no idea. Alex said she had a plan" Lily says from the back. "I have never been on this side of town. It looks like another world"
I look at Alex but she doesn't say anything, she just sits there with a big smile on her face. Maybe this time she really did kidnap me.
After a while we come up to a long road that has tall trees on either side and she stops the car. "Ok Maya." She turns to me. "Do you trust me?" She asks me.
I look at her and she has a serious stare but a small smile which makes me feel better. "Uhmm yes"
"Doesn't sound like it. Do you trust me?" She asks again.
"I don't know" I admit with a nervous laughter.
"Fair enough. I will ask you again in a few minutes ok?" she smiles.
"Ok?" I frown.
"Put on your seatbelts" she says in a calm voice and we both do as told.
"Ok Maya. We are going to do a quick trust exercise. I want you to look at me the whole time ok." She says keeping her eyes on me.
"Ok" I swallow not sure what to expect. She starts stepping on the gas and we drive down the open road. She has her eyes on me and I can't help but take a glance at the road.
"Look at me Maya" she says and I look back at her gaze. We start to speed up a bit and I start to get a bit nervous. She has to look at the road. Is she trying to kill us?
"Do you trust me?" She asks.
"If you look at the road yes" I say in a shaky voice gripping onto the door handle and my seatbelt.
She speeds up more and I look at the road. There might be animals crossing the road or actually other cars that might be coming our way.
"Look at me Maya" I look at her and her expression hasn't changed. "Do you trust me?"
I look into her eyes. But really look into her eyes. Her eyes are locked on mine. She doesn't blink and she doesn't look away. She just looks at me.
I feel my heart beating really fast but there is something in her gaze that makes me calm. She speeds up more and I can't help but smile at the sound of the engine vibrating in my seat. My stomach does a few flips but I keep my eyes on her.
With her one hand she unbuckles my seatbelt and I let it go. "Do you trust me?" She ask in a whisper. I could barely hear her but I felt her question inside me.
"Yes" I breath out and she smiles. She looks onto the road and then steps hard onto the gas. The power of the car shifts me back into my seat and I can't help but squeal like a little girl. I have never driven so fast in my life. I feel the adrenaline pump through my body. Lily is screaming her lungs out and I watch the trees fly by.
I look over at Alex and in that moment everything slows down. She looks at me and she smiles. I have never felt so alive in my whole life.
After a few more minutes she slows down and we come to a stop. I feel my heat beating in my chest and I look back at Lily. "How cool was that?" I say with a huge smile on my face.
"I think I lost my voice." She laughs.
Alex's POV
I open the car door. "Ok Maya your turn" I say getting out.
"What?" She says in total shock. That excited smile is wiped right of her face. I get to her side and open the door. "No, no. I can't. I haven't driven in a long time."
"Maya do you have a licence?" I ask and she looks up at me.
"Then get in the seat and let's drive"
I wait for her to get out the door but for some reason she climbs over to the other side. How cute is that? I just smile and get in. We both shut our doors and she stares at her hands on the wheel.
Oh shit. I am going to kill us all.
"Maya" I cath her attention. "Adjust your seat so you are comfortable." she nods and does as I say. "Put on your seatbelt" she does that tol. "And start the car. Only use your right foot at all times and both hands on the wheel. Simple as that" I say with a small smile.
Not simple as that. This is a powerful car. What if I lose control? Then we all die.
"Maya" I call on her. "Just relax."
I watch her smile at me. She looks back at Lily and she motions for her to start driving. She looks forward, takes a deep breath and then starts the car. It comes alive at her touch and I see the goosebumps on her skin. Her heart is beating fast as she watches her hands on the wheel.
She puts it in drive and slowly steps on the gas.
Oh my gosh this feels amazing. This car is amazing. It is so powerful. I am actually driving this car. I am scared but I am in control.
I smile because that is exactly what I intended. She needs to overcome her fears. She needs to take control. She needs control of her life. I want her to feel powerful, I want her to feel confident. She looks really good driving my car. I could get use to this sight.
We drive along the road and she seems to relax a bit. I direct her to a gravel road that leads to a dead end.
"And no I am not going to kidnap you. So relax before you ask" I laugh and we get out the car.
"Where are we going?" Maya asks as they both get out the car as well.
"I just want to show you something"
I lead them down a footpath through some trees. We get to an opening by the lake with a small waterfall that goes down a stream into the woods.
"Oh wow" Maya and Lily gasps as we look at the sight in front of us.
"This is beautiful" Lily says walking off to explore. Maya follows behind and they look at all the rocks in the water, the tall trees and the birds flying around us.
It's like they have never been here but I only smile at the joy on Maya's face. I really hope this helps relieve some of her stress. All of this was my idea but I don't want her to know. I don't want her to think it's out of pity. So I made Lily promise not to tell her. She doesn't need to know. Right now the focus is on her being happy. And being happy right now means spending time with Lily.
That will be my goal. As long my mate is happy, then I am satisfied. It sure as hell beats the crying and fear I see in her eyes.
We spent about and hour there by the water. Maya and Lily went to explore a bit. They said something about finally going into the woods. I just sat there and carefully listened to them.
After a while they decided it's time to go, apparently they had some big project due next week so they actually have to do some work.
I drove them back to town. Lily fell alseep and I kept my eyes on the road. I have decided not to listen to her thoughts anymore because she confuses me. One minute she is checking me out the next minute she is scared of me. I don't know what to do, she is still confused and making up ridiculous reasons for me being here.
"Thanks for today Alex" I hear Maya say next to me. I look over and she has this look of innocence. The sweetest smile on her face but she looks so beautiful.
"You are welcome Maya"
A few minutes go by before she talks again. "I am sorry for what I said to you. It wasn't fair"
"It's fine Maya you don't have to apologize. I am not going to medle in your life anymore. I- nevermind" I smile looking at the road.
"You what?" She asks turning her body to me.
"It's nothing Maya." I smile.
Luckily we arrived back at the library and I park the car. She hasn't stopped looking at me and it takes everything inside me not jump into her mind. "You should get inside. Finish that project of yours"
"Alex" she says in almost a breathless voice and I feel my body go weak. The way she said my name made a shiver run down my spine.
"I will always be here if you need me ok. Just give me a call. Lily has my number." I smile but her expression hasn't changed.
"Are we here?" Lily says in a sleepy voice. I look back at her and nod. "Well let's go Bishop. Alex thanks for today. Same time next week?"
"Let me know what the plan is and I'll be here. Good luck with your project" I smile at both of them.
Maya grabs her bag and looks up at me before opening the door. "Goodbye Alex"
"Goodbye Maya"
The both get out and I immediately drive off before I open up my ears for her thoughts.
Maya POV
Alex wasn't herself today. She barely even talked to me. Did I really hurt her that much? But atleast she was there today. A normal person wouldn't even come back after what I said.
"Do you think Alex is mad at me?"
Lily looks up from the book where she has been writing down something. "Why would you ask that?"
"After what I said to her that day after school"
"I don't think she is mad cupcake because she agreed to help with the plan. " she smiles
"She is acting different though. She didn't even talk that much"
"Maybe she has her period or something." She laughs. "You worry to much. Now let's work we only have an hour left"
I nod and shake the thoughts from my head. We continue to work till 4pm and we actually almost finished. Just a few tiny things to add then we are done.
We walked home together and talked about the amazing day we had. We drove down a road way past the speed limit. We went into the woods after much convincing for the both of us. We never thought we would ever go in there. Not that it was deep into the woods though, but we decided it should count.
I said goodbye to Lily and thanked her almost ten times for what she did for me. I had the best day of my life. I didn't even think about my parents or school. I just enjoyed my day.
Walking into the house I greeted my parents. They didn't really ask much about my day at the dinner table. I just told them my brain is tired and that I am taking a shower and going to bed.
And that's what I did.
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