Chapter 30
Maya's POV
I take another sip from my cup of coffee and stare out the door. It's a beautiful sunny day and I am excited. We still have a whole week to spend here but I still haven't gone in the ocean and I'm not leaving till I do.
It's been raining for the last four days and we've been stuck playing board games and staying indoors. I didn't mind spending some time in our cabin. It was actually really relaxing. I actually read a book and just enjoyed some quiet time.
Alex didn't leave me alone though and I didn't want her too. Whenever we were at the cabin, away from everyone we would just talk about everyday things. She cuddled me whenever I took an afternoon nap or just laid next to me in silence while I was reading.
She has been acting a little strange after our fight but whenever I ask her about it she says she's fine. She blamed the weather for changing her mood.
My attention is drawn to the bathroom door opening on the other side of the room. I turn my head and see Alex coming into the room. Her hair is wet from her shower and my eyes roam her beautiful body. She is wearing her usual black shirt and black shorts that show off those gorgeous toned legs.
I think when we get back from our vacation I am going to the gym.
"Baby you're still in bed?" she shakes me from my thoughts and I look at her with an innocent smile on my face.
She brought me breakfast before she went to shower. Apparently she has something planned for today and wanted me too eat while she takes a shower.
"You are wasting this beautiful day" she laughs and comes to sit next to me.
"Sorryyy" I laugh and sit up straight to be closer to her.
She puts her one hand over my body to steady herself and gives me a smiling kiss. I know she's not really mad at me and I know I can just distract her with some kisses.
"Come baby, please?" she whispers. "I want to spend the day outside with you."
"Ok, ok" I cup her face and give her a few kisses. I want nothing more than to spend the day with her. "I'll be quick"
She moves away for me to get out of bed and I run to the bathroom. I quickly hop in the shower and enjoy the water on my skin. It's already hot outside so I keep the water at a cooler temperature.
After my shower, I wrap myself in a towel and make my way to the room. I see Alex standing outside because she probably heard I was done and she doesn't want to see me naked. The last few days she left the room whenever I got dressed.
At first I was a bit relieved because I was still insecure and shy after our fight. At first I thought she walked away not to be tempted by my body but now I think she is doing it for me. As if she's scared I might get mad at her for looking at me. And now I kinda feel bad.
I was mad at her but I am not anymore. I said no sex for two weeks but I didn't really mean it. It was just too mess with her a bit. I thought she would have begged me by now but she hasn't. She has kept herself under control.
She hasn't touched me intimately at all. Every time her hand accidentally went down to my ass or over my breast she would pull away from me and apologize.
I don't like her being like this anymore. I am hers and she is mine. She can touch me anywhere she wants and she should be allowed to have sex with me if she wants too.
"Ok babe. I'm ready" I call out to Alex as I tie my hair back.
She comes through the door and I see her eyes roaming over my body with a small smile on her lips. "You look beautiful"
"Thanks baby"
I look down at my plain yellow sundress which she loves so much. I thought I would spoil her a little by wearing it today.
After a few minutes we were out the door. She only told me we are going for a small hike. I'm not really dressed for a hike but she refused that I change my clothes. She packed a few things in a backpack which includes my breakfast that I didn't want to eat right now.
With my hand in hers, we walked down a small path in comfortable silence. I think we both just enjoy being in the sun, breathing in some fresh air. The trees, grass and flowers are still a bit wet from the rain but you can hear the birds high up in the trees and the wind is blowing a nice cool breeze against my skin.
After a while we came to a small clearing behind a row of big trees. I look up at a huge mountain and I take a deep breath. "Are we going up there?"
"Yes we are" she smiles at me and I groan a bit.
I can already feel the tiredness in my legs. That is really high up and that's definitely not a small hike. I'll never make it up there.
"Don't worry my love" she bends down and picks me up off the ground. I gasp at the sudden action and wrap my arms around her neck.
"I would never let you walk that far" she whispers and I smile before I give her a gentle, appreciative kiss.
"You ready?" she whispers with a comforting smile.
I can see she wants to keep me calm but I'm never afraid when she is with me. The only thing I'm feeling now is excitement.
"Yes" I whisper and hide my face in her neck, preparing myself for take off.
There has only been a few occasions where she would pick me up and run with me. Most of those times were running towards her bedroom after a teasing moment outside or on our way home. The other times were in the woods when she would take me for a run just to show me the sunset.
I suddenly squeal when I feel my body drift through the air. I shut my eyes and enjoy the thrill with laughter. It only lasts a few more seconds then we come to a stand still.
"Can you hear that?" she whispers and leaves a few kisses on my head.
I frown and try to hear whatever she's talking about. I lift my head from her neck and she smiles at me. I look around me and see we are surrounded by large trees. I then try to block out the noises of the wind and the birds around us.
Suddenly my eyes go wide when I hear water flowing. I look back at Alex and she just smiles.
"Is that?" I smile with excitement.
"Let's go have a look" she puts me down on the ground and I let her lead me into the right direction.
We walk a few more steps and past a few big rocks and trees. I can hear the waterfall more clearly now and my excitement just grows with every step.
"Oh wow" I gasp when we step into a clearing and my eyes catch the magnificent sight of a huge waterfall. I can feel the mist on my skin and the power of the water is an overwhelming sight.
Not leaving my hand, we walk a little closer to the water. There is a big lake at the bottom but the water is so clear. You can see all the rocks at the bottom, especially with the bright sun shining on the water.
I feel Alex wrap her arms around my waist from behind. She doesn't say anything for a few minutes and let me take all of this in. I just lean back against her and feel her kiss my shoulder.
"This is amazing" I say in a breathless voice and turn around in her hold. "Thank you for bringing me here"
"You're welcome"
I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer for a kiss. Before she could part from me I deepen the kiss. She smiles against my lips and dips me to the side as she kisses me back. I feel her tongue against mine and let out a small moan. I haven't felt her inside my mouth for a few days but it feels like months.
I've missed kissing her like this.
She picks me back up and we break apart in laughter. We find a spot near the water and Alex throws a blanket on the ground for us to sit. I have taken my place, sitting between her legs as we watch the amazing scenery before us.
She takes out my breakfast and I roll my eyes as I take it. "No don't look at me like that. You have too eat." she laughs.
"Fine" I groan and lay back against her chest, making myself comfortable. She only chuckles at my behavior and kiss the side of my head.
"How did you find this place?" I ask her as I start eating.
"Marcelo and I found it one time when we were exploring. I don't think any other human knows about this place."
"So you didn't bring one of your previous snacks up here?" I chuckle a bit.
"No I didn't" she laughs and slightly bites my shoulder in frustration.
"Ow!" I laugh and sit up away from her. She hates it when I bring up her previous flings but I only do it to tease her.
"I almost said something right from my non-living heart but now you've ruined it"
"Nooo" I pout, put my empty food container on the ground and turn my body to her. She closes her legs and I straddle her lap. "I'm sorry. Please say what you were going to tell me?"
"No" she laughs and leans back on her hands.
"Ba-by!" I groan and grind my hips over hers in frustration.
"Maya!" She laughs and holds my hips still. "Stop it"
Normally she wouldn't tell me to stop but this is the most intimate position we've been in the last couple of days and she is definitely trying to stop anything from going too far.
"Tell me!" I laugh and shake her shoulders.
"Will you go swim with me?" she smirks.
"Yes I will" I smile. I'll literally do anything for her to tell me.
"Ok" she says in a low voice and wraps her arms around my lower back, holding me close to her. "I've been here a lot but I always dreamed about bringing the love of my life up here with me."
My cheeks go bright red and my smile uncontrollably wide.
"So no, I haven't brought anyone else up here. I waited for you." she whispers and leave a soft kiss on my jaw.
"That's really sweet of you" I whisper and lean in to give her kiss.
"See, I'm not a total fuck-up." she chuckles and looks away from me.
"I never said you were" I frown at her sudden statement.
"You didn't have too because in some ways, I know I am" she sighs.
"Alex?" I cup her face to look at me. "What is going on with you?"
"Nothing baby" she smiles which is definitely fake. "I'm fine"
"Can you please stop lying to me?" I sigh in disappointment but I'm actually really concerned about her. Something is definitely wrong.
"I'm just a bit scared" she breathes out in a barely audible voice.
"Of what?"
She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She is definitely avoiding this conversation with her silence but I'm not stopping until she talks to me.
"Alex" I call on her in a soft tone and rub my thumbs over her cheeks.
"I'm scared you will reject me"
"What?" I frown. "Reject you? What does that mean?"
"Reject me as your soul mate. You know, break up with me." she says in a defeated way.
I immediately shake my head. "What?"
"Even though we are destined to be together you still have all the power. You can always decide you don't want to be with me anymore and I'll respect your decision, you know that. I told you this from the start."
"Baby wait" I shake my head in confusion. "Why would you even think about? Where is this coming from? Is this about sex?"
"No Maya, absolutely not." she quickly objects. "I don't care about that. I know your reasons and I respect that."
"Ok then why would you think I'll reject you?" I ask with a bit of anger.
"The last few weeks haven't been all sunshine and roses with everything that happened at home and maybe our fight has something to do with it. I just can't help but think it's all my fault." she sighs.
"No, I saw you with that guy the other night. I couldn't help but think how he can give you a normal life. I am not perfect and I make stupid mistakes. I'm just scared you might get tired of it and leave me."
I can see the emotions running through her eyes and it breaks my heart that she would even think about that. I didn't think it was this serious. I just thought she was upset about the sex ban.
"Alex that's not going to happen." I say in a serious tone. "And didn't you hear what I said to that guy?"
"No I don't listen to your conversations or thoughts anymore. I don't want to make you angrier." she shrugs
"Baby." I whine. "I don't mind at all."
"It's fine Maya-"
"Alex. Please don't be like that." I groan.
There falls a silence between us and she just stares at me.
"Can I tell you what I said to that guy?"
"You don't have to Maya" she sighs.
"He asked me and Lilly if we wanted to dance. Then Lily said 'no thank you, we're just watching'. Then he asked if we want to join him for a drink at his table and he actually put his hand out to touch me"
I see her jaw clenching in anger and I immediately put my hands on her face. "No, no wait baby"
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. I lean closer and rest my head against hers. She still doesn't open her eyes but I whisper. "I told him 'my wife will kick your ass if you don't walk away now'."
"What?" she pulls away with wide eyes.
I smile and put my hands on her chest. "I've learned to throw the word 'wife' in there. It makes them walk away quickly."
"You've said that before?" she asks with a small smile creeping on her lips.
"A few times yes" I blush a bit. "I don't know if vampires even get married but they obviously don't know your a vampire. And if I say girlfriend they don't really care. But being your mate is kinda like the same thing as being married right?"
"Well for vampires it's the same but we do have weddings. My parents are married and Lilly's parents are married. I think it's more to fit in with society and for legal reasons of course."
"Do you think about getting married?" I ask a bit hesitant and pick at her shirt in nervousness.
"I've thought about it yes" she smiles and my cheeks go red again. "It's all up to you babe. But we don't have to talk about that yet."
"I've been thinking about it too" I say in low voice still not looking at her with my blushed face.
"Well we always talk about your mark on me and the necklace I'm wearing. It's shows that I am yours which I love" I smile and glance up at her. "but you don't have anything that comes from me. If that makes sense" I chuckle a bit nervously.
"It makes perfect sense Maya" she smiles and rubs over my thighs.
"At least if you wear a ring, everyone will know you are taken." I smile.
"I understand baby. But don't you think it's too early for you to get married?"
"Yes maybe but didn't you say it's the same as being mates?"
"Yes I did. On my side it's as if we're married because I don't have another mate. It's not like we're just dating and hopefully in about three or four years we talk about settling down. I mean you are the one for me, forever. I'm not going to fall in love with someone else. I literally can't. It's either you or... " she pauses and I can see her regret for saying that.
"Or what?"
"Baby please don't" she sighs and hides her face in my neck.
"Alex?" I push her away to look at me.
"I'll be alone forever." she breathes out. "I can't be with anyone else again."
"You don't need anyone else. I'm right here"
She takes a deep breath and let her head fall against my chest again.
"How can I show you that I want to be yours forever?" I whisper and hold her tight against me. "That I won't reject you or even think about leaving you? Because I won't."
She lifts her head and looks up at me.
"I promise I won't reject you Alex. I don't care about the danger or threats we get. I don't care how many times you make me so mad I want to hit you in the face." I groan but she chuckles because she knows what I'm talking about.
"I love you Alex and I don't want anyone else. We will fight and we'll both make mistakes but I don't want you to be scared that I'll leave you because of that, please?" I say in a desperate tone.
"Ok. I'm sorry" she whispers and I see the tears in her eyes.
I cup her face and move closer to her lips. "Say you love me." I whisper against her lips.
"I love you so much Maya"
I smile and seal her words with a long, deep kiss. She holds me tight around my lower waist and keep her face close to mine as we continue to kiss in a slow and controlled manner.
I pull back with a few quick kisses and take a much needed breath. "So is the marriage conversation over?"
"No it's not over" she smiles and kisses me again. "But I do think we should talk about it a bit further in the future. I don't think we should rush into anything ok?"
"Ok but would you want to get married?" I push on and run my hand through her hair.
"Anything for you baby"
Is it too soon for a wedding??
How long can they go without sex?
Let's see...
Thanks for all the votes and reads. I love reading the comments and it also keeps me motivated to write.
Much Love 💜
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