Chapter 29
Maya's POV
Another hot summers day has me laying on a comfortable lounge chair in the shade, drinking cocktails before noon. Alex and Marcelo is in the pool playing a serious game off volleyball while Lily has her feet in the water, pretending to know everything about the game.
I was reading a book but my attention was drawn to a certain black haired beauty, standing in the pool with her black bikini. Her sun-kissed skin glows in the sun and her muscular body makes me close my legs tightly. Everything about her turns me on and right now in the open isn't exactly the most appropriate place but I can't help it. And I have no doubt that she is listening to my thoughts right now. I can't see her eyes behind her sunglasses but I can feel them on me every now and then.
"Here you go mam"
I look up to a waiter giving me the bowl of fruit I ordered. "Oh thank you but please don't call me mam"
He smiles and I see him blushing a bit. "I apologize...."
"Maya" I put my hand out and he holds it in a gentle grip.
"Hi Maya, it's nice to meet you. My name is Aiden" he smiles.
"It's nice to meet you too" I smile back and take my hand back.
He gives me a small nod and walks away just as Lily comes walking towards me. She falls down on the chair next to me with a loud satisfying sigh.
"A year ago we were the losers of high school and now look at us." she laughs. "Two sexy vampires for our pleasure, sitting on a beach in Hawaii while people serve us alcohol the whole day. This is the life cupcake."
I smile while chewing on my piece of fruit and think about what she said. And it's the absolute truth. I never imagined my life like this. Certainly not on a beach on Hawaii with the love of my life.
"So" she leans closer speaking in a whisper. "I heard you didn't get much sleep after you ditched us at the bar. Did you finally give Alex her little surprise. How did it go?"
I almost choke on my fruit and look at Lily. I really did not expect that sudden comment. "Uhmm, how did you know?" I ask in confusion. I am 100% certain I didn't tell her about that.
"Alex told Marcelo about it" she laughs but a wave of embarrassment washes over me.
"She did?" I ask a little disappointed. I didn't exactly tell her not to tell anyone but I assumed she wouldn't talk about our intimate moments with anyone. It's kinda private and especially about the other night. I was really shy about that and she knows that.
"Yes-s" she answers a bit hesitant. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine" I sigh and put my bowl down on the table next to me. I am definitely not fine. I am actually really mad and disappointed in Alex right now. "I'll be right back."
I stand up and walk away from the pool. I just need some time alone.
"Baby where are you going?"
I hear Alex calling on me but I just ignore her and keep walking down the path. I know she will follow me but I don't have the strength to fight about this right now. I feel the tears building up in my eyes but I just keep walking.
Halfway towards our cabin, as predicted Alex comes running after me. "Baby wait" I can hear the laughter in her voice and it makes me angrier.
She pulls on my arm and the second she sees my face her smile disappears. "Maya?" she cups my face. "What's wrong?"
I pull from her grip and keep walking. "Nothing"
"It's not nothing" she pulls me back.
"I don't want to talk about it now. Can you please just leave me alone." I say in a breathless voice and close my eyes.
"What did I do?" she asks in a concerned tone but I just shake my head and look down at the ground.
"Maya w-"
I just lift my hand to cut her off and walk away. This time she doesn't follow me and I am grateful for it. I just can't look at her right now.
I think I am more embarrassed than mad. She obviously told Marcelo about me wearing the lingerie and how shy I was. He probably laughed at it and she probably did too. She's had sex with lots of people and she had seen them wearing things like this. They probably looked way hotter than me.
That's why she told him, to make fun of me.
She probably told him that she went down on me the first time and that's even more embarrassing. Why would she tell him that? How much detail did she go into? Oh my gosh, I want to climb into a hole and die.
I finally reach our cabin but I walk past it and make my way onto the beach. The sun is hot my skin but my sandals keep my feet from burning as I walk closer to the water.
My fear of the ocean keeps me far enough from the water and I sit down in the sand. The ocean is calm with only a few light crashing waves keeping me company.
Alex's POV
Confused as fuck, I walk back to the pool. Maya is crying and it's clearly my fault but I have no fucking idea why.
"What the fuck just happened?" I yell into space but Lily and Marcelo obviously need to answer my question.
"Is she ok?" Lily asked a bit confused.
"No she is fucking crying and she told me to leave her alone. Did I do something wrong?" I kinda yell in frustration.
"We were talking about the night you guys ditched us at the bar and then she just left." Lily says a bit hesitant.
"Ok? And?" I push on. "That doesn't give me anything to work with."
"Well she was shocked that I knew why you slipped away."
I close my eyes and sigh at her words. I told Marcelo about that and he probably told Lily and now everything went up to shit.
I fucked up.
Without another word I follow the sound of my favorite heartbeat. It leads me down to the beach and my non-existent heart breaks at the the sight of her sitting in the sand.
She is upset and I don't like it. I really want to talk to her even though she wants to be alone. Luckily I am stronger than her, she can't get away.
I slowly walk to her, thinking about what to say and hoping she doesn't walk away from me again.
I sit down behind her, wrap my arms around her waist and pull her up between my legs. She tenses up and look behind her.
"Hey" I whisper and she just looks in front of her. I hold her tight against my body and rest my chin on her shoulder. "I don't like it when you cry. Especially if it's my fault."
"I don't want to talk about it" she mumbles under her breath and pulls her knees up to her chest.
Maya Bishop doesn't want to talk? Bullshit.
"You don't have to talk" I whisper and kiss the side of her head. "Can you give me a chance to apologize?"
She doesn't say anything and I take that as a silent yes.
"Lily told me why you are upset and I am sorry I-"
"You told Marcelo about everything!" she cuts me off. She turns sideways in my grip and hits my chest.
I knew she couldn't keep it in.
"Baby you know how shy I am about my body and then you tell him about it anyway!" she slightly yells and pushes me again. It doesn't really help but it just makes her bouncee back but I get the idea.
"And that is an intimate moment between you and me. I don't want people to know about our sex life. I know you probably told him everything about all the other girls you slept with but I don't like it." she sighs.
She takes a deep breath but I don't say anything because she'll probably cut me off again.
"I'm not confident and sexy like the other girls and I don't want you too tell him everything we do."
"Woah. I didn't tell him everything babe" I frown in confusion.
"But you did tell him that we had sex that night?"
"Well.... Yeah" I say a bit hesitantly. "But I didn't tell him everything." I quickly add and wrap my arms around her just as she is about to stand up.
"I am sorry Maya. I know you are shy about your body but I didn't tell him what we did. I have never told anyone about what we do."
"Then what did you tell him?"
"He asked me where we went and I told him things got pretty heated at the club and then we decided to come back."
"Is that all you said?" she raises an eyebrow at me.
"Well I might have said we didn't sleep much" I say in a low, hesitant voice.
"Nooo" She groans and covers her face with both hands.
I bite my lip in regret and pull her against me. "I swear I didn't say anything else."
I feel her body leaning more against me and that makes me feel a little better about this whole situation. At least she finds comfort in me rather than running away.
"That is so embarrassing" she mumbles into her hands and I frown at her statement.
"Because" she takes her hands away and looks at me. "I don't want them to picture us having sex all night!" she yells. "They will imagine different positions and guess how many times I had an or....aaarggh."
"Ok, ok. Sorry" I throw my hands up and sigh.
She groans again and falls back against my chest. I gladly wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.
"Maya I'm really sorry for saying anything. I didn't mean to expose our sex life like that."
She doesn't say anything and her silence has me worried more than when she was yelling at me.
"It's fine Alex. Let's go" she sighs and stands up. "I need a drink."
She doesn't sound fine but I can sense she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. She needs some time and maybe going back to the pool will take her mind of this. I'll definitely talk to her about this again tonight. Maybe she'll say more than she is now.
I stand up and to my surprise she grabs my hand as we walk back to towards the cabin.
After the longest walk of my life, in complete silence we reach the pool and find everyone enjoying their time in the water. They all have a drink in their hands and the waiters are walking out with platters of food.
"Awwhh did you kiss and make up."
I roll my eyes at Lily and I feel Maya's hand squeeze mine a little. "Yeah everything is fine"
Everything is absolutely not fine.
"Ok well come on and get a drink" Marcelo yells. "It's time to have some fun."
"Can I get you something to drink?" I ask a bit hesitantly as I look at her.
"Yes thank you baby" she smiles and I smile back with a little hope.
I wanted to go in for a kiss but I take her hand and kiss her knuckles before I walk over to the bar.
I order us both a drink and look back to see Andrew pulling Maya's chair closer to the pool. The sun has shifted a bit and she wants to sit in the shade. I would've moved the chair for her, she didn't have to ask someone else.
I grab our drinks and walk over to her.
"Thank you." she takes the glass from me. "I didn't know if you wanted a chair or if you're going to get in the pool."
"Can I sit here with you?" I ask a bit hesitantly, motioning to her chair.
"Of course" she smiles and moves up in her chair. She opens up her legs for me and I sit back against her chest.
Well at least this is a good sign.
"Are you ok?" I whisper as I throw my head back next to hers. I just need to know because I am worried.
"I don't want to talk about it." she simply answers and wraps her one arm over my chest.
"Do you still love me?"
"Yes" she slightly chuckles and looks down at me.
"Are you still mad at me?"
"Fuck" I mumble with a sigh. I turn on my side to see her better. "What can I do?"
"Alex, I don't want to talk about it" she groans.
"Ok but how long will you stay mad at me? I don't like this Maya" I point to her disappointed face.
I really don't like this Maya. She actually scares me. It's like she is a ticking time bomb and I don't like to be on the receiving end. When she explodes she really goes for it. I mean look what happened to our car.
She laughs and slaps my hand away. "Stop it. And get use to it. This will be me for the next two weeks."
"Noooo" I groan and hide my face in her neck.
"Yes, that will be your punishment." she laughs and pushes my head away.
"Fine" I sigh and turn my back on her again.
"And no sex"
"What!" I jump up and kneel between her legs. "No, no, no baby, baby please." I plead with every bit of desperation inside me. She can't take sex away. I won't survive. Ok I will survive but not having sex with her is worse than dying.
She just lays back with a devilish smile on her face.
"No Maya." I grab both her hands. "Baby, please don't do that to me."
"Alex sit down" she laughs and pulls me down.
"No please don't" I plead and let my head fall onto her shoulder. She only laughs and tries to push me away.
"What's going on?" I hear Lily behind me but I pay her no mind at all.
"Alex is-"
"Lily go away" I command and she immediately walks away.
"Alex you can't just-"
"No" I cut her off and cup her face. "Maya please don't do that to me." I ask in serious tone.
"You deserve it" she gives me a stern look.
And she is right, I absolutely deserve it. I made her cry and broke her trust. This is what you get for being cocky and bragging about your sex life.
I just groan and fall with my whole body weight on top of her. She just laughs at my misery, enjoying it too much.
"You'll be fine Alex. You waited for 8 months. Two weeks will be a breeze." she laughs.
Not on a tropical island, where you wear small bikinis or sexy lingerie. You can't compare the 8 months to the next two weeks. Back then I didn't know what I was missing. Now I'll know. I've had a taste on both ends and oh my fuck it's good. How can you take something away that feels so good?
That is just wrong.
We have found ourselves in a small beach bar on the main beach, because Maya and Lily wanted to experience the typical Hawaii coconut drinks. I didn't object to the idea because we can do whatever she wants and also I want to keep her happy. I will sit here all night and watch her enjoy her night if it means that she'll maybe forgive me sooner.
She seems to be ok though. She is back to her old self and it makes me feel better. I think she's faking it for the sake of everyone else but I've been giving her extra love the whole afternoon and she's been happy to receive it which is a good sign. Maybe she was faking that too.
I have my eyes on her and Lily watching a few locals doing a traditional dance on the beach. Maya is wearing short jeans which makes her legs look irresistible. Actually anything she wears makes her irresistible but tonight it's much harder.
Now that I can't have her, I want her even more. In every way possible.
It was Marcelo's turn to get us some drinks and honestly he will bring me drinks the whole night. It's his fault that Maya is mad at me. He couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut.
"Hello ladies. Would one of you like to dance?"
I clench my jaw at the man talking to the girls. It takes a split second for my immense jealousy and rage to kick in and I am mentally ripping his heart from his body.
This is not the night to flirt with my girl. She is mad at me and that makes me worried.
What if she likes it? What if she considers giving him a chance? He probably won't make her cry like I did and he is definitely not a blood sucking vampire who has turned her world upside down.
There might be doubts in her mind about being with me. She might consider having a normal relationship with a normal human being. This might be too much for her.
The possibility of her leaving me is always playing in the back of my mind. I can't force her to stay with me. She can choose someone else any day. Even though we are mates, she is still human. She can still fall in love with someone else.
And now that I fucked up, once again. Those changes just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
What if she rejects me?
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