Chapter 25
Alex's POV
As I load the bags into the car Maya groans even louder. She has taken her place on the steps, refusing to help me with our luggage, not that I mind. But she has been complaining with every bag I bring out, she doesn't want to leave.
I close the trunk, rest on my hands and look at her. She is laying down on the steps with her head halfway buried in her arms.
"Baby we can come back anytime you want"
"Can we come back tomorrow?" she says in a whisper knowing I will hear her.
"No" I laugh and step closer to her. "Lily wants to spend some time with you and I have some things to take care of. After that we can do whatever you want."
"Fine" she sighs and stands up. "If I am grumpy, it will be all your fault."
"You can take a bath in your favorite bath tub tomorrow night?" I say with a cheesy smile as she walks to the passenger side of the car.
"Yeah we'll see" she mumbles and gets in the car. I only laugh and shake my head.
She really isn't happy about leaving and her misery makes me smile because this means she is comfortable with us being alone.
Coming here was a really big step and I was honestly stressed about it. I was scared she would climb in her shell and worry about unnecessary things.
But she didn't. We were here for a whole week and it was honestly the best week of my life. I could kiss her whenever I want and cuddle with her everyday. We didn't think about anything or anyone else then our time together. That was are main focus and it makes me so happy.
The drive back too town is long and quiet but a comfortable quiet. Maya hasn't let go of my hand since we pulled away from the cabin. She is quietly mumbling along with the song on the radio and every now and then I will glance at her.
She is absolutely fucking breathtaking.
They way her blonde hair falls over her shoulders, giving off a beautiful golden glow from the sun and the extra brightness of her blue eyes makes me hold my breath. I could stare at her the whole day. Then of course that infectious smile she has that takes me to another world. I would do anything to keep her smiling like that for the rest of her life.
She deserves everything.
"Baby do you want something to eat?" I ask, lightly squeezing her hand.
"Are you sure?" she laughs. "Roadside diners have a really distinctive fried-food smell. I don't think you would like it"
I smile at het thoughtfulness towards my absolute hatred for human food but I know she needs too eat. She was being a little bitch about breakfast this morning, so she didn't eat anything.
"I'll be fine."
But I wasn't fine....
Ten minutes into Maya's brunch I couldn't handle the smell. I don't know how that place is still open. There is absolutely no fucking way it passes the health inspection.
Maya sensed my struggle and took her food to go. I objected to the idea but she simply ignored me and did it anyway.
And now driving down the road again, I feel much better. I only smell her food and even though it's still horrible, I can handle it for her.
"I am going to miss you tonight." she whispers and rubs my thigh.
"Me too baby" I give her a small smile.
She and Lilly planned a girls night for her last night in their house. Lilly offered to help Maya pack and then bring her over tomorrow afternoon. I actually encouraged it because I can understand how Lilly must feel. Her best friend is moving out. They have spent the last few months together and this might be an emotional moment for her. She will still see her all the time but things will change.
I honestly think Maya needs this more than Lilly. This is a big step for Maya and she needs someone to talk too. She needs to go through this change with her best friend.
We park in the driveway and Maya let's out a deep sigh. "I don't want to say goodbye." she pouts with a fake cry.
I laugh and wrap her in a tight hug. "It will go by so fast."
"What are you going to do tonight?"
"Well I have too clear out some space for your things." I smile wide and I see the excitement in her eyes.
"Ok" she says with a slight chuckle and gives me a kiss. She doesn't stop smiling but I kiss her back anyway.
After spending a few minutes in the car with Maya, I help take her bags inside. It took us another half an hour to say goodbye but I finally got in the car and drove home.
I miss her already but I am actually ok. I am actually glad she isn't with me now because I really need to talk to my dad.
While we were away I asked Marcelo to find those vampires who ripped me apart. I didn't forget about that and I won't be satisfied until I get my revenge. Maya doesn't want me to do anything but she doesn't understand. I can't let it go, I won't. I want to kill them all with my bare hands.
"Well, well, well. Welcome back sis"
I slide in a seat at the kitchen counter and smirk at him. "Thank you"
"How was your week?" he smiles.
"Let's just say." I lean back in my chai."You won't win another fight."
"Ahhh man" he laughs. "I knew it wouldn't last very long"
"It was long enough thank you very much."
"Yeah I know but I am happy for you sis. You finally got what you wanted and.... What you needed" he smirks.
I only laugh and shake my head because he is right. I did need her, I still need her. I can't get enough of her.
"But I got some news for you" he changes the subject with a serious tone.
"I found them."
I immediately sit up and give him all my attention. "Where?"
"A farm, a few miles out of town. There are eight of them along with two humans. I'm not sure if they are mates or not but they are very private. They don't really leave the farm. It's usually just the humans."
"Will you go show me?"
I can already feel my anger rising. I just think back at the pain I felt, what I had to go through, what Maya went through and I can't think about anything less than too rip their heads off. I don't want any explanation, I don't need that satisfaction of them pleading for their life. I actually don't want to hear their voices. I just want too see the separation of their heads from their bodies.
"What about Maya?"
I am brought back to reality with the mention of her name. "What about Maya?"
"Don't you want to talk to her about this first?" he raises an questionable eyebrow.
I sigh in defeat because he is right. For a split second I forgot about her. I forgot about her feelings. My anger took over and I forgot that I am not alone anymore. I can't just do whatever I want. I have a mate and she doesn't want me to find them. She doesn't want me to fight.
"How about we go down to the river and I'll try to hold up my winning streak?"
It's like he read my mind. I could use a outlet right now. I would rather have Maya help me with that, I-
"I really don't want to know that Lex"
"Stay the fuck out of my mind!" I yell and fly across counter.
I miss his laughing ass with a few centimeters and slam into the cupboard. I get back up and chase him up the stairs out the balcony doors. We both land on the grass and as he steps to take off, I catch this ankle in the process. He stumbles a bit which gives me the upper hand to tackle him to the ground.
He is still laughing but let's out a groan when my knee hits right into his ribs. I heard a few bones snap but that didn't stop him.
He grabs me by the shoulders and gives one big kick into my stomach which has me flying into a tree.
"I hope you enjoyed that little brother because that was your only shot." I chuckle.
"I can live with that."
I take a step forward, I feel my eyes getting darker and I can feel the power running through my body. I haven't tested my full potential with Maya's blood inside me.
But now I can.
Marcelo is the only one who can take it and he is the only one willing to do it. My father is no match and whenever we fight he doesn't hold back.
He scares me a bit.
Within a spilt second I launch at him and we both hit the ground.
I don't know how long we've been at it. All I know is, the sun went down a long time ago, my shirt was ripped off and for some reason I am soaking wet.
"Can we not tell Maya about this? She will kill me" I laugh and fall down in the grass.
"Well I need some help so I might call her once we get to the house."
I grab my shoe and fling it towards his face. He groans as it hits him straight in the nose. "Ok, ok fuck. I won't say anything." he laughs.
We both lay in complete silence, catching our breath. The sky is bright with stars tonight, and every sound, squeak and twig of nature, rings in my ears. I haven't been outside in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night in a really long time.
Especially with Marcelo. I think we both needed this, we haven't done this in a while. I missed these quarrels between us.
"How are things with Lilly?"
I hear him take a deep breath before he answers.
"I don't know. I am so confused. I don't know what too do. I love her so much and she loves me but I can't stop thinking about the day my mate shows up or the day she meets hers. We both know that is a huge possibility and we talked about it but it still sucks." he sighs.
"I am sorry Marcelo but don't you think, you should just live your life the way you want too?" I say sitting up, resting on my elbow. "The day might come when your mate shows up yes, but there is also the possibility that she might show up in sixty years."
I can't really see him between the tall grass but I can hear his breathing. He is really struggling with this and I feel sorry for him.
"I just think you should stop worrying about what could go wrong and start enjoying your time together."
"Yeah I guess" he sighs.
After talking about not so serious things for a while, I look over to the horizon and see the sun coming up. "I have to get back. I need to clean out my closet" I smile at the thought of Maya coming over in a few ours.
"Can we walk like normal people?" he groans as we stand up.
We start walking through the woods and walking like normal people takes a really long time but it's nice. I actually see the trees and mountains from a different perspective. I actually have the time to appreciate the beauty of it. The morning breeze is cool against my bare stomach and the fresh air clears my mind.
As we get closer to the house my ears catch a my favorite angelic voice. "Thank you so much Mr Woods"
Wait, what time is it? Why is she here?
We make the final turn and the house comes into view. In the driveway is Lilly's car, packed with what I assume is Maya's things.
Maya comes out the house, dressed in a beautiful white summer dress. Her hair is in a tight bun but some of her hair is falling in her neck. She isn't wearing any shoes which is not shocking because she hates shoes in summer.
"Well look who decided to join us?"
Lilly announces our arrival and Maya looks up our way. She gives me a big smile and starts running my way.
She jumps in my arms and wraps her legs around my waist. I hug her tight but focus on covering her ass from everyone around us.
She leans a bit back and gives me a deep and slow kiss. "Hey baby" she whispers against my lips and kisses me again.
"Hi" I whisper and look into her beautiful blue eyes.
"My excitement too see you is overpowering my problem with your half naked body but I have to say it. I don't like this" she points to my sports bra.
"I am sorry." I whisper with a smile on my face. It's cute to see her jealousy come out.
"That's ok. But please go get a shirt before you come back to help me" she says and gives me a quick kiss before she jumps down to her feet.
Within a flash I am back down stairs, getting thelasr few things from the car. I really thought she had more things but she literally has a few bags of clothes and then two or three boxes of personal things.
As I get into my room or I guess 'our' room now, I hear Maya in the closet. I put the box down on our bed and walk into the closet. Maya has her back towards me, unpacking some of her things into the drawers.
She looks so beautiful in that white dress and her legs and arms show the time she spent in the sun the last couple of days.
I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She tenses up at first but relaxes in my arms. She lays her head back against my shoulder and I take this opportunity to leave soft kisses in her neck.
"I missed you so much" she whispers while running her hands along my arms.
"I missed you too"
"Yeah sure" she laughs.
"I did" I pull back and she turns around in my arms.
"I sent you a few texts last night and I didn't get a reply." she crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow.
I hold her close to me and bite my lower lip feeling a little guilty. "Shit baby I am so sorry."
"hmmm sure" she laughs but wraps her arms around my neck. "I called your dad because I did freak out a little but he said you and Marcelo went into the woods." she smiles and run a loving hand through my hair. "Did you have fun?"
"I did yes" I smile and lower my hands to her ass. I feel her clench in my hands and see a little blush running over her cheeks.
She let's out a nervous chuckle and hides her face in my neck.
"I brought in the last few things. Do you need help with anything?"
She looks up at me and gives me few quick kisses before she turns around to her bag. "Thanks baby but I am ok. I don't know where I want everything yet."
I lean back against the other side of the closet and watch her. She unpacks some shampoo and lotion but I noticed one thing she didn't take out of the bag. She closes the bag quickly and I can hear her heart beating faster. Why she is nervous?
"What's in your bag?" I ask with a slight frown.
"Huh?" she turns around and glances my way. "Oh uhmm nothing" she says in a shaky voice. She tries to hide it but I picked up on it.
"Maya?" I call on her because she is definitely hiding something from me.
She turns around, blushing a dark red color. "Baby" she whines. I can tell she is embarrassed about it. She definitely doesn't want me too see it.
"What is in your bag?" I ask as I slowly walk towards her.
She immediately grabs the bag and hide it behind her back. "Alex please don't" she says in a nervous laughter.
"What is that?" I laugh and reach behind her for the bag.
"Noooo" she struggles in my grip.
"Maya give me the bag"
"Ok, ok baby just wait" she pulls the bag against her chest. I look at her and wait for an explanation.
"Ok I didn't know what to do with it." she says in a rushed tone.
"Ok but tell me what it is?"
She groans in frustration and clutches the bag in her hands. I grab the bag and open it up to see a small box. Maya covers her face in shame as I open up the box.
"Oh wow baby" I raise my eyebrows in shock.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" she says in a panicky voice. "I didn't know what to do with it."
In my hand is Maya's purple and surprisingly large vibrator. This is literally the last thing I would've thought of if she asked me too guess.
"I didn't know you were ready for sex toys baby" I gasp dramatically.
"Nooo" she laughs and covers her face. I know this is really embarrassing for her but I think it's cute.
"I mean I am all for it but I didn't think yo-"
"Alex!" she laughs and hides her face in my neck. I can literally feel the heat coming off her cheeks.
"You want to take it for a spin?" I whisper seductively in her ear.
"No!" she yells and push herself away from me. "You're an asshole" she laughs, grabs some of her things and head towards the bathroom.
"You want to put it in my what?"
Wow! I really don't know what happened but this book is getting about a thousand reads a day?!!
Thank you so much to everyone who is voting and leaving comments. I absolutely love reading your comments and it really keeps me motivated to write. So please don't stop...
I hope you enjoyed it.
Sorry for any spelling errors.
Much Love!!
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