Chapter 2
Alex's POV
She is teasing me. She is testing me. Her long legs, brown hair and dark skin is beautiful. The way she dances to the beat, they way she moves her hips. That smirk on her face. That look of pure seduction.
"I can give you more than just a private dance" she smiles biting her lip bending right in front of me with her ass in the air.
I would love nothing more than for her to stand on her knees and make me cum but I can't. That girl, my mate is driving me insane. She has been on my mind for the whole week. I think I am losing it a bit. I want to know her.
The girl in front of me turns around and rubs her naked body up against mine, nibbling on my ear. I feel my fangs tingle at the closeness of her neck. Her heart beat and veins are calling me by name.
I run my hands through her hair and she moans a beautiful sound.
Oohh yes. Take me now.
Your wish is my command sweetheart. I pull the hair out her neck and everything inside me ignites. My fangs pop out, my pupils dilate and I direct my teeth right into her skin. She let's out a loud moan as I suck on her. Her hands grip onto my clothes but other than that she can't move.
After a few seconds I pull out, lick her wound so it heals and lock my eyes with hers. "Forget that you ever saw me and forget what happened in here tonight"
She shakes her head and I cover her eyes. Just as I take my hand away I run away like the speed of light.
These strip joints have gotten better. I am impressed.
But this was the last time.
Maya's POV
Waking up on a Saturday morning is usually a relief for a person who goes to school. One of the days that you get to sleep in a bit.
But not in this house. At 7am my mother wakes me up by pounding on my door. "Maya wake up. It's time to clean the house"
At 7 am on a Saturday? Really mom.
I decide to stand up before she comes back. She will definitely yell at me when she comes back and I am not in the mood for a fight. I just wanted to sleep in a bit. Maybe till like 8am.
I quickly change my clothes and head downstairs to find my mom and dad sitting at the counter eating breakfast. "Morning" I say getting water from the fridge.
"Morning Maya." My dad answers not looking up at me.
"Ok Maya. We are going to wash all the floors and windows today. " My mom informs me with a blunt tone.
"Ok mom" I simply say not arguing. "Is Sam and Chris going to help us?"
"Of course not. Cleaning the house is a woman's job" my father comments.
Oh wow. Ok.
"Sam and Chris are coming with me to go help one of my friends with his car" he continues.
"Ok dad" I nod standing with my water bottle in hand. "I actually wanted to ask if I could go to the movies with Lily this afternoon?"
"Don't you have homework?" My mother asks
"Yes but I have the whole day tomorrow to do it and it's not that much"
"Do you have any tests this coming week?"
"Yes but only on Thursday" I answer with a little hope.
"Then I suggest you rather study for that then. You can go to the movies during school holiday" she says with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.
Why are they like this? I hate my life. I can't do anything. I should've lied about my test.
But it's only seven more months then I am out of here. I can't be here anymore.
And just like my mother wanted. We did the floors and the windows. We also did laundry and the dishes and after that she told me to clean my room. Luckily it's always clean, so after about half an hour of just laying on my bed making her think I am cleaning my room, I went for a quick shower before I did some actual studying.
I got about an hour's worth in but my mind kept going back to that girl who stood in front of me at school. She had the most beautiful eyes and her skin was flawless. She was a bit taller than me but I would guess it was because of the heels she was wearing. And boy did she look good in them. She was wearing all black but it suited her. I could never pull something off like that.
I am still confused about her reason and why she didn't say anything, she just stared at me.
Monday comes and I couldn't be happier. I told my parents I am going to the library with Lily to study after school but really we are just going to the park to have some ice cream. They don't really care where I am just as long as I am studying.
As I wait outside on the steps for Lily, I see everyone basically run out of school to get home. That is the total opposite for me. I dread going home. I wish I could stay here the whole day. Anything beats going home and being a slave for my family.
"Hey cupcake" Lily greets me with a big kiss on my cheek. She knows how to make me blush. I smile and shake my head. "I know you want me Bishop"
"In your dreams Reynolds" I laugh.
Yes I am a lesbian. And yes my parents do not know about it. They will definitely kick me out of the house. Or maybe skin me alive.
Lily is the only one that knows and she understands the seriousness of nobody else knowing.
"Let's go get you something to lick on" she laughs.
She hooks into my arm and we make our way out the school yard, down the street. She tells me about her day and a cute guy she has her eyes on. I swear she has a new guy every month.
Lily pays for the ice cream because I don't have any money and asking my parents for money would bring up to many questions. Lily understands and luckily she is loaded so she doesn't mind to treat me when we have secret dates like this. She is just happy to spend some time with me outside of school. We do hang out in the holidays and that is my favourite time because my parents actually let me sleep over at her house. I love her parents and they always make me feel so welcome and loved.
We sit on a park bench both cross-legged and watching over the lake. There are a few people just walking around in the park and I don't blame them, it's a beautiful day today.
"So that mysterious goddess of a girl is just gone?" Lily asks out of the blue and I turn my head to face her.
"I don't know. I haven't seen her again so she is definitely not a student" I shrug and look out to the lake again.
"Well she is definitely still the hot topic. Everyone is trying to track her down on social media."
"Oh well as long as there is no rumours going around about me then I am happy. I don't need that kind of attention. Puts and immediate target on my back" I sigh in relief.
"Everyone was waiting for her to humiliate you like she did with Chad." She softly chuckles and takes a bite from her ice-cream cone. "I don't think anyone is even thinking about what happened with you and her."
"That's good." I smile. "I wish I could've seen Chad crying though. He deserved that."
"Yeah well after everything he has ever done to you. He deserves more than that" she rolls her eyes.
It's true though. Chad and his buddies have been bullying me from day one in high school. That's why I keep a low profile. That's why I hate attention because they think I am stealing the spotlight from them.
"Have you ever been in the woods over there?" She asks as we both look beyond the lake at the tall trees.
"No but I would be ok not to go in there. I am pretty sure there are bears or wolves living there. And as much as I hate my house. I feel save by the four walls around me" I slightly laugh.
"That is true. Come on let's go before some old brat spilts us" she says and we both stand up from the bench.
Alex's POV
I just wanted a nice run. I just wanted to feel the rush of running through the trees. Climbing up the tallest one, jumping from tree to tree, over rocks and rivers. I missed these woods. This is where I could use my powers in full affect without anyone seeing me.
But as got to the lake my eyes landed on my mate. Way across the water she sat with another girl. I didn't want to stay but her beauty captured me. So I got up in the tree and set my focus on her.
I heard her beautiful voice, her amazing laughter and once again that amazing vanilla scent came right towards me.
She is just absolutely gorgeous.
I heard everything they talked about and it kind of got me upset that this Chad fella had done something to her. I don't know what but the thought infuriates me.
Atleast she talked about me for a few seconds. She is wondering about me. Maybe she is a bit curious. That made me smile.
I am still so confused on what to do. I don't know where to start. If I even want to try with her. I can live without a mate. She doesn't even know about us. She doesn't know that in my world she is the one that my body chose. It is my destiny to be with her. But she also has a choice. If she doesn't choose me back there is absolutely nothing I can do about that. She can continue on with a normal life.
But is it even worth trying? I don't even know how. Is she even gay? I am not made for romance. I fuck a girl and let her go. I have never been in love.
With the smile still on my face I watch them walk away. Why do I feel the need to follow her?
Ahhh shit.
I run back to the house in a few seconds. "Fuuuccckkkk" I yell out as I step into the house.
"Just give up now honey. You are torturing yourself" my dad says sitting on the couch with his back facing me.
He is right, I am torturing myself with this. It's fucking driving me insane.
"I know I am right" he laughs.
I fall down next to him and look him in the eye. "Ok tell me everything about her"
"No,no. That is not how this works. You need to do this on your own." He laughs.
"Dad please! I don't know how" I whine.
"How about you start by talking to her? Not just stare at her" he laughs.
"Fuck off. I was in shock" I roll my eyes and hit him on the shoulder.
"All I will say is, she is a very special girl with a lot on her plate. So if you are going to do this, you better not hurt her. She doesn't deserve that" he says with a stern look on his face.
"Dad, I just want to pick her up and lay her on a cloud away from this fucked up world. I would never hurt her"
"I know you won't" he smiles. "I just had to tell you that and how cute are you?" he raises his eyebrow in a teasing manner.
I frown just realising what I said. Oh wow. Alex you softy.
What is she doing to me?
I sigh hard and my father just laughs because he knows exactly what I think. I just shake my head and walk up to my floor.
Well I guess I am going for it then.
The next day I find myself on the rooftop of the school. Dressed in my usual black outfit, letting my legs dangle over the edge. The bell rings for lunch and the students comes out taking in the fresh air. I am so glad I was never put in a classroom like this. I wouldn't have made it.
I back away from the ledge as soon as the crowd grows down on the grass. My eyes land on my beautiful mate walking with her friend. They take a seat down at a table and I decide to take a chance.
I wanted to jump off like a normal vampire but I think for a moment and then make my way down the stairs like a human.
As I enter the school building there are whispers and gasps again. I might visit this place more often if I get this kind of reaction everytime.
It's good for me self-esteem.
I walk out the school, sunglasses on my face because even though the sun doesn't burn my skin, it hurts my sensitive eyes. It's fucking bright out here.
I take a deep breath as I get closer to the table. Her friend Lily sees me first and her eyes go wide.
"Maya, oh shit she is back"
Oh Maya, what a beautiful name she has.
"What? Who?" She says turning around and a slight gasp escapes her mout when she sees me. She turns back around to look at her friend as I come closer.
"Oh shit Lily she has come back to humiliate me. No" she whimpers.
I stop at the table and sit down next to her. She looks at me and her heart is beating really fast.
Oh Maya you have nothing to be afraid of.
"Hi" I say with sweet smile. She just stares at me and looks around the yard at all the students looking at her.
Oh gosh. Why is this happening to me?
"Uhmm Hi." She whispers with a hint of hesitance in her voice.
I hold out my hand and she looks back and forth between my face and my hand. "I am Alex Woods"
She slowly takes it and the touch of her hand makes my eyes glow. I quickly shut them even though I have my sunglasses on. They won't see it but I have never felt anything like this before.
"Maya Bishop." She says and my eyes fly open again.
"This is my friend Lily Reynolds" she says leaving my hand and I immediately miss the touch of her skin.
I hold my hand out to her friend who has been staring at me since I sat down. "Hi" I whisper with a small smile.
"Are you related to principal Woods" Lily asks.
"Yes, he is my father" I smile and they both seem a little shocked.
"I didn't know he had a daughter" she says with a slight frown.
I laugh, fix my sunglasses and rest my arms flat on the table. "Yeah he doesn't really talk about me but I am definitely his favourite" I smirk.
"Ok, no offence but I saw your brother once and he is definitely my favourite" Lily smiles.
I'm a little taken back by her bold statement, but I like it.
Wow she has beautiful hair.
I smile and look over Maya who I caught staring at me. She quickly looks away at her hands that has been fiddling in her lap the whole time.
What is she doing here? Why is she talking to us? Is this another prank? I don't have the strength to deal with this today.
"So where have you been? Why are you back now?" Lily gets my attention again. Why is Maya is quiet? Is she scared or just shy?
"I lived with my mother back in Spain and now that I am done with school. I came to live with my dad for a while."
"Oh ok that's cool." She smiles but her eyes glances away from the table and I look of horror comes over her face.
"Oh my gosh watch out!!" She suddenly yells and I hear some sort of object cutting through the air. Maya and Lily immediately duck, holding their heads. I look up over Maya and see a football coming our way. I lean over Maya's body and catch it before it hit her.
She is so close to me I can feel the warmth of her skin through her shirt. Her breathing is fast and heartbeat even faster.
"Did it miss us?" I hear Lily say and she slowly looks up with a gasp.
I sit back down as Maya looks at me. "Don't worry I got it" I smile and sit back down on the bench.
"How-" she looks behind her. "How did you do that?" She asks looking at the ball and then the people around us who are staring at us once again.
"I just caught it." I shrug. "I played football with my brother when we were younger" I smile and hope that my explanation sounded convincing enough.
"Thank you" she sighs holding her heart. Her beautiful beating, delicious blood pumping heart.
"Always" I smile and keep my eyes on her. I will always protect you Maya. You are my mate.
"Oh shit they are coming over." Lily says and they both get nervous again. What the hell is going on? I don't understand why they are acting like this?
"Oh no." Maya stutters and starts gathering her stuff on the table. "We should go. It was-"
"Just relax." I cut her off with a smile and odly enough she sits back down.
"Bishop. Reynolds. New girl" a tall skinny, brown haired girl in a cheerleader outfit places her hands on the table in front of Maya. "I see you have a bodyguard Bishop. Where did you get the money to get her? Or did you rich little friend here pay for her like she pays for everything else" she smiles and a few of her friends, which consists of more cheerleaders and football players all laugh.
"Fuck off Clara" Lily hisses at her with anger in her eyes. Maya just looks down at the table and I can hear her heart racing.
I don't like her being this scared and if she only knew she never has to afraid of anything in her life.
I am right here
I hate my life. I knew this would happen.
"Oh relax Lily. I just came to get my ball." A football player steps forward and puts his hand out to me without even asking.
Oh you stupid fucking idiot. You think you can throw a football at my mate and walk away like you are the fucking king.
Guess again asshole.
"Maya" I say in a calm voice and catch her attention. "Can I quickly borrow a pen or pencil from you?"
A pen? What good is that?
She reaches in her bag and gives me one of her pens. "Thank you so much" I smile and stand up.
"Hi my name Alex." I smile."I would shake your hand but I don't like to touch trash"
Lily almost chokes on her laughter and the skinny cheerleader looks at me in shock.
"You may want to cover your ears " I look at Maya and Lily. Just as they cover their ears, I take the pen and shove it right into the ball making it pop.
The sound eco's off the building around us, sounding like someone fired a gun but that was the whole point.
"What the fuck?" The guy shouts at me.
I pick up the piece of has-been football and look him straight in the eye. I feel my pupils dilating and I can smell the fear as I lock my eyes with him. "I would really appreciate it if you keep your football to yourself from now on ok. Or I will shove a football so far up your ass, you will piss through your fucking eyes"
I hear a few heartbeats going at a rapid pace in front me. "And Clara" I direct my gaze to her and smile.
I clench my fist and decide to compell her through my thoughts . A few seconds late her eyes go wide and I smirk.
"Oh fuck, what is that?" Another girl yells and points down to Clara's legs.
Everyone looks down and sees a brown line running down her legs.
"She shat herself!" Lily burst out laughing.
I hear a small chuckle coming from Maya and it makes me smile.
I look up at the football player and throw the football hard against his chest. "You can leave now"
Clara runs towards the school holding her ass, trying to catch the shit coming out. The rest of them turn around and walk away without another word.
Lily is laughing so hard she is crying and Maya holds her mouth in shock. I sit down and hand her pen back. "Thank you" I smile.
She takes it and our fingers brush against each other and for that one second I feel my eyes glow again. I quickly blink and look away, putting down my sunglasses. What if my eyes are glowing to much they notice it? I can't take that risk.
"Why would you do that for me?" I hear her whisper and look at her again.
"I don't like bullies" I simply say with a smile and I hear her heartbeat slowing down.
"Thank you" she smiles.
"You ....made her shit.... her pants" Lily says still laughing. "Did you see Dylan's face....when you.... popped his precious ball"
I smile at her joy and then Maya also laughs. Her beautiful laughter catches my attention and my smile grows even wider.
Fuck, I am already falling hard for her.
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