Chapter 18
Alex's POV
"Oh yeah all the time" I smile.
"Then why do you do it?" she frowns and shakes her head in confusion.
Maya is laying on the kitchen counter with a pillow and a blanket. I am busy making her some food because I almost lost my shit when I learned that she hadn't eaten in the last 24 hours.
She has been asking me all kinds of questions about my diet and I am happy to answer them all.
"I only make food for you baby. And I don't mind at all" I smile at her sleepy face squished into the pillow.
Maya was being her stubborn self when I told her I am going to make her some food. She didn't want me to leave and she didn't want to lay down in the living room.
So here she is laying half asleep on the kitchen counter. It looks really uncomfortable but she seems happy to just be near me. I can sense she doesn't want me to leave her side.
After a few times where she woke up in panic searching for me, I decided to keep close to her, let some part of me touch her and it worked. She actually slept for a few hours but she is still tired.
I plate up her eggs and bacon but when I look up at her, she is sleeping She is so tired but she has to eat and the plan is actually to keep her awake till tonight so she can have a good night's rest.
I lean over to her and leave a few soft kisses on her head and cheek. She let's out a satisfying sigh and I smile. "Do you like my kisses?" I tease.
She doesn't say anything but I look down at her face and she has a tint of red across her cheeks and a small smile on her lips.
"Can you please eat something?" I whisper with my lips against her cheek leaving more soft kisses in between my words.
I feel her soft hand behind my neck playing with my hair. As much as she knows I like it, I think it's just her way of keeping me there.
I start to chuckle when I realize her sneaky plan and playfully bite her cheek.
She starts laughing and starts stretching out her body in a loud groan.
She sits up on the counter with her legs hanging off on the other side. I walk around the counter and give her, her plate.
"Thank you baby" she smiles and pucker up her lips for a kiss.
"You're welcome" I smile and give her a gentle kiss.
After her lunch we went back to my room but she hasn't talked much this morning and I am getting a bit worried. I thought it was because she was tired but now that she looks awake she is to quiet.
This is not my Maya.
We are both laying in bed watching a movie, or we were watching a movie but now Maya has turned her face toward me. We are extremely close and her finger is constantly tracing lines over my face, in complete comfortable silence.
I really want to know what is going on in her beautiful mind but I respect her to much. She is definitely thinking about something but I want her to tell me if she's not okay.
"Can I ask you something?" she suddenly whispers and I feel her breath against my skin.
"Of course" I whisper back.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
I close my eyes and sigh. I knew this was coming. I didn't want to tell her because she is going to feel guilty. And besides that, it's really not the best story.
"Maya" I sigh and roll onto my back to cover my eyes.
"Baby please tell me, I can't stop thinking about it" she moves closer to me and puts her hand on my chest. "Can you please stop keeping things from me? This is exactly why you almost fucking died." she raises her voice and I can hear the cry in her tone.
I immediately sit up slightly and turn my body to her. She never curses so I know she is really upset about this and I can understand that.
"Ok, ok. Sorry I know" I pull her against my body. She takes a deep breath and grips onto my shirt for comfort.
She pulls away and wipes a few running tears from her eyes. I hover a bit over her and lean down to kiss her.
I only went in for a quick kiss but I felt her wanting more. She puts her hand behind my head and keeps me steady as our lips move in a slow rhythm.
It's the first time we actually kissed since yesterday. The only other times were a quick peck.
But the kiss never deepens, it stays controlled and gentle. Like we are both in deep thought, in our own little world. It feels so good to have her this close and feel her emotions coming through her kiss.
A few seconds later I sense her need to take a breath and I slightly move away from her.
"I was really scared" she whispers against my lips and her eyes get watery again.
"I know. I am so sorry Maya" I whisper in a sigh. This really broke her and it breaks me seeing her like this.
"Please tell me."
"Ok" I take a deep breath and lay beside her on my elbow. She mimics my movements and turns to face me holding my other hand.
I start from the beginning and tell her about some vampires wanting the laws to be changed. I tell her that I didn't know the vampires because I haven't seen them in this area which was strange and that somebody told them about her and about us. I told her nothing would ever happen to her because my father is always there and she is safe with Andrew at home.
Now that I think about it. There is something weird going on because my father would've sensed if there was another vampire at school.
But I told her everything that happened afterwards. That they used me to send a message to my father and that I was to weak to fight back. But she understood that part. She was letting her tears fall but she wanted me to continue.
I told her almost everything I can remember because I blacked out at some point and then I woke up in Marcelo's arms, being carried home.
"And that's when you came in. And of course after all the silver was out of my body I just went numb. I don't remember anything after that." I breathe out looking deep in her eyes.
I hate telling her things like this. She is so innocent and sweet. This wasn't supposed to happen. This was not the plan.
The tears are streaming down her face but she is surprisingly calm about it. She wipes her face and lets out a deep breath. "Ok"
She falls on her back and covers her face but I let her have a moment.
"Do they know you are alive?"
"I don't know but they will see me soon enough." I scoff and she immediately looks up at me with a shocked expression.
"Are you serious? Are you going back? They almost killed you Alex!"
"That's exactly why Maya. They can't just get away with this. They will pay for this"
"Five against one?" she frowns.
"Yes baby. I am not weak anymore. I have your blood inside me, they don't stand a chance. I am going to fucking kill them all"
She sits up and covers her face with a sigh. "I don't want you to go alone" she whispers into her hands. "What if-"
I sit in front of her and put my hands on her legs. "Maya look at me."
She wipes her eyes and look at me. "I don't want to scare you but you don't understand what your blood can do for me. Your blood makes me stronger and faster than I have ever been. Those five vampires doesn't stand a chance. They can't hurt me, silver can't hurt me. There is nothing they can do that can put a scratch on my gorgeous skin." I joke and she let's out a small chuckle.
"Can you promise me something?" she asks.
"You have to drink my blood before you go find them."
Her words knock the breath out of my body and I just stare at her for a few seconds. I don't know if I should be shocked or excited that she is offering her blood to me. I don't want her to feel like she has to give me her blood.
"Maya you don't have to do that. I will be fine."
"Alex" she sighs. "Can you please just stop? I know I don't have to do it. I don't have to do anything, you made that perfectly clear from the beginning. I know that." she holds both my hands and smiles at me.
"Alex I love you. It's not about me needing to do it, I want to. Seeing you on the table almost ripped to pieces was the scariest day of my life. I couldn't do anything, I felt so useless. And I don't want to feel like that again. So if giving you my blood means that you stay alive, then I want to do that because I cannot live without you. I can't feel so hopeless again."
I don't know what to say. I think my brain is still stuck on the I love you part. I can't believe she loves me. She isn't scared anymore I can see it in her eyes. It actually scares me a bit to be honest.
"Maya I don't know what to say. I know you were scared from the very start about this and it is scary so it's-"
"Alex!" I am cut off again. "I am not scared, I told you I am not running. I told you I want to be with you. You are my soul mate. And just like you would do anything for me, well so will I and I need you alive for that. So can you just please stop? I am not scared anymore. I was just a bit emotional and overwhelmed. This was a really rough 36 hours for me. "
"Ok. I am sorry baby. I will stop" I put my hands up in defeat before I wrap them around her waist.
"Thank you" she smiles.
"Are you ok? How do you feel? Do you want to sleep, maybe take a bath?" I ask rubbing my hands over her legs.
"I still want to hit you in the face but I guess you won't feel it, so it doesn't matter." she laughs and ties her hair up in a messy bun.
I drop my head in defeat because this is going to take a lot of making up. I lied to her and then I almost died because of it. She will definitely be angry for a while.
"What can I do Maya?" I desperately sigh and look at her.
"Nothing baby. I just want you close to me." she smiles.
"That I can do" I jump from my position and lay down next to her again. She immediately leans back against my shoulder and we get comfortable.
She puts the movie back on and we just relax. She seems much better. I think she just needed all the information to process everything that happened. She didn't know why they attacked me and I guess that made her overthink everything. She wanted every detail and from now on I will tell her everything she wants to know.
"Baby I am sorry we didn't celebrate your last day of exams they way we planned it" I say kissing her head.
"That's ok. I actually totally forgot about that because I was really mad at you when I didn't see you at school."
"I am so sorry Maya" I close my eyes. I have said I am sorry for so many things. This whole weekend is just shit. I want a do over.
"It's ok baby. I kinda now wish it was because of what I was thinking and not that you almost died."
"What did you think?" I frown at her statement.
She keeps quiet for a few seconds and bites her nail. I sense the nervousness and raise an eyebrow. I turn my body to look at her face but she looks anywhere but at me.
"Maya what did you think?" I ask her again.
"I thought you are cheating on me" she sighs and my jaw drops.
"Are you serious?" I gasp in shock and lean back against the head board.
"Yes, but just hear me out. I did not expect you being in a deathly fight. You didn't show up at school which at first I thought you forgot about me but I know you wouldn't forget but me. Then you didn't answer your phone and you always answer my calls no matter where you are or what you are doing. So yes I was a bit suspicious. I know we don't have a normal relationship but unusual behavior usually means cheating. "
I just stare at her in shock. I can't believe she thinks I would cheat on her.
"And to be honest your history played a small part. I know you have changed but I still thought about it."
That is a fair point and it's hard to hear but it's true.
I rub my face and take a deep breath. "Valid points, I always answer your calls and yes I don't have the best history. But I would never cheat on you Maya. That is the last thing you have to worry about ok?"
"I know, I feel kinda stupid about it" she chuckles.
"That was a normal reaction but you don't have to worry about that ok. You are the only one for me." I smile and lean forward to give her a kiss.
"Still can't believe it" she whispers against my lips.
"You better because I love you so much." I smile and cut her smile short with another kiss.
"I should probably go find my phone huh?" I pull back at the realization, it's probably in the woods somewhere.
"Yes please. But not now" she makes herself comfortable again and we continue to watch the movie. I don't think either of us knows what is going on here but we keep watching it.
Maya's POV
You know that feeling you get that someone is staring at you while you sleep? When the person staring is actually the reason you wake up?
That is what I am feeling now and I am not happy about it. I want to be woken up with soft kisses on my face and sweet things being whispered into my ear.
Not this.
I slowly open my eyes and again I am not happy because I would've let it go if it was Alex who was staring me awake but it's not.
"Good morning cupcake" Lily smiles wide sitting next to me on the bed.
I turn around to look for Alex and she is there, sitting against the headboard with a sweet smile.
"Why did you let her in?" I groan and turn back to cover myself with the blanket.
"Because she feels to bad to wake you up and it's time, you have been sleeping for twelve hours." Lily tugs on the blanket and I let out another groan and rub my eyes.
"Ok I am up" I say a bit annoyed. It's Sunday, I just want to be woken up like a normal person. I am not in the military.
"No, up as in get in the shower, get dressed and come downstairs up." she says pulling the blanket further down my body, exposing my body to the slightly cold air.
"Ok, ok, fine" I say and turn my head to Alex. I look her in the eyes but I don't say anything. This is where I need her to read my mind.
Please make her go away. Please make her go away. Please make her go away.
She smiles and then looks to Lily. " I got it Lily, you can go. We will meet you downstairs."
"Ok" she simply says and walks out the door.
"Did you compel her?" I gasp and almost sit up straight. Now I am definitely awake.
"Yes" she laughs.
"That it so cool. It seemed so normal?"
"I already have control of her. I don't need to look her in the eyes, I can just give out commands"
"That is so cool." I fall back down on the bed and look up at her. "Thank you for sending her away. I just wanted to have a minute alone with you"
"I am sorry she came in. She was worried about you and everyone else also said you should wake up. I on the other hand, could watch you sleep the whole day." she smiles.
I blush a bit, thinking about her watching me sleep. I sit up and crawl over to take a seat in her lap and lay my head down, hiding in her neck with a soft giggle.
She keeps my back steady and rubs her other hand over my exposed legs. I could easily fall asleep right here. She is so comfortable and steady. I can relax my whole body into her without worrying that I might fall.
"What are we doing today?" I whisper after a few seconds.
"I don't know. I think they want to have a nice dinner before you guys go home." she says kissing my head but her words hit me and I immediately sit up to look at her.
"Baby don't make it harder than it is." she sighs, knowing exactly why I am upset. "We both know you have to go back. The trial is coming up in a few weeks but you are graduating in what? Three weeks? Then you can do whatever you want"
I hate it when she is right. I have to go back. That is what the detective said, otherwise it won't look good in court. I don't understand everything but apparently I can't permanently stay with Alex while I'm still in school.
"But my exams are over" I grin. "Does that mean you will come hold me every night till I fall asleep?"
"Of course baby" she smiles.
"Ok, can you carry me to the bathroom?"
Without answering me and before I could even realize what is happening. I was in the bathroom on the counter and Alex in front of me with a big smile on her face.
"Woah. That was faster then before?" I gasp in excitement.
"That is your blood sweetheart." she smiles and gives me a soft kiss.
I want to kiss her again but I haven't brushed my teeth yet so I just pull her closer for a hug. Her hands run up and down my back and then lands on my hips. "Go take a shower. I will be right out there ok?"
"Ok" I smile and she helps me off the counter before she leaves.
I step into the shower and I can feel my body is drained. This weekend was really tiring and now I think I have slept to long.
It's cute that Alex didn't want to wake me and it's also nice that Lilly was worried about me. I haven't really talked to her since I left her house Friday afternoon. So I get why she wanted to come check on me.
After my shower, and brushing my teeth, I step into Alex's closet and find me some clothes. I think I will forget to pack a bag every weekend from now on. I love wearing her clothes. It smells like her and it's much more comfortable.
Maybe I don't hate winter that much anymore. I have a girlfriend who can keep me warm at night and I can wear her cozy sweaters and pants.
I step out and she is still here like she promised. Standing by the window, looking out into the woods.
"You ready baby?" I ask putting on some socks. I don't have my slippers so the next best thing is socks.
"Yeah let's go" she smiles and takes my hand.
We come downstairs and everyone is here and to my surprise Alex's mom is also here.
Alex also seems shocked but she didn't have time to react, as her mother hugged her tight. I just let them have a moment. Alex almost died, so I can understand why she is here.
I walk over to Lilly who welcomes me with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"
We sit down on the couch and have our own little conversation while Alex enjoys a moment with her family.
"I am ok Lilly. I was a bit overwhelmed with all the information but I understand everything now and I feel better." I look over to Alex hugging Marcelo with a smile on her face.
"She is alive, so I am more than ok"
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