Chapter 17
Maya's POV
I thought being kicked and slapped around by my parents was the worst thing that could ever happen to me.
I was wrong. This is.
Sitting on the edge of Alex's bed watching her lifeless body. Nothing, there is nothing. She isn't breathing, she isn't moving.
Mr Woods says this is when her body will heal. They explained only parts of it. I guess Alex said they can't tell me anything else. But apparently she had silver in her body, which prevented her from healing. I am so confused because silver doesn't affect her. She told me.
So now that the silver is out, her body needs time to heal. There is still a chance for her to die though. There is a lot of damage to her body. She is really badly hurt.
It's been five hours. I have been sitting here, just watching her. Lily and her parents came over but I didn't even go down to greet them. I am not leaving her side. Not now, not ever.
I can't live without her. She makes me so happy and I feel so safe with her. I feel like I can do anything with her by my side. And she always encourages me to do everything I want. She doesn't conceal me from anything. She just wants to be there and I want her to be there, always.
I have never felt heartbreak before and I guess this is it. My heart is broken, my life is shattered into pieces. Is this what it feels like to love someone and then your heart breaks?
I love her?
Of course I do. Why do I even think about it? She is everything to me. She is all I ever want and need. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.
I move a bit closer to her face. The blood is now wiped off but she still looks horrible.
I put my hand on the side of her face and wipe another fallen tear from my eyes because ever since I walked through that door I haven't stopped crying.
"Alex" I whisper. "Please don't leave me. I need you to come back. I need you to heal and get better. I wish there was something I could do. I would do anything for you."
I slowly stroke my thumb over her cheek. "I can't live without you. I-I"
"I love you Alex" I cry out.
I find myself laying next to her and sobbing. I cling onto her shirt and hold it against my face. What if this is it? What if I am holding onto her and she doesn't come back?
What if she dies and I never got to tell her how I feel?
I don't know how long I have been here. I don't know if it's still Friday. I don't know if I even slept. I knew I was crying the whole time. I probably cried in my dreams as well.
But a slight movement makes me frown because that is not me. I don't have the strength to move. My body is weak and numb.
Then I feel it again.
I slowly open my eyes and I swear I saw her chest move up and down. I lift my head and keep my eyes locked on her chest.
A few seconds later it rises and falls which makes me almost jump up from the bed.
"Alex?" I whisper not sure if I should touch her but I want to.
I hear a breathless groan coming from her mouth and I panic. "Alex just relax, just breathe. You are ok. I am right here baby" I whisper.
Her breathing becomes more regular with every passing minute but she is still unconscious. I really just want to shake her and slap her for scaring me like that but she is in pain.
Her wounds still haven't healed yet but I think the bleeding has stopped. The bruise on her jaw seems a bit better, I think.
A few seconds later everyone comes through the door.
"She is breathing" I say with a bit of hope in my voice.
However they all just stare at me. Mr Woods comes forward with his eyes on Alex but he comes to sit next to me on the bed.
"Maya" he breathes out. "There is something I need to tell you. It's not going to be easy, so just try to stay calm"
When someone says try to stay calm it usually means you are probably not going to stay calm. I shift my eyes to Lily and she just gives me a small smile.
I look back at Mr Woods and nod for him to continue.
"Alex is healing but not fast enough. We gave her some blood but it's not working. She needs more blood"
"Ok well bring her some. We can put it into her mouth."
"Maya" he cuts me off with a comforting hand on my shoulder. "She needs your blood"
"My-" I frown before I could say anything else. "What? What do you mean?"
"You are her mate. Your blood can heal her"
I swallow the lump in my throat and my breathing becomes faster. Drink my blood? Like everything?
"She just needs a little bit."
I look back at Alex. Her body is completely still and motionless. I hate seeing her like this, I want her back.
"How?" I croak out but my eyes stay locked on her.
"We are going to make a small cut on your wrist and then just place it over her mouth. She will wake up and start taking in your blood." he explains and my heartbeat is racing now. Cut my wrist? But that will hurt?
"Don't worry Maya. I am right here, I am not going anywhere" he smiles.
"Ok let's do it"
Marcelo comes over with a knife and I flinch a bit and he gives me an apologetic look. Mr Woods takes the blade and puts it in his lap. "We don't have much time Maya. I am so sorry"
"No it's fine uhmm" I wipe my tears away and take a few deep breaths. I look over at Alex and shake my head. "When you wake up. I am going to hit you so hard for lying to me."
"She never lied Maya. She knew you were afraid and she hates it when you are scared."
"Fine. Then I will hit you for something else" I glare at her.
I hear a few chuckles around the room but my eyes stay on Alex. "And don't you dare suck me dry Alex Woods. I will haunt you forever"
I slowly give my arm to Mr Woods but I don't look at him.
"Ok just try to stay calm and don't pull away till I say so" he orders and I just nod.
I feel the cold metal against my skin and then a sharp pain as he cuts through my skin. I look at my hand and the blood running down my arm. I look at Alex and hesitantly bring my wrist to her mouth.
Her breathing suddenly becomes more rapid as I get closer, as if she is scared.
I slowly let a drip of blood fall onto her lips and not even a second later her body wakes up. Her eyes shoot open and she looks right at me.
"No, no, no, no," she whines but her father pushes her down before she can stand up. It's like he knew this would happen.
"No Maya please you don't have to so this" she cries. "I am going to fucking kill you" she spits at her dad.
"Alex!" I call on her. "Please just take it. You are dying." I cry holding my hand under my arm to catch the dripping blood.
She looks between me and my arm. Her struggle has come down and she is now at war with herself.
"Alex" I slightly smile between my tears as she looks at me. "Please I-I need you to live..... For me"
Her eyes stay locked with mine as if she is processing what I just said. I see the tears build up in her eyes. "I am so sorry Maya"
"Baby stop. Please drink it." I smile and lift my arm to her mouth.
Her jaw clenches and she keeps looking at me trying to find some kind of fear in me.
Are you reading my mind?
She slowly nods her head.
Alex I love you.
Her eyes go wide and her whole body goes still.
I love you with everything in me. I am not afraid. I will do anything for you. Please just drink my blood. You need to heal baby. I need you. I can't live without you.
A small smile appears on her bruised lips but the tears roll down her face.
"Ok come on. I am bleeding out." I joke in all seriousness actually.
She sits up and grabs my hand. She looks down at my wrist and her eyes dilate like I have never seen it before. She slowly leans down to my wrist and puts her lips over the cut.
I feel her tongue against my skin and then the pressure of her sucking. It doesn't hurt its just not something I am used to.
After a few seconds she moans while she sucks even harder on my skin. I can almost feel the blood running through my arm.
And just like that she stops. She immediately falls down on the bed. The cut on my wrist is gone and I feel a bit dizzy, probably because I haven't eaten anything but I just watch her.
Her body starts to shake and she is breathing heavy. "Is it not working? Did I do something wrong?" I ask in panic.
"Holy shit" she groans out and her dad steps away.
"What is happening to her?" I ask in the most concerned tone I can manage right now.
"She is healing Maya" he smiles. "I am so proud of you. Just give her a few minutes, she is going to be fine"
"I am not leaving" I say and grab her hand. She immediately grips it back and that is the best feeling in the world.
"You don't have to." he smiles and leaves me alone at the bed with her. I don't even look back at the others. I could care less about them right now.
I keep my eyes on Alex. Her body is moving around. She looks in so much pain and her breathing is still heavy.
"Alex what can I do?"
"Please don't go" she breathes out.
"I am not leaving" I slightly smile and lay down beside her again. This time she moves my head onto her chest. It probably hurts but I can feel she needs me close.
I softly put my arm around her and just lay with her. She is still shaking and breathing fast but she is alive, she is moving. She didn't die and I don't have to be alone again.
Alex's POV
This is absolutely not how I wanted it. I wanted to tell her about it, talk her through the process and explain to her why I need it. I can only imagine how scared and confused she must have been when my dad told her.
But she did it anyway.
She said she loves me and I almost jumped out of my skin. She saved my life because she loves me. She gave me her blood because she loves me.
How can I ever repay her for that?
The taste of her blood was something I have never tasted before. It was sweet and smooth and just incredible. I can taste that she is made for me. Her blood running through me feels like fireworks but right now it also kinda hurts.
The lack of human blood sent me back quite a bit. And now having her blood, the only blood I need to survive in my body, is just a bit overwhelming.
I don't know how long we stayed like this but I don't want to move. All the pain is away and my body feels warm and calm. Something totally indescribable.
It's the best feeling in the fucking world.
Maya is attached to my body and her breathing is even. She is fast asleep and I couldn't be happier in this moment. Having my girl with me and the pain is almost gone.
After a while I slowly stand up making sure not to wake Maya. I tuck her in under the covers and make my way to the bathroom.
I can feel the strength radiating through my body, but is feel different, I feel stronger. My body feels good.
It must be her blood.
I stand in front of the mirror and look at my body. My body that was almost ripped to pieces. My face that was unrecognizable. But now, it looks like nothing even happened to me. In fact my skin looks different, my hair looks different, healthier.
And my eyes.
My eyes has these small golden shade rings around my pupils. What does that mean?
"Alex?" I hear Maya behind me.
I immediately look around and see her standing in the doorway. Her eyes are red and swollen. Her eyes are roaming my body that is only covered with underwear. I only noticed this now but nevertheless she is breathing heavy.
"Maya" I say in a breathless voice. I don't know what to say to her. I don't want to know what she is thinking. A lot has happened and I am scared that it was to much.
The tears in her eyes threaten to fall down her cheek and I hold my breath.
"You're ok?" she wipes her tears with a small smile and a big sigh of relief.
"I am ok"
The words hardly left my mouth and she breaks down in front of me. She covers her mouth to soften her cries but her body shakes and the tears are running down her face.
I immediately grab and hold her against my chest. Her head falls on my shoulder and her hands hesitantly run over my shoulders and upper chest. It's like she is making sure I am here.
She eventually holds me tightly around my neck and cries into my shoulder.
"I am so sorry Maya" I whisper and just hold her. I don't know what else to say.
"You almost died" she cries.
"You saved me"
She moves away and I wipe her rolling tears from her cheeks before I cup her face.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she whispers.
"Can we talk-"
"Please don't say can we talk tomorrow." she cuts me off and rubs her temples.
I smile and grab her hands. I don't blame her for that reaction because that is always my excuse. "No. I just want to ask if we can talk in the room? Where we can sit?"
"Oh oka, yes please" she smiles shyly, still wiping tears from her eyes with an occasional sniff.
"Ok" I smile and quickly grab some tissues from the cupboard.
As I turn around, I expected her to have disappeared into the room but her eyes never left me.
"Go sit baby. I just want to get some clothes quickly." I say giving her some tissues.
"I want to wait." she smiles and her hand reaches out for my arm. That's a good sign at least, she still wants some sort of affection or it's confirmation that I am here. Either way I am happy to give her anything she wants from me.
"Are we even now?" I joke motioning to my underwear.
"Yes" she blushes a bit and her eyes roam down my body for a few seconds.
I laugh and make my way to the closet for some shorts and a t-shirt. As I turn around to walk out, Maya is still in the doorway waiting for me, so I grab her hand which she was willing to take and walk us to the bed.
We sit down on the edge but Maya turns her body towards me and puts her one leg over my lap and the other one goes behind my back.
I immediately put my hand on her leg and slightly turn my body as well. "Do you want to ask questions or should I just tell you from the start?"
"Just go from the start please" she says in a soft tone. Her eyes are still red and swollen and I can see how tired she is but she is absolutely not going to sleep now. She really deserves some answers.
"Ok, so I did tell you about the special bond you and I have because we are mates?" she nods at question and I continue.
"Since the day I found you, I was not allowed to drink any other human's blood. So from that day I only drank animal blood, which is fine, we can live on animal blood, it's just puts a limit on our abilities."
She nods in understanding.
"But, because I was such a selfish fuck up. I never drank animal blood. Everyone else has a balanced diet. So their bodies are use to it. Me on the other hand, animal blood is not enough to keep me alive because my body is used to human blood" I sigh in embarrassment.
"So you didn't drink any human blood for what, 6 to 7 months?"
"No I didn't." I slightly smile, feeling kind of proud of myself.
"Why didn't you tell me this?"
"Because I know you are scared, it's a lot to understand and process. And also I didn't want to distract you from your exams and stuff like that. I was really fine. I didn't need it" I smile in reassurance.
"But you almost died Alex" she raises her voice.
"I know, I know. I was just to weak to defend myself."
"So what was your plan? When were you going to tell me?" she frowns.
"Honestly I don't know. I was planning to see how long I could go with animal blood." I shrug.
"But" I grab her hand "this is not how I wanted it to happen."
"What do you mean?" she frowns.
"Uhmm" I nervously chuckle and look away. "It's just. I wanted it to be special you know, it's kind of a big deal and I wanted you to be comfortable and ok with it.
"Ok to drink my blood?"
"Yeah not just that though" I smile and look down at her hand in mine.
"What else?"
I look up at her and can feel my temperature rising.
"Alex please tell me" she says in a pleading tone.
"Remember when I told you that our connection would only get stronger? Especially stronger when we are intimate"
She nods for me to continue.
"So the first time when we have sex is what we call mate, like mating, you know? So that is also when I mark you and to do that I also have to drink from you, to officially make you mine."
She has her eyes narrowed my way and is just staring at me. "Is that like every time?"
"No, no just the first time but it actually makes your climax much more pleasurable." I say with a hint of a smile. I have been dreaming about that day for a long time.
She covers her mouth to hide her smile and shock. Maybe I was to forward? But she needed to know.
"Ok just a quick recap." she starts. "You can't drink any other human blood except for mine and animal blood which makes you weak. And you have to drink my blood the first time we have sex?"
"So what happens if we have sex but you don't drink from me?"
"Then we are not mated. It doesn't mean anything then."
Again she just nods her head and I look down at her hand. This is actually the hand I drank from. I twist her hand and look at her healed wrist. I can still taste her blood in my mouth and feel the adrenaline running through my body from the unique taste.
"Did it hurt?" I ask in a whisper and look up at her.
"The cut hurt but you didn't hurt me." she slightly smiles.
"I am so sorry Maya. Thank you so much for saving me."
"I didn't do it for you, I wanted you alive so I could kill you myself for lying to me." she laughs and gives me a slight push.
"I didn't think otherwise" I laugh. "You can still kill me if you want?" I look up at her.
"Nah, I am going to keep you around for now. Valentines day is in a week and I want flowers from someone."
I smile at her lame excuse and sit up straight. I grab her hips and pick her up to straddle my lap. She immediately throws her arms around me in a hug.
She basically knows everything there is to know and she is still here.
I rub my hands up and down her back while she just holds onto me. I can feel the need in her grip, so I just let her be. She needs this and I need this.
"Maya" I call on her and she sits a bit back to look at me. She holds her hands on my shoulder and occasionally turns a strand of my hair between her fingers.
"I love you so much"
She tries to hide her smile and covers her face. "I am sorry" she fake cries. "It probably wasn't the best time"
"Stop" I take her hands away and grab her face in my hands. "It was the perfect time." I whisper and she leans closer to give me a soft kiss.
"Ok" she smiles. "But it's kind of a love/hate feeling right now." she laughs.
"That is fair." I shrug because she went through a lot and it's all my fault. I really can not object to that, she deserves to hate me for a long time.
She gives me a light tap on the cheek and shakes her head. "You owe me Alex Woods"
"Anything you want baby" I say in a sincere but serious tone with my hands rubbing up and down her thighs.
She just smiles and kisses me again before she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight against her.
This is my absolute favorite position to hold her. Her body tight against mine and her face in my neck. I can sit like this the whole day and just keep her in my arms.
She starts to cry into my shoulder and I just hold her tightly while placing soft kisses in her neck.
She is so tired and overwhelmed. I saw the clock read three am before I went to the bathroom so it means the sun will be up soon. I don't think she even slept 2 hours. She has had a very hard 12 hours and being her stubborn self, she didn't want to sleep.
"What can I do baby?" I whisper, leaving small kisses on the side of her head.
"Nothing" she pulls back again to wipe her tears away. "Sorry I can't stop crying."
I reach over for my phone. "I think you should go back to sleep"
"Where are you going?" she frowns.
"Nowhere" I smile at her reaction. "But I really think you should sleep Maya."
"Yeah, just don't let me wake up alone please." she whispers and the tears start running down her face again.
"I am not going anywhere."
She gives me a small smile and then crawls over to her pillow. I go to switch off the bathroom light and climb in next to her. She turns her body towards me and immediately grabs a hold of me. She buries her face in my neck and I give her a soft kiss on her head.
I will never leave her.
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